## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Hash helper class.
package MCE::Shared::Hash;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010001;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric );
our $VERSION = '1.862';
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
use MCE::Shared::Base ();
use base 'MCE::Shared::Base::Common';
use bytes;
use overload (
q("") => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_stringify,
q(0+) => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_numify,
fallback => 1
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Based on Tie::StdHash from Tie::Hash.
my $self = bless {}, shift;
%{ $self } = @_ if @_;
sub STORE { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } = $_[2] }
sub FETCH { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub DELETE { delete $_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = keys %{ $_[0] }; each %{ $_[0] } }
sub NEXTKEY { each %{ $_[0] } }
sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub CLEAR { %{ $_[0] } = () }
sub SCALAR { scalar keys %{ $_[0] } }
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## _find, clone, flush, iterator, keys, pairs, values
# _find ( { getkeys => 1 }, "query string" )
# _find ( { getvals => 1 }, "query string" )
# _find ( "query string" ) # pairs
sub _find {
my $self = shift;
my $params = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
my $query = shift;
MCE::Shared::Base::_find_hash( $self, $params, $query );
# clone ( key [, key, ... ] )
# clone ( )
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my $params = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
my %data;
if ( @_ ) {
@data{ @_ } = @{ $self }{ @_ };
else {
%data = %{ $self };
$self->clear() if $params->{'flush'};
bless \%data, ref $self;
# flush ( key [, key, ... ] )
# flush ( )
sub flush {
shift()->clone( { flush => 1 }, @_ );
# iterator ( key [, key, ... ] )
# iterator ( "query string" )
# iterator ( )
sub iterator {
my ( $self, @keys ) = @_;
if ( ! @keys ) {
@keys = CORE::keys %{ $self };
elsif ( @keys == 1 && $keys[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
@keys = $self->keys($keys[0]);
return sub {
return unless @keys;
my $key = shift @keys;
return ( $key => $self->{ $key } );
# keys ( key [, key, ... ] )
# keys ( "query string" )
# keys ( )
sub keys {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ == 1 && $_[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
$self->_find({ getkeys => 1 }, @_);
else {
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? map { exists $self->{ $_ } ? $_ : undef } @_
: CORE::keys %{ $self };
else {
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
# pairs ( key [, key, ... ] )
# pairs ( "query string" )
# pairs ( )
sub pairs {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ == 1 && $_[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
else {
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? map { $_ => $self->{ $_ } } @_
: %{ $self };
else {
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
# values ( key [, key, ... ] )
# values ( "query string" )
# values ( )
sub values {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ == 1 && $_[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
$self->_find({ getvals => 1 }, @_);
else {
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? @{ $self }{ @_ }
: CORE::values %{ $self };
else {
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## assign, mdel, mexists, mget, mset
# assign ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
sub assign {
$_[0]->clear; shift()->mset(@_);
# mdel ( key [, key, ... ] )
sub mdel {
my $self = shift;
my ( $cnt, $key ) = ( 0 );
while ( @_ ) {
$key = shift;
$cnt++, delete($self->{ $key }) if ( exists $self->{ $key } );
# mexists ( key [, key, ... ] )
sub mexists {
my $self = shift;
my $key;
while ( @_ ) {
$key = shift;
return '' unless ( exists $self->{ $key } );
# mget ( key [, key, ... ] )
sub mget {
my $self = shift;
@_ ? @{ $self }{ @_ } : ();
# mset ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
sub mset {
my ( $self, $key ) = ( shift );
while ( @_ ) {
$key = shift, $self->{ $key } = shift;
defined wantarray ? scalar CORE::keys %{ $self } : ();
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Sugar API, mostly resembles http://redis.io/commands#string primitives.
