## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Core methods for the worker process.
## This package provides main, loop, and relevant methods used internally by
## the worker process.
## There is no public API.
package MCE::Core::Worker;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.862';
my $_has_threads = $INC{'threads.pm'} ? 1 : 0;
my $_tid = $_has_threads ? threads->tid() : 0;
sub CLONE {
$_tid = threads->tid() if $_has_threads;
## Items below are folded into MCE.
package # hide from rpm
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized );
use bytes;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Internal do, gather and send related functions for serializing data to
## destination. User functions for handling gather, queue or void.
my (
$_dest, $_len, $_tag, $_task_id, $_user_func, $_val, $_wa,
$_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_chn, $_lock_chn,
$_dat_ex, $_dat_un
## Create array structure containing various send functions.
my @_dest_function = ();
$_dest_function[SENDTO_FILEV2] = sub { ## Content >> File
return unless (defined $_val);
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
if (length ${ $_[0] }) {
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_F_SND.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_val.$LF . length(${ $_[0] }).$LF, ${ $_[0] });
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
$_dest_function[SENDTO_FD] = sub { ## Content >> File descriptor
return unless (defined $_val);
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
if (length ${ $_[0] }) {
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_D_SND.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_val.$LF . length(${ $_[0] }).$LF, ${ $_[0] });
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
$_dest_function[SENDTO_STDOUT] = sub { ## Content >> STDOUT
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
if (length ${ $_[0] }) {
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_O_SND.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} length(${ $_[0] }).$LF, ${ $_[0] });
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
$_dest_function[SENDTO_STDERR] = sub { ## Content >> STDERR
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
if (length ${ $_[0] }) {
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_E_SND.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} length(${ $_[0] }).$LF, ${ $_[0] });
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _do_callback {
my ($self, $_buf, $_aref);
($self, $_val, $_aref) = @_;
unless (defined wantarray) {
} elsif (wantarray) {
} else {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
## Crossover: Send arguments
if ( ! @{ $_aref } ) {
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_N_CBK.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_wa.$LF . $_val.$LF);
elsif ( @{ $_aref } == 1 && !looks_like_number $_aref->[0] &&
!ref $_aref->[0] && defined $_aref->[0] ) {
$_len = length $_aref->[0];
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_S_CBK.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_wa.$LF . $_val.$LF . $_len.$LF, $_aref->[0]);
else {
$_buf = $self->{freeze}($_aref);
$_len = length $_buf;
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_A_CBK.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_wa.$LF . $_val.$LF . $_len.$LF, $_buf);
## Crossover: Receive value
if ( $_wa ) {
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
chomp(my $_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
my $_frozen = chop $_len;
read $_DAU_W_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len;
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
return ( $_wa != WANTS_ARRAY )
? $_frozen ? ($self->{thaw}($_buf))->[0] : $_buf
: @{ $self->{thaw}($_buf) };
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _do_gather {
my $_buf; my ($self, $_aref) = @_;
return unless (scalar @{ $_aref });
if ( scalar @{ $_aref } > 1 || looks_like_number $_aref->[0] ||
ref $_aref->[0] || !defined $_aref->[0] ) {
$_tag = OUTPUT_A_GTR;
$_buf = $self->{freeze}($_aref);
$_len = length $_buf;
else {
$_tag = OUTPUT_S_GTR;
if (defined $_aref->[0]) {
$_len = length $_aref->[0]; local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} $_tag.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_task_id.$LF . $_len.$LF, $_aref->[0]);
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
else {
$_buf = '';
$_len = -1;
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} $_tag.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_task_id.$LF . $_len.$LF, $_buf);
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _do_send {
my $_data_ref; my $self = shift;
$_dest = shift; $_val = shift;
if (scalar @_ > 1) {
