package MooseX::Types; # git description: v0.49-2-gc8f752e
use Moose;
# ABSTRACT: Organise your Moose types in libraries
# KEYWORDS: moose types classes objects constraints declare libraries
our $VERSION = '0.50';
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw( find_type_constraint );
use MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator;
use MooseX::Types::Base ();
use MooseX::Types::Util qw( filter_tags );
use MooseX::Types::UndefinedType;
use MooseX::Types::CheckedUtilExports ();
use Carp::Clan qw( ^MooseX::Types );
use Sub::Name;
use Scalar::Util qw( reftype );
use Sub::Exporter::ForMethods 0.100052 'method_installer'; # for 'rebless'
use namespace::autoclean;
use 5.008;
my $UndefMsg = q{Action for type '%s' not yet defined in library '%s'};
#pod =pod
#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod =head2 Library Definition
#pod package MyLibrary;
#pod # predeclare our own types
#pod use MooseX::Types -declare => [
#pod qw(
#pod PositiveInt
#pod NegativeInt
#pod ArrayRefOfPositiveInt
#pod ArrayRefOfAtLeastThreeNegativeInts
#pod LotsOfInnerConstraints
#pod StrOrArrayRef
#pod MyDateTime
#pod )
#pod ];
#pod # import builtin types
#pod use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int HashRef/;
#pod # type definition.
#pod subtype PositiveInt,
#pod as Int,
#pod where { $_ > 0 },
#pod message { "Int is not larger than 0" };
#pod subtype NegativeInt,
#pod as Int,
#pod where { $_ < 0 },
#pod message { "Int is not smaller than 0" };
#pod # type coercion
#pod coerce PositiveInt,
#pod from Int,
#pod via { 1 };
#pod # with parameterized constraints.
#pod subtype ArrayRefOfPositiveInt,
#pod as ArrayRef[PositiveInt];
#pod subtype ArrayRefOfAtLeastThreeNegativeInts,
#pod as ArrayRef[NegativeInt],
#pod where { scalar(@$_) > 2 };
#pod subtype LotsOfInnerConstraints,
#pod as ArrayRef[ArrayRef[HashRef[Int]]];
#pod # with TypeConstraint Unions
#pod subtype StrOrArrayRef,
#pod as Str|ArrayRef;
#pod # class types
#pod class_type 'DateTime';
#pod # or better
#pod class_type MyDateTime, { class => 'DateTime' };
#pod coerce MyDateTime,
#pod from HashRef,
#pod via { DateTime->new(%$_) };
#pod 1;
#pod =head2 Usage
#pod package Foo;
#pod use Moose;
#pod use MyLibrary qw( PositiveInt NegativeInt );
#pod # use the exported constants as type names
#pod has 'bar',
#pod isa => PositiveInt,
#pod is => 'rw';
#pod has 'baz',
#pod isa => NegativeInt,
#pod is => 'rw';
#pod sub quux {
#pod my ($self, $value);
#pod # test the value
#pod print "positive\n" if is_PositiveInt($value);
#pod print "negative\n" if is_NegativeInt($value);
#pod # coerce the value, NegativeInt doesn't have a coercion
#pod # helper, since it didn't define any coercions.
#pod $value = to_PositiveInt($value) or die "Cannot coerce";
#pod }
#pod 1;
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod The type system provided by Moose effectively makes all of its builtin type
#pod global, as are any types you declare with Moose. This means that every module
#pod that declares a type named C<PositiveInt> is sharing the same type object. This
#pod can be a problem when different parts of the code base want to use the same
#pod name for different things.
#pod This package lets you declare types using short names, but behind the scenes
#pod it namespaces all your type declarations, effectively prevent name clashes
#pod between packages.
#pod This is done by creating a type library module like C<MyApp::Types> and then
#pod importing types from that module into other modules.
#pod As a side effect, the declaration mechanism allows you to write type names as
#pod barewords (really function calls), which catches typos in names at compile
#pod time rather than run time.
#pod This module also provides some helper functions for using Moose types outside
#pod of attribute declarations.
