package Net::SFTP::Foreign::Common;
our $VERSION = '1.76_02';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
# Some versions of Scalar::Util are crippled
require Scalar::Util;
eval { Scalar::Util->import(qw(dualvar tainted)); 1 }
or do {
*tainted = sub { croak "The version of Scalar::Util installed on your system "
. "does not provide 'tainted'" };
*dualvar = sub { $_[0] };
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Helpers qw(_gen_wanted _ensure_list _debug _glob_to_regex _is_lnk _is_dir $debug);
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants qw(:status);
my %status_str = ( SSH2_FX_OK, "OK",
SSH2_FX_EOF, "End of file",
SSH2_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE, "No such file or directory",
SSH2_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED, "Permission denied",
SSH2_FX_FAILURE, "Failure",
SSH2_FX_BAD_MESSAGE, "Bad message",
SSH2_FX_NO_CONNECTION, "No connection",
SSH2_FX_CONNECTION_LOST, "Connection lost",
SSH2_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED, "Operation unsupported" );
our $debug;
sub _set_status {
my $sftp = shift;
my $code = shift;
if ($code) {
my $str;
if (@_) {
$str = join ': ', @_;
($str) = $str =~ /(.*)/
if (${^TAINT} && tainted $str);
unless (defined $str and length $str) {
$str = $status_str{$code} || "Unknown status ($code)";
$debug and $debug & 64 and _debug("_set_status code: $code, str: $str");
return $sftp->{_status} = dualvar($code, $str);
else {
return $sftp->{_status} = 0;
sub status { shift->{_status} }
sub _set_error {
my $sftp = shift;
my $code = shift;
if ($code) {
my $str;
if (@_) {
$str = join ': ', @_;
($str) = $str =~ /(.*)/
if (${^TAINT} && tainted $str);
else {
$str = $code ? "Unknown error $code" : "OK";
$debug and $debug & 64 and _debug("_set_err code: $code, str: $str");
my $error = $sftp->{_error} = dualvar $code, $str;
# FIXME: use a better approach to determine when some error is fatal
croak $error if $sftp->{_autodie};
elsif ($sftp->{_error}) {
# FIXME: use a better approach to determine when some error is fatal
if ($sftp->{_error} != Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants::SFTP_ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN()) {
$sftp->{_error} = 0;
return $sftp->{_error}
sub _clear_error_and_status {
my $sftp = shift;
sub _copy_error {
my ($sftp, $other) = @_;
unless ($sftp->{_error} and
$sftp->{_error} == Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants::SFTP_ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN()) {
$sftp->{_error} = $other->{_error};
sub error { shift->{_error} }
sub die_on_error {
my $sftp = shift;
$sftp->{_error} and croak(@_ ? "@_: $sftp->{_error}" : $sftp->{_error});
sub _ok_or_autodie {
my $sftp = shift;
return 1 unless $sftp->{_error};
$sftp->{_autodie} and croak $sftp->{_error};
sub _set_errno {
my $sftp = shift;
if ($sftp->{_error}) {
my $status = $sftp->{_status} + 0;
my $error = $sftp->{_error} + 0;
if ($status == SSH2_FX_EOF) {
elsif ($status == SSH2_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE) {
$! = Errno::ENOENT();
elsif ($status == SSH2_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED) {
$! = Errno::EACCES();
elsif ($status == SSH2_FX_BAD_MESSAGE) {
$! = Errno::EBADMSG();
elsif ($status == SSH2_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED) {
$! = Errno::ENOTSUP()
elsif ($status) {
$! = Errno::EIO()
sub _best_effort {
my $sftp = shift;
my $best_effort = shift;
my $method = shift;
local ($sftp->{_error}, $sftp->{_autodie}) if $best_effort;
return (($best_effort or not $sftp->{_error}) ? 1 : undef);
sub _call_on_error {
my ($sftp, $on_error, $entry) = @_;
$on_error and $sftp->error
and $on_error->($sftp, $entry);
