use strict; use warnings;
package IO::All;
our $VERSION = '0.87';
require Carp;
# So one can use Carp::carp "$message" - without the parenthesis.
sub Carp::carp;
use IO::All::Base -base;
use File::Spec();
use Symbol();
use Fcntl;
use Cwd ();
our @EXPORT = qw(io);
# Object creation and setup methods
my $autoload = {
touch file
dir_handle dir
All dir
all_files dir
All_Files dir
all_dirs dir
All_Dirs dir
all_links dir
All_Links dir
mkdir dir
mkpath dir
next dir
stdin stdio
stdout stdio
stderr stdio
socket_handle socket
accept socket
shutdown socket
readlink link
symlink link
# XXX - These should die if the given argument exists but is not a
# link, dbm, etc.
sub link { require IO::All::Link; goto &IO::All::Link::link; }
sub dbm { require IO::All::DBM; goto &IO::All::DBM::dbm; }
sub mldbm { require IO::All::MLDBM; goto &IO::All::MLDBM::mldbm; }
sub autoload { my $self = shift; $autoload; }
my $self = shift;
my $method = $IO::All::AUTOLOAD;
$method =~ s/.*:://;
my $pkg = ref($self) || $self;
$self->throw(qq{Can't locate object method "$method" via package "$pkg"})
if $pkg ne $self->_package;
my $class = $self->_autoload_class($method);
my $foo = "$self";
bless $self, $class;
sub _autoload_class {
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift;
my $class_id = $self->autoload->{$method} || $method;
my $ucfirst_class_name = 'IO::All::' . ucfirst($class_id);
my $ucfirst_class_fn = "IO/All/" . ucfirst($class_id) . ".pm";
return $ucfirst_class_name if $INC{$ucfirst_class_fn};
return "IO::All::\U$class_id" if $INC{"IO/All/\U$class_id\"};
require IO::All::Temp;
if (eval "require $ucfirst_class_name; 1") {
my $class = $ucfirst_class_name;
my $return = $class->can('new')
? $class
: do { # (OS X hack)
my $value = $INC{$ucfirst_class_fn};
delete $INC{$ucfirst_class_fn};
$INC{"IO/All/\U$class_id\"} = $value;
return $return;
elsif (eval "require IO::All::\U$class_id; 1") {
return "IO::All::\U$class_id";
$self->throw("Can't find a class for method '$method'");
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $package = ref($self) || $self;
my $new = bless Symbol::gensym(), $package;
$new->_copy_from($self) if ref($self);
my $name = shift;
return $name if UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'IO::All');
return $new->_init unless defined $name;
return $new->handle($name)
if UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'GLOB') or ref(\ $name) eq 'GLOB';
# WWW - link is first because a link to a dir returns true for
# both -l and -d.
return $new->link($name) if -l $name;
return $new->file($name) if -f $name;
return $new->dir($name) if -d $name;
return $new->$1($name) if $name =~ /^([a-z]{3,8}):/;
return $new->socket($name) if $name =~ /^[\w\-\.]*:\d{1,5}$/;
return $new->pipe($name) if $name =~ s/^\s*\|\s*// or $name =~ s/\s*\|\s*$//;
return $new->string if $name eq '$';
return $new->stdio if $name eq '-';
return $new->stderr if $name eq '=';
return $new->temp if $name eq '?';
sub _copy_from {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
for (keys(%{*$other})) {
# XXX Need to audit exclusions here
next if /^(_handle|io_handle|is_open)$/;
*$self->{$_} = *$other->{$_};
sub handle {
my $self = shift;
$self->_handle(shift) if @_;
return $self->_init;
# Overloading support
my $old_warn_handler = $SIG{__WARN__};
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
if ($_[0] !~ /^Useless use of .+ \(.+\) in void context/) {
goto &$old_warn_handler if $old_warn_handler;
use overload '""' => '_overload_stringify';
use overload '|' => '_overload_bitwise_or';
use overload '<<' => '_overload_left_bitshift';
use overload '>>' => '_overload_right_bitshift';
use overload '<' => '_overload_less_than';
use overload '>' => '_overload_greater_than';
use overload 'cmp' => '_overload_cmp';
use overload '${}' => '_overload_string_deref';
use overload '@{}' => '_overload_array_deref';
use overload '%{}' => '_overload_hash_deref';
use overload '&{}' => '_overload_code_deref';
sub _overload_bitwise_or { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '|' ); }