#pod If you mix string-based names with types created by this module, it will warn,
#pod with a few exceptions. If you are declaring a C<class_type()> or
#pod C<role_type()> within your type library, or if you use a fully qualified name
#pod like C<"MyApp::Foo">.
#pod A MooseX::Types is just a normal Perl module. Unlike Moose
#pod itself, it does not install C<use strict> and C<use warnings> in your
#pod class by default, so this is up to you.
#pod The only thing a library is required to do is
#pod use MooseX::Types -declare => \@types;
#pod with C<@types> being a list of types you wish to define in this library.
#pod This line will install a proper base class in your package as well as the
#pod full set of L<handlers|/"TYPE HANDLER FUNCTIONS"> for your declared
#pod types. It will then hand control over to L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>'
#pod C<import> method to export the functions you will need to declare your
#pod types.
#pod If you want to use Moose' built-in types (e.g. for subtyping) you will
#pod want to
#pod use MooseX::Types::Moose @types;
#pod to import the helpers from the shipped L<MooseX::Types::Moose>
#pod library which can export all types that come with Moose.
#pod You will have to define coercions for your types or your library won't
#pod export a L</to_$type> coercion helper for it.
#pod Note that you currently cannot define types containing C<::>, since
#pod exporting would be a problem.
#pod You also don't need to use C<warnings> and C<strict>, since the
#pod definition of a library automatically exports those.
#pod =head1 LIBRARY USAGE
#pod You can import the L<"type helpers"|/"TYPE HANDLER FUNCTIONS"> of a
#pod library by C<use>ing it with a list of types to import as arguments. If
#pod you want all of them, use the C<:all> tag. For example:
#pod use MyLibrary ':all';
#pod use MyOtherLibrary qw( TypeA TypeB );
#pod MooseX::Types comes with a library of Moose' built-in types called
#pod L<MooseX::Types::Moose>.
#pod The exporting mechanism is, since version 0.5, implemented via a wrapper
#pod around L<Sub::Exporter>. This means you can do something like this:
#pod use MyLibrary TypeA => { -as => 'MyTypeA' },
#pod TypeB => { -as => 'MyTypeB' };
#pod =head2 $type
#pod A constant with the name of your type. It contains the type's fully
#pod qualified name. Takes no value, as all constants.
#pod =head2 is_$type
#pod This handler takes a value and tests if it is a valid value for this
#pod C<$type>. It will return true or false.
#pod =head2 to_$type
#pod A handler that will take a value and coerce it into the C<$type>. It will
#pod return a false value if the type could not be coerced.
#pod B<Important Note>: This handler will only be exported for types that can
#pod do type coercion. This has the advantage that a coercion to a type that
#pod has not defined any coercions will lead to a compile-time error.
#pod You can define your own wrapper subclasses to manipulate the behaviour
#pod of a set of library exports. Here is an example:
#pod package MyWrapper;
#pod use strict;
#pod use MRO::Compat;
#pod use base 'MooseX::Types::Wrapper';
#pod sub coercion_export_generator {
#pod my $class = shift;
#pod my $code = $class->next::method(@_);
#pod return sub {
#pod my $value = $code->(@_);
#pod warn "Coercion returned undef!"
#pod unless defined $value;
#pod return $value;
#pod };
#pod }
#pod 1;
#pod This class wraps the coercion generator (e.g., C<to_Int()>) and warns
#pod if a coercion returned an undefined value. You can wrap any library
#pod with this:
#pod package Foo;
#pod use strict;
#pod use MyWrapper MyLibrary => [qw( Foo Bar )],
#pod Moose => [qw( Str Int )];
#pod ...
#pod 1;
#pod The C<Moose> library name is a special shortcut for L<MooseX::Types::Moose>.
#pod =head2 Generator methods you can overload
#pod =over 4
#pod =item type_export_generator( $short, $full )
#pod Creates a closure returning the type's L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object.
#pod =item check_export_generator( $short, $full, $undef_message )
#pod This creates the closure used to test if a value is valid for this type.
#pod =item coercion_export_generator( $short, $full, $undef_message )
#pod This is the closure that's doing coercions.
#pod =back
#pod =head2 Provided Parameters
#pod =over 4
#pod =item $short
#pod The short, exported name of the type.
