package Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Cookie::Request;
use Mojo::Path;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
has 'ignore';
has max_cookie_size => 4096;
sub add {
my ($self, @cookies) = @_;
my $size = $self->max_cookie_size;
for my $cookie (@cookies) {
# Convert max age to expires
my $age = $cookie->max_age;
$cookie->expires($age <= 0 ? 0 : $age + time) if looks_like_number $age;
# Check cookie size
next if length($cookie->value // '') > $size;
# Replace cookie
next unless my $domain = lc($cookie->domain // '');
next unless my $path = $cookie->path;
next unless length(my $name = $cookie->name // '');
my $jar = $self->{jar}{$domain} ||= [];
@$jar = (grep({ _compare($_, $path, $name, $domain) } @$jar), $cookie);
return $self;
sub all {
my $jar = shift->{jar};
return [map { @{$jar->{$_}} } sort keys %$jar];
sub collect {
my ($self, $tx) = @_;
my $url = $tx->req->url;
for my $cookie (@{$tx->res->cookies}) {
# Validate domain
my $host = lc $url->ihost;
$cookie->domain($host)->host_only(1) unless $cookie->domain;
my $domain = lc $cookie->domain;
if (my $cb = $self->ignore) { next if $cb->($cookie) }
next if $host ne $domain && ($host !~ /\Q.$domain\E$/ || $host =~ /\.\d+$/);
# Validate path
my $path = $cookie->path // $url->path->to_dir->to_abs_string;
$path = Mojo::Path->new($path)->trailing_slash(0)->to_abs_string;
next unless _path($path, $url->path->to_abs_string);
sub empty { delete shift->{jar} }
sub find {
my ($self, $url) = @_;
my @found;
my $domain = my $host = lc $url->ihost;
my $path = $url->path->to_abs_string;
while ($domain) {
next unless my $old = $self->{jar}{$domain};
# Grab cookies
my $new = $self->{jar}{$domain} = [];
for my $cookie (@$old) {
next if $cookie->host_only && $host ne $cookie->domain;
# Check if cookie has expired
if (defined(my $expires = $cookie->expires)) { next if time > $expires }
push @$new, $cookie;
# Taste cookie
next if $cookie->secure && $url->protocol ne 'https';
next unless _path($cookie->path, $path);
my $name = $cookie->name;
my $value = $cookie->value;
push @found, Mojo::Cookie::Request->new(name => $name, value => $value);
# Remove another part
continue { $domain =~ s/^[^.]*\.*// }
return \@found;
sub prepare {
my ($self, $tx) = @_;
return unless keys %{$self->{jar}};
my $req = $tx->req;
sub _compare {
my ($cookie, $path, $name, $domain) = @_;
$cookie->path ne $path
|| $cookie->name ne $name
|| $cookie->domain ne $domain;
sub _path { $_[0] eq '/' || $_[0] eq $_[1] || index($_[1], "$_[0]/") == 0 }
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar - Cookie jar for HTTP user agents
use Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar;
# Add response cookies
my $jar = Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar->new;
name => 'foo',
value => 'bar',
domain => 'localhost',
path => '/test'
# Find request cookies
for my $cookie (@{$jar->find(Mojo::URL->new('http://localhost/test'))}) {
say $cookie->name;
say $cookie->value;
L<Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar> is a minimalistic and relaxed cookie jar used by
L<Mojo::UserAgent>, based on L<RFC 6265|>.
L<Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar> implements the following attributes.
=head2 ignore
my $ignore = $jar->ignore;
$jar = $jar->ignore(sub {...});
A callback used to decide if a cookie should be ignored by L</"collect">.
# Ignore all cookies
$jar->ignore(sub { 1 });
# Ignore cookies for domains "com", "net" and "org"
$jar->ignore(sub {
my $cookie = shift;
return undef unless my $domain = $cookie->domain;
return $domain eq 'com' || $domain eq 'net' || $domain eq 'org';
=head2 max_cookie_size
my $size = $jar->max_cookie_size;
$jar = $jar->max_cookie_size(4096);
Maximum cookie size in bytes, defaults to C<4096> (4KiB).
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and
implements the following new ones.
=head2 add
$jar = $jar->add(@cookies);
Add multiple L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> objects to the jar.
=head2 all
my $cookies = $jar->all;
Return all L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> objects that are currently stored in the
# Names of all cookies
say $_->name for @{$jar->all};
=head2 collect
Collect response cookies from transaction.
=head2 empty
Empty the jar.
=head2 find
my $cookies = $jar->find(Mojo::URL->new);
Find L<Mojo::Cookie::Request> objects in the jar for L<Mojo::URL> object.
# Names of all cookies found
say $_->name for @{$jar->find(Mojo::URL->new(''))};
=head2 prepare
Prepare request cookies for transaction.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.