sub _overload_left_bitshift { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '<<'); }
sub _overload_right_bitshift { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '>>'); }
sub _overload_less_than { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '<' ); }
sub _overload_greater_than { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '>' ); }
sub _overload_string_deref { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '${}'); }
sub _overload_array_deref { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '@{}'); }
sub _overload_hash_deref { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '%{}'); }
sub _overload_code_deref { shift->_overload_handler(@_, '&{}'); }
sub _overload_handler {
my ($self) = @_;
my $method = $self->_get_overload_method(@_);
my $op_swap = {
'>' => '<', '>>' => '<<',
'<' => '>', '<<' => '>>',
sub _overload_table {
my $self = shift;
'* > *' => '_overload_any_to_any',
'* < *' => '_overload_any_from_any',
'* >> *' => '_overload_any_addto_any',
'* << *' => '_overload_any_addfrom_any',
'* < scalar' => '_overload_scalar_to_any',
'* > scalar' => '_overload_any_to_scalar',
'* << scalar' => '_overload_scalar_addto_any',
'* >> scalar' => '_overload_any_addto_scalar',
sub _get_overload_method {
my ($self, $arg1, $arg2, $swap, $operator) = @_;
if ($swap) {
$operator = $op_swap->{$operator} || $operator;
my $arg1_type = $self->_get_argument_type($arg1);
my $table1 = { $arg1->_overload_table };
if ($operator =~ /\{\}$/) {
my $key = "$operator $arg1_type";
return $table1->{$key} || $self->_overload_undefined($key);
my $arg2_type = $self->_get_argument_type($arg2);
my @table2 = UNIVERSAL::isa($arg2, "IO::All")
? ($arg2->_overload_table)
: ();
my $table = { %$table1, @table2 };
my @keys = (
"$arg1_type $operator $arg2_type",
"* $operator $arg2_type",
push @keys, "$arg1_type $operator *", "* $operator *"
unless $arg2_type =~ /^(scalar|array|hash|code|ref)$/;
for (@keys) {
return $table->{$_}
if defined $table->{$_};
return $self->_overload_undefined($keys[0]);
sub _get_argument_type {
my $self = shift;
my $argument = shift;
my $ref = ref($argument);
return 'scalar' unless $ref;
return 'code' if $ref eq 'CODE';
return 'array' if $ref eq 'ARRAY';
return 'hash' if $ref eq 'HASH';
return 'ref' unless $argument->isa('IO::All');
if defined $argument->pathname and not $argument->type;
return $argument->type || 'unknown';
sub _overload_cmp {
my ($self, $other, $swap) = @_;
$self = defined($self) ? $self.'' : $self;
($self, $other) = ($other, $self) if $swap;
$self cmp $other;
sub _overload_stringify {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->pathname;
return defined($name) ? $name : overload::StrVal($self);
sub _overload_undefined {
my $self = shift;
require Carp;
my $key = shift;
Carp::carp "Undefined behavior for overloaded IO::All operation: '$key'"
if $^W;
return '_overload_noop';
sub _overload_noop {
my $self = shift;
sub _overload_any_addfrom_any {
sub _overload_any_addto_any {
sub _overload_any_from_any {
$_[1]->close if $_[1]->is_file and $_[1]->is_open;
sub _overload_any_to_any {
$_[2]->close if $_[2]->is_file and $_[2]->is_open;
sub _overload_any_to_scalar {
$_[2] = $_[1]->all;
sub _overload_any_addto_scalar {
$_[2] .= $_[1]->all;
sub _overload_scalar_addto_any {
sub _overload_scalar_to_any {
local $\;
$_[1]->close if $_[1]->is_file and $_[1]->is_open;
# Private Accessors
field '_package';
field _strict => undef;
field _layers => [];
field _handle => undef;
field _constructor => undef;
field _partial_spec_class => undef;
# Public Accessors
chain block_size => 1024;
chain errors => undef;
field io_handle => undef;
field is_open => 0;
chain mode => undef;
chain name => undef;
chain perms => undef;
chain separator => $/;
field type => '';
sub _spec_class {
my $self = shift;
my $ret = 'File::Spec';
if (my $partial = $self->_partial_spec_class(@_)) {
$ret .= '::' . $partial;
eval "require $ret";
return $ret
sub pathname {my $self = shift; $self->name(@_) }
# Chainable option methods (write only)
option 'assert';
option 'autoclose' => 1;
option 'backwards';
option 'chomp';
option 'confess';
option 'lock';