# append ( key, string )
sub append {
length( $_[0]->{ $_[1] } .= $_[2] // '' );
# decr ( key )
# decrby ( key, number )
# incr ( key )
# incrby ( key, number )
# getdecr ( key )
# getincr ( key )
sub decr { --$_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub decrby { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } -= $_[2] || 0 }
sub incr { ++$_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub incrby { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } += $_[2] || 0 }
sub getdecr { $_[0]->{ $_[1] }-- // 0 }
sub getincr { $_[0]->{ $_[1] }++ // 0 }
# getset ( key, value )
sub getset {
my $old = $_[0]->{ $_[1] };
$_[0]->{ $_[1] } = $_[2];
# len ( key )
# len ( )
sub len {
( defined $_[1] )
? length $_[0]->{ $_[1] }
: scalar CORE::keys %{ $_[0] };
no strict 'refs';
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::new' } = \&TIEHASH;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::set' } = \&STORE;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::get' } = \&FETCH;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::delete' } = \&DELETE;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::exists' } = \&EXISTS;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::clear' } = \&CLEAR;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::del' } = \&delete;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::merge' } = \&mset;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::vals' } = \&values;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Hash - Hash helper class
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Hash version 1.862
A hash helper class for use as a standalone or managed by L<MCE::Shared>.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Hash;
my $ha = MCE::Shared::Hash->new( @pairs );
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
my $ha = MCE::Shared->hash( @pairs );
# hash-like dereferencing
my $val = $ha->{$key};
$ha->{$key} = $val;
%{$ha} = ();
# OO interface
if ( !defined ( $val = $ha->get("some_key") ) ) {
$val = $ha->set( some_key => "some_value" );
$val = $ha->set( $key, $val );
$val = $ha->get( $key );
$val = $ha->delete( $key ); # del is an alias for delete
$bool = $ha->exists( $key );
void = $ha->clear();
$len = $ha->len(); # scalar keys %{ $ha }
$len = $ha->len( $key ); # length $ha->{ $key }
$ha2 = $ha->clone( @keys ); # @keys is optional
$ha3 = $ha->flush( @keys );
$iter = $ha->iterator( @keys ); # ($key, $val) = $iter->()
@keys = $ha->keys( @keys );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( @keys );
@vals = $ha->values( @keys ); # vals is an alias for values
$len = $ha->assign( $key/$val pairs ); # equivalent to ->clear, ->mset
$cnt = $ha->mdel( @keys );
@vals = $ha->mget( @keys );
$bool = $ha->mexists( @keys ); # true if all keys exists
$len = $ha->mset( $key/$val pairs ); # merge is an alias for mset
# included, sugar methods without having to call set/get explicitly
$len = $ha->append( $key, $string ); # $val .= $string
$val = $ha->decr( $key ); # --$val
$val = $ha->decrby( $key, $number ); # $val -= $number
$val = $ha->getdecr( $key ); # $val--
$val = $ha->getincr( $key ); # $val++
$val = $ha->incr( $key ); # ++$val
$val = $ha->incrby( $key, $number ); # $val += $number
$old = $ha->getset( $key, $new ); # $o = $v, $v = $n, $o
# pipeline, provides atomicity for shared objects, MCE::Shared v1.09+
@vals = $ha->pipeline( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
[ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
[ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
[ "set", baz => "c_c" ],
[ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ]
For normal hash behavior, the TIE interface is supported.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Hash;
tie my %ha, "MCE::Shared::Hash";
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
tie my %ha, "MCE::Shared";
# usage
my $val;
if ( !defined ( $val = $ha{some_key} ) ) {
$val = $ha{some_key} = "some_value";
$ha{some_key} = 0;
tied(%ha)->incrby("some_key", 20);
tied(%ha)->incrby(some_key => 20);
Several methods take a query string for an argument. The format of the string
is described below. In the context of sharing, the query mechanism is beneficial
for the shared-manager process. It is able to perform the query where the data
resides versus the client-process grep locally involving lots of IPC.
o Basic demonstration
@keys = $ha->keys( "query string given here" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "val =~ /pattern/" );
o Supported operators: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
o Multiple expressions delimited by :AND or :OR, mixed case allowed
"key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
"key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
"key =~ /pattern/i :And val =~ /pattern/i"
"val eq foo baz :OR key !~ /pattern/i"
* key matches on keys in the hash
* likewise, val matches on values
o Quoting is optional inside the string
"key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq 'foo bar'" # val eq "foo bar"
"key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq foo bar" # val eq "foo bar"
# search capability key/val: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
# key/val means to match against actual key/val respectively
@keys = $ha->keys( "key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "key !~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "val =~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "val !~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "key == $number" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "key != $number :and val > 100" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "key < $number :or key > $number" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "val <= $number" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "val > $number" );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( "val >= $number" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "key eq $string" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "key ne $string with space" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "key lt $string :or val =~ /$pat1|$pat2/" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "val le $string :and val eq 'foo bar'" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "val le $string :and val eq foo bar" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "val gt $string" );
@vals = $ha->vals( "val ge $string" );
This module may involve TIE when accessing the object via hash-like behavior.
