## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010001;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric once );
package MCE::Shared::Server;
our $VERSION = '1.862';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen)
use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'threads';
use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'threads::shared';
no overloading;
use Carp ();
use Storable ();
my ($_has_threads, $_spawn_child, $_freeze, $_thaw);
local $@;
eval 'use IO::FDPass ();'
if ( ! $INC{'IO/FDPass.pm'} && $^O ne 'cygwin' );
$_has_threads = $INC{'threads.pm'} ? 1 : 0;
$_spawn_child = $_has_threads ? 0 : 1;
if ( ! $INC{'PDL.pm'} ) {
eval 'use Sereal::Encoder 3.015; use Sereal::Decoder 3.015;';
if ( ! $@ ) {
my $_encoder_ver = int( Sereal::Encoder->VERSION() );
my $_decoder_ver = int( Sereal::Decoder->VERSION() );
if ( $_encoder_ver - $_decoder_ver == 0 ) {
$_freeze = \&Sereal::Encoder::encode_sereal;
$_thaw = \&Sereal::Decoder::decode_sereal;
if ( ! defined $_freeze ) {
$_freeze = \&Storable::freeze;
$_thaw = \&Storable::thaw;
sub _get_freeze { $_freeze; }
sub _get_thaw { $_thaw; }
use IO::Handle ();
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed looks_like_number reftype weaken );
use Socket qw( SOL_SOCKET SO_RCVBUF );
use Time::HiRes qw( alarm sleep time );
use MCE::Util 1.838 ();
use MCE::Signal ();
use MCE::Mutex ();
use bytes;
## The POSIX module has many symbols. Try not loading it simply
## to have WNOHANG. The following covers most platforms.
use constant {
_WNOHANG => ( $INC{'POSIX.pm'} )
? &POSIX::WNOHANG : ( $^O eq 'solaris' ) ? 64 : 1
use constant {
# Max data channels. This cannot be greater than 8 on MSWin32.
DATA_CHANNELS => ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 8 : 10,
SHR_M_NEW => 'M~NEW', # New share
SHR_M_CID => 'M~CID', # ClientID request
SHR_M_DEE => 'M~DEE', # Deeply shared
SHR_M_INC => 'M~INC', # Increment count
SHR_M_OBJ => 'M~OBJ', # Object request
SHR_M_OB0 => 'M~OB0', # Object request - thaw'less
SHR_M_OB1 => 'M~OB1', # Object request - thaw'less
SHR_M_OB2 => 'M~OB2', # Object request - thaw'less
SHR_M_DES => 'M~DES', # Destroy request
SHR_M_EXP => 'M~EXP', # Export request
SHR_M_INX => 'M~INX', # Iterator next
SHR_M_IRW => 'M~IRW', # Iterator rewind
SHR_M_STP => 'M~STP', # Exit loop
SHR_O_PDL => 'O~PDL', # PDL::ins inplace(this),what,coords
SHR_O_DAT => 'O~DAT', # Get MCE::Hobo data
SHR_O_CLR => 'O~CLR', # Clear
SHR_O_FCH => 'O~FCH', # Fetch
SHR_O_SZE => 'O~SZE', # Size
WA_ARRAY => 1, # Wants list
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Private functions.
my ($_SVR, %_all, %_obj, %_ob2, %_ob3, %_itr, %_new) = (undef);
my ($_next_id, $_is_client, $_init_pid, $_svr_pid) = (0, 1);
my $LF = "\012"; Internals::SvREADONLY($LF, 1);
my %_export_nul;
my @_db_modules = qw(
AnyDBM_File DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File ODBM_File SDBM_File
BerkeleyDB::Btree BerkeleyDB::Hash BerkeleyDB::Queue
BerkeleyDB::Recno CDB_File KyotoCabinet::DB SQLite_File
TokyoCabinet::ADB TokyoCabinet::BDB TokyoCabinet::HDB
Tie::Array::DBD Tie::Hash::DBD
my $_sig;
my $_sigint = sub { $_sig = 'INT' };
my $_sigterm = sub { $_sig = 'TERM' };
my $_is_MSWin32 = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
my $_tid = $_has_threads ? threads->tid() : 0;
my $_oid = "$$.$_tid";
sub _croak {
Carp::carp($_[0]); MCE::Signal::stop_and_exit('INT');
sub CLONE {
$_tid = threads->tid() if $_has_threads;
CORE::kill('KILL', $$)
if ($_is_MSWin32 && $MCE::Signal::KILLED);
if ($_init_pid && $_init_pid eq "$$.$_tid" && $_is_client);
sub _new {
my ($_class, $_deeply, %_hndls) = ($_[0]->{class}, $_[0]->{_DEEPLY_});
my $_has_fh = ($_class =~ /^MCE::Shared::(?:Condvar|Queue)$/);
if (!$_svr_pid) {
# Minimum support on platforms without IO::FDPass (not installed).
# Condvar and Queue must be shared first before others.
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef, return _share(@_)
if $_has_fh && !$INC{'IO/FDPass.pm'};
if ($_has_fh) {
_croak("Sharing module '$_class' while the server is running\n".
"requires the 'IO::FDPass' module, missing in Perl")
if !$INC{'IO/FDPass.pm'};
for my $_k (qw(
_qw_sock _qr_sock _aw_sock _ar_sock _cw_sock _cr_sock
_mutex_0 _mutex_1 _mutex_2 _mutex_3 _mutex_4 _mutex_5
)) {
if ( defined $_[1]->{ $_k } ) {
$_hndls{ $_k } = delete $_[1]->{ $_k };
$_[1]->{ $_k } = undef;
my ($_id, $_len);
my $_chn = $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1;
my $_DAT_LOCK = $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_chn};
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[0];
my $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[$_chn];