#pod =item $full
#pod The fully qualified name of this type as L<Moose> knows it.
#pod =item $undef_message
#pod A message that will be thrown when type functionality is used but the
#pod type does not yet exist.
#pod =back
#pod As of version 0.08, L<Moose::Types> has experimental support for Recursive
#pod subtypes. This will allow:
#pod subtype Tree() => as HashRef[Str|Tree];
#pod Which validates things like:
#pod {key=>'value'};
#pod {key=>{subkey1=>'value', subkey2=>'value'}}
#pod And so on. This feature is new and there may be lurking bugs so don't be afraid
#pod to hunt me down with patches and test cases if you have trouble.
#pod L<MooseX::Types> uses L<MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator> to do some overloading
#pod which generally allows you to easily create union types:
#pod subtype StrOrArrayRef,
#pod as Str|ArrayRef;
#pod As with parameterized constraints, this overloading extends to modules using the
#pod types you define in a type library.
#pod use Moose;
#pod use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef Int);
#pod has 'attr' => ( isa => HashRef | Int );
#pod And everything should just work as you'd think.
#pod =head1 METHODS
#pod =head2 import
#pod Installs the L<MooseX::Types::Base> class into the caller and exports types
#pod according to the specification described in L</"LIBRARY DEFINITION">. This
#pod will continue to L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>' C<import> method to export
#pod helper functions you will need to declare your types.
#pod =cut
sub import {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $caller = caller;
# everyone should want this
# inject base class into new library
{ no strict 'refs';
unshift @{ $caller . '::ISA' }, 'MooseX::Types::Base';
# generate predeclared type helpers
if (my @orig_declare = @{ $args{ -declare } || [] }) {
my ($tags, $declare) = filter_tags @orig_declare;
my @to_export;
for my $type (@$declare) {
croak "Cannot create a type containing '::' ($type) at the moment"
if $type =~ /::/;
# add type to library and remember to export
push @to_export, $type;
-full => 1,
-into => $caller,
installer => method_installer({ rebless => 1 }),
}, @to_export);
# run type constraints import
Moose::Util::TypeConstraints->import({ into => $caller });
# override some with versions that check for syntax errors
MooseX::Types::CheckedUtilExports->import({ into => $caller });
#pod =head2 type_export_generator
#pod Generate a type export, e.g. C<Int()>. This will return either a
#pod L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object, or alternatively a
#pod L<MooseX::Types::UndefinedType> object if the type was not yet defined.
#pod =cut
sub type_export_generator {
my ($class, $type, $name) = @_;
## Return an anonymous subroutine that will generate the proxied type
## constraint for you.
return subname "__TYPE__::$name" => sub {
my $type_constraint = $class->create_base_type_constraint($name);
if(defined(my $params = shift @_)) {
## We currently only allow a TC to accept a single, ArrayRef
## parameter, as in HashRef[Int], where [Int] is what's inside the
## ArrayRef passed.
if(reftype $params eq 'ARRAY') {
$type_constraint = $class->create_arged_type_constraint($name, @$params);
} elsif(!defined $type_constraint) {
croak "Syntax error in type definition (did you forget a comma"
. " after $type?)";
} else {
croak "Argument must be an ArrayRef to create a parameterized "
. "type, Eg.: ${type}[Int]. Got: ".ref($params)."."
$type_constraint = defined($type_constraint) ? $type_constraint
: MooseX::Types::UndefinedType->new($name);
my $type_decorator = $class->create_type_decorator($type_constraint);
## If there are additional args, that means it's probably stuff that
## needs to be returned to the subtype. Not an ideal solution here but
## doesn't seem to cause trouble.
if(@_) {
return ($type_decorator, @_);
} else {
return $type_decorator;
#pod =head2 create_arged_type_constraint ($name, @args)
#pod Given a String $name with @args find the matching type constraint and parameterize
#pod it with @args.
