shell bypass 403
package Mojolicious::Renderer;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Cache;
use Mojo::DynamicMethods;
use Mojo::File qw(curfile path);
use Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json);
use Mojo::Loader qw(data_section);
use Mojo::Util qw(decamelize encode gzip md5_sum monkey_patch);
has cache => sub { Mojo::Cache->new };
has classes => sub { ['main'] };
has [qw(compress default_handler)];
has default_format => 'html';
has encoding => 'UTF-8';
has [qw(handlers helpers)] => sub { {} };
has min_compress_size => 860;
has paths => sub { [] };
# Bundled templates
my $TEMPLATES = curfile->sibling('resources', 'templates');
sub DESTROY { Mojo::Util::_teardown($_) for @{shift->{namespaces}} }
sub accepts {
my ($self, $c) = (shift, shift);
# List representations
my $req = $c->req;
my $fmt = $req->param('format') || $c->stash->{format};
my @exts = $fmt ? ($fmt) : ();
push @exts, @{$c->app->types->detect($req->headers->accept)};
return \@exts unless @_;
# Find best representation
for my $ext (@exts) { $ext eq $_ and return $ext for @_ }
return @exts ? undef : shift;
sub add_handler { $_[0]->handlers->{$_[1]} = $_[2] and return $_[0] }
sub add_helper {
my ($self, $name, $cb) = @_;
$self->helpers->{$name} = $cb;
delete $self->{proxy};
$cb = $self->get_helper($name) if $name =~ s/\..*$//;
Mojo::DynamicMethods::register $_, $self, $name, $cb
for qw(Mojolicious Mojolicious::Controller);
return $self;
sub get_data_template {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
return undef unless my $template = $self->template_name($options);
return data_section $self->{index}{$template}, $template;
sub get_helper {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
if (my $h = $self->{proxy}{$name} || $self->helpers->{$name}) { return $h }
my $found;
my $class = 'Mojolicious::Renderer::Helpers::' . md5_sum "$name:$self";
my $re = length $name ? qr/^(\Q$name\E\.([^.]+))/ : qr/^(([^.]+))/;
for my $key (keys %{$self->helpers}) {
$key =~ $re ? ($found, my $method) = (1, $2) : next;
my $sub = $self->get_helper($1);
monkey_patch $class, $method => sub { ${shift()}->$sub(@_) };
$found ? push @{$self->{namespaces}}, $class : return undef;
return $self->{proxy}{$name} = sub { bless \(my $dummy = shift), $class };
sub render {
my ($self, $c, $args) = @_;
my $stash = $c->stash;
my $options = {
encoding => $self->encoding,
handler => $stash->{handler},
template => delete $stash->{template},
variant => $stash->{variant}
my $inline = $options->{inline} = delete $stash->{inline};
$options->{handler} //= $self->default_handler if defined $inline;
$options->{format} = $stash->{format} || $self->default_format;
# Data
return delete $stash->{data}, $options->{format} if defined $stash->{data};
# Text
return _maybe($options->{encoding}, delete $stash->{text}), $options->{format}
if defined $stash->{text};
return encode_json(delete $stash->{json}), 'json' if exists $stash->{json};
# Template or templateless handler
$options->{template} //= $self->template_for($c);
return () unless $self->_render_template($c, \my $output, $options);
# Inheritance
my $content = $stash->{'mojo.content'} ||= {};
local $content->{content} = $output =~ /\S/ ? $output : undef
if $stash->{extends} || $stash->{layout};
while ((my $next = _next($stash)) && !defined $inline) {
@$options{qw(handler template)} = ($stash->{handler}, $next);
$options->{format} = $stash->{format} || $self->default_format;
if ($self->_render_template($c, \my $tmp, $options)) { $output = $tmp }
$content->{content} //= $output if $output =~ /\S/;
return $output if $args->{'mojo.string'};
return _maybe($options->{encoding}, $output), $options->{format};
sub respond {
my ($self, $c, $output, $format, $status) = @_;
# Gzip compression
my $res = $c->res;
if ($self->compress && length($output) >= $self->min_compress_size) {
my $headers = $res->headers;
$headers->append(Vary => 'Accept-Encoding');
my $gzip = ($c->req->headers->accept_encoding // '') =~ /gzip/i;
if ($gzip && !$headers->content_encoding) {
$output = gzip $output;
$c->app->types->content_type($c, {ext => $format});
return !!$c->rendered($status);
sub template_for {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Normal default template
my $stash = $c->stash;
my ($controller, $action) = @$stash{qw(controller action)};
