package MIME::Decoder::BinHex;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
MIME::Decoder::BinHex - decode a "binhex" stream
A generic decoder object; see L<MIME::Decoder> for usage.
Also supports a preamble() method to recover text before
the binhexed portion of the stream.
A MIME::Decoder subclass for a nonstandard encoding whereby
data are binhex-encoded. Common non-standard MIME encodings for this:
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Julian Field (F<>).
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
require 5.002;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
use MIME::Decoder;
use MIME::Tools qw(whine);
use Convert::BinHex;
@ISA = qw(MIME::Decoder);
# The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
$VERSION = "5.509";
# decode_it IN, OUT
sub decode_it {
my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
my ($mode, $file);
my (@preamble, @data);
my $H2B = Convert::BinHex->hex2bin;
my $line;
$self->{MDU_Preamble} = \@preamble;
$self->{MDU_Mode} = '600';
$self->{MDU_File} = undef;
### Find beginning...
local $_;
while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
if (/^\(This file must be converted/) {
$_ = $in->getline;
last if /^:/;
push @preamble, $_;
die("binhex decoding: fell off end of file\n") if !defined($_);
### Decode:
my $data;
$data = $H2B->next($_); # or whine("Next error is $@ $!\n");
my $len = unpack("C", $data);
while ($len > length($data)+21 && defined($line = $in->getline)) {
$data .= $H2B->next($line);
if (length($data) >= 22+$len) {
$data = substr($data, 22+$len);
} else {
$data = '';
while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
$line = $_;
$data = $H2B->next($line);
last if $line =~ /:$/;
# encode_it IN, OUT
sub encode_it {
my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
my $line;
my $buf = '';
my $fname = (($self->head &&
$self->head->mime_attr('content-disposition.filename')) ||
my $B2H = Convert::BinHex->bin2hex;
$out->print("(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)\n");
# Sigh... get length of file
$in->seek(0, 2);
my $datalen = $in->tell();
$in->seek(0, 0);
# Build header in core:
my @hdrs;
my $flen = length($fname);
push @hdrs, pack("C", $flen);
push @hdrs, pack("a$flen", $fname);
push @hdrs, pack('C', 4);
push @hdrs, pack('a4', '????');
push @hdrs, pack('a4', '????');
push @hdrs, pack('n', 0);
push @hdrs, pack('N', $datalen);
push @hdrs, pack('N', 0); # Resource length
my $hdr = join '', @hdrs;
# Compute the header CRC:
my $crc = Convert::BinHex::binhex_crc("\000\000",
Convert::BinHex::binhex_crc($hdr, 0));
# Output the header (plus its CRC):
$out->print($B2H->next($hdr . pack('n', $crc)));
while ($in->read($buf, 1000)) {
# last_preamble
# Return the last preamble as ref to array of lines.
# Gets reset by decode_it().
sub last_preamble {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{MDU_Preamble} || [];
# last_mode
# Return the last mode.
# Gets reset to undef by decode_it().
sub last_mode {
# last_filename
# Return the last filename.
# Gets reset by decode_it().
sub last_filename {
shift->{MDU_File} || undef; #[];