# Sereal cannot encode $DB_RECNO. Therefore, must encode using Storable.
# Error: DB_File::RECNOINFO does not define the method FIRSTKEY
# my $ob = tie my @db, 'MCE::Shared', { module => 'DB_File' }, $file,
# O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_RECNO or die "open error '$file': $!";
my $_buf = Storable::freeze(shift);
my $_bu2 = Storable::freeze([ @_ ]);
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_DAT_LOCK->lock() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} SHR_M_NEW.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} length($_buf).$LF, $_buf, length($_bu2).$LF, $_bu2,
(keys %_hndls ? 1 : 0).$LF);
undef($_buf), undef($_bu2);
if (keys %_hndls) {
for my $_k (qw( _qw_sock _qr_sock _aw_sock _cw_sock )) {
if (exists $_hndls{ $_k }) {
IO::FDPass::send( fileno $_DAU_W_SOCK, fileno $_hndls{ $_k } );
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>), chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len) if $_len;
$_DAT_LOCK->unlock() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
$! = $_id, return '' unless $_len;
if (keys %_hndls) {
$_all{ $_id } = $_class;
$_obj{ $_id } = \%_hndls;
if (!$_deeply) {
# for auto-destroy
$_new{ $_id } = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
return $_thaw->($_buf);
sub _incr_count {
return unless $_svr_pid;
my $_chn = $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1;
my $_DAT_LOCK = $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_chn};
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[0];
my $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[$_chn];
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_DAT_LOCK->lock() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} SHR_M_INC.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[0].$LF);
$_DAT_LOCK->unlock() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
sub _share {
my ($_params, $_item) = (shift, shift);
my $_class = delete $_params->{'class'};
my $_id = ++$_next_id;
if ($_class eq ':construct_module:') {
my ($_module, $_fcn) = ($_params->{module}, pop @{ $_item });
my $_has_args = @{ $_item } ? 1 : 0; local $@;
($_module) = $_module =~ /(.*)/; # remove tainted'ness
($_fcn ) = $_fcn =~ /(.*)/;
MCE::Shared::_use( $_class = $_module ) or _croak("$@\n");
_croak("Can't locate object method \"$_fcn\" via package \"$_module\"")
unless eval qq{ $_module->can('$_fcn') };
$! = 0; $_item = $_module->$_fcn(@{ $_item }) or return '';
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef if ($_class->isa('Graphics::Framebuffer'));
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef if ($_fcn eq 'TIEHANDLE');
return '' if (
$_has_args && $_fcn eq 'TIEHANDLE' && !defined(fileno $_item)
elsif ($_class eq ':construct_pdl:') {
local $@; local $SIG{__DIE__};
$_class = 'PDL', $_item = eval q{
use PDL; my $_func = pop @{ $_item };
if ($_func eq 'byte' ) { byte (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'short' ) { short (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'ushort' ) { ushort (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'long' ) { long (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'longlong') { longlong (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'float' ) { float (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'double' ) { double (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'ones' ) { ones (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'random' ) { random (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'sequence') { sequence (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'zeroes' ) { zeroes (@{ $_item }); }
elsif ($_func eq 'indx' ) { indx (@{ $_item }); }
else { pdl (@{ $_item }); }
$_all{ $_id } = $_class;
$_ob3{"$_id:count"} = 1;
if ($_class eq 'MCE::Shared::Handle' && reftype $_item eq 'ARRAY') {
require Symbol unless $INC{'Symbol.pm'};
$_obj{ $_id } = Symbol::gensym();
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef;
bless $_obj{ $_id }, $_class;
else {
$_obj{ $_id } = $_item;
if ( reftype $_obj{ $_id } eq 'HASH' &&
reftype $_obj{ $_id }->{'fh'} eq 'GLOB' ) {
if ( $_class->isa('Tie::File') ) {
# enable autoflush, enable raw layer
$_obj{ $_id }->{'fh'}->autoflush(1);
binmode($_obj{ $_id }->{'fh'}, ':raw');
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef;
my $self = bless [ $_id, $_class ], 'MCE::Shared::Object';
$_ob2{ $_id } = $_freeze->([ $self ]);
if ( $_params->{tied} ) {
# set encoder/decoder upon receipt in MCE::Shared::_tie
for my $_module ( @_db_modules ) {
$self->[2] = 1, last if $_class->isa($_module);
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef if $self->[2];
return $self;
sub _start {
return if $_svr_pid;
if ($INC{'PDL.pm'}) {
local $@;
eval 'use PDL::IO::Storable' unless $INC{'PDL/IO/Storable.pm'};
eval 'PDL::no_clone_skip_warning()';
local $_; $_init_pid = "$$.$_tid";
my $_data_channels = ($_init_pid eq $_oid)
? ( $INC{'MCE/Channel.pm'} ? 6 : DATA_CHANNELS )
: 2;
$_SVR = { _data_channels => $_data_channels };
# Defaults to misc channel used by _new, _get_hobo_data, and export.
MCE::Util::_sock_pair($_SVR, qw(_dat_r_sock _dat_w_sock), $_)
for (0 .. $_data_channels + 1);
setsockopt($_SVR->{_dat_r_sock}[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 4096)
if ($^O ne 'aix' && $^O ne 'linux');
if ($_is_MSWin32) {
for (1 .. $_data_channels + 1) {
my $_mutex;
$_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_} = threads::shared::share($_mutex);
else {
$_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_} = MCE::Mutex->new( impl => 'Channel' )
for (1 .. $_data_channels + 1);
local $SIG{TTIN} unless $_is_MSWin32;
local $SIG{TTOU} unless $_is_MSWin32;
local $SIG{WINCH} unless $_is_MSWin32;
if ($_spawn_child) {
$_svr_pid = fork();
_loop() if (defined $_svr_pid && $_svr_pid == 0);
else {
$_svr_pid = threads->create(\&_loop);
$_svr_pid->detach() if defined $_svr_pid;
_croak("cannot start the shared-manager process: $!")