return join '/', split('-', decamelize $controller), $action
if $controller && $action;
# Try the route name if we don't have controller and action
return undef unless my $route = $c->match->endpoint;
return $route->name;
sub template_handler {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
return undef unless my $file = $self->template_name($options);
return $self->default_handler unless my $handlers = $self->{templates}{$file};
return $handlers->[0];
sub template_name {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
return undef unless defined(my $template = $options->{template});
return undef unless my $format = $options->{format};
$template .= ".$format";
$self->warmup unless $self->{templates};
# Variants
my $handler = $options->{handler};
if (defined(my $variant = $options->{variant})) {
$variant = "$template+$variant";
my $handlers = $self->{templates}{$variant} // [];
$template = $variant
if @$handlers && !defined $handler || grep { $_ eq $handler } @$handlers;
return defined $handler ? "$template.$handler" : $template;
sub template_path {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
return undef unless my $name = $self->template_name($options);
my @parts = split '/', $name;
-r and return $_
for map { path($_, @parts)->to_string } @{$self->paths}, $TEMPLATES;
return undef;
sub warmup {
my $self = shift;
my ($index, $templates) = @$self{qw(index templates)} = ({}, {});
# Handlers for templates
for my $path (@{$self->paths}, $TEMPLATES) {
s/\.(\w+)$// and push @{$templates->{$_}}, $1
for path($path)->list_tree->map(sub { join '/', @{$_->to_rel($path)} })
# Handlers and classes for DATA templates
for my $class (reverse @{$self->classes}) {
$index->{$_} = $class for my @keys = sort keys %{data_section $class};
s/\.(\w+)$// and unshift @{$templates->{$_}}, $1 for reverse @keys;
sub _maybe { $_[0] ? encode @_ : $_[1] }
sub _next {
my $stash = shift;
return delete $stash->{extends} if $stash->{extends};
return undef unless my $layout = delete $stash->{layout};
return join '/', 'layouts', $layout;
sub _render_template {
my ($self, $c, $output, $options) = @_;
my $handler = $options->{handler} ||= $self->template_handler($options);
return undef unless $handler;
$c->helpers->log->error(qq{No handler for "$handler" found}) and return undef
unless my $renderer = $self->handlers->{$handler};
$renderer->($self, $c, $output, $options);
return 1 if defined $$output;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Renderer - Generate dynamic content
use Mojolicious::Renderer;
my $renderer = Mojolicious::Renderer->new;
push @{$renderer->classes}, 'MyApp::Controller::Foo';
push @{$renderer->paths}, '/home/sri/templates';
L<Mojolicious::Renderer> is the standard L<Mojolicious> renderer.
See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering> for more.
L<Mojolicious::Renderer> implements the following attributes.
=head2 cache
my $cache = $renderer->cache;
$renderer = $renderer->cache(Mojo::Cache->new);
Renderer cache, defaults to a L<Mojo::Cache> object.
=head2 classes
my $classes = $renderer->classes;
$renderer = $renderer->classes(['main']);
Classes to use for finding templates in C<DATA> sections with L<Mojo::Loader>,
first one has the highest precedence, defaults to C<main>. Only files with
exactly two extensions will be used, like C<index.html.ep>. Note that for
templates to be detected, these classes need to have already been loaded and
added before L</"warmup"> is called, which usually happens automatically during
application startup.
# Add another class with templates in DATA section
push @{$renderer->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Fun';
# Add another class with templates in DATA section and higher precedence
unshift @{$renderer->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::MoreFun';
=head2 compress
my $bool = $renderer->compress;
$renderer = $renderer->compress($bool);
Try to negotiate compression for dynamically generated response content and
C<gzip> compress it automatically, defaults to false.
=head2 default_format
my $default = $renderer->default_format;
$renderer = $renderer->default_format('html');
The default format to render if C<format> is not set in the stash, defaults to
C<html>. Note that changing the default away from C<html> is not recommended, as
it has the potential to break, for example, plugins with bundled templates.