#pod =cut
sub create_arged_type_constraint {
my ($class, $name, @args) = @_;
my $type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint("$name");
my $parameterized = $type_constraint->parameterize(@args);
# It's obnoxious to have to parameterize before looking for the TC, but the
# alternative is to hard-code the assumption that the name is
# "$name[$args[0]]", which would be worse.
# This breaks MXMS, unfortunately, which relies on things like Tuple[...]
# creating new type objects each time.
# if (my $existing =
# Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint($parameterized->name)) {
# return $existing;
# }
# Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::register_type_constraint($parameterized);
return $parameterized;
#pod =head2 create_base_type_constraint ($name)
#pod Given a String $name, find the matching type constraint.
#pod =cut
sub create_base_type_constraint {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
return find_type_constraint($name);
#pod =head2 create_type_decorator ($type_constraint)
#pod Given a $type_constraint, return a lightweight L<MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator>
#pod instance.
#pod =cut
sub create_type_decorator {
my ($class, $type_constraint) = @_;
return MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator->new($type_constraint);
#pod =head2 coercion_export_generator
#pod This generates a coercion handler function, e.g. C<to_Int($value)>.
#pod =cut
sub coercion_export_generator {
my ($class, $type, $full, $undef_msg) = @_;
return sub {
my ($value) = @_;
# we need a type object
my $tobj = find_type_constraint($full) or croak $undef_msg;
my $return = $tobj->coerce($value);
# non-successful coercion returns false
return unless $tobj->check($return);
return $return;
#pod =head2 check_export_generator
#pod Generates a constraint check closure, e.g. C<is_Int($value)>.
#pod =cut
sub check_export_generator {
my ($class, $type, $full, $undef_msg) = @_;
return sub {
my ($value) = @_;
# we need a type object
my $tobj = find_type_constraint($full) or croak $undef_msg;
return $tobj->check($value);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MooseX::Types - Organise your Moose types in libraries
=head1 VERSION
version 0.50
=head2 Library Definition
package MyLibrary;
# predeclare our own types
use MooseX::Types -declare => [
# import builtin types
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int HashRef/;
# type definition.
subtype PositiveInt,
as Int,
where { $_ > 0 },
message { "Int is not larger than 0" };
subtype NegativeInt,
as Int,
where { $_ < 0 },
message { "Int is not smaller than 0" };
# type coercion
coerce PositiveInt,
from Int,
via { 1 };
# with parameterized constraints.
subtype ArrayRefOfPositiveInt,
as ArrayRef[PositiveInt];
subtype ArrayRefOfAtLeastThreeNegativeInts,
as ArrayRef[NegativeInt],
where { scalar(@$_) > 2 };
subtype LotsOfInnerConstraints,
as ArrayRef[ArrayRef[HashRef[Int]]];
# with TypeConstraint Unions
subtype StrOrArrayRef,
as Str|ArrayRef;
# class types
class_type 'DateTime';
# or better
class_type MyDateTime, { class => 'DateTime' };
coerce MyDateTime,
from HashRef,
via { DateTime->new(%$_) };
=head2 Usage
package Foo;
use Moose;
use MyLibrary qw( PositiveInt NegativeInt );
# use the exported constants as type names
has 'bar',
isa => PositiveInt,
is => 'rw';
has 'baz',
isa => NegativeInt,
is => 'rw';
sub quux {
my ($self, $value);
# test the value
print "positive\n" if is_PositiveInt($value);
print "negative\n" if is_NegativeInt($value);
# coerce the value, NegativeInt doesn't have a coercion
# helper, since it didn't define any coercions.
$value = to_PositiveInt($value) or die "Cannot coerce";
The type system provided by Moose effectively makes all of its builtin type
global, as are any types you declare with Moose. This means that every module
that declares a type named C<PositiveInt> is sharing the same type object. This
can be a problem when different parts of the code base want to use the same
name for different things.
This package lets you declare types using short names, but behind the scenes
it namespaces all your type declarations, effectively prevent name clashes
between packages.
This is done by creating a type library module like C<MyApp::Types> and then
importing types from that module into other modules.
As a side effect, the declaration mechanism allows you to write type names as
barewords (really function calls), which catches typos in names at compile
time rather than run time.
This module also provides some helper functions for using Moose types outside
of attribute declarations.
If you mix string-based names with types created by this module, it will warn,
with a few exceptions. If you are declaring a C<class_type()> or
C<role_type()> within your type library, or if you use a fully qualified name
like C<"MyApp::Foo">.
