## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Base package for helper classes.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010001;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric );
package MCE::Shared::Base;
our $VERSION = '1.862';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use bytes;
# Several methods in MCE::Shared::{ Array, Cache, Hash, Minidb, and Ordhash }
# take a query string for an argument. The format of the string is described
# below. The _compile function is where the query string is evaluated and
# expanded into Perl code.
# In the context of sharing, the query mechanism is beneficial for the
# shared-manager process. The shared-manager runs the query where the data
# resides versus sending data in whole to the client process for traversing.
# Only the data found is sent back.
# o Basic demonstration
# @keys = $oh->keys( "query string given here" );
# @keys = $oh->keys( "val =~ /pattern/" );
# o Supported operators: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
# o Multiple expressions delimited by :AND or :OR, mixed case allowed
# "key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
# "key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
# "key =~ /pattern/i :And field =~ /pattern/i"
# "key =~ /pattern/i :And index =~ /pattern/i"
# "index eq 'foo baz' :OR key !~ /pattern/i" # 9 eq 'foo baz'
# "index eq foo baz :OR key !~ /pattern/i" # 9 eq foo baz
# MCE::Shared::{ Array, Cache, Hash, Ordhash }
# * key matches on keys in the hash or index in the array
# * likewise, val matches on values
# MCE::Shared::{ Minidb }
# * key matches on primary keys in the hash (H)oH or (H)oA
# * field matches on HoH->{key}{field} e.g. address
# * index matches on HoA->{key}[index] e.g. 9
# o Quoting is optional inside the string
# "key =~ /pattern/i :AND field eq 'foo bar'" # address eq 'foo bar'
# "key =~ /pattern/i :AND field eq foo bar" # address eq foo bar
# o See respective module in section labeled SYNTAX for QUERY STRING
# for demonstrations
sub _compile {
my ( $query ) = @_;
my ( $len, @p ) = ( 0 );
$query =~ s/^[\t ]+//; # strip white-space
$query =~ s/[\t ]+$//;
$query =~ s/\([\t ]+/(/g;
$query =~ s/[\t ]+\)/)/g;
for ( split( /[\t ]:(?:and|or)[\t ]/i, $query ) ) {
$len += length;
if ( /([\(]*)([^\(]+)[\t ]+(=~|!~)[\t ]+(.*)/ ) {
push @p, "$1($2 $3 $4)"
elsif ( /([\(]*)([^\(]+)[\t ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=)[\t ]+([^\)]+)(.*)/ ) {
push @p, "$1($2 $3 q($4) && looks_like_number($2))$5";
elsif ( /([\(]*)([^\(]+)[\t ]+(eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge)[\t ]+([^\)]+)(.*)/ ) {
( $4 eq 'undef' )
? push @p, "$1(!ref($2) && $2 $3 undef)$5"
: push @p, "$1(!ref($2) && $2 $3 q($4))$5";
else {
push @p, $_;
$len += 6, push @p, " && " if ( lc ( substr $query, $len, 3 ) eq " :a" );
$len += 5, push @p, " || " if ( lc ( substr $query, $len, 3 ) eq " :o" );
$query = join('', @p);
$query =~ s/q\([\'\"]([^\(\)]*)[\'\"]\)/q($1)/g;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Find items in ARRAY. Called by MCE::Shared::Array.
sub _find_array {
my ( $data, $params, $query ) = @_;
my $q = _compile( $query );
# array key
$q =~ s/key[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$_ $1/gi;
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(key\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(key\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
# array value
$q =~ s/val[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$data->[\$_] $1/gi;
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(val\)/$1(\$data->[\$_])/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(val\)/$1(\$data->[\$_])/gi;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print {*STDERR} "\nfind error: $_[0]\n query: $query\n eval : $q\n";
# wants keys
if ( $params->{'getkeys'} ) {
eval qq{ map { ($q) ? (\$_) : () } 0 .. \@{ \$data } - 1 };
# wants values
elsif ( $params->{'getvals'} ) {
eval qq{ map { ($q) ? (\$data->[\$_]) : () } 0 .. \@{ \$data } - 1 };
# wants pairs
else {
eval qq{ map { ($q) ? (\$_ => \$data->[\$_]) : () } 0 .. \@{ \$data } - 1 };
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Find items in HASH.