=head2 default_handler
my $default = $renderer->default_handler;
$renderer = $renderer->default_handler('ep');
The default template handler to use for rendering in cases where auto-detection
doesn't work, like for C<inline> templates.
=head2 encoding
my $encoding = $renderer->encoding;
$renderer = $renderer->encoding('koi8-r');
Will encode generated content if set, defaults to C<UTF-8>. Note that many
renderers such as L<Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer> also use this value to
determine if template files should be decoded before processing.
=head2 handlers
my $handlers = $renderer->handlers;
$renderer = $renderer->handlers({epl => sub {...}});
Registered handlers.
=head2 helpers
my $helpers = $renderer->helpers;
$renderer = $renderer->helpers({url_for => sub {...}});
Registered helpers.
=head2 min_compress_size
my $size = $renderer->min_compress_size;
$renderer = $renderer->min_compress_size(1024);
Minimum output size in bytes required for compression to be used if enabled,
defaults to C<860>.
=head2 paths
my $paths = $renderer->paths;
$renderer = $renderer->paths(['/home/sri/templates']);
Directories to look for templates in, first one has the highest precedence.
# Add another "templates" directory
push @{$renderer->paths}, '/home/sri/templates';
# Add another "templates" directory with higher precedence
unshift @{$renderer->paths}, '/home/sri/themes/blue/templates';
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Renderer> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 accepts
my $all = $renderer->accepts(Mojolicious::Controller->new);
my $best = $renderer->accepts(Mojolicious::Controller->new, 'html', 'json');
Select best possible representation for L<Mojolicious::Controller> object from
C<format> C<GET>/C<POST> parameter, C<format> stash value, or C<Accept> request
header, defaults to returning the first extension if no preference could be
=head2 add_handler
$renderer = $renderer->add_handler(epl => sub {...});
Register a handler.
$renderer->add_handler(foo => sub {
my ($renderer, $c, $output, $options) = @_;
$$output = 'Hello World!';
=head2 add_helper
$renderer = $renderer->add_helper(url_for => sub {...});
Register a helper.
$renderer->add_helper(foo => sub {
my ($c, @args) = @_;
=head2 get_data_template
my $template = $renderer->get_data_template({
template => 'foo/bar',
format => 'html',
handler => 'epl'
Return a C<DATA> section template from L</"classes"> for an options hash
reference with C<template>, C<format>, C<variant> and C<handler> values, or
C<undef> if no template could be found, usually used by handlers.
=head2 get_helper
my $helper = $renderer->get_helper('url_for');
Get a helper by full name, generate a helper dynamically for a prefix, or return
C<undef> if no helper or prefix could be found. Generated helpers return a
proxy object containing the current controller object and on which nested
helpers can be called.
=head2 render
my ($output, $format) = $renderer->render(Mojolicious::Controller->new, {
template => 'foo/bar',
foo => 'bar'
Render output through one of the renderers. See
L<Mojolicious::Controller/"render"> for a more user-friendly interface.
=head2 respond
my $bool = $renderer->respond(Mojolicious::Controller->new, $output, $format);
my $bool = $renderer->respond(
Mojolicious::Controller->new, $output, $format, $status);
Finalize dynamically generated response content and L</"compress"> it if
=head2 template_for
my $name = $renderer->template_for(Mojolicious::Controller->new);
Return default template name for L<Mojolicious::Controller> object, or C<undef>
if no name could be generated.
=head2 template_handler
my $handler = $renderer->template_handler({
template => 'foo/bar',
format => 'html'
Return handler for an options hash reference with C<template>, C<format> and
C<variant> values, or C<undef> if no handler could be found.
=head2 template_name
my $template = $renderer->template_name({
template => 'foo/bar',
format => 'html',
handler => 'epl'
Return a template name for an options hash reference with C<template>,
C<format>, C<variant> and C<handler> values, or C<undef> if no template could be
found, usually used by handlers.
=head2 template_path
my $path = $renderer->template_path({
template => 'foo/bar',
format => 'html',
handler => 'epl'
Return the full template path for an options hash reference with C<template>,
C<format>, C<variant> and C<handler> values, or C<undef> if the file does not
exist in L</"paths">, usually used by handlers.
=head2 warmup
Prepare templates from L</"classes"> for future use.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.