unless (defined $_svr_pid);
sleep(0.005) if (!$_spawn_child || $_is_MSWin32);
sub _stop {
return unless ($_is_client && $_init_pid && $_init_pid eq "$$.$_tid");
MCE::Child->finish('MCE') if $INC{'MCE/Child.pm'};
MCE::Hobo->finish('MCE') if $INC{'MCE/Hobo.pm'};
local ($!, $?, $@);
if (defined $_svr_pid) {
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[0];
if (ref $_svr_pid) {
eval { $_svr_pid->kill('KILL') };
else {
my $_start = time;
eval {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
print {$_DAT_W_SOCK} SHR_M_STP.$LF.'0'.$LF;
while () {
last if waitpid($_svr_pid, _WNOHANG);
if ( time - $_start > 0.5 ) {
CORE::kill('USR2', $_svr_pid);
waitpid($_svr_pid, 0);
sleep 0.045;
$_init_pid = $_svr_pid = undef;
%_all = (), %_obj = ();
MCE::Util::_destroy_socks($_SVR, qw( _dat_w_sock _dat_r_sock ));
for my $_i (1 .. $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1) {
delete $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_i};
sub _pid {
return ref($_svr_pid) ? int($_init_pid) : $_svr_pid;
sub _destroy {
my ($_lkup, $_item, $_id) = @_;
# safety for circular references to not destroy dangerously
return if exists $_ob3{ "$_id:count" } && --$_ob3{ "$_id:count" } > 0;
# safety for circular references to not loop endlessly
return if exists $_lkup->{ $_id };
$_lkup->{ $_id } = undef;
if (exists $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" }) {
for my $_oid (keys %{ $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" } }) {
_destroy($_lkup, $_obj{ $_oid }, $_oid);
delete $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" };
elsif (exists $_obj{ $_id }) {
if ($_obj{ $_id }->isa('MCE::Shared::Scalar') ||
$_obj{ $_id }->isa('Tie::StdScalar')) {
if (blessed($_item->FETCH())) {
my $_oid = $_item->FETCH()->SHARED_ID();
_destroy($_lkup, $_obj{ $_oid }, $_oid);
undef ${ $_obj{ $_id } };
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->isa('Tie::File')) { $_obj{ $_id }->flush(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('sync')) { $_obj{ $_id }->sync(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('db_sync')) { $_obj{ $_id }->db_sync(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('close')) { $_obj{ $_id }->close(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('DESTROY')) { delete $_obj{ $_id }; }
elsif (reftype $_obj{ $_id } eq 'GLOB') {
close $_obj{ $_id } if defined(fileno $_obj{ $_id });
weaken( delete $_obj{ $_id } ) if exists($_obj{ $_id });
weaken( delete $_itr{ $_id } ) if exists($_itr{ $_id });
delete($_itr{ "$_id:args" }), delete($_all{ $_id }),
delete($_ob3{ "$_id:count" }), delete($_ob2{ $_id });
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Server loop.
sub _exit {
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { } unless $_tid;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
# Flush file handles.
for my $_id ( keys %_obj ) {
eval {
if ($_obj{ $_id }->isa('Tie::File')) { $_obj{ $_id }->flush(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('sync')) { $_obj{ $_id }->sync(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('db_sync')) { $_obj{ $_id }->db_sync(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('close')) { $_obj{ $_id }->close(); }
elsif ($_obj{ $_id }->can('DESTROY')) { delete $_obj{ $_id }; }
elsif (reftype $_obj{ $_id } eq 'GLOB') {
close $_obj{ $_id } if defined(fileno $_obj{ $_id });
# Destroy non-exportable objects.
for my $_id ( keys %_all ) {
eval {
weaken( delete $_obj{ $_id } )
if ( exists $_export_nul{ $_all{ $_id } } );
# Wait for the main thread to exit.
if ( !$_spawn_child && ($_is_MSWin32 || $INC{'Tk.pm'} || $INC{'Wx.pm'}) ) {
sleep 1.0;
if ( !$_spawn_child || ($_has_threads && $_is_MSWin32) ) {
CORE::kill('KILL', $$) unless $_is_MSWin32;
sub _loop {
$_is_client = 0;
local $\ = undef; local $/ = $LF; $| = 1;
my $_running_inside_eval = $^S;
if ($_init_pid eq $_oid) {
$SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub {};
$SIG{KILL} = \&_exit if !$_spawn_child;
$SIG{USR2} = \&_exit if !$_is_MSWin32;
if ($_spawn_child && !$_is_MSWin32) {
$SIG{PIPE} = sub {
$SIG{PIPE} = sub {}; CORE::kill('PIPE', getppid());
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
if (!defined $^S || $^S) {
if ( ($INC{'threads.pm'} && threads->tid() != 0) ||
) {
# thread env or running inside IPerl, check stack trace
my $_t = Carp::longmess(); $_t =~ s/\teval [^\n]+\n$//;
if ( $_t =~ /^(?:[^\n]+\n){1,7}\teval / ||
$_t =~ /\n\teval [^\n]+\n\t(?:eval|Try)/ );
else {
# normal env, trust $^S
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{__DIE__} = $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
print {*STDERR} defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '';
CORE::kill('INT', $_is_MSWin32 ? -$$ : -getpgrp);
( $_spawn_child && !$_is_MSWin32 )
? CORE::kill('KILL', $$)
: CORE::exit($?);
my ($_id, $_fcn, $_wa, $_len, $_le2, $_func, $_var);
my ($_client_id, $_done) = (0, 0);
my $_channels = $_SVR->{_dat_r_sock};
my $_DAT_R_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_r_sock}[0];
my $_DAU_R_SOCK;
my $_auto_reply = sub {
if ( $_wa == WA_ARRAY ) {
my @_ret = eval { $_var->$_fcn(@_) };
my $_buf = $_freeze->(\@_ret);
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
my $_ret = eval { $_var->$_fcn(@_) };
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_ret).'0'.$LF, $_ret
if ( !looks_like_number $_ret && !ref $_ret && defined $_ret );
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ $_ret ]);
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
my $_fetch = sub {
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF if !defined($_[0]);
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_[0]).'0'.$LF, $_[0]
if ( !looks_like_number $_[0] && !ref $_[0] && defined $_[0] );
my $_buf = ( blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->can('SHARED_ID') )
? $_ob2{ $_[0]->[0] } || $_freeze->([ $_[0] ])
: $_freeze->([ $_[0] ]);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
my $_obj_keys = sub {
my ( $_obj, @_keys, $_cnt ) = ( shift );
return keys %{ $_obj } if $_obj->isa('Tie::StdHash');
return (0 .. $_obj->FETCHSIZE - 1) unless $_obj->can('FIRSTKEY');
if ( wantarray ) {
my $_key = $_obj->FIRSTKEY;
if ( defined $_key ) {
push @_keys, $_key;
# CDB_File expects the $_key argument
while ( defined( $_key = $_obj->NEXTKEY($_key) ) ) {
push @_keys, $_key;
elsif ( $_obj->isa('Tie::ExtraHash') ) {
$_cnt = keys %{ $_obj->[0] };
elsif ( $_obj->isa('Tie::IxHash') ) {
$_cnt = keys %{ $_obj->[2] };
else {
my $_key = $_obj->FIRSTKEY; $_cnt = 0;
if ( defined $_key ) {
$_cnt = 1;
# CDB_File expects the $_key argument
while ( defined( $_key = $_obj->NEXTKEY($_key) ) ) {
wantarray ? @_keys : $_cnt;
my $_iter = sub {
unless ( exists $_itr{ $_id } ) {
my $pkg = $_all{ $_id };
my $flg = ($pkg->can('NEXTKEY') || $pkg->can('keys')) ? 1 : 0;
my $get = $pkg->can('FETCH') ? 'FETCH' : $pkg->can('get') ? 'get' : '';
unless ( ($flg || $pkg->can('FETCHSIZE')) && $get ) {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF;
