package Image::Info::SVG::XMLSimple;
$VERSION = '1.05';
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
use XML::Simple;
sub process_file {
my($info, $source) = @_;
my(@comments, @warnings, %info, $comment, $img, $imgdata, $xs);
if( ! exists($info{standalone}) && /standalone="(.+?)"/ ){
$info{standalone} = $1;
if( /<!--/ .. /-->/ ){
$comment .= $_;
if( /-->/ ){
$comment =~ s/<!--\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*-->//;
push @comments, $comment;
$comment = '';
$imgdata .= $_;
if( $imgdata !~ /<svg/ ){
return $info->push_info(0, "error", "Not a valid SVG image");
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
push(@warnings, @_);
# XML::SAX::PurePerl is the only SAX parser which is not capable
# of expanding external entities, so it's the only one not
# vulnerable against XXE processing. On the other hand,
# XML::SAX::PurePerl is probably the slowest parser, but for
# speed one should use XML::LibXML instead.
local $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::SAX::PurePerl';
$xs = XML::Simple->new;
$img = $xs->XMLin($imgdata);
# use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($img);
$info->push_info(0, "color_type" => "sRGB");
$info->push_info(0, "file_ext" => "svg");
# "image/svg+xml" is the official MIME type
$info->push_info(0, "file_media_type" => "image/svg+xml");
$info->push_info(0, "height", $img->{height});
$info->push_info(0, "width", $img->{width});
$info->push_info(0, "SVG_StandAlone", $info{standalone});
$info->push_info(0, "SVG_Version", $img->{version} || 'unknown');
# XXX Description, title etc. could be tucked away in a <g> :-(
$info->push_info(0, "ImageDescription", $img->{desc}) if $img->{desc};
$info->push_info(0, "SVG_Title", $img->{title}) if $img->{title};
# $info->push_info(0, "SamplesPerPixel", -1);
# $info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/1");
# $info->push_info(0, "BitsPerSample", 8);
if( $img->{image} ){
if( ref($img->{image}) eq 'ARRAY' ){
foreach my $img (@{$img->{image}}){
$info->push_info(0, "SVG_Image", $img->{'xlink:href'});
$info->push_info(0, "SVG_Image", $img->{image}->{'xlink:href'});
for (@comments) {
$info->push_info(0, "Comment", $_);
for (@warnings) {
$info->push_info(0, "Warn", $_);