option 'rdonly';
option 'rdwr';
option 'strict';
# IO::Handle proxy methods
proxy 'autoflush';
proxy 'eof';
proxy 'fileno';
proxy 'stat';
proxy 'tell';
proxy 'truncate';
# IO::Handle proxy methods that open the handle if needed
proxy_open print => '>';
proxy_open printf => '>';
proxy_open sysread => O_RDONLY;
proxy_open syswrite => O_CREAT | O_WRONLY;
proxy_open seek => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '<' : '+<';
proxy_open 'getc';
# Tie Interface
sub tie { my $self = shift; tie *$self, $self; }
return $_[0] if ref $_[0];
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless Symbol::gensym(), $class;
goto &getlines if wantarray;
goto &getline;
my $self = shift;
no warnings;
unless ( $] < 5.008 ) {
untie *$self if tied *$self;
$self->close if $self->is_open;
sub BINMODE { my $self = shift; CORE::binmode *$self->io_handle; }
no warnings;
*GETC = \&getc;
*PRINT = \&print;
*PRINTF = \&printf;
*READ = \&read;
*WRITE = \&write;
*SEEK = \&seek;
*TELL = \&getpos;
*EOF = \&eof;
*CLOSE = \&close;
*FILENO = \&fileno;
# File::Spec Interface
sub canonpath {
my $self = shift;
eval { Cwd::abs_path($self->pathname); 0 } ||
sub catdir {
my $self = shift;
my @args = grep defined, $self->name, @_;
sub catfile {
my $self = shift;
my @args = grep defined, $self->name, @_;
sub join { shift->catfile(@_); }
sub curdir { shift->_constructor->()->dir(File::Spec->curdir); }
sub devnull { shift->_constructor->()->file(File::Spec->devnull); }
sub rootdir { shift->_constructor->()->dir(File::Spec->rootdir); }
sub tmpdir { shift->_constructor->()->dir(File::Spec->tmpdir); }
sub updir { shift->_constructor->()->dir(File::Spec->updir); }
sub case_tolerant{File::Spec->case_tolerant; }
sub is_absolute { File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(shift->pathname); }
sub path { my $self = shift; map { $self->_constructor->()->dir($_) } File::Spec->path; }
sub splitpath { File::Spec->splitpath(shift->pathname); }
sub splitdir { File::Spec->splitdir(shift->pathname); }
sub catpath { my $self=shift; $self->_constructor->(File::Spec->catpath(@_)); }
sub abs2rel { File::Spec->abs2rel(shift->pathname, @_); }
sub rel2abs { File::Spec->rel2abs(shift->pathname, @_); }
# Public IO Action Methods
sub absolute {
my $self = shift;
unless $self->is_absolute;
return $self;
sub all {
my $self = shift;
local $/;
my $all = $self->io_handle->getline;
$self->_autoclose && $self->close;
return $all;
sub append {
my $self = shift;
sub appendln {
my $self = shift;
sub binary {
my $self = shift;
CORE::binmode($self->io_handle) if $self->is_open;
push @{$self->_layers}, ":raw";
return $self;
sub binmode {
my $self = shift;
my $layer = shift;
$self->_sane_binmode($layer) if $self->is_open;
push @{$self->_layers}, $layer;
return $self;
sub _sane_binmode {
my ($self, $layer) = @_;
? CORE::binmode($self->io_handle, $layer)
: CORE::binmode($self->io_handle);
sub buffer {
my $self = shift;
if (not @_) {
*$self->{buffer} = do {my $x = ''; \ $x}
unless exists *$self->{buffer};
return *$self->{buffer};
my $buffer_ref = ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \ $_[0];
$$buffer_ref = '' unless defined $$buffer_ref;
*$self->{buffer} = $buffer_ref;
return $self;
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
my $buffer = *$self->{buffer};
$$buffer = '';
return $self;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->is_open;
my $io_handle = $self->io_handle;
if defined $io_handle;
return $self;
sub empty {
my $self = shift;
my $message =
"Can't call empty on an object that is neither file nor directory";
sub exists {my $self = shift; -e $self->pathname }
sub getline {
my $self = shift;
return $self->getline_backwards
if $self->_backwards;
my $line;
local $/ = @_ ? shift(@_) : $self->separator;
$line = $self->io_handle->getline;
chomp($line) if $self->_chomp and defined $line;
return $line if defined $line;
$self->close if $self->_autoclose;
return undef;
sub getlines {
my $self = shift;
return $self->getlines_backwards
if $self->_backwards;
my @lines;
local $/ = @_ ? shift(@_) : $self->separator;
