package Mojo::DOM::CSS;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Util qw(trim);
has 'tree';
my $ESCAPE_RE = qr/\\[^0-9a-fA-F]|\\[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}/;
my $ATTR_RE = qr/
((?:$ESCAPE_RE|[\w\-])+) # Key
(\W)?= # Operator
(?:"((?:\\"|[^"])*)"|'((?:\\'|[^'])*)'|([^\]]+?)) # Value
(?:\s+(?:(i|I)|s|S))? # Case-sensitivity
sub matches {
my $tree = shift->tree;
return $tree->[0] ne 'tag' ? undef : _match(_compile(@_), $tree, $tree);
sub select { _select(0, shift->tree, _compile(@_)) }
sub select_one { _select(1, shift->tree, _compile(@_)) }
sub _ancestor {
my ($selectors, $current, $tree, $one, $pos) = @_;
while ($current = $current->[3]) {
return undef if $current->[0] eq 'root' || $current eq $tree;
return 1 if _combinator($selectors, $current, $tree, $pos);
last if $one;
return undef;
sub _attr {
my ($name_re, $value_re, $current) = @_;
my $attrs = $current->[2];
for my $name (keys %$attrs) {
my $value = $attrs->{$name};
next if $name !~ $name_re || (!defined $value && defined $value_re);
return 1 if !(defined $value && defined $value_re) || $value =~ $value_re;
return undef;
sub _combinator {
my ($selectors, $current, $tree, $pos) = @_;
# Selector
return undef unless my $c = $selectors->[$pos];
if (ref $c) {
return undef unless _selector($c, $current);
return 1 unless $c = $selectors->[++$pos];
# ">" (parent only)
return _ancestor($selectors, $current, $tree, 1, ++$pos) if $c eq '>';
# "~" (preceding siblings)
return _sibling($selectors, $current, $tree, 0, ++$pos) if $c eq '~';
# "+" (immediately preceding siblings)
return _sibling($selectors, $current, $tree, 1, ++$pos) if $c eq '+';
# " " (ancestor)
return _ancestor($selectors, $current, $tree, 0, ++$pos);
sub _compile {
my ($css, %ns) = (trim('' . shift), @_);
my $group = [[]];
while (my $selectors = $group->[-1]) {
push @$selectors, [] unless @$selectors && ref $selectors->[-1];
my $last = $selectors->[-1];
# Separator
if ($css =~ /\G\s*,\s*/gc) { push @$group, [] }
# Combinator
elsif ($css =~ /\G\s*([ >+~])\s*/gc) { push @$selectors, $1 }
# Class or ID
elsif ($css =~ /\G([.#])((?:$ESCAPE_RE\s|\\.|[^,.#:[ >~+])+)/gco) {
my ($name, $op) = $1 eq '.' ? ('class', '~') : ('id', '');
push @$last, ['attr', _name($name), _value($op, $2)];
# Attributes
elsif ($css =~ /\G$ATTR_RE/gco) {
push @$last, ['attr', _name($1), _value($2 // '', $3 // $4 // $5, $6)];
# Pseudo-class
elsif ($css =~ /\G:([\w\-]+)(?:\(((?:\([^)]+\)|[^)])+)\))?/gcs) {
my ($name, $args) = (lc $1, $2);
# ":is" and ":not" (contains more selectors)
$args = _compile($args, %ns) if $name eq 'is' || $name eq 'not';
# ":nth-*" (with An+B notation)
$args = _equation($args) if $name =~ /^nth-/;
# ":first-*" (rewrite to ":nth-*")
($name, $args) = ("nth-$1", [0, 1]) if $name =~ /^first-(.+)$/;
# ":last-*" (rewrite to ":nth-*")
($name, $args) = ("nth-$name", [-1, 1]) if $name =~ /^last-/;
push @$last, ['pc', $name, $args];
# Tag
elsif ($css =~ /\G((?:$ESCAPE_RE\s|\\.|[^,.#:[ >~+])+)/gco) {
my $alias = (my $name = $1) =~ s/^([^|]*)\|// && $1 ne '*' ? $1 : undef;
my $ns = length $alias ? $ns{$alias} // return [['invalid']] : $alias;
push @$last, ['tag', $name eq '*' ? undef : _name($name), _unescape($ns)];
else {last}
return $group;
sub _empty { $_[0][0] eq 'comment' || $_[0][0] eq 'pi' }
sub _equation {
return [0, 0] unless my $equation = shift;
# "even"
return [2, 2] if $equation =~ /^\s*even\s*$/i;
# "odd"
return [2, 1] if $equation =~ /^\s*odd\s*$/i;
# "4", "+4" or "-4"
return [0, $1] if $equation =~ /^\s*((?:\+|-)?\d+)\s*$/;
# "n", "4n", "+4n", "-4n", "n+1", "4n-1", "+4n-1" (and other variations)
return [0, 0]
unless $equation =~ /^\s*((?:\+|-)?(?:\d+)?)?n\s*((?:\+|-)\s*\d+)?\s*$/i;
return [$1 eq '-' ? -1 : !length $1 ? 1 : $1, join('', split(' ', $2 // 0))];
sub _match {
my ($group, $current, $tree) = @_;
_combinator([reverse @$_], $current, $tree, 0) and return 1 for @$group;
return undef;
sub _name {qr/(?:^|:)\Q@{[_unescape(shift)]}\E$/}
sub _namespace {
my ($ns, $current) = @_;
