package IO::Handle::Util; # git description: IO-Handle-Util-0.01-3-g2f36f79
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.02';
use warnings::register;
use Scalar::Util ();
# we use this to create errors
#use autodie ();
# perl blesses IO objects into these namespaces, make sure they are loaded
use IO::Handle ();
use FileHandle ();
# fake handle types
#use IO::String ();
#use IO::Handle::Iterator ();
#use IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback ();
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
exports => [qw(
groups => {
io_to => [qw(
io_from => [qw(
coercion => [qw(
misc => [qw(
sub io_to_write_cb ($) {
my $fh = io_from_any(shift);
return sub {
local $,;
local $\;
$fh->print(@_) or do {
my $e = $!;
require autodie;
die autodie::exception->new(
function => q{CORE::print}, args => [@_],
message => "\$E", errno => $e,
sub io_to_read_cb ($) {
my $fh = io_from_any(shift);
return sub { scalar $fh->getline() };
sub io_to_string ($) {
my $thing = shift;
if ( defined $thing and not ref $thing ) {
return $thing;
} else {
my $fh = io_from_any($thing);
# list context is in case ->getline ignores $/,
# which is likely the case with ::Iterator
local $/;
return join "", <$fh>;
sub io_to_list ($) {
my $thing = shift;
warnings::warnif(__PACKAGE__, "io_to_list not invoked in list context")
unless wantarray;
if ( ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return @$thing;
} else {
my $fh = io_from_any($thing);
return <$fh>;
sub io_to_array ($) {
my $thing = shift;
if ( ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return $thing;
} else {
my $fh = io_from_any($thing);
return [ <$fh> ];
sub io_to_glob {
my $thing = shift;
my $fh = io_from_any($thing);
if ( ref($fh) eq 'GLOB' or ref($fh) eq 'IO::Handle' ) {
return $fh;
} else {
# wrap in a tied handle
my $glob = Symbol::gensym();
require IO::Handle::Util::Tie;
tie *$glob, 'IO::Handle::Util::Tie', $fh;
return $glob;
sub io_from_any ($) {
my $thing = shift;
if ( ref $thing ) {
return io_from_ref($thing);
} else {
return io_from_string($thing);
sub io_from_ref ($) {
my $ref = shift;
if ( Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) ) {
return io_from_object($ref);
} elsif ( ref $ref eq 'GLOB' and *{$ref}{IO}) {
# once IO::Handle is required, entersub DWIMs method invoked on globs
# there is no need to bless or IO::Wrap if there's a valid IO slot
return $ref;
} elsif ( ref $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return io_from_array($ref);
} elsif ( ref $ref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
return io_from_scalar_ref($ref);
} elsif ( ref $ref eq 'CODE' ) {
Carp::croak("Coercing an IO object from a coderef is ambiguous. Please use io_from_thunk, io_from_getline or io_from_write_cb directly.");
} else {
Carp::croak("Don't know how to make an IO from $ref");
sub io_from_object ($) {
my $obj = shift;
if ( $obj->isa("IO::Handle") or $obj->can("getline") && $obj->can("print") ) {
return $obj;
} elsif ( $obj->isa("Path::Class::File") ) {
return $obj->openr; # safe default or open for rw?
} else {
# FIXME URI? IO::File? IO::Scalar, IO::String etc? make sure they all pass
Carp::croak("Object does not seem to be an IO::Handle lookalike");
sub io_from_string ($) {
my $string = shift; # make sure it's a copy, IO::String will use \$_[0]
require IO::String;
return IO::String->new($string);
sub io_from_array ($) {
my $array = shift;
my @array = @$array;
require IO::Handle::Iterator;
# IO::Lines/IO::ScalarArray is part of IO::stringy which is considered bad.
IO::Handle::Iterator->new(sub {
if ( @array ) {
return shift @array;
} else {
sub io_from_scalar_ref ($) {
my $ref = shift;
require IO::String;
return IO::String->new($ref);
sub io_from_thunk ($) {
my $thunk = shift;
my @lines;
require IO::Handle::Iterator;
return IO::Handle::Iterator->new(sub {
if ( $thunk ) {
@lines = $thunk->();
undef $thunk;
if ( @lines ) {
return shift @lines;
} else {
sub io_from_getline ($) {
my $cb = shift;
require IO::Handle::Iterator;
return IO::Handle::Iterator->new($cb);
sub io_from_write_cb ($) {
my $cb = shift;
io_prototype( __write => sub {
local $,;
local $\;
} );
sub io_prototype {
require IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback;
# returns true if the handle is (hopefully) suitable for passing to things that
# want to do non method operations on it, including operations that need a
# proper file descriptor
sub is_real_fh ($) {
my $fh = shift;
my $reftype = Scalar::Util::reftype($fh);
if ( $reftype eq 'IO'
or $reftype eq 'GLOB' && *{$fh}{IO}
) {
# if it's a blessed glob make sure to not break encapsulation with
# fileno($fh) (e.g. if you are filtering output then file descriptor
# based operations might no longer be valid).
# then ensure that the fileno *opcode* agrees too, that there is a
# valid IO object inside $fh either directly or indirectly and that it
# corresponds to a real file descriptor.
my $m_fileno = $fh->fileno;
return '' unless defined $m_fileno;
return '' unless $m_fileno >= 0;
my $f_fileno = fileno($fh);
return '' unless defined $f_fileno;
return '' unless $f_fileno >= 0;
return 1;
} else {
# anything else, including GLOBS without IO (even if they are blessed)
# and non GLOB objects that look like filehandle objects cannot have a
# valid file descriptor in fileno($fh) context so may break.
return '';
# ex: set sw=4 et:
=head1 NAME
IO::Handle::Util - Functions for working with L<IO::Handle> like objects.