# this method code is a little convoluted because we are trying to
# keep in memory as few entries as possible!!!
sub find {
@_ >= 1 or croak 'Usage: $sftp->find($remote_dirs, %opts)';
my $self = shift;
my %opts = @_ & 1 ? ('dirs', @_) : @_;
my $dirs = delete $opts{dirs};
my $follow_links = delete $opts{follow_links};
my $on_error = delete $opts{on_error};
local $self->{_autodie} if $on_error;
my $realpath = delete $opts{realpath};
my $ordered = delete $opts{ordered};
my $names_only = delete $opts{names_only};
my $atomic_readdir = delete $opts{atomic_readdir};
my $wanted = _gen_wanted( delete $opts{wanted},
delete $opts{no_wanted} );
my $descend = _gen_wanted( delete $opts{descend},
delete $opts{no_descend} );
%opts and croak "invalid option(s) '".CORE::join("', '", keys %opts)."'";
$dirs = '.' unless defined $dirs;
my $wantarray = wantarray;
my (@res, $res);
my %done;
my %rpdone; # used to detect cycles
my @dirs = _ensure_list $dirs;
my @queue = map { { filename => $_ } } ($ordered ? sort @dirs : @dirs);
# we use a clousure instead of an auxiliary method to have access
# to the state:
my $task = sub {
my $entry = shift;
my $fn = $entry->{filename};
for (1) {
my $follow = ($follow_links and _is_lnk($entry->{a}->perm));
if ($follow or $realpath) {
unless (defined $entry->{realpath}) {
my $rp = $entry->{realpath} = $self->realpath($fn);
next unless (defined $rp and not $rpdone{$rp}++);
if ($follow) {
my $a = $self->stat($fn);
if (defined $a) {
$entry->{a} = $a;
# we queue it for reprocessing as it could be a directory
unshift @queue, $entry;
if (!$wanted or $wanted->($self, $entry)) {
if ($wantarray) {
push @res, ( $names_only
? ( exists $entry->{realpath}
? $entry->{realpath}
: $entry->{filename} )
: $entry )
else {
continue {
$self->_call_on_error($on_error, $entry)
my $try;
while (@queue) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$try = shift @queue;
my $fn = $try->{filename};
my $a = $try->{a} ||= $self->lstat($fn)
or next;
next if (_is_dir($a->perm) and $done{$fn}++);
if (_is_dir($a->perm)) {
if (!$descend or $descend->($self, $try)) {
if ($ordered or $atomic_readdir) {
my $ls = $self->ls( $fn,
ordered => $ordered,
_wanted => sub {
my $child = $_[1]->{filename};
if ($child !~ /^\.\.?$/) {
$_[1]->{filename} = $self->join($fn, $child);
return 1;
or next;
unshift @queue, @$ls;
else {
$self->ls( $fn,
_wanted => sub {
my $entry = $_[1];
my $child = $entry->{filename};
if ($child !~ /^\.\.?$/) {
$entry->{filename} = $self->join($fn, $child);
if (_is_dir($entry->{a}->perm)) {
push @queue, $entry;
else {
undef } )
or next;
continue {
$self->_call_on_error($on_error, $try)
return wantarray ? @res : $res;
sub glob {
@_ >= 2 or croak 'Usage: $sftp->glob($pattern, %opts)';
${^TAINT} and &_catch_tainted_args;
my ($sftp, $glob, %opts) = @_;
return () if $glob eq '';
my $on_error = delete $opts{on_error};
local $sftp->{_autodie} if $on_error;
my $follow_links = delete $opts{follow_links};
my $ignore_case = delete $opts{ignore_case};
my $names_only = delete $opts{names_only};
my $realpath = delete $opts{realpath};
my $ordered = delete $opts{ordered};
my $wanted = _gen_wanted( delete $opts{wanted},
delete $opts{no_wanted});
my $strict_leading_dot = delete $opts{strict_leading_dot};
$strict_leading_dot = 1 unless defined $strict_leading_dot;
%opts and _croak_bad_options(keys %opts);
my $wantarray = wantarray;
my (@parts, $top);
if (ref $glob eq 'Regexp') {
@parts = ($glob);
$top = '.';
else {
@parts = ($glob =~ m{\G/*([^/]+)}g);
push @parts, '.' unless @parts;
$top = ( $glob =~ m|^/| ? '/' : '.');
my @res = ( {filename => $top} );
my $res = 0;
while (@parts and @res) {
my @parents = @res;
@res = ();
my $part = shift @parts;
my ($re, $has_wildcards);
if (ref $part eq 'Regexp') {
$re = $part;
$has_wildcards = 1;
else {
($re, $has_wildcards) = _glob_to_regex($part, $strict_leading_dot, $ignore_case);
for my $parent (@parents) {
my $pfn = $parent->{filename};
if ($has_wildcards) {
$sftp->ls( $pfn,
ordered => $ordered,
_wanted => sub {
my $e = $_[1];
if ($e->{filename} =~ $re) {
my $fn = $e->{filename} = $sftp->join($pfn, $e->{filename});
if ( (@parts or $follow_links)
and _is_lnk($e->{a}->perm) ) {
if (my $a = $sftp->stat($fn)) {
$e->{a} = $a;
else {
$on_error and $sftp->_call_on_error($on_error, $e);
return undef;
if (@parts) {
push @res, $e if _is_dir($e->{a}->perm)
elsif (!$wanted or $wanted->($sftp, $e)) {
if ($wantarray) {
if ($realpath) {
my $rp = $e->{realpath} = $sftp->realpath($e->{filename});
unless (defined $rp) {
$on_error and $sftp->_call_on_error($on_error, $e);
return undef;
push @res, ($names_only
? ($realpath ? $e->{realpath} : $e->{filename} )
: $e);
return undef
} )
or ($on_error and $sftp->_call_on_error($on_error, $parent));
else {
my $fn = $sftp->join($pfn, $part);
my $method = ((@parts or $follow_links) ? 'stat' : 'lstat');
if (my $a = $sftp->$method($fn)) {
my $e = { filename => $fn, a => $a };
if (@parts) {
push @res, $e if _is_dir($a->{perm})
elsif (!$wanted or $wanted->($sftp, $e)) {
if ($wantarray) {
if ($realpath) {
my $rp = $fn = $e->{realpath} = $sftp->realpath($fn);
unless (defined $rp) {
$on_error and $sftp->_call_on_error($on_error, $e);
push @res, ($names_only ? $fn : $e)
return wantarray ? @res : $res;
sub test_d {
my ($sftp, $name) = @_;
local $sftp->{_autodie};
my $a = $sftp->stat($name);
return _is_dir($a->perm) if $a;
if ($sftp->{_status} == SSH2_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE) {
return undef;
sub test_e {
my ($sftp, $name) = @_;
local $sftp->{_autodie};
$sftp->stat($name) and return 1;
if ($sftp->{_status} == SSH2_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE) {
return undef;