package MouseX::Types;
use 5.006_002;
use Mouse::Exporter; # turns on strict and warnings
our $VERSION = '0.06';
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints ();
sub import {
my($class, %args) = @_;
my $type_class = caller;
no strict 'refs';
*{$type_class . '::import'} = \&_initialize_import;
push @{$type_class . '::ISA'}, 'MouseX::Types::Base';
if(my $declare = $args{-declare}){
if(ref($declare) ne 'ARRAY'){
Carp::croak("You must pass an ARRAY reference to -declare");
my $storage = $type_class->type_storage();
for my $name (@{ $declare }) {
my $fq_name = $storage->{$name} = $type_class . '::' . $name;
my $type = sub {
my $obj = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint($fq_name);
my $type = $type_class->_generate_type($obj);
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{$fq_name} = $type;
return &{$type};
return $fq_name;
no strict;
*{$fq_name} = $type;
Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints->import({ into => $type_class });
sub _initialize_import {
my $type_class = $_[0];
my $storage = $type_class->type_storage;
my @exporting;
for my $name ($type_class->type_names) {
my $fq_name = $storage->{$name}
|| Carp::croak(qq{"$name" is not exported by $type_class});
my $obj = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint($fq_name)
|| Carp::croak(qq{"$name" is declared but not defined in $type_class});
push @exporting, $name, 'is_' . $name;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{$type_class . '::' . $name} = $type_class->_generate_type($obj);
*{$type_class . '::is_' . $name} = $obj->_compiled_type_constraint;
my($import, $unimport) = Mouse::Exporter->build_import_methods(
exporting_package => $type_class,
as_is => \@exporting,
groups => { default => [] },
no warnings 'redefine';
no strict 'refs';
*{$type_class . '::import'} = $import; # redefine myself!
*{$type_class . '::unimport'} = $unimport;
goto &{$import};
package MouseX::Types::Base;
my %storage;
sub type_storage { # can be overriden
return $storage{$_[0]} ||= +{}
sub type_names {
my($class) = @_;
return keys %{$class->type_storage};
sub _generate_type {
my($type_class, $type_constraint) = @_;
return sub {
if(@_){ # parameterization
my $param = shift;
if(!(ref($param) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$param} == 1)){
Carp::croak("Syntax error using type $type_constraint (you must pass an ARRAY reference of a parameter type)");
return( $type_constraint->parameterize(@{$param}), @_ );
Carp::croak("Too many arguments for $type_constraint");
return $type_constraint->parameterize(@{$param});
return $type_constraint;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
MouseX::Types - Organize your Mouse types in libraries
=head2 Library Definition
package MyLibrary;
# predeclare our own types
use MouseX::Types
-declare => [qw(
PositiveInt NegativeInt
# import builtin types
use MouseX::Types::Mouse 'Int';
# type definition.
subtype PositiveInt,
as Int,
where { $_ > 0 },
message { "Int is not larger than 0" };
subtype NegativeInt,
as Int,
where { $_ < 0 },
message { "Int is not smaller than 0" };
# type coercion
coerce PositiveInt,
from Int,
via { 1 };
=head2 Usage
package Foo;
use Mouse;
use MyLibrary qw( PositiveInt NegativeInt );
# use the exported constants as type names
has 'bar',
isa => PositiveInt,
is => 'rw';
has 'baz',
isa => NegativeInt,
is => 'rw';
sub quux {
my ($self, $value);
# test the value
print "positive\n" if is_PositiveInt($value);
print "negative\n" if is_NegativeInt($value);
# coerce the value, NegativeInt doesn't have a coercion
# helper, since it didn't define any coercions.
$value = to_PositiveInt($value) or die "Cannot coerce";
=head1 AUTHORS
Kazuhiro Osawa E<lt>yappo <at> shibuya <döt> plE<gt>
Shawn M Moore
Goro Fuji
with plenty of code borrowed from L<MooseX::Types>
git clone git:// MouseX-Types
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Kazuhiro Osawa and partly based on MooseX::Types, which
is (c) Robert Sedlacek.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.