## Called by MCE::Shared::{ Cache, Hash, Minidb, Ordhash }.
sub _find_hash {
my ( $data, $params, $query, $obj ) = @_;
my $q = _compile( $query );
my $grepvals = 0;
# hash key
$q =~ s/key[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$_ $1/gi;
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(key\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(key\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
# Minidb (HoH) field
if ( exists $params->{'hfind'} ) {
$q =~ s/\$_ /:%: /g; # preserve $_ from hash key mods above
$q =~ s/([^:%\(\t ]+)[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$data->{\$_}{'$1'} $2/gi;
$q =~ s/:%: /\$_ /g; # restore hash key mods
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(([^\$\)]+)\)/$1(\$data->{\$_}{'$2'})/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(([^\$\)]+)\)/$1(\$data->{\$_}{'$2'})/gi;
# Minidb (HoA) field
elsif ( exists $params->{'lfind'} ) {
$q =~ s/\$_ /:%: /g; # preserve $_ from hash key mods above
$q =~ s/([^:%\(\t ]+)[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$data->{\$_}['$1'] $2/gi;
$q =~ s/:%: /\$_ /g; # restore hash key mods
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(([^\$\)]+)\)/$1(\$data->{\$_}['$2'])/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(([^\$\)]+)\)/$1(\$data->{\$_}['$2'])/gi;
# Cache/Hash/Ordhash value
elsif ( $params->{'getvals'} && $q !~ /\(\$_/ ) {
$grepvals = 1;
$q =~ s/val[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$_ $1/gi;
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(val\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(val\)/$1(\$_)/gi;
else {
$q =~ s/val[ ]+(==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|=~|!~)/\$data->{\$_} $1/gi;
$q =~ s/(looks_like_number)\(val\)/$1(\$data->{\$_})/gi;
$q =~ s/(!ref)\(val\)/$1(\$data->{\$_})/gi;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print {*STDERR} "\nfind error: $_[0]\n query: $query\n eval : $q\n";
# wants keys
if ( $params->{'getkeys'} ) {
eval qq{
map { ($q) ? (\$_) : () }
( \$obj ? \$obj->keys : CORE::keys \%{\$data} )
# wants values
elsif ( $params->{'getvals'} ) {
? eval qq{
grep { ($q) }
( \$obj ? \$obj->vals : CORE::values \%{\$data} )
: eval qq{
map { ($q) ? (\$data->{\$_}) : () }
( \$obj ? \$obj->keys : CORE::keys \%{\$data} )
# wants pairs
else {
eval qq{
map { ($q) ? (\$_ => \$data->{\$_}) : () }
( \$obj ? \$obj->keys : CORE::keys \%{\$data} )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Miscellaneous.
sub _stringify { no overloading; "$_[0]" }
sub _numify { no overloading; 0 + $_[0] }
# Croak handler.
sub _croak {
if ( $INC{'MCE.pm'} ) {
goto &MCE::_croak;
elsif ( $INC{'MCE::Signal.pm'} ) {
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&MCE::Signal::_die_handler;
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&MCE::Signal::_warn_handler;
$\ = undef; goto &Carp::croak;
else {
require Carp unless $INC{'Carp.pm'};
$\ = undef; goto &Carp::croak;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Common API for MCE::Shared::{ Array, Cache, Hash, Minidb, Ordhash }.
package MCE::Shared::Base::Common;
# pipeline ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
sub pipeline {
my $self = shift;
my $tmp; $tmp = pop if ( defined wantarray );
while ( @_ ) {
my $cmd = shift; next unless ( ref $cmd eq 'ARRAY' );
if ( my $code = $self->can(shift @{ $cmd }) ) {
$code->($self, @{ $cmd });
if ( defined $tmp ) {
my $code;
return ( ref $tmp eq 'ARRAY' && ( $code = $self->can(shift @{ $tmp }) ) )
? $code->($self, @{ $tmp })
: undef;
# pipeline_ex ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
sub pipeline_ex {
my $self = shift;
my $code;
map {
( ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && ( $code = $self->can(shift @{ $_ }) ) )
? $code->($self, @{ $_ })
: undef;
} @_;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Base - Base package for helper classes
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Base version 1.862
Common functions for L<MCE::Shared>. There is no public API.
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Hobo>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>