## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Iterator reader.
## This package, used interally by the worker process, provides support for
## user specified iterators assigned to input_data.
## There is no public API.
package MCE::Core::Input::Iterator;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.862';
## Items below are folded into MCE.
package # hide from rpm
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized );
use bytes;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Worker process -- User Iterator.
my $_is_MSWin32 = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) ? 1 : 0;
sub _worker_user_iterator {
my ($self) = @_;
@_ = ();
_croak('MCE::_worker_user_iterator: (user_func) is not specified')
unless (defined $self->{user_func});
my $_chn = $self->{_chn};
my $_DAT_LOCK = $self->{_dat_lock};
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[0];
my $_DAU_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[$_chn];
my $_lock_chn = $self->{_lock_chn};
my $_chunk_size = $self->{chunk_size};
my $_wuf = $self->{_wuf};
my ($_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_pid);
if ($_lock_chn) {
$_pid = $INC{'threads.pm'} ? $$ .'.'. threads->tid() : $$;
# inlined for performance
$_dat_ex = sub {
MCE::Util::_sysread($_DAT_LOCK->{_r_sock}, my($b), 1), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 1
unless $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
$_dat_un = sub {
syswrite($_DAT_LOCK->{_w_sock}, '0'), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 0
if $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
my ($_chunk_id, $_len, $_is_ref);
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$self->{_next_jmp} = sub { goto _WORKER_USER_ITERATOR__NEXT; };
$self->{_last_jmp} = sub { goto _WORKER_USER_ITERATOR__LAST; };
local $_;
while (1) {
undef $_ if (length > MAX_GC_SIZE);
$_ = '';
## Obtain the next chunk of data.
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print {$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_I_REF . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
MCE::Util::_sock_ready($_DAU_W_SOCK, -1) if $_is_MSWin32;
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
if ($_len < 0) {
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
$_is_ref = chop $_len;
chomp($_chunk_id = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
read $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_, $_len;
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
## Call user function.
if ($_is_ref) {
my $_chunk_ref = $self->{thaw}($_); undef $_;
$_ = ($_chunk_size == 1) ? $_chunk_ref->[0] : $_chunk_ref;
$_wuf->($self, $_chunk_ref, $_chunk_id);
else {
$_wuf->($self, [ $_ ], $_chunk_id);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Core::Input::Iterator - Iterator reader
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Core::Input::Iterator version 1.862
This package, used interally by the worker process, provides support for
user specified iterators assigned to C<input_data>.
There is no public API.
=head1 SEE ALSO
The syntax for the C<input_data> option is described in L<MCE::Core>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>