package Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::Base;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.20200907'; # VERSION
# ABSTRACT: base class for DKIM "algorithms"
# Copyright 2005-2007 Messiah College. All rights reserved.
# Jason Long <>
# Copyright (c) 2004 Anthony D. Urso. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::nowsp;
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed;
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::simple;
use Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::seal;
use Carp;
use MIME::Base64;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless \%args, $class;
return $self;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
croak 'no signature' unless $self->{Signature};
$self->{mode} = $self->{Signature}->signature ? 'verify' : 'sign';
# allows subclasses to set the header_digest and body_digest
# properties
my ( $header_method, $body_method ) = $self->{Signature}->canonicalization;
my $header_class = $self->get_canonicalization_class($header_method);
my $body_class = $self->get_canonicalization_class($body_method);
$self->{canon} = $header_class->new(
output_digest => $self->{header_digest},
Signature => $self->{Signature},
Debug_Canonicalization => $self->{Debug_Canonicalization}
$self->{body_canon} = $body_class->new(
output_digest => $self->{body_digest},
Signature => $self->{Signature},
Debug_Canonicalization => $self->{Debug_Canonicalization}
# override this method, please...
# this method should set the "header_digest" and "body_digest" properties
sub init_digests {
die 'not implemented';
# private method - DKIM-specific
sub get_canonicalization_class {
my $self = shift;
croak 'wrong number of arguments' unless ( @_ == 1 );
my ($method) = @_;
my $class =
$method eq 'nowsp' ? 'Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::nowsp'
: $method eq 'relaxed' ? 'Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed'
: $method eq 'simple' ? 'Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::simple'
: $method eq 'seal' ? 'Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::seal'
: die "unknown method $method\n";
return $class;
sub add_body {
my $self = shift;
my $canon = $self->{body_canon} || $self->{canon};
sub add_header {
my $self = shift;
sub finish_body {
my $self = shift;
my $body_canon = $self->{body_canon} || $self->{canon};
sub finish_header {
my $self = shift;
# checks the bh= tag of the signature to see if it has the same body
# hash as computed by canonicalizing/digesting the actual message body.
# If it doesn't match, a false value is returned, and the
# verification_details property is set to "body has been altered"
sub check_body_hash {
my $self = shift;
# The body_hash value is set in finish_message(), if we're operating
# from a version of the DKIM spec that uses the bh= tag. Otherwise,
# the signature shouldn't have a bh= tag to check.
my $sighash = $self->{Signature}->body_hash();
if ( $self->{body_hash} and $sighash ) {
my $body_hash = $self->{body_hash};
my $expected = decode_base64($sighash);
if ( $body_hash ne $expected ) {
$self->{verification_details} = 'body has been altered';
# print STDERR "I calculated "
# . encode_base64($body_hash, "") . "\n";
# print STDERR "signature has "
# . encode_base64($expected, "") . "\n";
return 1;
sub finish_message {
my $self = shift;
# DKIM requires the signature itself to be committed into the digest.
# But first, we need to set the bh= tag on the signature, then
# "prettify" it.
$self->{body_hash} = $self->{body_digest}->digest;
if ( $self->{mode} eq 'sign' ) {
->body_hash( encode_base64( $self->{body_hash}, '' ) );
if ( $self->{mode} eq 'sign' ) {
my $sig_line = $self->{Signature}->as_string_without_data;
my $canonicalized = $self->{canon}->canonicalize_header($sig_line);
# override this method, please...
sub sign {
die 'Not implemented';
sub signature {
my $self = shift;
and $self->{Signature} = shift;
return $self->{Signature};
# override this method, please...
sub verify {
die 'Not implemented';
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::Base - base class for DKIM "algorithms"
=head1 VERSION
version 1.20200907
my $algorithm = new Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha1(
Signature => $dkim_signature
# add headers
$algorithm->add_header("Subject: this is the subject\015\012");
# add body
$algorithm->add_body("This is the body.\015\012");
$algorithm->add_body("Another line of the body.\015\012");
# now sign or verify...
# TODO...
You should not create an object of this class directly. Instead, use one
of the DKIM algorithm implementation classes, such as rsa_sha1:
my $algorithm = new Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha1(
Signature => $dkim_signature
=head1 METHODS
=head2 add_body() - feeds part of the body into the algorithm/canonicalization
$algorithm->add_body("This is the body.\015\012");
$algorithm->add_body("Another line of the body.\015\012");
The body should be fed one "line" at a time.
=head2 add_header() - feeds a header field into the algorithm/canonicalization
$algorithm->add_header("Subject: this is the subject\015\012");
The header must start with the header field name and continue through any
folded lines (including the embedded <CRLF> sequences). It terminates with
the <CRLF> at the end of the header field.
=head2 finish_body() - signals the end of the message body
Call this method when all lines from the body have been submitted.
After calling this method, use sign() or verify() to get the results
from the algorithm.
=head2 finish_header() - signals the end of the header field block
Call this method when all the headers have been submitted.
=head2 sign() - generates a signature using a private key
$base64 = $algorithm->sign($private_key);
=head2 signature() - get/set the signature worked on by this algorithm
my $old_signature = $algorithm->signature;
=head2 verify() - verifies a signature
$result = $algorithm->verify();
Must be called after finish_body().
The result is a true/false value: true indicates the signature data
is valid, false indicates it is invalid.
For an invalid signature, details may be obtained from
$algorithm->{verification_details} or $@.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Jason Long <>
=item *
Marc Bradshaw <>
=item *
Bron Gondwana <> (ARC)
=head1 THANKS
Work on ensuring that this module passes the ARC test suite was
generously sponsored by Valimail (
=over 4
=item *
Copyright (C) 2013 by Messiah College
=item *
Copyright (C) 2010 by Jason Long
=item *
Copyright (C) 2017 by Standcore LLC
=item *
Copyright (C) 2020 by FastMail Pty Ltd
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.