# MCE::Shared::{ Array, Cache, Hash, Ordhash }, Hash::Ordered,
# or similar module.
$get = 'peek' if $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Cache');
if ( !exists $_itr{ "$_id:args" } ) {
@{ $_itr{ "$_id:args" } } = $pkg->can('keys')
? $_obj{ $_id }->keys()
: $_obj_keys->( $_obj{ $_id } );
else {
my $_args = $_itr{ "$_id:args" };
if ( @{ $_args } == 1 &&
$_args->[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
@{ $_args } = $_obj{ $_id }->keys($_args->[0])
if $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Base::Common');
else {
$_obj{ $_id }->_prune_head()
if $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Cache');
$_itr{ $_id } = sub {
my $_key = shift @{ $_itr{ "$_id:args" } };
print({$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF), return if !defined($_key);
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ $_key, $_obj{ $_id }->$get($_key) ]);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
$_itr{ $_id }->();
my $_warn0 = sub {
if ( $_wa ) {
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ ]);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %_output_function; %_output_function = (
SHR_M_NEW.$LF => sub { # New share
my ($_buf, $_params, $_class, $_args, $_fd, $_item);
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buf, $_len);
$_params = Storable::thaw($_buf);
$_class = $_params->{'class'};
{ local $@; MCE::Shared::_use($_params->{module} || $_class); }
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>), read($_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buf, $_len),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>), print({$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF);
$_args = Storable::thaw($_buf); undef $_buf;
if ($_len) {
$_export_nul{ $_class } = undef;
for my $_k (qw( _qw_sock _qr_sock _aw_sock _cw_sock )) {
if (exists $_args->[0]->{ $_k }) {
delete $_args->[0]->{ $_k };
$_fd = IO::FDPass::recv(fileno $_DAU_R_SOCK); $_fd >= 0
or _croak("cannot receive file handle: $!");
open $_args->[0]->{ $_k }, "+<&=$_fd"
or _croak("cannot convert file discriptor to handle: $!");
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF;
$_item = _share($_params, @{ $_args }) or do {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} int($!).$LF . '0'.$LF;
$_buf = $_freeze->($_item);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $_item->SHARED_ID().$LF .
length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
if ($_class eq 'MCE::Shared::Queue') {
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function, $_freeze, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Queue.pm'};
elsif (reftype $_obj{ $_item->[0] } eq 'GLOB') {
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Handle.pm'};
elsif ($_class eq 'MCE::Shared::Condvar') {
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Condvar.pm'};
SHR_M_CID.$LF => sub { # ClientID request
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} (++$_client_id).$LF;
$_client_id = 0 if ($_client_id > 2e9);
SHR_M_DEE.$LF => sub { # Deeply shared
chomp(my $_id1 = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp(my $_id2 = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
$_ob3{ "$_id1:deeply" }->{ $_id2 } = undef;
SHR_M_INC.$LF => sub { # Increment count
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
$_ob3{ "$_id:count" }++;
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF;
SHR_M_OBJ.$LF => sub { # Object request
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_wa = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len);
$_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return $_warn0->($_fcn) };
$_wa ? $_auto_reply->(@{ $_thaw->($_buf) })
: eval { $_var->$_fcn(@{ $_thaw->($_buf) }) };
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_M_OB0.$LF => sub { # Object request - thaw'less
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_wa = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
$_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return $_warn0->($_fcn) };
my $_code = $_var->can($_fcn) || do {
if ( ($_fcn eq 'keys' || $_fcn eq 'SCALAR') &&
($_var->can('NEXTKEY') || $_var->can('FETCHSIZE')) ) {
else {
$_wa ? $_auto_reply->() : eval { $_var->$_fcn() };
warn $@ if $@;
if ( $_wa == WA_ARRAY ) {
my @_ret = eval { $_code->($_var) };
my $_buf = $_freeze->(\@_ret);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
elsif ( $_wa ) {
my $_ret = eval { $_code->($_var) };
if ( !looks_like_number $_ret && !ref $_ret && defined $_ret ) {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_ret).'0'.$LF, $_ret;
else {
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ $_ret ]);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).'1'.$LF, $_buf;
else {
eval { $_code->($_var) };
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_M_OB1.$LF => sub { # Object request - thaw'less
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_wa = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_arg1), $_len);
$_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return $_warn0->($_fcn) };
$_wa ? $_auto_reply->($_arg1)
: eval { $_var->$_fcn($_arg1) };
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_M_OB2.$LF => sub { # Object request - thaw'less
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_wa = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_le2 = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_arg1), $_len),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_arg2), $_le2);
$_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return $_warn0->($_fcn) };
$_wa ? $_auto_reply->($_arg1, $_arg2)
: eval { $_var->$_fcn($_arg1, $_arg2) };
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_M_DES.$LF => sub { # Destroy request
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
local $SIG{__DIE__};
local $SIG{__WARN__};
$_var = undef; local $@;
eval {
my $_ret = (exists $_all{ $_id }) ? '1' : '0';
_destroy({}, $_obj{ $_id }, $_id) if $_ret;
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF;
SHR_M_EXP.$LF => sub { # Export request
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_keys), $_len) if $_len;
if (exists $_obj{ $_id }) {
my $_buf;
# Do not export: e.g. objects with file handles
if ( exists $_export_nul{ $_all{ $_id } } ) {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF;
# MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, Ordhash }, Hash::Ordered
if ($_obj{ $_id }->can('clone')) {
$_buf = ($_len)
? Storable::freeze($_obj{ $_id }->clone(@{ $_thaw->($_keys) }))
: Storable::freeze($_obj{ $_id });
# Other
else {
$_buf = Storable::freeze($_obj{ $_id });
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
undef $_buf;
else {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF;
SHR_M_INX.$LF => sub { # Iterator next
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
my $_var = $_obj{ $_id };
if ( my $_code = $_var->can('next') ) {
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ $_code->($_var) ]);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
else {
SHR_M_IRW.$LF => sub { # Iterator rewind
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len);
my $_var = $_obj{ $_id };
if ( my $_code = $_var->can('rewind') ) {
$_code->($_var, @{ $_thaw->($_buf) });
else {
weaken( delete $_itr{ $_id } ) if ( exists $_itr{ $_id } );
my @_args = @{ $_thaw->($_buf) };
if ( @_args ) {
$_itr{ "$_id:args" } = \@_args;
} else {
delete $_itr{ "$_id:args" };
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF;
SHR_M_STP.$LF => sub { # Exit loop
$SIG{USR2} = sub {} unless $_is_MSWin32;
$_done = 1;
SHR_O_PDL.$LF => sub { # PDL::ins inplace(this),...
