=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup - header fields tracking message delivery
is a Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup
is a Mail::Reporter
use Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup;
my $rg = Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup->new(head => $head,
From => 'me@home.nl', To => 'You@tux.aq');
my $rg = $head->addResentGroup(From => 'me');
my @from = $rg->From;
my @rgs = $head->resentGroups;
$rg[2]->delete if @rgs > 2;
A I<resent group> is a set of header fields which describe one intermediate
step in the message transport. Resent groups B<have NOTHING to do> with
user activety; there is no relation to the C<user's> sense of creating
reply, forward, or bounce messages at all!
Extends L<"DESCRIPTION" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"DESCRIPTION">.
=head1 METHODS
Extends L<"METHODS" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"METHODS">.
=head2 Constructors
Extends L<"Constructors" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Constructors">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<clone>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Constructors">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<from>( [<$head|$message>, %options] )
WARNING: this method has two very different purposes. For backward
compatibility reasons, without arguments L<resentFrom()|Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup/"Access to the header"> is called to
return the C<From> field of this resent group.
With any arguments, a list of C<Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup> objects
is returned, taken from the specified $message or message $head.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<implementedTypes>()
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<implementedTypes>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Constructors">
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<new>( [$fields], %options )
Create an object which maintains one set of resent headers. The
$fields are L<Mail::Message::Field|Mail::Message::Field> objects from the same header.
%options which start with capitals will be used to construct additional
fields. These option names are prepended with C<Resent-*>, keeping the
capitization of what is specified.
-Option --Defined in --Default
Bcc undef
Cc undef
Date <now>
Delivered-To undef
From <required>
Message-ID <uniquely created>
Received <created>
Return-Path undef
Sender undef
To undef
head <created automatically>
log Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
message_head undef
software Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup undef
trace Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
type Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup undef
version Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup undef
=over 2
=item Date => STRING
When this resent-group is dispatched by the resender of the message. Like
the C<Date> field, it is not the date and time that the message was
actually transported.
=item Delivered-To => STRING|FIELD
=item Message-ID => STRING|FIELD
The C<Resent-Message-ID> which identifies this resent group. The FIELD
must contain a message id.
=item Received => STRING
The C<Received> field is the starting line for a resent group of header
lines. If it is not defined, one is created using L<createReceived()|Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup/"Internals">.
=item Return-Path => STRING|FIELD
=item Sender => STRING|OBJECT
Only permitted when more than one from address is specified. In this case,
it selects one of these addresses as the main originator of the message.
=item head => OBJECT
The header where the data is stored in. By default a
L<Mail::Message::Head::Partial|Mail::Message::Head::Partial> is created for you.
=item log => LEVEL
=item message_head => HEAD
The real header of the message where this resent group is part of. The
C<head> used in this class is only a container for a subset of fields.
=item software => STRING
=item trace => LEVEL
=item type => STRING
=item version => STRING
=head2 The header
Extends L<"The header" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<add>( <$field, $value> | $object )
All fields appear only once, so C<add()> behaves as L<set()|Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup/"The header">.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<addFields>( [$fieldnames] )
Not applicable to resent-groups: the same name can appear in more than
one group. Therefore, a FIELDNAME is sufficiently distinctive.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<attach>($head)
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<delete>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<fieldNames>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<fields>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<head>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"The header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<messageHead>( [$head] )
Returns (optionally after setting) the real header where this resent group
belongs to. This may be undef at creation, and then later filled in
when L<Mail::Message::Head::Complete::addResentGroup()|Mail::Message::Head::Complete/"Access to the header"> is called.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<orderedFields>()
Returns the fields in the order as should appear in header according
to rfc2822. For the C<Resent-*> fields of the group, the order is
not that important, but the C<Return-Path>, C<Delivered-To>, and C<Received>
must come first. Only fields mentioned in the RFC are returned.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<set>( <$field, $value> | $object )
Set a $field to a (new) $value. The $field names which do not start with
'Resent-*' but need it will have that added. It is also an option to
specify a fully prepared message field $object. In any case, a field
$object is returned.
