package Image::Info::XPM;
$VERSION = '1.09';
use strict;
use Image::Xpm 1.09;
sub process_file{
my($info, $source, $opts) = @_;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$info->push_info(0, "Warn", shift);
my $i = Image::Xpm->new(-width => 0, -height => 0);
# loading the file as a separate step avoids a "-r" test, this would
# file with in-memory strings (aka fake files)
$info->push_info(0, "color_type" => "Indexed-RGB");
$info->push_info(0, "file_ext" => "xpm");
$info->push_info(0, "file_media_type" => "image/x-xpixmap");
$info->push_info(0, "height", $i->get(-height));
$info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/1");
$info->push_info(0, "width", $i->get(-width));
$info->push_info(0, "BitsPerSample" => 8);
$info->push_info(0, "SamplesPerPixel", 1);
$info->push_info(0, "XPM_CharactersPerPixel" => $i->get(-cpp) );
# XXX is this always?
$info->push_info(0, "ColorResolution", 8);
$info->push_info(0, "ColorTableSize" => $i->get(-ncolours) );
if( $opts->{ColorPalette} ){
$info->push_info(0, "ColorPalette" => [keys %{$i->get(-cindex)}] );
if( $opts->{L1D_Histogram} ){
#Do Histograms
my(%RGB, @l1dhist, $R, $G, $B, $color);
for(my $y=0; $y<$i->get(-height); $y++){
for(my $x=0; $x<$i->get(-width); $x++){
$color = $i->xy($x, $y);
if( $color =~ /^(none|opaque)$/i ) {
} elsif( $color !~ /^#/ ){
unless( exists($RGB{white}) ){
local $_;
if( open(RGB, _get_rgb_txt()) ){
next if /^\s*!/;
$RGB{white} = "0 but true";
$info->push_info(0, "Warn", "Unable to open RGB database, you may need to set \$Image::Info::XPM::RGBLIB");
$R = $RGB{$color}->[0];
$G = $RGB{$color}->[1];
$B = $RGB{$color}->[2];
elsif (length $color == 7) {
$R = hex(substr($color,1,2));
$G = hex(substr($color,3,2));
$B = hex(substr($color,5,2));
elsif (length $color == 13) {
$R = hex(substr($color,1,2));
$G = hex(substr($color,5,2));
$B = hex(substr($color,9,2));
elsif (length $color == 4) {
$R = hex(substr($color,1,1))*16;
$G = hex(substr($color,2,1))*16;
$B = hex(substr($color,3,1))*16;
else {
warn "Unexpected length in color specification '$color'";
if( $opts->{L1D_Histogram} ){
$l1dhist[(.3*$R + .59*$G + .11*$B)]++;
if( $opts->{L1D_Histogram} ){
$info->push_info(0, "L1D_Histogram", [@l1dhist]);
$info->push_info(0, "HotSpotX" => $i->get(-hotx) );
$info->push_info(0, "HotSpotY" => $i->get(-hoty) );
$info->push_info(0, 'XPM_Extension-'.ucfirst($i->get(-extname)) => $i->get(-extlines)) if
for (@{$i->get(-comments)}) {
$info->push_info(0, "Comment", $_);
sub _get_rgb_txt{
return $Image::Info::XPM::RGBLIB if defined $Image::Info::XPM::RGBLIB;
# list taken from Tk::ColorEditor
for my $try(
'/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt', # This is the Debian and RH5 location
'/usr/X11/share/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on a Mac OS X 10.5.1 system
'/usr/X11R6/share/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on a OpenBSD 4.2 system
'/etc/X11/rgb.txt', # seen on HP-UX 11.31
if( -r $try ){
$Image::Info::XPM::RGBLIB = $try;
return $try;
=head1 NAME
Image::Info::XPM - XPM support for Image::Info
use Image::Info qw(image_info dim);
my $info = image_info("image.xpm");
if (my $error = $info->{error}) {
die "Can't parse image info: $error\n";
my $color = $info->{color_type};
my($w, $h) = dim($info);
This modules supplies the standard key names
except for Compression, Gamma, Interlace, LastModificationTime, as well as:
=item ColorPalette
Reference to an array of all colors used.
This key is only present if C<image_info> is invoked
as C<image_info($file, ColorPaletteE<gt>=1)>.
=item ColorTableSize
The number of colors the image uses.
=item HotSpotX
The x-coord of the image's hotspot.
Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.
=item HotSpotY
The y-coord of the image's hotspot.
Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.
=item L1D_Histogram
Reference to an array representing a one dimensional luminance
histogram. This key is only present if C<image_info> is invoked
as C<image_info($file, L1D_Histogram=E<gt>1)>. The range is from 0 to 255,
however auto-vivification is used so a null field is also 0,
and the array may not actually contain 255 fields.
=item XPM_CharactersPerPixel
This is typically 1 or 2. See L<Image::Xpm>.
=item XPM_Extension-.*
XPM Extensions (the most common is XPMEXT) if present.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 process_file()
$info->process_file($source, $options);
Processes one file and sets the found info fields in the C<$info> object.
=head1 FILES
This module requires L<Image::Xpm>
I<$Image::Info::XPM::RGBLIB> is set to F</usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt>
or an equivalent path (see the C<_get_rgb_txt> function for the
complete list) by default, this is used to resolve textual color names
to their RGB counterparts.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::Info>, L<Image::Xpm>
=head1 NOTES
For more information about XPM see
=head1 CAVEATS
While the module attempts to be as robust as possible, it may not recognize
older XPMs (Versions 1-3), if this is the case try inserting S</* XPM */>
as the first line.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jerrad Pierce <>/<>
Tels - (c) 2006.
Now maintained by Slaven Rezic <>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=begin register
MAGIC: /(^\/\* XPM \*\/)|(static\s+char\s+\*\w+\[\]\s*=\s*{\s*"\d+)/
See L<Image::Info::XPM> for details.
=end register