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len);
if ($_all{ $_id } eq 'PDL') {
# PDL ins( inplace($this), $what, @coords );
local @_ = @{ Storable::thaw($_buf) };
if (@_ == 1) {
ins( inplace($_obj{ $_id }), @_, 0, 0 );
elsif (@_ == 2 && $_[0] =~ /^:,(\d+):(\d+)/ && ref($_[1])) {
my $_s = $2 - $1;
ins( inplace($_obj{ $_id }), $_[1]->slice(":,0:$_s"), 0, $1 );
elsif (!ref($_[0]) && $_[0] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$_obj{ $_id }->set(@_);
elsif (@_ == 2) {
$_[0] =~ /^:,(\d+)/;
ins( inplace($_obj{ $_id }), $_[1], 0, $1 // $_[0] );
elsif (@_ > 2) {
ins( inplace($_obj{ $_id }), @_ );
SHR_O_DAT.$LF => sub { # Get MCE::Hobo data
my $_key;
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_key = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
my $attempt = chop $_key;
if ( ! $attempt ) {
delete $_obj{ $_id }{ 'R'.$_key };
delete $_obj{ $_id }{ 'S'.$_key };
if ($attempt > 1 || exists $_obj{ $_id }{ 'R'.$_key }) {
my $result = delete $_obj{ $_id }{ 'R'.$_key } // '';
my $error = delete $_obj{ $_id }{ 'S'.$_key } // '';
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} length($result).$LF . length($error).$LF,
$result, $error;
else {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '0'.$LF . '2'.$LF . '' . '-1';
SHR_O_CLR.$LF => sub { # Clear
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
my $_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return };
if (exists $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" }) {
my $_keep = { $_id => 1 };
for my $_oid (keys %{ $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" } }) {
_destroy($_keep, $_obj{ $_oid }, $_oid);
delete $_ob3{ "$_id:deeply" };
eval { $_var->$_fcn() };
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_O_FCH.$LF => sub { # Fetch
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_key), $_len) if $_len;
my $_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do {
return print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '-1'.$LF;
$_len ? ( chop $_key )
? $_fetch->( eval { $_var->$_fcn(@{ $_thaw->($_key) }) } )
: $_fetch->( eval { $_var->$_fcn($_key) } )
: $_fetch->( eval { $_var->$_fcn() } );
warn $@ if $@;
SHR_O_SZE.$LF => sub { # Size
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fcn = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
$_var = $_obj{ $_id } || do { return $_warn0->($_fcn) };
my $_code = $_var->can($_fcn) || do {
if ( ($_fcn eq 'keys' || $_fcn eq 'SCALAR') &&
($_var->can('NEXTKEY') || $_var->can('FETCHSIZE')) ) {
else {
$_wa = 2, $_auto_reply->();
warn $@ if $@;
$_len = eval { $_code->($_var) };
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $_len.$LF;
warn $@ if $@;
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function, $_freeze, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Queue.pm'};
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Handle.pm'};
\$_DAU_R_SOCK, \%_obj, \%_output_function
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Condvar.pm'};
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call on hash function.
if ($_is_MSWin32) {
# The normal loop hangs on Windows when processes/threads start/exit.
# Using ioctl() properly, http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=780083
my $_val_bytes = "\x00\x00\x00\x00";
my $_ptr_bytes = unpack( 'I', pack('P', $_val_bytes) );
my ($_count, $_nbytes, $_start);
while (!$_done) {
$_start = time, $_count = 1;
IOCTL: ioctl($_DAT_R_SOCK, 0x4004667f, $_ptr_bytes);
unless ($_nbytes = unpack('I', $_val_bytes)) {
if ($_count) {
# delay after a while to not consume a CPU core
$_count = 0 if ++$_count % 50 == 0 && time - $_start > 0.030;
} else {
sleep 0.015;
goto IOCTL;
do {
sysread($_DAT_R_SOCK, $_func, 8);
$_done = 1, last() unless length($_func) == 8;
$_DAU_R_SOCK = $_channels->[ substr($_func, -2, 2, '') ];
} while (($_nbytes -= 8) >= 8);
else {
while (!$_done) {
$_func = <$_DAT_R_SOCK>;
last() unless length($_func) == 6;
$_DAU_R_SOCK = $_channels->[ <$_DAT_R_SOCK> ];
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Object package.