A MooseX::Types is just a normal Perl module. Unlike Moose
itself, it does not install C<use strict> and C<use warnings> in your
class by default, so this is up to you.
The only thing a library is required to do is
use MooseX::Types -declare => \@types;
with C<@types> being a list of types you wish to define in this library.
This line will install a proper base class in your package as well as the
full set of L<handlers|/"TYPE HANDLER FUNCTIONS"> for your declared
types. It will then hand control over to L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>'
C<import> method to export the functions you will need to declare your
If you want to use Moose' built-in types (e.g. for subtyping) you will
want to
use MooseX::Types::Moose @types;
to import the helpers from the shipped L<MooseX::Types::Moose>
library which can export all types that come with Moose.
You will have to define coercions for your types or your library won't
export a L</to_$type> coercion helper for it.
Note that you currently cannot define types containing C<::>, since
exporting would be a problem.
You also don't need to use C<warnings> and C<strict>, since the
definition of a library automatically exports those.
You can import the L<"type helpers"|/"TYPE HANDLER FUNCTIONS"> of a
library by C<use>ing it with a list of types to import as arguments. If
you want all of them, use the C<:all> tag. For example:
use MyLibrary ':all';
use MyOtherLibrary qw( TypeA TypeB );
MooseX::Types comes with a library of Moose' built-in types called
The exporting mechanism is, since version 0.5, implemented via a wrapper
around L<Sub::Exporter>. This means you can do something like this:
use MyLibrary TypeA => { -as => 'MyTypeA' },
TypeB => { -as => 'MyTypeB' };
=head2 $type
A constant with the name of your type. It contains the type's fully
qualified name. Takes no value, as all constants.
=head2 is_$type
This handler takes a value and tests if it is a valid value for this
C<$type>. It will return true or false.
=head2 to_$type
A handler that will take a value and coerce it into the C<$type>. It will
return a false value if the type could not be coerced.
B<Important Note>: This handler will only be exported for types that can
do type coercion. This has the advantage that a coercion to a type that
has not defined any coercions will lead to a compile-time error.
You can define your own wrapper subclasses to manipulate the behaviour
of a set of library exports. Here is an example:
package MyWrapper;
use strict;
use MRO::Compat;
use base 'MooseX::Types::Wrapper';
sub coercion_export_generator {
my $class = shift;
my $code = $class->next::method(@_);
return sub {
my $value = $code->(@_);
warn "Coercion returned undef!"
unless defined $value;
return $value;
This class wraps the coercion generator (e.g., C<to_Int()>) and warns
if a coercion returned an undefined value. You can wrap any library
with this:
package Foo;
use strict;
use MyWrapper MyLibrary => [qw( Foo Bar )],
Moose => [qw( Str Int )];
The C<Moose> library name is a special shortcut for L<MooseX::Types::Moose>.
=head2 Generator methods you can overload
=over 4
=item type_export_generator( $short, $full )
Creates a closure returning the type's L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object.
=item check_export_generator( $short, $full, $undef_message )
This creates the closure used to test if a value is valid for this type.
=item coercion_export_generator( $short, $full, $undef_message )
This is the closure that's doing coercions.
=head2 Provided Parameters
=over 4
=item $short
The short, exported name of the type.
=item $full
The fully qualified name of this type as L<Moose> knows it.
=item $undef_message
A message that will be thrown when type functionality is used but the
type does not yet exist.
As of version 0.08, L<Moose::Types> has experimental support for Recursive
subtypes. This will allow:
subtype Tree() => as HashRef[Str|Tree];
Which validates things like:
{key=>{subkey1=>'value', subkey2=>'value'}}
And so on. This feature is new and there may be lurking bugs so don't be afraid
to hunt me down with patches and test cases if you have trouble.
L<MooseX::Types> uses L<MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator> to do some overloading
which generally allows you to easily create union types:
subtype StrOrArrayRef,
as Str|ArrayRef;
As with parameterized constraints, this overloading extends to modules using the
types you define in a type library.
use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef Int);
has 'attr' => ( isa => HashRef | Int );
And everything should just work as you'd think.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 import
Installs the L<MooseX::Types::Base> class into the caller and exports types
according to the specification described in L</"LIBRARY DEFINITION">. This
will continue to L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>' C<import> method to export
helper functions you will need to declare your types.