$_data_ref = \join('', @_);
elsif (my $_ref = ref $_[0]) {
if ($_ref eq 'SCALAR') {
$_data_ref = $_[0];
elsif ($_ref eq 'ARRAY') {
$_data_ref = \join('', @{ $_[0] });
elsif ($_ref eq 'HASH') {
$_data_ref = \join('', %{ $_[0] });
else {
$_data_ref = \join('', @_);
else {
$_data_ref = \$_[0];
sub _do_send_glob {
my ($self, $_glob, $_fd, $_data_ref) = @_;
if ($self->{_wid} > 0) {
if ($_fd == 1) {
_do_send($self, SENDTO_STDOUT, undef, $_data_ref);
elsif ($_fd == 2) {
_do_send($self, SENDTO_STDERR, undef, $_data_ref);
else {
_do_send($self, SENDTO_FD, $_fd, $_data_ref);
elsif ($_glob->can('print')) {
$_glob->print(${ $_data_ref });
else {
require Symbol unless $INC{'Symbol.pm'};
my $_fh = Symbol::qualify_to_ref($_glob, caller);
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
print {$_fh} ${ $_data_ref };
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _do_send_init {
my ($self) = @_;
$_chn = $self->{_chn};
$_DAT_LOCK = $self->{_dat_lock};
$_DAT_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[0];
$_DAU_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[$_chn];
$_lock_chn = $self->{_lock_chn};
$_task_id = $self->{_task_id};
if ($_lock_chn) {
# inlined for performance
$_dat_ex = sub {
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
MCE::Util::_sysread($_DAT_LOCK->{_r_sock}, my($b), 1), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 1
unless $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
$_dat_un = sub {
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
syswrite($_DAT_LOCK->{_w_sock}, '0'), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 0
if $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
local $!;
(*STDERR)->autoflush(1) if defined( fileno *STDERR );
(*STDOUT)->autoflush(1) if defined( fileno *STDOUT );
sub _do_send_clear {
my ($self) = @_;
$_dest = $_len = $_task_id = $_user_func = $_val = $_wa = undef;
$_DAT_LOCK = $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_chn = $_lock_chn = undef;
$_dat_ex = $_dat_un = $_tag = undef;
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _do_user_func {
my ($self, $_chunk, $_chunk_id) = @_;
my $_size = 0;
delete $self->{_relayed};
$self->{_chunk_id} = $_chunk_id;
if ($self->{progress} && $self->{_task_id} == 0) {
# use_slurpio
if (ref $_chunk eq 'SCALAR') {
$_size += length ${ $_chunk };
# sequence and bounds_only
elsif ($self->{sequence} && $self->{bounds_only}) {
my $_seq = $self->{sequence};
my $_step = (ref $_seq eq 'ARRAY') ? $_seq->[2] : $_seq->{step};
$_size += int(abs($_chunk->[0] - $_chunk->[1]) / abs($_step)) + 1;
# workers clear {input_data} to conserve memory when array ref
# otherwise, /path/to/infile or scalar reference
elsif ($self->{input_data}) {
map { $_size += length } @{ $_chunk };
# array or sequence
else {
$_size += (ref $_chunk eq 'ARRAY') ? @{ $_chunk } : 1;
if ($self->{max_retries}) {
$self->{_retry} = [ $_chunk, $_chunk_id, $self->{max_retries} ];
if ($self->{loop_timeout} && $self->{_task_id} == 0 &&
defined $self->{init_relay} && !$self->{_is_thread} &&
$^O ne 'MSWin32') {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_C_NFY.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} "$$:$_chunk_id".$LF);
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
$_user_func->($self, $_chunk, $_chunk_id);
if ($self->{progress} && $self->{_task_id} == 0) {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_dat_ex->() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_P_NFY.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_size.$LF);
$_dat_un->() if $_lock_chn;
sub _do_user_func_init {
my ($self) = @_;
$_user_func = $self->{user_func};
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Worker process -- Do.
sub _worker_do {
my ($self, $_params_ref) = @_;
@_ = ();
## Set options.
$self->{_abort_msg} = $_params_ref->{_abort_msg};
$self->{_run_mode} = $_params_ref->{_run_mode};
$self->{_single_dim} = $_params_ref->{_single_dim};
$self->{use_slurpio} = $_params_ref->{_use_slurpio};
$self->{parallel_io} = $_params_ref->{_parallel_io};
$self->{progress} = $_params_ref->{_progress};
$self->{max_retries} = $_params_ref->{_max_retries};
$self->{RS} = $_params_ref->{_RS};
## Init local vars.
my $_chn = $self->{_chn};
my $_DAT_LOCK = $self->{_dat_lock};
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[0];
my $_DAU_W_SOCK = $self->{_dat_w_sock}->[$_chn];
my $_lock_chn = $self->{_lock_chn};
my $_run_mode = $self->{_run_mode};
my $_task_id = $self->{_task_id};
my $_task_name = $self->{task_name};
## Do not override params if defined in user_tasks during instantiation.
for my $_p (qw(bounds_only chunk_size sequence user_args)) {
if (defined $_params_ref->{"_${_p}"}) {
$self->{$_p} = $_params_ref->{"_${_p}"}
unless (defined $self->{_task}->{$_p});