package MCE::Shared::Object;
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number reftype );
use MCE::Shared::Base ();
use bytes;
use constant {
_WNOHANG => ( $INC{'POSIX.pm'} )
? &POSIX::WNOHANG : ( $^O eq 'solaris' ) ? 64 : 1
use constant {
_ID => 0, _CLASS => 1, _ENCODE => 2, _DECODE => 3, # shared object
_DREF => 4, _ITER => 5, _MUTEX => 6,
use constant {
_UNDEF => 0, _ARRAY => 1, _SCALAR => 2, # wantarray
## Below, no circular reference to original, therefore no memory leaks.
use overload (
q("") => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_stringify,
q(0+) => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_numify,
q(@{}) => sub {
no overloading;
$_[0]->[_DREF] || do {
local $@; my $c = $_[0]->[_CLASS];
($c) = $c =~ /(.*)/; # remove tainted'ness
return $_[0] unless eval qq{ eval { require $c }; $c->can('TIEARRAY') };
tie my @a, __PACKAGE__, bless([ @{ $_[0] }[ 0..3 ] ], __PACKAGE__);
$_[0]->[_DREF] = \@a;
q(%{}) => sub {
no overloading;
$_[0]->[_DREF] || do {
local $@; my $c = $_[0]->[_CLASS];
($c) = $c =~ /(.*)/; # remove tainted'ness
return $_[0] unless eval qq{ eval { require $c }; $c->can('TIEHASH') };
tie my %h, __PACKAGE__, bless([ @{ $_[0] }[ 0..3 ] ], __PACKAGE__);
$_[0]->[_DREF] = \%h;
q(${}) => sub {
no overloading;
$_[0]->[_DREF] || do {
local $@; my $c = $_[0]->[_CLASS];
($c) = $c =~ /(.*)/; # remove tainted'ness
return $_[0] unless eval qq{ eval { require $c }; $c->can('TIESCALAR') };
tie my $s, __PACKAGE__, bless([ @{ $_[0] }[ 0..3 ] ], __PACKAGE__);
$_[0]->[_DREF] = \$s;
fallback => 1
no overloading;
my ($_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_chn, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un);
my $_blessed = \&Scalar::Util::blessed;
$_dat_ex = sub { _croak (
"\nPlease start the shared-manager process manually when ready.\n",
"See section labeled \"Extra Functionality\" in MCE::Shared.\n\n"
) };
# Hook for threads.
sub CLONE {
$_tid = threads->tid() if $_has_threads;
&_init($_tid) if $_tid;
# Private functions.
return unless ( $_is_client && defined $_svr_pid && defined $_[0] );
if ( $_spawn_child && $_init_pid && $_init_pid eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
local ($!, $?);
return if ( ! $_svr_pid || waitpid($_svr_pid, _WNOHANG) );
my $_id = $_[0]->[_ID];
if ( exists $_new{ $_id } ) {
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
if ($_new{ $_id } eq $_pid) {
return if $MCE::Signal::KILLED;
delete($_all{ $_id }), delete($_obj{ $_id }),
delete($_new{ $_id }), delete($_ob2{ $_id }),
_req0('M~DES', $_id.$LF);
sub _croak { goto &MCE::Shared::Base::_croak }
sub SHARED_ID { $_[0]->[_ID] }
sub TIEARRAY { $_[1] }
sub TIEHANDLE { $_[1] }
sub TIEHASH { $_[1] }
sub TIESCALAR { $_[1] }
sub _reset {
$_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_chn, \%_obj,
$_freeze, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Condvar.pm'};
$_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_chn, \%_obj,
$_freeze, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Handle.pm'};
$_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_chn, \%_obj,
$_freeze, $_thaw
) if $INC{'MCE/Shared/Queue.pm'};
sub _start {
$_chn = $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1;
$_DAT_LOCK = $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_chn};
$_DAT_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[0];
$_DAU_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[$_chn];
# inlined for performance
$_dat_ex = sub {
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
MCE::Util::_sysread($_DAT_LOCK->{_r_sock}, my($b), 1), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 1
unless $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
$_dat_un = sub {
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
syswrite($_DAT_LOCK->{_w_sock}, '0'), $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid } = 0
if $_DAT_LOCK->{ $_pid };
sub _stop {
$_DAT_LOCK = $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_chn = $_dat_un = undef;
$_dat_ex = sub { _croak (
"\nPlease start the shared-manager process manually when ready.\n",
"See section labeled \"Extra Functionality\" in MCE::Shared.\n\n"
) };
sub _get_client_id {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my $_ret;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print {$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~CID'.$LF . $_chn.$LF;
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return $_ret;
sub _init {
return unless defined $_SVR;
my $_id = $_[0] // &_get_client_id();
$_id = $$ if ( $_id !~ /\d+/ );
$_chn = abs($_id) % $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1;
$_DAT_LOCK = $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_chn};
$_DAU_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[$_chn];
%_new = (), _reset();
return $_id;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Private routines.
# Called by AUTOLOAD, STORE, set, and keys.
my %_nofreeze = map { $_ => undef } qw( enqueue decrby incrby );
sub _auto {
my $_wa = !defined wantarray ? _UNDEF : wantarray ? _ARRAY : _SCALAR;
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
my ( $_buf, $_frozen );
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
if ( @_ == 2 ) {
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~OB0'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]->[_ID].$LF . $_[0].$LF . $_wa.$LF);
elsif ( @_ == 3 && ( !looks_like_number $_[2] || exists $_nofreeze{ $_[0] } )
&& !ref $_[2] && defined $_[2] ) {
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~OB1'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]->[_ID].$LF . $_[0].$LF . $_wa.$LF .
length($_[2]).$LF, $_[2]);
elsif ( @_ == 4 && !looks_like_number $_[3] && !ref $_[3] && defined $_[3]
&& !looks_like_number $_[2] && !ref $_[2] && defined $_[2] ) {
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~OB2'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]->[_ID].$LF . $_[0].$LF . $_wa.$LF .
