shell bypass 403
package Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header;
# ABSTRACT: Class modelling the Entire Authentication Results Header set
require 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.20210112'; # VERSION
use Carp;
use Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::AuthServID;
use base 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Base';
sub _HAS_VALUE{ return 1; }
sub _HAS_CHILDREN{ return 1; }
my ( $self, $child ) = @_;
return 1 if ref $child eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment';
return 1 if ref $child eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry';
return 0;
sub set_indent_by {
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
$self->{ 'indent_by' } = $value;
return $self;
sub indent_by {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return 4 if ! defined $self->{ 'indent_by' }; #5.8
return $self->{ 'indent_by'};
sub set_indent_on {
my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
$self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type } = 1;
return $self;
sub clear_indent_on {
my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
$self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type } = 0;
return $self;
sub indent_on {
my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
if ( $type eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry' ) {
return 1 if ! defined $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type }; #5.8
return $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type };
if ( $type eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry' ) {
return 0 if ! defined $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type }; #5.8
return $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type };
elsif ( $type eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment' ) {
return 0 if ! defined $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type }; #5.8
return $self->{ 'indent_type_' . $type };
return 0;
sub set_eol {
my ( $self, $eol ) = @_;
if ( $eol =~ /^\r?\n$/ ) {
$self->{ 'eol' } = $eol;
else {
croak 'Invalid eol string';
return $self;
sub eol {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return "\n" if ! defined $self->{ 'eol' }; #5.8
return $self->{ 'eol' };
sub fold_at {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{ 'fold_at' };
sub set_fold_at {
my ( $self, $fold_at ) = @_;
$self->{ 'fold_at' } = $fold_at;
return $self;
sub force_fold_at {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{ 'force_fold_at' };
sub set_force_fold_at {
my ( $self, $fold_at ) = @_;
$self->{ 'force_fold_at' } = $fold_at;
return $self;
sub set_indent_style {
my ( $self, $style ) = @_;
if ( $style eq 'none' ) {
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry' );
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry' );
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment' );
elsif ( $style eq 'entry' ) {
$self->set_indent_by( 4 );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry' );
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry' );
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment' );
elsif ( $style eq 'subentry' ) {
$self->set_indent_by( 4 );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry' );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry' );
$self->clear_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment' );
elsif ( $style eq 'full' ) {
$self->set_indent_by( 4 );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry' );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry' );
$self->set_indent_on( 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment' );
else {
croak "Unknown indent style $style";
return $self;
sub safe_set_value {
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
$self->set_value( $value );
return $self;
sub set_value {
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
croak 'Does not have value' if ! $self->_HAS_VALUE(); # uncoverable branch true
# HAS_VALUE is 1 for this class
croak 'Value cannot be undefined' if ! defined $value;
croak 'value should be an AuthServID type' if ref $value ne 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::AuthServID';
$self->{ 'value' } = $value;
return $self;
sub add_parent {
my ( $self, $parent ) = @_;
sub add_child {
my ( $self, $child ) = @_;
croak 'Cannot add a SubEntry as a child of a Header' if ref $child eq 'Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry';
return $self->SUPER::add_child( $child );
sub _as_hashref {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $type = lc ref $self;
$type =~ s/^(.*::)//;
my $hashref = { 'type' => $type };
$hashref->{'key'} = $self->key() if $self->_HAS_KEY();
$hashref->{'authserv_id'} = $self->value()->_as_hashref() if $self->value();
if ( $self->_HAS_CHILDREN() ) {
my @children = map { $_->_as_hashref() } @{ $self->children() };
$hashref->{'children'} = \@children;
return $hashref;
sub as_string {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $header = Mail::AuthenticationResults::FoldableHeader->new();
$header->set_try_fold_at( $self->fold_at() ) if defined $self->fold_at();
$header->set_force_fold_at( $self->force_fold_at() ) if defined $self->force_fold_at();
$header->set_eol( $self->eol() );
$header->set_indent( ' ' x $self->indent_by() );
$header->set_sub_indent( ' ' );
$self->build_string( $header );
return $header->as_string();
sub build_string {
my ( $self, $header ) = @_;
my $value = q{};
if ( $self->value() ) {
$self->value()->build_string( $header );
else {
$header->string( 'unknown' );
$header->separator( ';' );
my $sep = 0;
foreach my $child ( @{ $self->children() } ) {
$header->separator( ';' ) if $sep;
$sep = 1;
$child->as_string_prefix( $header );
$child->build_string( $header );
if ( scalar @{ $self->search({ 'isa' => 'entry' } )->children() } == 0 ) {
#if ( scalar @{ $self->children() } > 0 ) {
# $value .= ' ';
$header->space( ' ' );
$header->string ( 'none' );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header - Class modelling the Entire Authentication Results Header set
=head1 VERSION
version 2.20210112
This class represents the main Authentication Results set
Please see L<Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Base>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 set_indent_by( $value )
Number of spaces to indent by for as_string()
=head2 indent_by()
Return the number of spaces for as_string() to indent by
=head2 set_indent_on( $class )
The given class will be indented
=head2 clear_indent_on( $class )
The given class will not be indented
=head2 indent_on( $class )
Should the given class be indented
=head2 set_eol( $eol )
Set the eol style for as_string
=head2 eol()
Return the current eol style
=head2 fold_at()
Return the current fold at value if set
Strings will be folded if longer than this value where possible.
=head2 set_fold_at( $fold_at )
set the current fold_at value for as_string
Strings will be folded if longer than this value where possible.
=head2 force_fold_at()
Return the current force fold at value if set
Strings WILL be folded if longer than this value.
=head2 set_force_fold_at( $fold_at )
set the current force_fold_at value for as_string
Strings WILL be folded if longer than this value.
=head2 set_indent_style( $style )
Set the as_string indenting style
Options are none, entry, subentry, full
=head1 AUTHOR
Marc Bradshaw <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Marc Bradshaw.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.