## Assign user function.
$self->{_wuf} = \&_do_user_func;
## Call user_begin if defined.
if (defined $self->{user_begin}) {
$self->{_chunk_id} = 0;
$self->{user_begin}($self, $_task_id, $_task_name);
if ($_task_id == 0 && defined $self->{init_relay} && !$self->{_retry}) {
## Retry chunk if previous attempt died.
if ($self->{_retry}) {
$self->{_chunk_id} = $self->{_retry}->[1];
$self->{user_func}->($self, $self->{_retry}->[0], $self->{_retry}->[1]);
delete $self->{_retry};
## Call worker function.
if ($_run_mode eq 'sequence') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Sequence
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Sequence.pm'};
elsif (defined $self->{_task}->{sequence}) {
require MCE::Core::Input::Generator
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Generator.pm'};
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'array') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Request
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Request.pm'};
_worker_request_chunk($self, REQUEST_ARRAY);
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'glob') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Request
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Request.pm'};
_worker_request_chunk($self, REQUEST_GLOB);
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'hash') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Request
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Request.pm'};
_worker_request_chunk($self, REQUEST_HASH);
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'iterator') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Iterator
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Iterator.pm'};
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'file') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Handle
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Handle.pm'};
_worker_read_handle($self, READ_FILE, $_params_ref->{_input_file});
elsif ($_run_mode eq 'memory') {
require MCE::Core::Input::Handle
unless $INC{'MCE/Core/Input/Handle.pm'};
_worker_read_handle($self, READ_MEMORY, $self->{input_data});
elsif (defined $self->{user_func}) {
if ($self->{max_retries}) {
$self->{_retry} = [ undef, 0, $self->{max_retries} ];
$self->{_chunk_id} = 0;
undef $self->{_next_jmp} if (defined $self->{_next_jmp});
undef $self->{_last_jmp} if (defined $self->{_last_jmp});
undef $self->{user_data} if (defined $self->{user_data});
## Call user_end if defined.
if (defined $self->{user_end}) {
$self->{_chunk_id} = 0;
$self->sync() if ($_task_id == 0 && defined $self->{init_relay});
$self->{user_end}($self, $_task_id, $_task_name);
delete $self->{_wuf};
## Check for nested workers not yet joined.
MCE::Child->finish('MCE') if $INC{'MCE/Child.pm'};
MCE::Hobo->finish('MCE') if $INC{'MCE/Hobo.pm'};
## Notify the main process a worker has completed.
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_DAT_LOCK->lock() if $_lock_chn;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} OUTPUT_W_DNE.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_task_id.$LF);
$_DAT_LOCK->unlock() if $_lock_chn;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
lock $self->{_run_lock};
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Worker process -- Loop.
sub _worker_loop {
my ($self) = @_;
@_ = ();
my ($_response, $_len, $_buf, $_params_ref);
my $_COM_LOCK = $self->{_com_lock};
my $_COM_W_SOCK = $self->{_com_w_sock};
my $_job_delay = $self->{job_delay};
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { lock $MCE::_WIN_LOCK; }
while (1) {
local $\ = undef; local $/ = $LF;
## Wait for the next job request.
$_response = <$_COM_W_SOCK>, print {$_COM_W_SOCK} $self->{_wid}.$LF;
## Return if instructed to exit.
$_COM_LOCK->unlock(), return if ($_response eq "_exit\n");
## Process send request.
if ($_response eq "_data\n") {
chomp($_len = <$_COM_W_SOCK>), read($_COM_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len);
print({$_COM_W_SOCK} $LF), $_COM_LOCK->unlock();
$self->{user_data} = $self->{thaw}($_buf), undef $_buf;
sleep $_job_delay * $self->{_wid}
if defined($_job_delay) && $_job_delay > 0.0;
## Process normal request.
elsif ($_response =~ /\d+/) {
chomp($_len = <$_COM_W_SOCK>), read($_COM_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len);
print({$_COM_W_SOCK} $LF), $_COM_LOCK->unlock();
$_params_ref = $self->{thaw}($_buf), undef $_buf;
## Leave loop if invalid response.
else {
## Send request.
_worker_do($self, {}), next if ($_response eq "_data\n");
## Wait here until MCE completes job submission to all workers.
MCE::Util::_sysread($self->{_bsb_w_sock}, my($_b), 1);
## Normal request.
sleep $_job_delay * $self->{_wid}
if defined($_job_delay) && $_job_delay > 0.0;
_worker_do($self, $_params_ref); undef $_params_ref;
## Notify the main process a worker has ended. The following is executed
## when an invalid reply was received above (not likely to occur).
die "Error: worker $self->{_wid} has ended prematurely";
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Worker process -- Main.
