package MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute;
$MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DOY';
$MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute::VERSION = '0.11';
use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
Moose::Util::meta_attribute_alias 'Aliased';
# ABSTRACT: attribute metaclass trait for L<MooseX::Aliases>
subtype 'MooseX::Aliases::ArrayRef', as 'ArrayRef[Str]';
coerce 'MooseX::Aliases::ArrayRef', from 'Str', via { [$_] };
has alias => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'MooseX::Aliases::ArrayRef',
auto_deref => 1,
coerce => 1,
predicate => 'has_alias',
after install_accessors => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class_meta = $self->associated_class;
my $orig_name = $self->get_read_method;
my $orig_meth = $self->get_read_method_ref;
for my $alias ($self->alias) {
$alias => MooseX::Aliases::_get_method_metaclass($orig_meth)->wrap(
sub { shift->$orig_name(@_) }, # goto $_[0]->can($orig_name) ?
package_name => $class_meta->name,
name => $alias,
aliased_from => $orig_name,
around initialize_instance_slot => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my ($meta_instance, $instance, $params) = @_;
return $self->$orig(@_)
# don't run if we haven't set any aliases
# don't run if init_arg is explicitly undef
unless $self->has_alias && $self->has_init_arg;
if (my @aliases = grep { exists $params->{$_} } @{ $self->alias }) {
if (exists $params->{ $self->init_arg }) {
push @aliases, $self->init_arg;
'Conflicting init_args: (' . join(', ', @aliases) . ')'
) if @aliases > 1;
$params->{ $self->init_arg } = delete $params->{ $aliases[0] };
no Moose::Role;
=head1 NAME
MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute - attribute metaclass trait for L<MooseX::Aliases>
=head1 VERSION
version 0.11
package MyApp::Role;
use Moose::Role;
use MooseX::Aliases;
has this => (
isa => 'Str',
is => 'rw',
alias => 'that',
This trait adds the C<alias> option to attribute creation. It is automatically
applied to all attributes when C<use MooseX::Aliases;> is run.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Jesse Luehrs <>
=item *
Chris Prather <>
=item *
Justin Hunter <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jesse Luehrs.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.