length($_[2]).$LF . length($_[3]).$LF, $_[2], $_[3]);
else {
my ( $_fcn, $_id, $_tmp ) = ( shift, shift()->[_ID], $_freeze->([ @_ ]) );
my $_buf = $_id.$LF . $_fcn.$LF . $_wa.$LF . length($_tmp).$LF;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~OBJ'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_buf, $_tmp);
if ( $_wa ) {
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
chomp(my $_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_frozen = chop $_len;
read $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len;
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return unless $_wa;
return ( $_wa != _ARRAY )
? $_frozen ? $_thaw->($_buf)[0] : $_buf
: @{ $_thaw->($_buf) };
# Called by MCE::Hobo ( ->join, ->wait_one ).
sub _get_hobo_data {
if ( $_spawn_child && $_init_pid && $_init_pid eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
local ($!, $?);
return if ( ! $_svr_pid || waitpid($_svr_pid, _WNOHANG) );
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my ($_result, $_error);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~DAT'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[0]->[_ID].$LF . $_[1].$_[2].$LF);
if ( $_[2] ) {
chomp(my $_le1 = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>),
chomp(my $_le2 = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_result, $_le1) if $_le1;
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_error, $_le2) if $_le2;
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return ($_result, $_error);
# Called by CLOSE, DESTROY, and destroy using the misc data channel.
sub _req0 {
return unless defined $_DAU_W_SOCK; # (in cleanup)
my $_chn = $_SVR->{_data_channels} + 1;
my $_DAT_LOCK = $_SVR->{'_mutex_'.$_chn};
my $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[0];
my $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_SVR->{_dat_w_sock}[$_chn];
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
my $_ret;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_DAT_LOCK->lock() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} $_[0].$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]);
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_DAT_LOCK->unlock if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
# Called by await, rewind, broadcast, signal, timedwait, and wait.
sub _req1 {
return unless defined $_DAU_W_SOCK; # (in cleanup)
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
my $_ret;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} $_[0].$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]);
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
# Called by PRINT, PRINTF, STORE, ins_inplace, and set.
sub _req2 {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} $_[0].$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1], $_[2]);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
# Called by CLEAR and clear.
sub _req3 {
my ( $_fcn, $self ) = @_;
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
delete $self->[_ITER] if defined $self->[_ITER];
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~CLR'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $self->[_ID].$LF . $_fcn.$LF);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
# Called by FETCH and get.
sub _req4 {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
my ( $_key, $_len, $_buf, $_frozen );
if ( @_ == 3 ) {
$_key = ( !looks_like_number $_[2] || ref $_[2] )
? $_[2].'0' : $_freeze->([ $_[2] ]).'1';
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~FCH'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]->[_ID].$LF . $_[0].$LF . length($_key).$LF, $_key);
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_frozen = chop($_len), read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len)
if ($_len >= 0);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return undef if ($_len < 0);
if ( $_[1]->[_DECODE] && $_[0] eq 'FETCH' ) {
local $@; $_buf = $_thaw->($_buf)[0] if $_frozen;
return eval { $_[1]->[_DECODE]->($_buf) } || $_buf;
$_frozen ? $_thaw->($_buf)[0] : $_buf;
# Called by FETCHSIZE, SCALAR, keys, and pending.
sub _size {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF );
my $_size;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~SZE'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[1]->[_ID].$LF . $_[0].$LF);
chomp($_size = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
length($_size) ? int($_size) : undef;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Common methods.
our $AUTOLOAD; # MCE::Shared::Object::<method_name>
my $_fcn = $AUTOLOAD; substr($_fcn, 0, rindex($_fcn,':') + 1, '');
# save this method for future calls
no strict 'refs';
*{ $AUTOLOAD } = sub { _auto($_fcn, @_) };
goto &{ $AUTOLOAD };
# blessed ( )
sub blessed {
# decoder ( CODE )
# decoder ( )
sub decoder {
$_[0]->[_DECODE] = $_[1] if (@_ == 2 && (ref $_[1] eq 'CODE' || !$_[1]));
# encoder ( CODE )
# encoder ( )
sub encoder {
$_[0]->[_ENCODE] = $_[1] if (@_ == 2 && (ref $_[1] eq 'CODE' || !$_[1]));
# destroy ( { unbless => 1 } )
# destroy ( )
sub destroy {
my $_id = $_[0]->[_ID];
my $_un = (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' && $_[1]->{'unbless'}) ? 1 : 0;
my $_item = (defined wantarray) ? $_[0]->export({ unbless => $_un }) : undef;
my $_pid = $_has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $_tid : $$;
delete($_all{ $_id }), delete($_obj{ $_id });
if (defined $_svr_pid && exists $_new{ $_id } && $_new{ $_id } eq $_pid) {
delete($_new{ $_id }), _req0('M~DES', $_id.$LF);
$_[0] = undef;
# export ( { unbless => 1 }, key [, key, ... ] )
# export ( key [, key, ... ] )
# export ( )
sub export {
my $_ob = shift;
my $_id = $_ob->[_ID];
my $_lkup = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
# safety for circular references to not loop endlessly
return $_lkup->{ $_id } if exists $_lkup->{ $_id };
my $_tmp = @_ ? $_freeze->([ @_ ]) : '';
my $_buf = $_id.$LF . length($_tmp).$LF;
my $_class = $_ob->[_CLASS];
my $_item;
{ local $@; MCE::Shared::_use($_class); }
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my $_len;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~EXP'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_buf, $_tmp); undef $_buf;
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len) if ($_len >= 0);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return undef if ($_len < 0);
$_item = $_lkup->{ $_id } = Storable::thaw($_buf);
undef $_buf;
my $_data; local $_;
## no critic
if ( $_class->isa('MCE::Shared::Array') || $_class->isa('Tie::StdArray') ) {
map { $_ = $_->export($_lkup) if $_blessed->($_) && $_->can('export')
} @{ $_item };
return $_lkup->{ $_id } = [ @{ $_item } ] if $_lkup->{'unbless'};
elsif ( $_class->isa('MCE::Shared::Hash') || $_class->isa('Tie::StdHash') ) {
map { $_ = $_->export($_lkup) if $_blessed->($_) && $_->can('export')
} CORE::values %{ $_item };
return $_lkup->{ $_id } = { %{ $_item } } if $_lkup->{'unbless'};
elsif ( $_class->isa('MCE::Shared::Scalar') || $_class->isa('Tie::StdScalar') ) {
if ( $_blessed->(${ $_item }) && ${ $_item }->can('export') ) {
${ $_item } = ${ $_item }->export($_lkup);
return $_lkup->{ $_id } = \do { my $o = ${ $_item } } if $_lkup->{'unbless'};
else {
if ( $_class->isa('MCE::Shared::Ordhash') ) { $_data = $_item->[0] }
elsif ( $_class->isa('MCE::Shared::Cache') ) { $_data = $_item->[0] }
elsif ( $_class->isa('Hash::Ordered') ) { $_data = $_item->[0] }
elsif ( $_class->isa('Tie::ExtraHash') ) { $_data = $_item->[0] }
elsif ( $_class->isa('Tie::IxHash') ) { $_data = $_item->[2] }
if ( reftype $_data eq 'ARRAY' ) {
map { $_ = $_->export($_lkup) if $_blessed->($_) && $_->can('export')
} @{ $_data };
elsif ( reftype $_data eq 'HASH' ) {
map { $_ = $_->export($_lkup) if $_blessed->($_) && $_->can('export')
} values %{ $_data };
# iterator ( index [, index, ... ] ) # Array
# iterator ( key [, key, ... ] ) # Cache, Hash, Ordhash
# iterator ( "query string" ) # Cache, Hash, Ordhash, Array
# iterator ( )
sub iterator {
my ( $self, @keys ) = @_;
my $pkg = $self->blessed();
my $flg = ($pkg->can('NEXTKEY') || $pkg->can('keys')) ? 1 : 0;
my $get = $pkg->can('FETCH') ? 'FETCH' : $pkg->can('get') ? 'get' : '';
unless ( ($flg || $pkg->can('FETCHSIZE')) && $get ) {
return sub { };
