# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Message. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See README.md
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Message::Field::Full;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use base 'Mail::Message::Field';
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Encode ();
use MIME::QuotedPrint ();
use Storable 'dclone';
use Mail::Message::Field::Addresses;
use Mail::Message::Field::AuthResults;
#use Mail::Message::Field::AuthRecChain;
use Mail::Message::Field::Date;
use Mail::Message::Field::DKIM;
use Mail::Message::Field::Structured;
use Mail::Message::Field::Unstructured;
use Mail::Message::Field::URIs;
my $atext = q[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~]; # from RFC
my $atext_ill = q/\[\]/; # illegal, but still used (esp spam)
use overload '""' => sub { shift->decodedBody };
my %implementation;
$implementation{$_} = 'Addresses'
for qw/from to sender cc bcc reply-to envelope-to
resent-from resent-to resent-cc resent-bcc resent-reply-to
x-beenthere errors-to mail-follow-up x-loop delivered-to
original-sender x-original-sender/;
$implementation{$_} = 'URIs'
for qw/list-help list-post list-subscribe list-unsubscribe
list-archive list-owner/;
$implementation{$_} = 'Structured'
for qw/content-disposition content-type content-id/;
$implementation{$_} = 'Date'
for qw/date resent-date/;
$implementation{$_} = 'AuthResults'
for qw/authentication-results/;
$implementation{$_} = 'DKIM'
for qw/dkim-signature/;
# $implementation{$_} = 'AuthRecChain'
# for qw/arc-authentication-results arc-message-signature arc-seal/;
sub new($;$$@)
{ my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $body = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef;
my %args = @_;
$body = delete $args{body} if defined $args{body};
unless(defined $body)
{ (my $n, $body) = split /\s*\:\s*/s, $name, 2;
$name = $n if defined $body;
return $class->SUPER::new(%args, name => $name, body => $body)
if $class ne __PACKAGE__;
# Look for best class to suit this field
my $myclass = 'Mail::Message::Field::'
. ($implementation{lc $name} || 'Unstructured');
$myclass->SUPER::new(%args, name => $name, body => $body);
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$self->{MMFF_name} = $args->{name};
my $body = $args->{body};
if(!defined $body || !length $body || ref $body) { ; } # no body yet
elsif(index($body, "\n") >= 0)
{ $self->foldedBody($body) } # body is already folded
else { $self->unfoldedBody($body) } # body must be folded
sub clone() { dclone(shift) }
sub name() { lc shift->{MMFF_name}}
sub Name() { shift->{MMFF_name}}
sub folded()
{ my $self = shift;
return $self->{MMFF_name}.':'.$self->foldedBody
unless wantarray;
my @lines = $self->foldedBody;
my $first = $self->{MMFF_name}. ':'. shift @lines;
($first, @lines);
sub unfoldedBody($;$)
{ my ($self, $body) = (shift, shift);
if(defined $body)
{ $self->foldedBody(scalar $self->fold($self->{MMFF_name}, $body));
return $body;
$body = $self->foldedBody;
$body =~ s/^ //;
# remove FWS, also required within quoted strings.
$body =~ s/\r?\n\s?/ /g;
$body =~ s/ +$//;
sub foldedBody($)
{ my ($self, $body) = @_;
{ $self->parse($body);
$body =~ s/^\s*/ /m;
$self->{MMFF_body} = $body;
elsif(defined($body = $self->{MMFF_body})) { ; }
{ # Create a new folded body from the parts.
$self->{MMFF_body} = $body
= $self->fold($self->{MMFF_name}, $self->produceBody);
wantarray ? (split /^/, $body) : $body;
sub from($@)
{ my ($class, $field) = (shift, shift);
defined $field ? $class->new($field->Name, $field->foldedBody, @_) : ();
sub decodedBody()
{ my $self = shift;
$self->decode($self->unfoldedBody, @_);
sub createComment($@)
{ my ($thing, $comment) = (shift, shift);
$comment = $thing->encode($comment, @_)
if @_; # encoding required...
# Correct dangling parenthesis
local $_ = $comment; # work with a copy
s#\\[()]#xx#g; # remove escaped parens
s#[^()]#x#g; # remove other chars
while( s#\(([^()]*)\)#x$1x# ) {;} # remove pairs of parens
substr($comment, CORE::length($_), 0, '\\')
while s#[()][^()]*$##; # add escape before remaining parens
$comment =~ s#\\+$##; # backslash at end confuses
sub createPhrase($)
{ my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
$_ = $self->encode($_, @_)
if @_; # encoding required...