=head2 type_export_generator
Generate a type export, e.g. C<Int()>. This will return either a
L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object, or alternatively a
L<MooseX::Types::UndefinedType> object if the type was not yet defined.
=head2 create_arged_type_constraint ($name, @args)
Given a String $name with @args find the matching type constraint and parameterize
it with @args.
=head2 create_base_type_constraint ($name)
Given a String $name, find the matching type constraint.
=head2 create_type_decorator ($type_constraint)
Given a $type_constraint, return a lightweight L<MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator>
=head2 coercion_export_generator
This generates a coercion handler function, e.g. C<to_Int($value)>.
=head2 check_export_generator
Generates a constraint check closure, e.g. C<is_Int($value)>.
=head1 CAVEATS
The following are lists of gotchas and their workarounds for developers coming
from the standard string based type constraint names
=head2 Uniqueness
A library makes the types quasi-unique by prefixing their names with (by
default) the library package name. If you're only using the type handler
functions provided by MooseX::Types, you shouldn't ever have to use
a type's actual full name.
=head2 Argument separation ('=>' versus ',')
The L<perlop> manpage has this to say about the '=>' operator: "The => operator is
a synonym for the comma, but forces any word (consisting entirely of word
characters) to its left to be interpreted as a string (as of 5.001). This
includes words that might otherwise be considered a constant or function call."
Due to this stringification, the following will NOT work as you might think:
subtype StrOrArrayRef => as Str | ArrayRef;
The C<StrOrArrayRef> type will have its stringification activated -- this causes the
subtype to not be created. Since the bareword type constraints are not strings
you really should not try to treat them that way. You will have to use the ','
operator instead. The authors of this package realize that all the L<Moose>
documentation and examples nearly uniformly use the '=>' version of the comma
operator and this could be an issue if you are converting code.
Patches welcome for discussion.
=head2 Compatibility with Sub::Exporter
If you want to use L<Sub::Exporter> with a Type Library, you need to make sure
you export all the type constraints declared AS WELL AS any additional export
targets. For example if you do:
package TypeAndSubExporter;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str);
use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw(MyStr)];
use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [qw(something)] };
subtype MyStr, as Str;
sub something {
return 1;
# then in another module ...
package Foo;
use TypeAndSubExporter qw(MyStr);
You'll get a C<< "MyStr" is not exported by the TypeAndSubExporter module >> error.
It can be worked around by:
- use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ qw(something) ] };
+ use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ qw(something MyStr) ] };
This is a workaround and I am exploring how to make these modules work better
together. I realize this workaround will lead a lot of duplication in your
export declarations and will be onerous for large type libraries. Patches and
detailed test cases welcome. See the tests directory for a start on this.
You may want to combine a set of types for your application with other type
libraries, like L<MooseX::Types::Moose> or L<MooseX::Types::Common::String>.
The L<MooseX::Types::Combine> module provides a simple API for combining a set
of type libraries together.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Moose>, L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>, L<MooseX::Types::Moose>,
Many thanks to the C<#moose> cabal on C<>.
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at
There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at
L<C<#moose> on C<>|irc://>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek <>
=for stopwords Karen Etheridge Dave Rolsky John Napiorkowski Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek Rafael Kitover Florian Ragwitz Matt S Trout Tomas Doran (t0m) Jesse Luehrs Mark Fowler Hans Dieter Pearcey Graham Knop Paul Fenwick Kent Fredric Justin Hunter
=over 4
=item *
Karen Etheridge <>
=item *
Dave Rolsky <>
=item *
John Napiorkowski <>
=item *
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek <>
=item *
Rafael Kitover <>
=item *
Florian Ragwitz <>
=item *
Matt S Trout <>
=item *
Tomas Doran (t0m) <>
=item *
Jesse Luehrs <>
=item *
Mark Fowler <>
=item *
Hans Dieter Pearcey <>
=item *
Graham Knop <>
=item *
Paul Fenwick <>
=item *
Kent Fredric <>
=item *
Justin Hunter <>
This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.