package Math::Calc::Units::Rank;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK);
BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(choose_juicy_ones render render_unit); }
use Math::Calc::Units::Convert qw(convert canonical);
use Math::Calc::Units::Convert::Multi qw(variants major_variants major_pref pref_score range_score get_class);
use strict;
# choose_juicy_ones : value -> ( value )
# Pick the best-sounding units for the given value, and compute the
# resulting magnitude and score. The total number returned is based on
# a magical formula that examines the rates of decay of the scores.
sub choose_juicy_ones {
my ($v, $options) = @_;
# Collect the variants of the value, together with their scores.
my @variants = rank_variants($v, $options); # ( < {old=>new}, score > )
# Remove duplicates
my %variants; # To remove duplicates: { id => [ {old=>new}, score ] }
for my $variant (@variants) {
my $id = join(";;", values %{ $variant->[0] });
$variants{$id} = $variant;
my @options;
for my $variant (values %variants) {
my ($map, $score) = @$variant;
my %copy;
my ($magnitude, $units) = @$v;
while (my ($unit, $count) = each %$units) {
$copy{$map->{$unit}} = $count;
push @options, [ $score, convert($v, \%copy) ];
# Pick up to five of the highest scores. If any score is less than
# 1/10 of the previous score, or 1/25 of the highest score, then
# don't bother returning it (or anything worse than it.)
my @juicy;
my $first;
my $prev;
foreach (sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @options) {
my ($score, $val) = @$_;
last if (defined $prev && ($prev / $score) > 8);
last if (defined $first && ($first / $score) > 25);
push @juicy, $val;
$first = $score unless defined $first;
$prev = $score;
last if @juicy == 5;
return @juicy;
# rank_variants : <amount,unit> -> ( < map, score > )
# where map : {original unit => new unit}
sub rank_variants {
my ($v, $options) = @_;
$v = canonical($v);
my ($mag, $count) = @$v;
my @rangeable = grep { $count->{$_} > 0 } keys %$count;
if (@rangeable == 0) {
@rangeable = keys %$count;
return rank_power_variants($mag, \@rangeable, $count, $options);
sub choose_major {
my (@possibilities) = @_;
my @majors = map { [ major_pref($_), $_ ] } @possibilities;
return (sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @majors)[-1]->[1];
# rank_power_variants : value x [unit] x {unit=>power} x options ->
# ( <map,score> )
# $top is the set of units that should be range checked.
sub rank_power_variants {
my ($mag, $top, $power, $options) = @_;
# Recursive case: we have multiple units left, so pick one to be
# the "major" unit and select the best combination of the other
# units for each major variant on the major unit.
if (keys %$power > 1) {
# Choose the major unit class (this will return the best
# result for each of the major variants)
my $major = choose_major(keys %$power);
my $majorClass = get_class($major);
my %powerless = %$power;
delete $powerless{$major};
my @ranked; # ( <map,score> )
# Try every combination of each major variant and the other units
foreach my $variant (major_variants($major, $options)) {
my $mult = $majorClass->simple_convert($variant, $major);
my $cval = $mag / $mult ** $power->{$major};
print "\n --- for $variant ---\n" if $options->{verbose};
my @r = rank_power_variants($cval, $top, \%powerless, $options);
next if @r == 0;
my $best = $r[0];
$best->[0]->{$major} = $variant; # Augment map
# Replace score with major pref
$best->[1] = pref_score($variant);
push @ranked, $best;
return @ranked;
# Base case: have a single unit left. Go through all possible
# variants of that unit.
if (keys %$power == 0) {
# Special case: we don't have any units at all
return [ {}, 1 ];
my $unit = (keys %$power)[0];
$power = $power->{$unit}; # Now it's just the power of this unit
my $class = get_class($unit);
my (undef, $canon) = $class->to_canonical($unit);
my $mult = $class->simple_convert($unit, $canon);
$mag *= $mult ** $power;
my @choices;
my @subtop = grep { $_ ne $canon } @$top;
my $add_variant = (@subtop == @$top); # Flag: add $variant to @$top?
