package MooseX::Types::Common::String;
# ABSTRACT: Commonly used string types
our $VERSION = '0.001014';
use strict;
use warnings;
use MooseX::Types -declare => [
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str/;
use if MooseX::Types->VERSION >= 0.42, 'namespace::autoclean';
subtype SimpleStr,
as Str,
where { (length($_) <= 255) && ($_ !~ m/\n/) },
message { "Must be a single line of no more than 255 chars" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( (length($_[1]) <= 255) && ($_[1] !~ m/\n/) ) };
: ()
subtype NonEmptySimpleStr,
as SimpleStr,
where { length($_) > 0 },
message { "Must be a non-empty single line of no more than 255 chars" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ (length($_[1]) > 0) };
: ()
subtype NumericCode,
as NonEmptySimpleStr,
where { $_ =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ },
message {
'Must be a non-empty single line of no more than 255 chars that consists '
. 'of numeric characters only'
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ $_[1] =~ m/^[0-9]+\$/ };
: ()
coerce NumericCode,
from NonEmptySimpleStr,
via { my $code = $_; $code =~ s/[[:punct:][:space:]]//g; return $code };
subtype Password,
as NonEmptySimpleStr,
where { length($_) > 3 },
message { "Must be between 4 and 255 chars" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ (length($_[1]) > 3) };
: ()
subtype StrongPassword,
as Password,
where { (length($_) > 7) && (m/[^a-zA-Z]/) },
message {"Must be between 8 and 255 chars, and contain a non-alpha char" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( (length($_[1]) > 7) && ($_[1] =~ m/[^a-zA-Z]/) ) };
: ()
subtype NonEmptyStr,
as Str,
where { length($_) > 0 },
message { "Must not be empty" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ (length($_[1]) > 0) };
: ()
subtype LowerCaseStr,
as NonEmptyStr,
where { !/\p{Upper}/ms },
message { "Must not contain upper case letters" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( $_[1] !~ /\\p{Upper}/ms ) };
: ()
coerce LowerCaseStr,
from NonEmptyStr,
via { lc };
subtype UpperCaseStr,
as NonEmptyStr,
where { !/\p{Lower}/ms },
message { "Must not contain lower case letters" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( $_[1] !~ /\\p{Lower}/ms ) };
: ()
coerce UpperCaseStr,
from NonEmptyStr,
via { uc };
subtype LowerCaseSimpleStr,
as NonEmptySimpleStr,
where { !/\p{Upper}/ },
message { "Must not contain upper case letters" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( $_[1] !~ /\\p{Upper}/ ) };
: ()
coerce LowerCaseSimpleStr,
from NonEmptySimpleStr,
via { lc };
subtype UpperCaseSimpleStr,
as NonEmptySimpleStr,
where { !/\p{Lower}/ },
message { "Must not contain lower case letters" },
( $Moose::VERSION >= 2.0200
? inline_as {
$_[0]->parent()->_inline_check( $_[1] ) . ' && '
. qq{ ( $_[1] !~ /\\p{Lower}/ ) };
: ()
coerce UpperCaseSimpleStr,
from NonEmptySimpleStr,
via { uc };
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MooseX::Types::Common::String - Commonly used string types
=head1 VERSION
version 0.001014
use MooseX::Types::Common::String qw/SimpleStr/;
has short_str => (is => 'rw', isa => SimpleStr);
#this will fail
A set of commonly-used string type constraints that do not ship with Moose by
=item * C<SimpleStr>
A C<Str> with no new-line characters and length <= 255.
=item * C<NonEmptySimpleStr>
A C<SimpleStr> with length > 0.
=item * C<LowerCaseSimpleStr>
A C<NonEmptySimpleStr> with no uppercase characters. A coercion exists via
C<lc> from C<NonEmptySimpleStr>.
=item * C<UpperCaseSimpleStr>
A C<NonEmptySimpleStr> with no lowercase characters. A coercion exists via
C<uc> from C<NonEmptySimpleStr>.
=item * C<Password>
A C<NonEmptySimpleStr> with length > 3.
=item * C<StrongPassword>
A C<NonEmptySimpleStr> with length > 7 containing at least one non-alpha
=item * C<NonEmptyStr>
A C<Str> with length > 0.
=item * C<LowerCaseStr>
A C<Str> with length > 0 and no uppercase characters.
A coercion exists via C<lc> from C<NonEmptyStr>.
=item * C<UpperCaseStr>
A C<Str> with length > 0 and no lowercase characters.
A coercion exists via C<uc> from C<NonEmptyStr>.
=item * C<NumericCode>
A C<Str> with no new-line characters that consists of only Numeric characters.
Examples include, Social Security Numbers, Personal Identification Numbers, Postal Codes, HTTP Status
Codes, etc. Supports attempting to coerce from a string that has punctuation
or whitespaces in it ( e.g credit card number 4111-1111-1111-1111 ).
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item * L<MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric>
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at
There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at
L<C<#moose> on C<>|irc://>.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Matt S Trout - mst (at) (L<>)
=item *
K. James Cheetham <>
=item *
Guillermo Roditi <>
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Matt S Trout - mst (at) (L<>).
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.