package MooseX::Types::DateTime; # git description: v0.12-2-g35c46dd
# ABSTRACT: L<DateTime> related constraints and coercions for Moose
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.13';
use 5.008003;
use Moose 0.41 ();
use DateTime 0.4302 ();
use DateTime::Duration 0.4302 ();
use DateTime::Locale 0.4001 ();
use DateTime::TimeZone 0.95 ();
use MooseX::Types::Moose 0.30 qw/Num HashRef Object Str/;
use namespace::clean 0.19;
use MooseX::Types 0.30 -declare => [qw( DateTime Duration TimeZone Locale Now )];
use if MooseX::Types->VERSION >= 0.42, 'namespace::autoclean';
class_type "DateTime";
class_type "DateTime::Duration";
class_type "DateTime::TimeZone";
subtype DateTime, as 'DateTime';
subtype Duration, as 'DateTime::Duration';
subtype TimeZone, as 'DateTime::TimeZone';
subtype 'DateTime::Locale', as Object,
where { $_->isa('DateTime::Locale::root') || $_->isa('DateTime::Locale::FromData') };
subtype Locale, as 'DateTime::Locale';
subtype( Now,
as Str,
where { $_ eq 'now' },
($Moose::VERSION >= 2.0100
? Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::inline_as {
'no warnings "uninitialized";'.
'!ref(' . $_[1] . ') and '. $_[1] .' eq "now"';
: Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::optimize_as {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
!ref($_[0]) and $_[0] eq 'now';
our %coercions = (
DateTime => [
from Num, via { 'DateTime'->from_epoch( epoch => $_ ) },
from HashRef, via { 'DateTime'->new( %$_ ) },
from Now, via { 'DateTime'->now },
"DateTime::Duration" => [
from Num, via { DateTime::Duration->new( seconds => $_ ) },
from HashRef, via { DateTime::Duration->new( %$_ ) },
"DateTime::TimeZone" => [
from Str, via { DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => $_ ) },
"DateTime::Locale" => [
from Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint("Locale::Maketext"),
via { DateTime::Locale->load($_->language_tag) },
from Str, via { DateTime::Locale->load($_) },
for my $type ( "DateTime", DateTime ) {
coerce $type => @{ $coercions{DateTime} };
for my $type ( "DateTime::Duration", Duration ) {
coerce $type => @{ $coercions{"DateTime::Duration"} };
for my $type ( "DateTime::TimeZone", TimeZone ) {
coerce $type => @{ $coercions{"DateTime::TimeZone"} };
for my $type ( "DateTime::Locale", Locale ) {
coerce $type => @{ $coercions{"DateTime::Locale"} };
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MooseX::Types::DateTime - L<DateTime> related constraints and coercions for Moose
=head1 VERSION
version 0.13
Export Example:
use MooseX::Types::DateTime qw(TimeZone);
has time_zone => (
isa => TimeZone,
is => "rw",
coerce => 1,
Class->new( time_zone => "Africa/Timbuktu" );
This module packages several L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints> with coercions,
designed to work with the L<DateTime> suite of objects.
=for stopwords Namespaced
Namespaced Example:
use MooseX::Types::DateTime;
has time_zone => (
isa => 'DateTime::TimeZone',
is => "rw",
coerce => 1,
Class->new( time_zone => "Africa/Timbuktu" );
=over 4
=item L<DateTime>
A class type for L<DateTime>.
=over 4
=item from C<Num>
Uses L<DateTime/from_epoch>. Floating values will be used for sub-second
precision, see L<DateTime> for details.
=item from C<HashRef>
Calls L<DateTime/new> with the hash entries as arguments.
=item L<Duration>
A class type for L<DateTime::Duration>
=over 4
=item from C<Num>
Uses L<DateTime::Duration/new> and passes the number as the C<seconds> argument.
Note that due to leap seconds, DST changes etc this may not do what you expect.
For instance passing in C<86400> is not always equivalent to one day, although
there are that many seconds in a day. See L<DateTime/"How Date Math is Done">
for more details.
=item from C<HashRef>
Calls L<DateTime::Duration/new> with the hash entries as arguments.
=item L<DateTime::Locale>
A class type for L<DateTime::Locale::root> with the name L<DateTime::Locale>.
=over 4
=item from C<Str>
The string is treated as a language tag (e.g. C<en> or C<he_IL>) and given to
=item from L<Locale::Maktext>
The C<Locale::Maketext/language_tag> attribute will be used with L<DateTime::Locale/load>.
=item L<DateTime::TimeZone>
A class type for L<DateTime::TimeZone>.
=over 4
=item from C<Str>
Treated as a time zone name or offset. See L<DateTime::TimeZone/USAGE> for more
details on the allowed values.
Delegates to L<DateTime::TimeZone/new> with the string as the C<name> argument.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DateTime>, L<DateTimeX::Easy>
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at
There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at
=head1 AUTHOR
יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <>
=for stopwords Karen Etheridge Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker Florian Ragwitz John Napiorkowski Shawn M Moore Dave Rolsky
=over 4
=item *
Karen Etheridge <>
=item *
Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <>
=item *
Florian Ragwitz <>
=item *
John Napiorkowski <>
=item *
Shawn M Moore <>
=item *
Dave Rolsky <>
This software is copyright (c) 2008 by יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman).
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.