# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Message. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See README.md
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Message::Body::Multipart;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use base 'Mail::Message::Body';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::Message::Body::Lines;
use Mail::Message::Part;
use Mail::Box::FastScalar;
use Carp;
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $based = $args->{based_on};
$args->{mime_type} ||= defined $based ? $based->type : 'multipart/mixed';
my @parts;
{ foreach my $raw (@{$args->{parts}})
{ next unless defined $raw;
my $cooked = Mail::Message::Part->coerce($raw, $self);
$self->log(ERROR => 'Data not convertible to a message (type is '
, ref $raw,")\n"), next unless defined $cooked;
push @parts, $cooked;
my $preamble = $args->{preamble};
$preamble = Mail::Message::Body->new(data => $preamble)
if defined $preamble && ! ref $preamble;
my $epilogue = $args->{epilogue};
$epilogue = Mail::Message::Body->new(data => $epilogue)
if defined $epilogue && ! ref $epilogue;
{ $self->boundary($args->{boundary} || $based->boundary);
= defined $preamble ? $preamble : $based->preamble;
= @parts ? \@parts
: !$args->{parts} && $based->isMultipart
? [ $based->parts('ACTIVE') ]
: [];
= defined $epilogue ? $epilogue : $based->epilogue;
{ $self->boundary($args->{boundary} ||$self->type->attribute('boundary'));
$self->{MMBM_preamble} = $preamble;
$self->{MMBM_parts} = \@parts;
$self->{MMBM_epilogue} = $epilogue;
sub isMultipart() {1}
# A multipart body is never binary itself. The parts may be.
sub isBinary() {0}
sub clone()
{ my $self = shift;
my $preamble = $self->preamble;
my $epilogue = $self->epilogue;
my $body = ref($self)->new
( $self->logSettings
, based_on => $self
, preamble => ($preamble ? $preamble->clone : undef)
, epilogue => ($epilogue ? $epilogue->clone : undef)
, parts => [ map {$_->clone} $self->parts('ACTIVE') ]
sub nrLines()
{ my $self = shift;
my $nr = 1; # trailing part-sep
if(my $preamble = $self->preamble)
{ $nr += $preamble->nrLines;
$nr++ if $preamble->endsOnNewline;
foreach my $part ($self->parts('ACTIVE'))
{ $nr += 1 + $part->nrLines;
$nr++ if $part->body->endsOnNewline;
if(my $epilogue = $self->epilogue)
{ $nr += $epilogue->nrLines;
sub size()
{ my $self = shift;
my $bbytes = length($self->boundary) +4; # \n--$b\n
my $bytes = $bbytes +2; # last boundary, \n--$b--\n
if(my $preamble = $self->preamble)
{ $bytes += $preamble->size }
else { $bytes -= 1 } # no leading \n
$bytes += $bbytes + $_->size foreach $self->parts('ACTIVE');
if(my $epilogue = $self->epilogue)
{ $bytes += $epilogue->size;
sub string() { join '', shift->lines }
sub lines()
{ my $self = shift;
my $boundary = $self->boundary;
my @lines;
my $preamble = $self->preamble;
push @lines, $preamble->lines if $preamble;
foreach my $part ($self->parts('ACTIVE'))
{ # boundaries start with \n
if(!@lines) { ; }
elsif($lines[-1] =~ m/\n$/) { push @lines, "\n" }
else { $lines[-1] .= "\n" }
push @lines, "--$boundary\n", $part->lines;
if(!@lines) { ; }
elsif($lines[-1] =~ m/\n$/) { push @lines, "\n" }
else { $lines[-1] .= "\n" }
push @lines, "--$boundary--";
if(my $epilogue = $self->epilogue)
{ $lines[-1] .= "\n";
push @lines, $epilogue->lines;
wantarray ? @lines : \@lines;
sub file() # It may be possible to speed-improve the next
{ my $self = shift; # code, which first produces a full print of
my $text; # the message in memory...
my $dump = Mail::Box::FastScalar->new(\$text);
sub print(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
my $out = shift || select;
my $boundary = $self->boundary;
my $count = 0;
if(my $preamble = $self->preamble)
{ $preamble->print($out);
if(ref $out eq 'GLOB')
{ foreach my $part ($self->parts('ACTIVE'))
{ print $out "\n" if $count++;
print $out "--$boundary\n";
print $out "\n" if $count++;
print $out "--$boundary--";
{ foreach my $part ($self->parts('ACTIVE'))
{ $out->print("\n") if $count++;
$out->print("\n") if $count++;
if(my $epilogue = $self->epilogue)
{ $out->print("\n");
sub foreachLine($)
{ my ($self, $code) = @_;
$self->log(ERROR => "You cannot use foreachLine on a multipart");
sub check()
{ my $self = shift;
$self->foreachComponent( sub {$_[1]->check} );
sub encode(@)
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
$self->foreachComponent( sub {$_[1]->encode(%args)} );
sub encoded()
{ my $self = shift;
$self->foreachComponent( sub {$_[1]->encoded} );
sub read($$$$)
{ my ($self, $parser, $head, $bodytype) = @_;
my $boundary = $self->boundary;
my @msgopts = $self->logSettings;
my $te;
$te = lc $1
if +($head->get('Content-Transfer-Encoding') || '') =~ m/(\w+)/;
my @sloppyopts =
( mime_type => 'text/plain'