if( m/[^$atext]/ )
{ s#\\#\\\\#g;
$_ = qq["$_"];
sub beautify() { shift }
sub _mime_word($$) { "$_[0]$_[1]?=" }
sub _encode_b($) { MIME::Base64::encode_base64(shift, '') }
sub _encode_q($)
{ my $chunk = shift;
$chunk =~ s#([\x00-\x1F=\x7F-\xFF])#sprintf "=%02X", ord $1#ge;
$chunk =~ s#([_\?])#sprintf "=%02X", ord $1#ge;
$chunk =~ s/ /_/g;
sub encode($@)
{ my ($self, $utf8, %args) = @_;
my ($charset, $lang, $encoding);
if($charset = $args{charset})
{ $self->log(WARNING => "Illegal character in charset '$charset'")
if $charset =~ m/[\x00-\ ()<>@,;:"\/[\]?.=\\]/;
else { $charset = 'us-ascii' }
if($lang = $args{language})
{ $self->log(WARNING => "Illegal character in language '$lang'")
if $lang =~ m/[\x00-\ ()<>@,;:"\/[\]?.=\\]/;
if($encoding = $args{encoding})
{ unless($encoding =~ m/^[bBqQ]$/ )
{ $self->log(WARNING => "Illegal encoding '$encoding', used 'q'");
$encoding = 'q';
else { $encoding = 'q' }
my $name = $args{name};
my $lname = defined $name ? length($name)+1 : 0;
return $utf8
if lc($encoding) eq 'q'
&& $utf8 =~ m/\A[\p{IsASCII}]+\z/ms
&& !$args{force};
my $pre = '=?'. $charset. ($lang ? '*'.$lang : '') .'?'.$encoding.'?';
my @result;
if(lc($encoding) eq 'q')
{ my $chunk = '';
my $llen = 73 - length($pre) - $lname;
while(length(my $chr = substr($utf8, 0, 1, '')))
{ $chr = _encode_q Encode::encode($charset, $chr, 0);
if(bytes::length($chunk) + bytes::length($chr) > $llen)
{ push @result, _mime_word($pre, $chunk);
$chunk = '';
$llen = 73 - length $pre;
$chunk .= $chr;
push @result, _mime_word($pre, $chunk)
if length($chunk);
{ my $chunk = '';
my $llen = int((73 - length($pre) - $lname) / 4) * 3;
while(length(my $chr = substr($utf8, 0, 1, '')))
{ my $chr = Encode::encode($charset, $chr, 0);
if(bytes::length($chunk) + bytes::length($chr) > $llen)
{ push @result, _mime_word($pre, _encode_b($chunk));
$chunk = '';
$llen = int((73 - length $pre) / 4) * 3;
$chunk .= $chr;
push @result, _mime_word($pre, _encode_b($chunk))
if length $chunk;
join ' ', @result;
sub _decoder($$$)
{ my ($charset, $encoding, $encoded) = @_;
$charset =~ s/\*[^*]+$//; # language component not used
my $to_utf8 = Encode::find_encoding($charset || 'us-ascii');
$to_utf8 or return $encoded;
my $decoded;
if($encoding !~ /\S/)
{ $decoded = $encoded;
elsif(lc($encoding) eq 'q')
{ # Quoted-printable encoded
$encoded =~ s/_/ /g; # specific to mime-fields
$decoded = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode_qp($encoded);
elsif(lc($encoding) eq 'b')
{ # Base64 encoded
require MIME::Base64;
$decoded = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($encoded);
{ # unknown encodings ignored
return $encoded;
$to_utf8->decode($decoded, Encode::FB_DEFAULT); # error-chars -> '?'
sub decode($@)
{ my $thing = shift;
my @encoded = split /(\=\?[^?\s]*\?[bqBQ]?\?[^?]*\?\=)/, shift;
@encoded or return '';
my %args = @_;
my $is_text = defined $args{is_text} ? $args{is_text} : 1;
my @decoded = shift @encoded;
{ shift(@encoded) =~ /\=\?([^?\s]*)\?([^?\s]*)\?([^?]*)\?\=/;
push @decoded, _decoder $1, $2, $3;
@encoded or last;
# in text, blanks between encoding must be removed, but otherwise kept
if($is_text && $encoded[0] !~ m/\S/) { shift @encoded }
else { push @decoded, shift @encoded }
join '', @decoded;
sub parse($) { shift }
sub consumePhrase($)
{ my ($thing, $string) = @_;
my $phrase;
if($string =~ s/^\s*\" ((?:[^"\r\n\\]*|\\.)*) (?:\"|\s*$)//x )
{ ($phrase = $1) =~ s/\\\"/"/g;
elsif($string =~ s/^\s*([${atext}${atext_ill}\ \t.]+)//o )
{ ($phrase = $1) =~ s/\s+$//;
CORE::length($phrase) or undef $phrase;
defined $phrase
? ($thing->decode($phrase), $string)
: (undef, $string);
sub consumeComment($)
{ my ($thing, $string) = @_;
return (undef, $string)
unless $string =~ s/^\s*\(((?:[^)\\]+|\\.)*)\)//;
my $comment = $1;
{ (my $count = $comment) =~ s/\\./xx/g;
last if $count =~ tr/(// == $count =~ tr/)//;
return (undef, $_[1])
unless $string =~ s/^((?:[^)\\]+|\\.)*)\)//;
$comment .= ')'.$1;
$comment =~ s/\\([()])/$1/g;
($comment, $string);
sub consumeDotAtom($)
{ my ($self, $string) = @_;
my ($atom, $comment);
{ (my $c, $string) = $self->consumeComment($string);
if(defined $c) { $comment .= $c; next }
last unless $string =~ s/^\s*([$atext]+(?:\.[$atext]+)*)//o;
$atom .= $1;
($atom, $string, $comment);
sub produceBody() { $_[0]->{MMFF_body} }