package MooseX::ArrayRef::Meta::Class;
$MooseX::ArrayRef::Meta::Class::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
$MooseX::ArrayRef::Meta::Class::VERSION = '0.005';
use Moose::Role;
has next_index => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Num',
default => 0,
has slot_count => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Num',
lazy_build => 1,
# This was originally a builder for a lazy attribute, but it was built
# too early (before all attributes existed), so I just do it on the fly
# now. It would be nice if some of this could be memoized though.
sub slot_to_index_map
my $meta = shift;
my @supers =
grep { not /^Moose::Object$/ }
grep { not ref }
my %parent = map { $supers[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#supers;
$parent{ $meta->name } = scalar @supers;
my @slots =
map { $_->slots }
sort {
$parent{ $a->associated_class->name } <=> $parent{ $b->associated_class->name }
or $a->insertion_order <=> $b->insertion_order
or $a->name cmp $b->name
+{ map { $slots[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#slots }
sub slot_index
my ($meta, $slot_name) = @_;
my $map = $meta->slot_to_index_map;
return $map->{$slot_name} if exists $map->{$slot_name};
confess "Unknown slot: $slot_name";
sub _build_slot_count
my $meta = shift;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $attr ($meta->get_all_attributes)
my @slots = $attr->slots;
$sum += scalar @slots;
before superclasses => sub
my $meta = shift;
if (@_)
my @supers = grep { not ref } @_;
confess "MooseX::ArrayRef does not support multiple inheritance"
if @supers > 1;
confess "MooseX::ArrayRef cannot extend a non-MooseX::ArrayRef class"
unless Class::MOP::class_of($supers[0])->can('slot_to_index_map');