sub _worker_main {
my ( $self, $_wid, $_task, $_task_id, $_task_wid, $_params,
$_plugin_worker_init ) = @_;
@_ = ();
if (exists $self->{input_data}) {
my $_ref = ref $self->{input_data};
delete $self->{input_data} if ($_ref && $_ref ne 'SCALAR');
$self->{_task_id} = (defined $_task_id ) ? $_task_id : 0;
$self->{_task_wid} = (defined $_task_wid) ? $_task_wid : $_wid;
$self->{_task} = $_task;
$self->{_wid} = $_wid;
## Define exit pid and DIE handler.
my $_use_threads = (defined $_task->{use_threads})
? $_task->{use_threads} : $self->{use_threads};
if ($_has_threads && $_use_threads) {
$self->{_exit_pid} = 'TID_' . $_tid;
} else {
$self->{_exit_pid} = 'PID_' . $$;
my $_running_inside_eval = $^S;
local $SIG{SEGV} = sub { $self->exit(11) };
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
if (!defined $^S || $^S) {
if ( ($_has_threads && $_tid != 0) ||
) {
# thread env or running inside IPerl, check stack trace
my $_t = Carp::longmess(); $_t =~ s/\teval [^\n]+\n$//;
if ( $_t =~ /^(?:[^\n]+\n){1,7}\teval / ||
$_t =~ /\n\teval [^\n]+\n\t(?:eval|Try)/ )
else {
# normal env, trust $^S
local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $\ = undef;
my $_die_msg = (defined $_[0]) ? $_[0] : '';
print {*STDERR} $_die_msg;
$self->exit(255, $_die_msg, $self->{_chunk_id});
## Use options from user_tasks if defined.
$self->{max_workers} = $_task->{max_workers} if ($_task->{max_workers});
$self->{chunk_size} = $_task->{chunk_size} if ($_task->{chunk_size});
$self->{gather} = $_task->{gather} if ($_task->{gather});
$self->{sequence} = $_task->{sequence} if ($_task->{sequence});
$self->{bounds_only} = $_task->{bounds_only} if ($_task->{bounds_only});
$self->{task_name} = $_task->{task_name} if ($_task->{task_name});
$self->{user_args} = $_task->{user_args} if ($_task->{user_args});
$self->{user_begin} = $_task->{user_begin} if ($_task->{user_begin});
$self->{user_func} = $_task->{user_func} if ($_task->{user_func});
$self->{user_end} = $_task->{user_end} if ($_task->{user_end});
## Init runtime vars. Obtain handle to lock files.
my $_chn;
if (defined $_params && exists $_params->{_chn}) {
$_chn = $self->{_chn} = delete $_params->{_chn};
} else {
$_chn = $self->{_chn} = $_wid % $self->{_data_channels} + 1;
## Choose locks for DATA channels.
$self->{_com_lock} = $self->{'_mutex_0'};
$self->{_dat_lock} = $self->{'_mutex_'.$_chn} if ($self->{_lock_chn});
## Delete attributes no longer required after being spawned.
delete @{ $self }{ qw(
flush_file flush_stderr flush_stdout stderr_file stdout_file
on_post_exit on_post_run user_data user_error user_output
_pids _state _status _thrs _tids
) };
## Call MCE::Shared's init routine if present; enables parallel IPC.
## For threads, init is called automatically via the CLONE feature.
MCE::Shared::init($_wid) if (!$_use_threads && $INC{'MCE/Shared.pm'});
## Call module's worker_init routine for modules plugged into MCE.
for my $_p (@{ $_plugin_worker_init }) { $_p->($self); }
## Begin processing if worker was added during processing.
_worker_do($self, $_params), undef $_params if defined($_params);
## Enter worker loop.
## Clear worker session.
$self->{_com_lock} = undef;
$self->{_dat_lock} = undef;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Core::Worker - Core methods for the worker process
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Core::Worker version 1.862
This package provides main, loop, and relevant methods used internally by
the worker process.
There is no public API.
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>