# MCE::Shared::{ Array, Cache, Hash, Ordhash }, Hash::Ordered,
# or similar module.
$get = 'peek' if $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Cache');
if ( ! @keys ) {
@keys = $self->keys;
elsif ( @keys == 1 && $keys[0] =~ /^(?:key|val)[ ]+\S\S?[ ]+\S/ ) {
return sub { } unless $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Base::Common');
@keys = $self->keys($keys[0]);
elsif ( $pkg->isa('MCE::Shared::Cache') ) {
return sub {
return unless @keys;
my $key = shift @keys;
return ( $key => $self->$get($key) );
# rewind ( index [, index, ... ] ) # Array
# rewind ( key [, key, ... ] ) # Cache, Hash, Ordhash
# rewind ( "query string" ) # Cache, Hash, Ordhash, Array
# rewind ( begin, end [, step, format ] ) # Sequence
# rewind ( )
sub rewind {
my $_id = shift()->[_ID];
my $_buf = $_freeze->([ @_ ]);
_req1('M~IRW', $_id.$LF . length($_buf).$LF . $_buf);
# next ( )
sub next {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my ( $_len, $_buf );
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'M~INX'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[0]->[_ID].$LF);
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len) if ($_len >= 0);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
return if ($_len < 0);
my $_b; return wantarray ? () : undef unless @{ $_b = $_thaw->($_buf) };
if ( $_[0]->[_DECODE] ) {
local $@; $_b->[-1] = eval { $_[0]->[_DECODE]->($_b->[-1]) } || $_b->[-1];
( wantarray )
? @{ $_b } == 2 ? ( $_b->[0], delete $_b->[-1] ) : @{ $_b }
: delete $_b->[-1];
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Methods optimized for:
## MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, Ordhash, Scalar } and similar.
sub ins_inplace {
my $_id = shift()->[_ID];
if ( @_ ) {
my $_tmp = Storable::freeze([ @_ ]);
my $_buf = $_id.$LF . length($_tmp).$LF;
_req2('O~PDL', $_buf, $_tmp);
sub FETCHSIZE { _size('FETCHSIZE', @_) }
sub SCALAR { _size('SCALAR' , @_) }
sub CLEAR { _req3('CLEAR' , @_) }
sub FETCH { _req4('FETCH' , @_) }
sub clear {
@_ > 1 ? _auto('clear', @_) : _req3('clear', @_);
sub get {
@_ > 2 ? _auto('get', @_) : _req4('get', @_);
$_[0]->[_ITER] = [ $_[0]->keys ];
shift @{ $_[0]->[_ITER] };
shift @{ $_[0]->[_ITER] };
sub STORE {
if ( @_ > 1 && $_[0]->[_ENCODE] ) {
$_[-1] = $_[0]->[_ENCODE]->($_[-1]) if ref($_[-1]);
elsif ( @_ == 2 && $_blessed->($_[1]) && $_[1]->can('SHARED_ID') ) {
_req2('M~DEE', $_[0]->[_ID].$LF, $_[1]->SHARED_ID().$LF);
delete $_new{ $_[1]->SHARED_ID() };
elsif ( ref $_[2] ) {
if ( $_blessed->($_[2]) && $_[2]->can('SHARED_ID') ) {
_req2('M~DEE', $_[0]->[_ID].$LF, $_[2]->SHARED_ID().$LF);
delete $_new{ $_[2]->SHARED_ID() };
elsif ( $_[0]->[1]->isa('MCE::Shared::Array') ||
$_[0]->[1]->isa('MCE::Shared::Hash') ) {
$_[2] = MCE::Shared::share({ _DEEPLY_ => 1 }, $_[2]);
_req2('M~DEE', $_[0]->[_ID].$LF, $_[2]->SHARED_ID().$LF);
_auto('STORE', @_); 1;
sub set {
if ( ref $_[2] ) {
if ( $_blessed->($_[2]) && $_[2]->can('SHARED_ID') ) {
_req2('M~DEE', $_[0]->[_ID].$LF, $_[2]->SHARED_ID().$LF);
delete $_new{ $_[2]->SHARED_ID() };
_auto('set', @_);
sub keys {
( @_ == 1 && !wantarray ) ? _size('keys', @_) : _auto('keys', @_);
sub lock {
my ( $self ) = @_;
Carp::croak( sprintf(
"Mutex not enabled for the shared %s instance", $self->[_CLASS]
)) unless $self->[_MUTEX];
sub unlock {
my ( $self ) = @_;
Carp::croak( sprintf(
"Mutex not enabled for the shared %s instance", $self->[_CLASS]
)) unless $self->[_MUTEX];
no strict 'refs'; *{ __PACKAGE__.'::store' } = \&STORE;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Server - Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Server version 1.862
The core engine for L<MCE::Shared>. See documentation there.
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Hobo>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>