Only shared instances are impacted if doing so. Although likely fast enough for
many use cases, the OO interface is recommended for best performance.
=head2 MCE::Shared::Hash->new ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
=head2 MCE::Shared->hash ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Constructs a new object, with an optional list of key-value pairs.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Hash;
$ha = MCE::Shared::Hash->new( @pairs );
$ha = MCE::Shared::Hash->new( );
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
$ha = MCE::Shared->hash( @pairs );
$ha = MCE::Shared->hash( );
=head2 assign ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Clears the hash, then sets multiple key-value pairs and returns the number of
keys stored in the hash. This is equivalent to C<clear>, C<mset>.
$len = $ha->assign( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" ); # 2
$len = %{$ha} = ( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" ); # 4
API available since 1.007.
=head2 clear
Removes all key-value pairs from the hash.
%{$ha} = ();
=head2 clone ( key [, key, ... ] )
Creates a shallow copy, a C<MCE::Shared::Hash> object. It returns an exact
copy if no arguments are given. Otherwise, the object includes only the given
keys. Keys that do not exist in the hash will have the C<undef> value.
$ha2 = $ha->clone( "key1", "key2" );
$ha2 = $ha->clone;
=head2 delete ( key )
Deletes and returns the value by given key or C<undef> if the key does not
exists in the hash.
$val = $ha->delete( "some_key" );
$val = delete $ha->{ "some_key" };
=head2 del
C<del> is an alias for C<delete>.
=head2 exists ( key )
Determines if a key exists in the hash.
if ( $ha->exists( "some_key" ) ) { ... }
if ( exists $ha->{ "some_key" } ) { ... }
=head2 flush ( key [, key, ... ] )
Same as C<clone>. Though, clears all existing items before returning.
=head2 get ( key )
Gets the value of a hash key or C<undef> if the key does not exists.
$val = $ha->get( "some_key" );
$val = $ha->{ "some_key" };
=head2 iterator ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs stored in
the hash when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns a code reference for
iterating the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have
the C<undef> value.
The list of keys to return is set when the closure is constructed. Later keys
added to the hash are not included. Subsequently, the C<undef> value is
returned for deleted keys.
$iter = $ha->iterator;
$iter = $ha->iterator( "key1", "key2" );
while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) {
=head2 iterator ( "query string" )
Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs that match
the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing.
The syntax for the C<query string> is described above.
$iter = $ha->iterator( "val eq some_value" );
$iter = $ha->iterator( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
$iter = $ha->iterator( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
$iter = $ha->iterator( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) {
=head2 keys ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns all keys in the hash when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns
the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the C<undef>
value. In scalar context, returns the size of the hash.
@keys = $ha->keys( "key1", "key2" );
@keys = $ha->keys; # faster
@keys = keys %{$ha}; # involves TIE overhead
$len = $ha->keys; # ditto
$len = keys %{$ha};
=head2 keys ( "query string" )
Returns only keys that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list
if the search found nothing. The syntax for the C<query string> is described
above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.
@keys = $ha->keys( "val eq some_value" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
@keys = $ha->keys( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
$len = $ha->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
=head2 len ( key )
Returns the size of the hash when no arguments are given. For the given key,
returns the length of the value stored at key or the C<undef> value if the
key does not exists.
$size = $ha->len;
$len = $ha->len( "key1" );
$len = length $ha->{ "key1" };
=head2 mdel ( key [, key, ... ] )
Deletes one or more keys in the hash and returns the number of keys deleted.
A given key which does not exist in the hash is not counted.