my $attr = $current->[1] =~ /^([^:]+):/ ? "xmlns:$1" : 'xmlns';
while ($current) {
last if $current->[0] eq 'root';
return $current->[2]{$attr} eq $ns if exists $current->[2]{$attr};
$current = $current->[3];
# Failing to match yields true if searching for no namespace, false otherwise
return !length $ns;
sub _pc {
my ($class, $args, $current) = @_;
# ":checked"
return exists $current->[2]{checked} || exists $current->[2]{selected}
if $class eq 'checked';
# ":not"
return !_match($args, $current, $current) if $class eq 'not';
# ":is"
return !!_match($args, $current, $current) if $class eq 'is';
# ":empty"
return !grep { !_empty($_) } @$current[4 .. $#$current] if $class eq 'empty';
# ":root"
return $current->[3] && $current->[3][0] eq 'root' if $class eq 'root';
# ":any-link", ":link" and ":visited"
if ($class eq 'any-link' || $class eq 'link' || $class eq 'visited') {
return undef unless $current->[0] eq 'tag' && exists $current->[2]{href};
return !!grep { $current->[1] eq $_ } qw(a area link);
# ":only-child" or ":only-of-type"
if ($class eq 'only-child' || $class eq 'only-of-type') {
my $type = $class eq 'only-of-type' ? $current->[1] : undef;
$_ ne $current and return undef for @{_siblings($current, $type)};
return 1;
# ":nth-child", ":nth-last-child", ":nth-of-type" or ":nth-last-of-type"
if (ref $args) {
my $type = $class eq 'nth-of-type'
|| $class eq 'nth-last-of-type' ? $current->[1] : undef;
my @siblings = @{_siblings($current, $type)};
@siblings = reverse @siblings
if $class eq 'nth-last-child' || $class eq 'nth-last-of-type';
for my $i (0 .. $#siblings) {
next if (my $result = $args->[0] * $i + $args->[1]) < 1;
return undef unless my $sibling = $siblings[$result - 1];
return 1 if $sibling eq $current;
# Everything else
return undef;
sub _select {
my ($one, $tree, $group) = @_;
my @results;
my @queue = @$tree[($tree->[0] eq 'root' ? 1 : 4) .. $#$tree];
while (my $current = shift @queue) {
next unless $current->[0] eq 'tag';
unshift @queue, @$current[4 .. $#$current];
next unless _match($group, $current, $tree);
$one ? return $current : push @results, $current;
return $one ? undef : \@results;
sub _selector {
my ($selector, $current) = @_;
for my $s (@$selector) {
my $type = $s->[0];
# Tag
if ($type eq 'tag') {
return undef if defined $s->[1] && $current->[1] !~ $s->[1];
return undef if defined $s->[2] && !_namespace($s->[2], $current);
# Attribute
elsif ($type eq 'attr') { return undef unless _attr(@$s[1, 2], $current) }
# Pseudo-class
elsif ($type eq 'pc') { return undef unless _pc(@$s[1, 2], $current) }
# Invalid selector
else { return undef }
return 1;
sub _sibling {
my ($selectors, $current, $tree, $immediate, $pos) = @_;
my $found;
for my $sibling (@{_siblings($current)}) {
return $found if $sibling eq $current;
# "+" (immediately preceding sibling)
if ($immediate) { $found = _combinator($selectors, $sibling, $tree, $pos) }
# "~" (preceding sibling)
else { return 1 if _combinator($selectors, $sibling, $tree, $pos) }
return undef;
sub _siblings {
my ($current, $type) = @_;
my $parent = $current->[3];
my @siblings = grep { $_->[0] eq 'tag' }
@$parent[($parent->[0] eq 'root' ? 1 : 4) .. $#$parent];
@siblings = grep { $type eq $_->[1] } @siblings if defined $type;
return \@siblings;
sub _unescape {
return undef unless defined(my $value = shift);
# Remove escaped newlines
$value =~ s/\\\n//g;
# Unescape Unicode characters
$value =~ s/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6})\s?/pack 'U', hex $1/ge;
# Remove backslash
$value =~ s/\\//g;
return $value;
sub _value {
my ($op, $value, $insensitive) = @_;
return undef unless defined $value;
$value = ($insensitive ? '(?i)' : '') . quotemeta _unescape($value);
# "~=" (word)
return qr/(?:^|\s+)$value(?:\s+|$)/ if $op eq '~';
# "|=" (hyphen-separated)
return qr/^$value(?:-|$)/ if $op eq '|';
# "*=" (contains)
return qr/$value/ if $op eq '*';
# "^=" (begins with)
return qr/^$value/ if $op eq '^';
# "$=" (ends with)
return qr/$value$/ if $op eq '$';
