package Method::Generate::Constructor;
use Moo::_strictures;
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub quotify);
use Sub::Defer;
use Moo::_Utils qw(_getstash _getglob);
use Moo::_mro;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use Carp qw(croak);
use Carp::Heavy ();
BEGIN { our @CARP_NOT = qw(Sub::Defer) }
local $Moo::sification::disabled = 1;
require Moo;
sub register_attribute_specs {
my ($self, @new_specs) = @_;
my $specs = $self->{attribute_specs}||={};
my $ag = $self->accessor_generator;
while (my ($name, $new_spec) = splice @new_specs, 0, 2) {
if ($name =~ s/^\+//) {
croak "has '+${name}' given but no ${name} attribute already exists"
unless my $old_spec = $specs->{$name};
$ag->merge_specs($new_spec, $old_spec);
if ($new_spec->{required}
&& !(
$ag->has_default($name, $new_spec)
|| !exists $new_spec->{init_arg}
|| defined $new_spec->{init_arg}
) {
croak "You cannot have a required attribute (${name})"
. " without a default, builder, or an init_arg";
$new_spec->{index} = scalar keys %$specs
unless defined $new_spec->{index};
$specs->{$name} = $new_spec;
sub all_attribute_specs {
sub accessor_generator {
sub construction_string {
my ($self) = @_;
||= $self->_build_construction_string;
sub buildall_generator {
require Method::Generate::BuildAll;
sub _build_construction_string {
my ($self) = @_;
my $builder = $self->{construction_builder};
$builder ? $self->$builder
: 'bless('
.', $class);'
sub install_delayed {
my ($self) = @_;
my $package = $self->{package};
my (undef, @isa) = @{mro::get_linear_isa($package)};
my $isa = join ',', @isa;
my (undef, $from_file, $from_line) = caller(Carp::short_error_loc());
my $constructor = defer_sub "${package}::new" => sub {
my (undef, @new_isa) = @{mro::get_linear_isa($package)};
if (join(',', @new_isa) ne $isa) {
my ($expected_new) = grep { *{_getglob($_.'::new')}{CODE} } @isa;
my ($found_new) = grep { *{_getglob($_.'::new')}{CODE} } @new_isa;
if (($found_new||'') ne ($expected_new||'')) {
$found_new ||= 'none';
$expected_new ||= 'none';
croak "Expected parent constructor of $package to be"
. " $expected_new, but found $found_new: changing the inheritance"
. " chain (\@ISA) at runtime (after $from_file line $from_line) is unsupported";
my $constructor = $self->generate_method(
$package, 'new', $self->{attribute_specs}, { no_install => 1, no_defer => 1 }
$self->{inlined} = 1;
weaken($self->{constructor} = $constructor);
$self->{inlined} = 0;
weaken($self->{constructor} = $constructor);
sub current_constructor {
my ($self, $package) = @_;
return *{_getglob("${package}::new")}{CODE};
sub assert_constructor {
my ($self) = @_;
my $package = $self->{package} or return 1;
my $current = $self->current_constructor($package)
or return 1;
my $constructor = $self->{constructor}
or croak "Unknown constructor for $package already exists";
croak "Constructor for $package has been replaced with an unknown sub"
if $constructor != $current;
croak "Constructor for $package has been inlined and cannot be updated"
if $self->{inlined};
sub generate_method {
my ($self, $into, $name, $spec, $quote_opts) = @_;
$quote_opts = {
package => $into,
foreach my $no_init (grep !exists($spec->{$_}{init_arg}), keys %$spec) {
$spec->{$no_init}{init_arg} = $no_init;
local $self->{captures} = {};
my $into_buildargs = $into->can('BUILDARGS');
my $body
= ' my $invoker = CORE::shift();'."\n"
. ' my $class = CORE::ref($invoker) ? CORE::ref($invoker) : $invoker;'."\n"
. $self->_handle_subconstructor($into, $name)
. ( $into_buildargs && $into_buildargs != \&Moo::Object::BUILDARGS
? $self->_generate_args_via_buildargs
: $self->_generate_args
. $self->_check_required($spec)
. ' my $new = '.$self->construction_string.";\n"
. $self->_assign_new($spec)
. ( $into->can('BUILD')
? $self->buildall_generator->buildall_body_for( $into, '$new', '$args' )
: ''
. ' return $new;'."\n";
if ($into->can('DEMOLISH')) {
require Method::Generate::DemolishAll;
"${into}::${name}" => $body,
$self->{captures}, $quote_opts||{}
sub _handle_subconstructor {
my ($self, $into, $name) = @_;
if (my $gen = $self->{subconstructor_handler}) {
' if ($class ne '.quotify($into).') {'."\n".
' }'."\n";
} else {
sub _cap_call {
my ($self, $code, $captures) = @_;
@{$self->{captures}}{keys %$captures} = values %$captures if $captures;
sub _generate_args_via_buildargs {
my ($self) = @_;
q{ my $args = $class->BUILDARGS(@_);}."\n"
.q{ Carp::croak("BUILDARGS did not return a hashref") unless CORE::ref($args) eq 'HASH';}
# inlined from Moo::Object - update that first.
sub _generate_args {
my ($self) = @_;
return <<'_EOA';
my $args = scalar @_ == 1
? CORE::ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
? { %{ $_[0] } }
: Carp::croak("Single parameters to new() must be a HASH ref"
. " data => ". $_[0])
: @_ % 2
? Carp::croak("The new() method for $class expects a hash reference or a"
. " key/value list. You passed an odd number of arguments")
: {@_}
sub _assign_new {
my ($self, $spec) = @_;
my $ag = $self->accessor_generator;
my %test;
NAME: foreach my $name (sort keys %$spec) {
my $attr_spec = $spec->{$name};
next NAME unless defined($attr_spec->{init_arg})
or $ag->has_eager_default($name, $attr_spec);
$test{$name} = $attr_spec->{init_arg};
join '', map {
my $arg = $test{$_};
my $arg_key = quotify($arg);
my $test = defined $arg ? "exists \$args->{$arg_key}" : undef;
my $source = defined $arg ? "\$args->{$arg_key}" : undef;
my $attr_spec = $spec->{$_};
'$new', $_, $attr_spec, $source, $test, $arg,
} sort keys %test;
sub _check_required {
my ($self, $spec) = @_;
my @required_init =
map $spec->{$_}{init_arg},
grep {
my $s = $spec->{$_}; # ignore required if default or builder set
$s->{required} and not($s->{builder} or exists $s->{default})
} sort keys %$spec;
return '' unless @required_init;
' if (my @missing = grep !exists $args->{$_}, '
.join(', ', map quotify($_), @required_init).') {'."\n"
.q{ Carp::croak("Missing required arguments: ".CORE::join(', ', sort @missing));}."\n"
." }\n";
# bootstrap our own constructor
sub new {
my $class = shift;
delete _getstash(__PACKAGE__)->{new};
bless $class->BUILDARGS(@_), $class;
attribute_specs => {
is => 'ro',
reader => 'all_attribute_specs',
accessor_generator => { is => 'ro' },
construction_string => { is => 'lazy' },
construction_builder => { is => 'bare' },
subconstructor_handler => { is => 'ro' },
package => { is => 'bare' },
if ($INC{'Moo/'} && !$Moo::sification::disabled) {