foreach my $variant (variants($canon)) {
# Convert from $canon to $variant
# Input: 4000 / sec ; (canon=sec)
# 1 ms -> .001 sec ; (variant=ms)
# 4000 / (.001 ** -1) = 4 / ms
my $mult = $class->simple_convert($variant, $canon);
my $minimag = $mag / $mult ** $power;
my @vtop = @subtop;
push @vtop, $variant if $add_variant;
my $score = score($minimag, $variant, \@vtop);
printf "($mag $unit) score %.6f:\t $minimag $variant\n", $score
if $options->{verbose};
push @choices, [ $score, $variant ];
@choices = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @choices;
return () if @choices == 0;
return map { [ {$unit => $_->[1]}, $_->[0] ] } @choices;
# Return a string representing a given set of units. The input is a
# map from unit names to their powers (eg lightyears/sec/sec would be
# represented as { lightyears => 1, sec => -2 }); the output is a
# corresponding string such as "lightyears / sec**2".
sub render_unit {
my ($units, $options) = @_;
# Positive powers just get appended together with spaces between
# them.
my $str = '';
while (my ($name, $power) = each %$units) {
if ($power > 0) {
$str .= get_class($name)->render_unit($name, $power, $options);
$str .= " ";
# Negative powers will be placed after a "/" character, because
# they're in the denominator.
my $botstr = '';
while (my ($name, $power) = each %$units) {
if ($power < 0) {
$botstr .= get_class($name)->render_unit($name, -$power, $options);
$botstr .= " ";
# Combine the numerator and denominator appropriately.
if ($botstr eq '') {
return $str;
} elsif ($botstr =~ /\s/) {
return "$str / ($botstr)";
} else {
return "$str / $botstr";
# render : <value,unit> -> string
sub render {
my ($v, $options) = @_;
my ($mag, $units) = @$v;
# No units
if (keys %$units == 0) {
# Special-case percentages
my $str = sprintf("%.4g", $mag);
if (($mag < 1) && ($mag >= 0.01)) {
if ($options->{abbreviate}) {
$str .= sprintf(" = %.4g percent", 100 * $mag);
} else {
$str .= sprintf(" = %.4g%%", 100 * $mag);
return $str;
my @top;
my @bottom;
while (my ($name, $power) = each %$units) {
if ($power > 0) {
push @top, $name;
} else {
push @bottom, $name;
my $str;
if (@top == 1) {
my ($name) = @top;
$str = get_class($name)->render($mag, $name, $units->{$name}, $options);
$str .= " ";
} else {
$str = sprintf("%.4g ", $mag);
foreach my $name (@top) {
$str .= get_class($name)->render_unit($name, $units->{$name}, $options);
$str .= " ";
if (@bottom > 0) {
my $botstr;
foreach my $name (@bottom) {
$botstr .= get_class($name)->render_unit($name, -$units->{$name}, $options);
$botstr .= " ";
if (@bottom > 1) {
$str .= "/ ($botstr) ";
} else {
$str .= "/ $botstr ";
return $str;
# max_range_score : amount x [ unit ] -> score
# Takes max score for listed units.
sub max_range_score {
my ($mag, $units) = @_;
my $score = 0;
foreach my $name (@$units) {
my $uscore = range_score($mag, $name);
$score = $uscore if $score < $uscore;
return $score;
# Arguments:
# $mag - The magnitude of the value (in the given unit)
# $unit - The unit to use to figure out what sounds best
# $top - ...I'll get back to you...
sub score {
my ($mag, $unit, $top) = @_;
my @rangeable = @$top ? @$top : ($unit);
my $pref = pref_score($unit);
my $range_score = max_range_score($mag, \@rangeable);
return $pref * $range_score;