# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Message. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See README.md
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Message;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::Message::Head::Complete;
use Mail::Message::Body::Lines;
use Mail::Message::Body::Multipart;
use Mail::Address;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use List::Util 'first';
use Mail::Box::FastScalar;
my @default_rules =
qw/replaceDeletedParts descendMultiparts descendNested
flattenMultiparts flattenEmptyMultiparts/;
sub rebuild(@)
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Collect the rules to be run
my @rules = $args{rules} ? @{$args{rules}} : @default_rules;
unshift @rules, @{$args{extra_rules}} if $args{extra_rules};
unshift @rules, @{$args{extraRules}} if $args{extraRules}; #old name
foreach my $rule (@rules)
{ next if ref $rule;
{ $self->log(ERROR => "No rebuild rule '$rule' defined.\n");
return 1;
# Start off with the message
my $rebuild = $self->recursiveRebuildPart($self, rules => \@rules)
or return;
# Be sure we end-up with a message
{ # a bit too much information is lost: we are left without the
# main message headers....
my $clone = Mail::Message->new(head => $self->head->clone);
$clone->body($rebuild->body); # to update the Content lines
$rebuild = $clone;
$args{keep_message_id} or $rebuild->takeMessageId;
# The general rules
sub flattenNesting($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
$part->isNested ? $part->body->nested : $part;
sub flattenMultiparts($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
return $part unless $part->isMultipart;
my @active = $part->parts('ACTIVE');
@active==1 ? $active[0] : $part;
sub removeEmptyMultiparts($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
$part->isMultipart && $part->body->parts==0 ? undef : $part;
sub flattenEmptyMultiparts($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
$part->isMultipart && $part->parts('ACTIVE')==0
or return $part;
my $body = $part->body;
my $preamble = $body->preamble || Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(data=>'');
my $epilogue = $body->epilogue;
my $newbody = $preamble->concatenate($preamble, <<NO_PARTS, $epilogue);
* This multipart did not contain any parts (anymore)
* and was therefore flattened.
my $rebuild = Mail::Message::Part->new
( head => $part->head->clone
, container => undef
sub removeEmptyBodies($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
$part->body->lines==0 ? undef : $part;
sub descendMultiparts($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
return $part unless $part->isMultipart;
my $body = $part->body;
my $changed = 0;
my @newparts;
foreach my $part ($body->parts)
{ my $new = $self->recursiveRebuildPart($part, %args);
if(!defined $new) { $changed++ }
elsif($new==$part) { push @newparts, $part }
else { push @newparts, $new; $changed++ }
$changed or return $part;
my $newbody = ref($body)->new
( based_on => $body
, parts => \@newparts
my $rebuild = ref($part)->new
( head => $part->head->clone
, container => undef
$rebuild->body($newbody); # update Content-* lines
sub descendNested($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
$part->isNested or return $part;
my $body = $part->body;
my $srcnested = $body->nested;
my $newnested = $self->recursiveRebuildPart($srcnested, %args);
defined $newnested or return undef;
return $part if $newnested==$srcnested;
# Changes in the encapsulated message
my $newbody = ref($body)->new(based_on => $body, nested => $newnested);
my $rebuild = ref($part)->new(head => $part->head->clone
, container => undef);
sub removeDeletedParts($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
$part->isDeleted ? undef : $part;
sub replaceDeletedParts($@)
{ my ($self, $part) = @_;
($part->isNested && $part->body->nested->isDeleted) || $part->isDeleted
or return $part;
my $structure = '';
my $output = Mail::Box::FastScalar->new(\$structure, ' ');
my $dispfn = $part->body->dispositionFilename || '';
( data => "Removed content:\n\n$structure\n$dispfn"
# The more complex rules
sub removeHtmlAlternativeToText($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
$part->body->mimeType eq 'text/html'
or return $part;
my $container = $part->container;
return $part
unless defined $container
&& $container->mimeType eq 'multipart/alternative';
# The HTML $part will be nulled when a plain text part is found
foreach my $subpart ($container->parts)
{ return undef if $subpart->body->mimeType eq 'text/plain';
sub removeExtraAlternativeText($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
my $container = $part->container;
$container && $container->mimeType eq 'multipart/alternative'
or return $part;
# The last part is the preferred part (as per RFC2046)
my $last = ($container->parts)[-1];
$last && $part==$last ? $part : undef;
my $has_hft;
sub textAlternativeForHtml($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
my $hft = 'Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatText';
unless(defined $has_hft)
{ eval "require Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatText";
$has_hft = $hft->can('format');
return $part
unless $has_hft && $part->body->mimeType eq 'text/html';
my $container = $part->container;
my $in_alt = defined $container
&& $container->mimeType eq 'multipart/alternative';
return $part
if $in_alt
&& first { $_->body->mimeType eq 'text/plain' } $container->parts;
# Create the plain part
my $html_body = $part->body;
my $plain_body = $hft->new->format($html_body);
my $plain_part = Mail::Message::Part->new(container => undef);
return $container->attach($plain_part)
if $in_alt;
# Recreate the html part to loose some header lines
my $html_part = Mail::Message::Part->new(container => undef);
# Create the new part, with the headers of the html part
my $mp = Mail::Message::Body::Multipart->new
( mime_type => 'multipart/alternative'
, parts => [ $plain_part, $html_part ]
my $newpart = ref($part)->new
( head => $part->head->clone # Subject field, and such
, container => undef
sub recursiveRebuildPart($@)
{ my ($self, $part, %args) = @_;
foreach my $rule (@{$args{rules}})
{ my $rebuild = $self->$rule($part, %args)
or return undef;
if($part != $rebuild)
{ $part = $rebuild;
redo RULES;