# Everything else
return qr/^$value$/;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::DOM::CSS - CSS selector engine
use Mojo::DOM::CSS;
# Select elements from DOM tree
my $css = Mojo::DOM::CSS->new(tree => $tree);
my $elements = $css->select('h1, h2, h3');
L<Mojo::DOM::CSS> is the CSS selector engine used by L<Mojo::DOM>, based on the
L<HTML Living Standard|> and
L<Selectors Level 3|>.
All CSS selectors that make sense for a standalone parser are supported.
=head2 *
Any element.
my $all = $css->select('*');
=head2 E
An element of type C<E>.
my $title = $css->select('title');
=head2 E[foo]
An C<E> element with a C<foo> attribute.
my $links = $css->select('a[href]');
=head2 E[foo="bar"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value is exactly equal to C<bar>.
my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden"]');
my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type=hidden]');
=head2 E[foo="bar" i]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value is exactly equal to any
(ASCII-range) case-permutation of C<bar>. Note that this selector is
B<EXPERIMENTAL> and might change without warning!
my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden" i]');
my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[type=hidden i]');
my $case_insensitive = $css->select('input[class~="foo" i]');
This selector is part of
L<Selectors Level 4|>, which is still a work
in progress.
=head2 E[foo="bar" s]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value is exactly and case-sensitively
equal to C<bar>. Note that this selector is B<EXPERIMENTAL> and might change
without warning!
my $case_sensitive = $css->select('input[type="hidden" s]');
This selector is part of
L<Selectors Level 4|>, which is still a work
in progress.
=head2 E[foo~="bar"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated
values, one of which is exactly equal to C<bar>.
my $foo = $css->select('input[class~="foo"]');
my $foo = $css->select('input[class~=foo]');
=head2 E[foo^="bar"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value begins exactly with the string
my $begins_with = $css->select('input[name^="f"]');
my $begins_with = $css->select('input[name^=f]');
=head2 E[foo$="bar"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value ends exactly with the string
my $ends_with = $css->select('input[name$="o"]');
my $ends_with = $css->select('input[name$=o]');
=head2 E[foo*="bar"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute value contains the substring C<bar>.
my $contains = $css->select('input[name*="fo"]');
my $contains = $css->select('input[name*=fo]');
=head2 E[foo|="en"]
An C<E> element whose C<foo> attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values
beginning (from the left) with C<en>.
my $english = $css->select('link[hreflang|=en]');
=head2 E:root
An C<E> element, root of the document.
my $root = $css->select(':root');
=head2 E:nth-child(n)
An C<E> element, the C<n-th> child of its parent.
my $third = $css->select('div:nth-child(3)');
my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-child(odd)');
my $even = $css->select('div:nth-child(even)');
my $top3 = $css->select('div:nth-child(-n+3)');
=head2 E:nth-last-child(n)
An C<E> element, the C<n-th> child of its parent, counting from the last one.
my $third = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(3)');
my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(odd)');
my $even = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(even)');
my $bottom3 = $css->select('div:nth-last-child(-n+3)');
=head2 E:nth-of-type(n)
An C<E> element, the C<n-th> sibling of its type.
my $third = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(3)');
my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(odd)');
my $even = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(even)');
my $top3 = $css->select('div:nth-of-type(-n+3)');
=head2 E:nth-last-of-type(n)
An C<E> element, the C<n-th> sibling of its type, counting from the last one.