, transfer_encoding => $te
# Get preamble.
my $headtype = ref $head;
my $begin = $parser->filePosition;
my $preamble = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(@msgopts, @sloppyopts)
->read($parser, $head);
or undef $preamble;
$self->{MMBM_preamble} = $preamble
if defined $preamble;
# Get the parts.
my @parts;
while(my $sep = $parser->readSeparator)
{ last if $sep eq "--$boundary--\n";
my $part = Mail::Message::Part->new
( @msgopts
, container => $self
last unless $part->readFromParser($parser, $bodytype);
push @parts, $part
if $part->head->names || $part->body->size;
$self->{MMBM_parts} = \@parts;
# Get epilogue
my $epilogue = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(@msgopts, @sloppyopts)
->read($parser, $head);
my $end = defined $epilogue ? ($epilogue->fileLocation)[1]
: @parts ? ($parts[-1]->body->fileLocation)[1]
: defined $preamble ? ($preamble->fileLocation)[1]
: $begin;
$self->fileLocation($begin, $end);
or undef $epilogue;
$self->{MMBM_epilogue} = $epilogue
if defined $epilogue;
sub foreachComponent($)
{ my ($self, $code) = @_;
my $changes = 0;
my $new_preamble;
if(my $preamble = $self->preamble)
{ $new_preamble = $code->($self, $preamble);
$changes++ unless $preamble == $new_preamble;
my $new_epilogue;
if(my $epilogue = $self->epilogue)
{ $new_epilogue = $code->($self, $epilogue);
$changes++ unless $epilogue == $new_epilogue;
my @new_bodies;
foreach my $part ($self->parts('ACTIVE'))
{ my $part_body = $part->body;
my $new_body = $code->($self, $part_body);
$changes++ if $new_body != $part_body;
push @new_bodies, [$part, $new_body];
return $self unless $changes;
my @new_parts;
foreach (@new_bodies)
{ my ($part, $body) = @$_;
my $new_part = Mail::Message::Part->new
( head => $part->head->clone,
container => undef
push @new_parts, $new_part;
my $constructed = (ref $self)->new
( preamble => $new_preamble
, parts => \@new_parts
, epilogue => $new_epilogue
, based_on => $self
foreach @new_parts;
sub attach(@)
{ my $self = shift;
my $new = ref($self)->new
( based_on => $self
, parts => [$self->parts, @_]
sub stripSignature(@)
{ my $self = shift;
my @allparts = $self->parts;
my @parts = grep {! $_->body->mimeType->isSignature} @allparts;
@allparts==@parts ? $self
: (ref $self)->new(based_on => $self, parts => \@parts);
sub preamble() {shift->{MMBM_preamble}}
sub epilogue() {shift->{MMBM_epilogue}}
sub parts(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
return @{$self->{MMBM_parts}} unless @_;
my $what = shift;
my @parts = @{$self->{MMBM_parts}};
$what eq 'RECURSE' ? (map {$_->parts('RECURSE')} @parts)
: $what eq 'ALL' ? @parts
: $what eq 'DELETED' ? (grep {$_->isDeleted} @parts)
: $what eq 'ACTIVE' ? (grep {not $_->isDeleted} @parts)
: ref $what eq 'CODE'? (grep {$what->($_)} @parts)
: ($self->log(ERROR => "Unknown criterium $what to select parts."), return ());
sub part($) { shift->{MMBM_parts}[shift] }
sub partNumberOf($)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
my @parts = $self->parts('ACTIVE');
my $msg = $self->message;
{ $self->log(ERROR => 'multipart is not connected');
return 'ERROR';
my $base = $msg->isa('Mail::Message::Part') ? $msg->partNumber.'.' : '';
foreach my $partnr (0..@parts)
{ return $base.($partnr+1)
if $parts[$partnr] == $part;
$self->log(ERROR => 'multipart is not found or not active');
sub boundary(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
my $mime = $self->type;
{ my $boundary = $mime->attribute('boundary');
return $boundary if defined $boundary;
my $boundary = @_ && defined $_[0] ? (shift) : "boundary-".int rand(1000000);
$self->type->attribute(boundary => $boundary);
sub endsOnNewline() { 1 }
sub toplevel() { my $msg = shift->message; $msg ? $msg->toplevel : undef}