@lines = $self->io_handle->getlines;
if ($self->_chomp) {
chomp for @lines;
return @lines if @lines;
$self->close if $self->_autoclose;
return ();
sub is_dir { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::Dir'); }
sub is_dbm { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::DBM'); }
sub is_file { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::File'); }
sub is_link { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::Link'); }
sub is_mldbm { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::MLDBM'); }
sub is_socket { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::Socket'); }
sub is_stdio { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::STDIO'); }
sub is_string { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::String'); }
sub is_temp { UNIVERSAL::isa(shift, 'IO::All::Temp'); }
sub length { length ${shift->buffer}; }
sub open {
my $self = shift;
return $self if $self->is_open;
my ($mode, $perms) = @_;
$self->mode($mode) if defined $mode;
$self->mode('<') unless defined $self->mode;
$self->perms($perms) if defined $perms;
my @args;
unless ($self->is_dir) {
push @args, $self->mode;
push @args, $self->perms if defined $self->perms;
if (defined $self->pathname and not $self->type) {
return $self->open(@args);
elsif (defined $self->_handle and
not $self->io_handle->opened
) {
# XXX Not tested
$self->io_handle->fdopen($self->_handle, @args);
sub println {
my $self = shift;
$self->print(map {/\n\z/ ? ($_) : ($_, "\n")} @_);
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my $length = (@_ or $self->type eq 'dir')
? $self->io_handle->read(@_)
: $self->io_handle->read(
return $length || $self->_autoclose && $self->close && 0;
no warnings;
*readline = \&getline;
# deprecated
sub scalar {
my $self = shift;
sub slurp {
my $self = shift;
my $slurp = $self->all;
return $slurp unless wantarray;
my $separator = $self->separator;
if ($self->_chomp) {
local $/ = $separator;
map {chomp; $_} split /(?<=\Q$separator\E)/, $slurp;
else {
split /(?<=\Q$separator\E)/, $slurp;
sub utf8 {
my $self = shift;
if ($] < 5.008) {
die "IO::All -utf8 not supported on Perl older than 5.8";
return $self;
sub _has_utf8 {
grep { $_ eq ':encoding(UTF-8)' } @{shift->_layers}
sub encoding {
my $self = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
if ($] < 5.008) {
die "IO::All -encoding not supported on Perl older than 5.8";
die "No valid encoding string sent" if !$encoding;
$self->_set_encoding($encoding) if $self->is_open and $encoding;
push @{$self->_layers}, ":encoding($encoding)";
return $self;
sub _set_encoding {
my ($self, $encoding) = @_;
return CORE::binmode($self->io_handle, ":encoding($encoding)");
sub write {
my $self = shift;
my $length = @_
? $self->io_handle->write(@_)
: $self->io_handle->write(${$self->buffer}, $self->length);
$self->clear unless @_;
return $length;
# Implementation methods. Subclassable.
sub throw {
my $self = shift;
require Carp;
return &{$self->errors}(@_)
if $self->errors;
return Carp::confess(@_)
if $self->_confess;
return Carp::croak(@_);
# Private instance methods
sub _assert_dirpath {
my $self = shift;
my $dir_name = shift;
return $dir_name if ((! CORE::length($dir_name)) or
-d $dir_name or
CORE::mkdir($dir_name, $self->perms || 0755) or
do {
require File::Path;
File::Path::mkpath($dir_name, 0, $self->perms || 0755 );
} or
$self->throw("Can't make $dir_name"));
sub _assert_open {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->is_open;
$self->file unless $self->type;
return $self->open(@_);
sub _error_check {
my $self = shift;
my $saved_error = $!;
return unless $self->io_handle->can('error');
return unless $self->io_handle->error;
sub _set_binmode {
my $self = shift;
$self->_sane_binmode($_) for @{$self->_layers};
return $self;
# Stat Methods
no strict 'refs';
my @stat_fields = qw(
device inode modes nlink uid gid device_id size atime mtime
ctime blksize blocks
foreach my $stat_field_idx (0 .. $#stat_fields)
my $idx = $stat_field_idx;
my $name = $stat_fields[$idx];
*$name = sub {
my $self = shift;
return (stat($self->io_handle || $self->pathname))[$idx];