$cnt = $ha->mdel( "key1", "key2" );
=head2 mexists ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns a true value if all given keys exists in the hash. A false value is
returned otherwise.
if ( $ha->mexists( "key1", "key2" ) ) { ... }
=head2 mget ( key [, key, ... ] )
Gets the values of all given keys. It returns C<undef> for keys which do not
exists in the hash.
( $val1, $val2 ) = $ha->mget( "key1", "key2" );
=head2 mset ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Sets multiple key-value pairs in a hash and returns the number of keys stored
in the hash.
$len = $ha->mset( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );
=head2 merge
C<merge> is an alias for C<mset>.
=head2 pairs ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns key-value pairs in the hash when no arguments are given. Otherwise,
returns key-value pairs for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not
exist will have the C<undef> value. In scalar context, returns the size of the
@pairs = $ha->pairs( "key1", "key2" );
@pairs = $ha->pairs;
$len = $ha->pairs;
=head2 pairs ( "query string" )
Returns only key-value pairs that match the given criteria. It returns an
empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the C<query string> is
described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.
@pairs = $ha->pairs( "val eq some_value" );
@pairs = $ha->pairs( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
@pairs = $ha->pairs( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
$len = $ha->pairs( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
=head2 pipeline ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
Combines multiple commands for the object to be processed serially. For shared
objects, the call is made atomically due to single IPC to the shared-manager
process. The C<pipeline> method is fully C<wantarray>-aware and receives a list
of commands and their arguments. In scalar or list context, it returns data
from the last command in the pipeline.
@vals = $ha->pipeline( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
[ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
[ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
[ "set", baz => "c_c" ],
[ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ]
$len = $ha->pipeline( # 3, same as $ha->len
[ "set", foo => "i_i" ],
[ "set", bar => "j_j" ],
[ "set", baz => "k_k" ],
[ "len" ]
[ "set", foo => "m_m" ],
[ "set", bar => "n_n" ],
[ "set", baz => "o_o" ]
Current API available since 1.809.
=head2 pipeline_ex ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
Same as C<pipeline>, but returns data for every command in the pipeline.
@vals = $ha->pipeline_ex( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
[ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
[ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
[ "set", baz => "c_c" ]
Current API available since 1.809.
=head2 set ( key, value )
Sets the value of the given hash key and returns its new value.
$val = $ha->set( "key", "value" );
$val = $ha->{ "key" } = "value";
=head2 values ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns all values in the hash when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns
values for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have
the C<undef> value. In scalar context, returns the size of the hash.
@vals = $ha->values( "key1", "key2" );
@vals = $ha->values; # faster
@vals = values %{$ha}; # involves TIE overhead
$len = $ha->values; # ditto
$len = values %{$ha};
=head2 values ( "query string" )
Returns only values that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list
if the search found nothing. The syntax for the C<query string> is described
above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.
@vals = $ha->values( "val eq some_value" );
@vals = $ha->values( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
@vals = $ha->values( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
$len = $ha->values( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
=head2 vals
C<vals> is an alias for C<values>.
This module is equipped with sugar methods to not have to call C<set>
and C<get> explicitly. In shared context, the benefit is atomicity and
reduction in inter-process communication.
The API resembles a subset of the Redis primitives
L<http://redis.io/commands#strings> with key representing the hash key.
=head2 append ( key, string )
Appends a value to a key and returns its new length.
$len = $ha->append( $key, "foo" );
=head2 decr ( key )
Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its new value.
$num = $ha->decr( $key );
=head2 decrby ( key, number )
Decrements the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.
$num = $ha->decrby( $key, 2 );
=head2 getdecr ( key )
Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its old value.
$old = $ha->getdecr( $key );
=head2 getincr ( key )
Increments the value of a key by one and returns its old value.
$old = $ha->getincr( $key );
=head2 getset ( key, value )
Sets the value of a key and returns its old value.
$old = $ha->getset( $key, "baz" );
=head2 incr ( key )
Increments the value of a key by one and returns its new value.
$num = $ha->incr( $key );
=head2 incrby ( key, number )
Increments the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.
$num = $ha->incrby( $key, 2 );
=head1 CREDITS
The implementation is inspired by L<Tie::StdHash>.
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Hobo>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>