use strict;
use warnings;
package MetaCPAN::Client::Author;
# ABSTRACT: An Author data object
$MetaCPAN::Client::Author::VERSION = '2.028000';
use Moo;
use Ref::Util qw< is_arrayref >;
with 'MetaCPAN::Client::Role::Entity';
my %known_fields = (
scalar => [qw<
arrayref => [qw<
hashref => [qw<
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
my $email = $args{'email'} || [];
$args{'email'} = [ $email ]
unless is_arrayref($email);
return \%args;
my @known_fields =
map { @{ $known_fields{$_} } } qw< scalar arrayref hashref >;
foreach my $field ( @known_fields ) {
has $field => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->data->{$field};
sub _known_fields { \%known_fields }
sub releases {
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->pauseid;
return $self->client->release({
all => [
{ author => $id },
{ status => 'latest' },
sub dir { $_[0]->links->{cpan_directory} }
sub metacpan_url { "" . $_[0]->pauseid }
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MetaCPAN::Client::Author - An Author data object
=head1 VERSION
version 2.028000
my $author = $mcpan->author('MICKEY');
a MetaCPAN author entity object.
=head2 pauseid
The author's pause id, which is a string like C<MICKEY> or C<XSAWYERX>.
=head2 name
The author's full name, if they've provided this in their MetaCPAN
profile. This may contain Unicode characters.
=head2 ascii_name
An ASCII-only version of the author's full name, if they've provided this in
their MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 city
The author's city, if they've provided this in their MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 region
The author's region, if they've provided this in their MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 country
The author's country, if they've provided this in their MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 updated
An ISO8601 datetime string like C<2016-11-19T12:41:46> indicating when the
author last updated their MetaCPAN profile. This is always provided in UTC.
=head2 dir
The author's CPAN directory, which is something like C<id/P/PE/PERLER>.
=head2 gravatar_url
The author's user URL, if they have one. This URL is generated
=head2 user
The user's internal MetaCPAN id.
=head2 donation
This is an arrayref containing zero or more hashrefs. Each hashref contains
two keys, C<name> and C<id>. The known names are currently C<paypal>,
C<wishlist>, and C<flattr>. The id will be an appropriate id or URL for the
thing in question.
This may be empty if the author has not provided this information in their
MetaCPAN profile.
For example:
{ "name" => "paypal", "id" => "" },
{ "name" => "wishlist", "id" => "" },
=head2 email
This is an arrayref containing zero or more email addresses that the author
has added to their MetaCPAN profile. Note that this does I<not> include the
C<> email address that all CPAN authors have.
=head2 website
This is an arrayref of website URLs provided by the author in their MetaCPAN
=head2 profile
This is an arrayref containing zero or more hashrefs. Each hashref contains
two keys, C<name> and C<id>. The names are things like C<github> or
C<stackoverflow>. The id will be an appropriate id for the site in question.
For example:
{ name => "amazon", id => "B002MRC39U" },
{ name => "stackoverflow", id => "brian-d-foy" },
This may be empty if the author has not provided this information in their
MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 perlmongers
This is an arrayref containing zero or more hashrefs. Each hashref contains
two keys, C<name> and C<url>. The names are things like C<>.
This may be empty if the author has not provided this information in their
MetaCPAN profile.
=head2 links
This is a hashref where the keys are a link type, and the values are URLs. The
currently known keys are:
=over 4
=item * cpan_directory
The author's CPAN directory.
=item * backpan_directory
The author's BackCPAN directory.
=item * cpantesters_reports
The author's CPAN Testers Reports page.
=item * cpantesters_matrix
The author's CPAN Testers matrix page.
=item * cpants
The author's CPANTS page.
=item * metacpan_explorer
A link to the MetaCPAN explorer site pre-populated with a request for the
author's profile.
=head2 blog
This is an arrayref containing zer or more hashrefs. Each hashref contains two
keys, C<url> and C<feed>. For example:
url => "",
feed => "",
=head2 release_count
This is a hashref containing counts for various types of releases. The known
keys are:
=over 4
=item * cpan
The total number of distribution uplaods the author currently has on CPAN.
=item * latest
The total number of unique distributions the author currently has on CPAN.
=item * backpan-only
The number of distribution uploads currently only available via BackPAN.
=head2 extra
Returns a hashref. The contents of this are entirely arbitrary and will vary
by author.
=head1 METHODS
Ensures format of the input.
=head2 releases
my $releases = $author->releases();
This method returns a L<MetaCPAN::Client::ResultSet> of
L<MetaCPAN::Client::Release> objects. It includes all of the author's releases
with the C<latest> status.
=head2 metacpan_url
Returns a link to the author's page on MetaCPAN.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Sawyer X <>
=item *
Mickey Nasriachi <>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Sawyer X.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.