# make something that looks like a filehandle from a random data:
my $io = io_from_any $some_data;
# or from a callback that returns strings:
my $io = io_from_getline sub { return $another_line };
# create a callback that iterates through the handle
my $read_cb = io_to_read_cb $io;
This module provides a number of helpful routines to manipulate or create
L<IO::Handle> like objects.
=head1 EXPORTS
=head2 Coercions resulting in IO objects
These are available using the C<:io_from> export group.
=over 4
=item io_from_any $whatever
Inspects the value of C<whatever> and calls the appropriate coercion function
on it, either C<io_from_ref> or C<io_from_string>.
=item io_from_ref $some_ref
Depending on the reference type of C<$some_ref> invokes either
C<io_from_object>, C<io_from_array> or C<io_from_scalar_ref>.
Code references are not coerced automatically because either C<io_from_thunk>
or C<io_from_getline> or C<io_from_write_cb> could all make sense.
Globs are returned as is B<only> if they have a valid C<IO> slot.
=item io_from_object $obj
Depending on the class of C<$obj> either returns or coerces the object.
Objects that are passed through include anything that subclasses L<IO::Handle>
or seems to duck type (supports the C<print> and C<getline> methods, which
might be a bit too permissive).
Objects that are coerced currently only include L<Path::Class::File>, which
will have the C<openr> method invoked on it.
Anything else is an error.
=item io_from_string $str
Instantiates an L<IO::String> object using C<$str> as the buffer.
Note that C<$str> is B<not> passed as an alias, so writing to the IO object
will not modify string. For that see C<io_from_scalar_ref>.
=item io_from_array \@array
Creates an L<IO::Handle::Iterator> that will return the elements of C<@array>
one by one.
Note that a I<copy> of C<@array> is made.
In order to be able to append more elements to the array or remove the ones
that have been returned use L<IO::Handle::Iterator> yourself directly.
=item io_from_scalar_ref \$str
Creates an L<IO::String> object using C<$str> as the buffer.
Writing to the IO object will modify C<$str>.
=item io_from_thunk sub { ... }
Invokes the callback once in list context the first time it's needed, and then
returns each element of the list like C<io_from_array> would.
=item io_from_getline sub { ... }
Creates an L<IO::Handle::Iterator> object using the callback.
=item io_from_write_cb sub { ... }
Creates an L<IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback> using the callback.
The callback will always be invoked with one string argument and with the
values of C<$,> and C<$\> localized to C<undef>.
=head2 Coercions utilizing IO objects
These coercions will actually call C<io_from_any> on their argument first. This
allows you to do things like:
my $str = '';
my $sub = io_to_write_cb(\$str);
These are available using the C<:io_to> export group.
=over 4
=item io_to_write_cb $thing
Creates a code ref that will invoke C<print> on the handle with the arguments
to the callback.
C<$,> and C<$\> will both be localized to C<undef>.
=item io_to_read_cb $thing
Creates a code ref that will invoke C<getline> on the handle.
C<$/> will not be localized and should probably be set to a reference to a
number if you want efficient iteration. See L<perlvar> for details.
=item io_to_string $thing
Slurps a string out of the IO object by reading all the data.
If a string was passed it is returned as is.
=item io_to_array $thing
Returns an array reference containing all the lines of the IO object.
If an array reference was passed it is returned as is.
=item io_to_list $thing
Returns the list of lines from the IO object.
Warns if not invoked in list context.
If an array reference was passed it is dereferenced an its elements are
=item io_to_glob $thing
If the filehandle is an unblessed glob returns it as is, otherwise returns a
new glob which is tied to delegate to the OO interface.
This lets you use most of the builtins without the method syntax:
my $fh = io_to_glob($some_kind_of_OO_handle);
while ( defined( my $line = <$fh> ) ) {
=head2 Misc functions
=over 4
=item io_prototype %callbacks
Given a key-value pair list of named callbacks, constructs an
L<IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback> object with those callbacks.
For example:
my $io = io_prototype print => sub {
my $self = shift;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$string .= join($,, @_) . $\;
$io->say("Hello"); # $string now has "Hello\n"
See L<IO::Handle::Prototype::Fallback> for more details.
=item is_real_fh $io
Returns true if the IO handle probably could be passed to something like
L<AnyEvent::Handle> which would break encapsulation.
Checks for the following conditions:
=over 4
=item *
The handle has a reftype of either a C<GLOB> with an C<IO> slot, or is an C<IO>
=item *
The handle's C<fileno> method returns a positive number, corresponding to a
=item *
The C<fileno> builtin returns the same thing as C<fileno> invoked as a method.
If these conditions hold the handle is I<probably> OK to work with using the IO
builtins directly, or passing the filedescriptor to C land, instead of by
invoking methods on it.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<IO::Handle>, L<FileHandle>, L<IO::String>, L<perlio>, L<perlfunc/open>
=head1 AUTHOR
Yuval Kogman
Copyright (c) 2009 Yuval Kogman. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.