shell bypass 403
package Mojolicious::Routes::Match;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Util;
has [qw(endpoint root)];
has position => 0;
has stack => sub { [] };
sub find { $_[0]->_match($_[0]->root, $_[1], $_[2]) }
sub path_for {
my ($self, $name, %values) = (shift, Mojo::Util::_options(@_));
# Current route
my $route;
if (!$name || $name eq 'current') {
return {} unless $route = $self->endpoint;
# Find endpoint
else { return {path => $name} unless $route = $self->root->lookup($name) }
# Merge values (clear format)
my $captures = $self->stack->[-1] || {};
%values = (%$captures, format => undef, %values);
my $pattern = $route->pattern;
//= defined $captures->{format}
? $captures->{format}
: $pattern->defaults->{format}
if $pattern->constraints->{format};
my $path = $route->render(\%values);
return {path => $path, websocket => $route->has_websocket};
sub _match {
my ($self, $r, $c, $options) = @_;
# Pattern
my $path = $options->{path};
my $partial = $r->partial;
my $detect = (my $endpoint = $r->is_endpoint) && !$partial;
return undef
unless my $captures = $r->pattern->match_partial(\$path, $detect);
local $options->{path} = $path;
local @{$self->{captures} ||= {}}{keys %$captures} = values %$captures;
$captures = $self->{captures};
# Method
my $methods = $r->via;
return undef if $methods && !grep { $_ eq $options->{method} } @$methods;
# Conditions
if (my $over = $r->over) {
my $conditions = $self->{conditions} ||= $self->root->conditions;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$over; $i += 2) {
return undef unless my $condition = $conditions->{$over->[$i]};
return undef if !$condition->($r, $c, $captures, $over->[$i + 1]);
# WebSocket
return undef if $r->is_websocket && !$options->{websocket};
# Partial
my $empty = !length $path || $path eq '/';
if ($partial) {
$captures->{path} = $path;
$empty = 1;
# Endpoint (or intermediate destination)
if (($endpoint && $empty) || $r->inline) {
push @{$self->stack}, {%$captures};
if ($endpoint && $empty) {
my $format = $captures->{format};
if ($format) { $_->{format} = $format for @{$self->stack} }
return !!$self->endpoint($r);
delete @$captures{qw(app cb)};
# Match children
my $snapshot = $r->parent ? [@{$self->stack}] : [];
for my $child (@{$r->children}) {
return 1 if $self->_match($child, $c, $options);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Routes::Match - Find routes
use Mojolicious::Controller;
use Mojolicious::Routes;
use Mojolicious::Routes::Match;
# Routes
my $r = Mojolicious::Routes->new;
# Match
my $c = Mojolicious::Controller->new;
my $match = Mojolicious::Routes::Match->new(root => $r);
$match->find($c => {method => 'PUT', path => '/foo/bar'});
say $match->stack->[0]{controller};
say $match->stack->[0]{action};
# Render
say $match->path_for->{path};
say $match->path_for(action => 'baz')->{path};
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Match> finds routes in L<Mojolicious::Routes>
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Match> implements the following attributes.
=head2 endpoint
my $route = $match->endpoint;
$match = $match->endpoint(Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new);
The route endpoint that matched, usually a L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route>
=head2 position
my $position = $match->position;
$match = $match->position(2);
Current position on the L</"stack">, defaults to C<0>.
=head2 root
my $root = $match->root;
$match = $match->root(Mojolicious::Routes->new);
The root of the route structure, usually a L<Mojolicious::Routes> object.
=head2 stack
my $stack = $match->stack;
$match = $match->stack([{action => 'foo'}, {action => 'bar'}]);
Captured parameters with nesting history.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Match> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and
implements the following new ones.
=head2 find
$match->find(Mojolicious::Controller->new, {method => 'GET', path => '/'});
Match controller and options against L</"root"> to find an appropriate
=head2 path_for
my $info = $match->path_for;
my $info = $match->path_for(foo => 'bar');
my $info = $match->path_for({foo => 'bar'});
my $info = $match->path_for('named');
my $info = $match->path_for('named', foo => 'bar');
my $info = $match->path_for('named', {foo => 'bar'});
Render matching route with parameters into path.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.