my $this = Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup->new;
$this->set(To => 'fish@tux.aq');
$msg->bounce(To => 'fish@tux.aq')->send; # the same
my $this = Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup
->new(To => 'fish@tux.aq');
=head2 Access to the header
Extends L<"Access to the header" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Access to the header">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<bcc>()
In scalar context, the C<Resent-Bcc> field is returned. In list context,
the addresses as specified within the bcc field are returned as
L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects. Bcc fields are not transmitted (hidden for
external parties).
=item $obj-E<gt>B<cc>()
In scalar context, the C<Resent-Cc> field is returned. In list context,
the addresses as specified within the cc field are returned as
L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<date>()
Returns the C<Resent-Date> field, or C<undef> if it was not defined.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<dateTimestamp>()
The timestamp as stored within the C<Resent-Date> field converted to
local system time.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<deliveredTo>()
The field which describes the C<Delivered-To> of this resent group.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<destinations>()
Returns a list of all addresses specified in the C<Resent-To>, C<-Cc>, and
C<-Bcc> fields of this resent group.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<isResentGroupFieldName>($name)
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<isResentGroupFieldName>($name)
=item $obj-E<gt>B<messageId>()
Returns the message-ID used for this group of resent lines.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<received>()
The field which describes the C<Received> data of this resent group.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<receivedTimestamp>()
The timestamp as stored within the C<Received> field converted to
local system time.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<resentFrom>()
In scalar context, the C<Resent-From> field is returned. In list
context, the addresses as specified within the from field are
returned as L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects.
For reasons of backward compatibility and consistency, the L<from()|Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup/"METHODS">
method will return the same as this method.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<returnPath>()
The field which describes the C<Return-Path> of this resent group.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<sender>()
In scalar context, the C<Resent-Sender> field is returned. In list
context, the addresses as specified within the from field are
returned as L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<software>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Access to the header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<to>()
In scalar context, the C<Resent-To> field is returned. In list context,
the addresses as specified within the to field are returned as
L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<type>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Access to the header">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<version>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Access to the header">
=head2 Internals
Extends L<"Internals" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Internals">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<collectFields>( [$name] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Internals">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<createReceived>( [$domain] )
Create a received field for this resent group. This is automatically
called if none was specified during creation of this resent group object.
The content of this field is described in RFC2821 section 4.4. It could use
some improvement.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<detected>($type, $software, $version)
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Internals">
=head2 Error handling
Extends L<"Error handling" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Error handling">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<AUTOLOAD>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<addReport>($object)
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<defaultTrace>( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<defaultTrace>( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<details>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<errors>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<log>( [$level, [$strings]] )
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<log>( [$level, [$strings]] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<logPriority>($level)
=item Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup-E<gt>B<logPriority>($level)
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<logSettings>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<notImplemented>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<print>( [$fh] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<report>( [$level] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<reportAll>( [$level] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<trace>( [$level] )
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<warnings>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Error handling">
=head2 Cleanup
Extends L<"Cleanup" in Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup|Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup/"Cleanup">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<DESTROY>()
Inherited, see L<Mail::Reporter/"Cleanup">
=over 4
=item Error: Message header required for creation of ResentGroup.
It is required to know to which header the resent-group
is created. Use the C<head> option. Maybe you should use
L<Mail::Message::Head::Complete::addResentGroup()|Mail::Message::Head::Complete/"Access to the header"> with DATA, which will
organize the correct initiations for you.
=item Error: Package $package does not implement $method.
Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does not
implement this method where it should. This message means that some other
related classes do implement this method however the class at hand does
not. Probably you should investigate this and probably inform the author
of the package.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.008,
built on February 11, 2019. Website: F<http://perl.overmeer.net/CPAN/>
=head1 LICENSE
Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/>