## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE::Mutex::Channel2 - Provides two mutexes using a single channel.
package MCE::Mutex::Channel2;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized once );
our $VERSION = '1.862';
use base 'MCE::Mutex::Channel';
use MCE::Util ();
my $has_threads = $INC{'threads.pm'} ? 1 : 0;
my $tid = $has_threads ? threads->tid() : 0;
sub CLONE {
$tid = threads->tid() if $has_threads;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Public methods.
sub new {
my ($class, %obj) = (@_, impl => 'Channel2');
$obj{'_init_pid'} = $has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$;
MCE::Util::_sock_pair(\%obj, qw(_r_sock _w_sock));
syswrite $obj{_r_sock}, '0';
syswrite $obj{_w_sock}, '0';
bless \%obj, $class;
if ( caller !~ /^MCE:?/ || caller(1) !~ /^MCE:?/ ) {
return \%obj;
sub lock2 {
my ($pid, $obj) = ($has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$, @_);
MCE::Util::_sysread($obj->{_w_sock}, my($b), 1), $obj->{ $pid.'b' } = 1
unless $obj->{ $pid.'b' };
*lock_exclusive2 = \&lock2;
*lock_shared2 = \&lock2;
sub unlock2 {
my ($pid, $obj) = ($has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$, @_);
syswrite($obj->{_r_sock}, '0'), $obj->{ $pid.'b' } = 0
if $obj->{ $pid.'b' };
sub synchronize2 {
my ($pid, $obj, $code, @ret) = (
$has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$, shift, shift
return unless ref($code) eq 'CODE';
# lock, run, unlock - inlined for performance
MCE::Util::_sysread($obj->{_w_sock}, my($b), 1), $obj->{ $pid.'b' } = 1
unless $obj->{ $pid.'b' };
(defined wantarray)
? @ret = wantarray ? $code->(@_) : scalar $code->(@_)
: $code->(@_);
syswrite($obj->{_r_sock}, '0'), $obj->{ $pid.'b' } = 0;
return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[-1];
*enter2 = \&synchronize2;
sub timedwait2 {
my ($obj, $timeout) = @_;
local $@; local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { alarm 0; die "timed out\n" };
eval { alarm $timeout || 1; $obj->lock_exclusive2 };
alarm 0;
( $@ && $@ eq "timed out\n" ) ? '' : 1;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Mutex::Channel2 - Provides two mutexes using a single channel
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Mutex::Channel2 version 1.862
A socket implementation based on C<MCE::Mutex>. The secondary lock is accessed
by calling methods with the C<2> suffix.
The API is described in L<MCE::Mutex>.
=head2 construction
=over 3
=item new
my $mutex = MCE::Mutex->new( impl => 'Channel2' );
=head2 primary lock
=over 3
=item lock
=item lock_exclusive
=item lock_shared
=item unlock
=item synchronize
=item enter
=item timedwait
=head2 secondary lock
=over 3
=item lock2
=item lock_exclusive2
=item lock_shared2
=item unlock2
=item synchronize2
=item enter2
=item timedwait2
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>