my $third = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(3)');
my $odd = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(odd)');
my $even = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(even)');
my $bottom3 = $css->select('div:nth-last-of-type(-n+3)');
=head2 E:first-child
An C<E> element, first child of its parent.
my $first = $css->select('div p:first-child');
=head2 E:last-child
An C<E> element, last child of its parent.
my $last = $css->select('div p:last-child');
=head2 E:first-of-type
An C<E> element, first sibling of its type.
my $first = $css->select('div p:first-of-type');
=head2 E:last-of-type
An C<E> element, last sibling of its type.
my $last = $css->select('div p:last-of-type');
=head2 E:only-child
An C<E> element, only child of its parent.
my $lonely = $css->select('div p:only-child');
=head2 E:only-of-type
An C<E> element, only sibling of its type.
my $lonely = $css->select('div p:only-of-type');
=head2 E:empty
An C<E> element that has no children (including text nodes).
my $empty = $css->select(':empty');
=head2 E:any-link
Alias for L</"E:link">. Note that this selector is B<EXPERIMENTAL> and might
change without warning! This selector is part of
L<Selectors Level 4|>, which is still a work
in progress.
=head2 E:link
An C<E> element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is
not yet visited (C<:link>) or already visited (C<:visited>). Note that
L<Mojo::DOM::CSS> is not stateful, therefore C<:any-link>, C<:link> and
C<:visited> yield exactly the same results.
my $links = $css->select(':any-link');
my $links = $css->select(':link');
my $links = $css->select(':visited');
=head2 E:visited
Alias for L</"E:link">.
=head2 E:checked
A user interface element C<E> which is checked (for instance a radio-button or
my $input = $css->select(':checked');
=head2 E.warning
An C<E> element whose class is "warning".
my $warning = $css->select('div.warning');
=head2 E#myid
An C<E> element with C<ID> equal to "myid".
my $foo = $css->select('div#foo');
=head2 E:not(s1, s2)
An C<E> element that does not match either compound selector C<s1> or compound
selector C<s2>. Note that support for compound selectors is B<EXPERIMENTAL> and
might change without warning!
my $others = $css->select('div p:not(:first-child, :last-child)');
Support for compound selectors was added as part of
L<Selectors Level 4|>, which is still a work
in progress.
=head2 E:is(s1, s2)
An C<E> element that matches compound selector C<s1> and/or compound selector
C<s2>. Note that this selector is B<EXPERIMENTAL> and might change without
my $headers = $css->select(':is(section, article, aside, nav) h1');
This selector is part of
L<Selectors Level 4|>, which is still a work
in progress.
=head2 A|E
An C<E> element that belongs to the namespace alias C<A> from
L<CSS Namespaces Module Level 3|>.
Key/value pairs passed to selector methods are used to declare namespace
my $elem = $css->select('lq|elem', lq => '');
Using an empty alias searches for an element that belongs to no namespace.
my $div = $c->select('|div');
=head2 E F
An C<F> element descendant of an C<E> element.
my $headlines = $css->select('div h1');
=head2 E E<gt> F
An C<F> element child of an C<E> element.
my $headlines = $css->select('html > body > div > h1');
=head2 E + F
An C<F> element immediately preceded by an C<E> element.
my $second = $css->select('h1 + h2');
=head2 E ~ F
An C<F> element preceded by an C<E> element.
my $second = $css->select('h1 ~ h2');
=head2 E, F, G
Elements of type C<E>, C<F> and C<G>.
my $headlines = $css->select('h1, h2, h3');
=head2 E[foo=bar][bar=baz]
An C<E> element whose attributes match all following attribute selectors.
my $links = $css->select('a[foo^=b][foo$=ar]');
L<Mojo::DOM::CSS> implements the following attributes.
=head2 tree
my $tree = $css->tree;
$css = $css->tree(['root']);
Document Object Model. Note that this structure should only be used very
carefully since it is very dynamic.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::DOM::CSS> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.
=head2 matches
my $bool = $css->matches('head > title');
my $bool = $css->matches('svg|line', svg => '');
Check if first node in L</"tree"> matches the CSS selector. Trailing key/value
pairs can be used to declare xml namespace aliases.
=head2 select
my $results = $css->select('head > title');
my $results = $css->select('svg|line', svg => '');
Run CSS selector against L</"tree">. Trailing key/value pairs can be used to
declare xml namespace aliases.
=head2 select_one
my $result = $css->select_one('head > title');
my $result =
$css->select_one('svg|line', svg => '');
Run CSS selector against L</"tree"> and stop as soon as the first node matched.
Trailing key/value pairs can be used to declare xml namespace aliases.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.