package Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat;
our $VERSION = '1.70_05';
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
require Net::SFTP::Foreign;
require Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants;
require Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat;
our @ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Foreign);
my $supplant;
sub import {
for my $arg (@_[1..$#_]) {
if ($arg eq ':supplant') {
# print STDERR "suplanting Net::SFTP...\n";
if (!$supplant) {
$supplant = 1;
@Net::SFTP::ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat);
@Net::SFTP::Attributes::ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat);
@Net::SFTP::Constant::ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants);
$INC{q(Net/} = $INC{q(Net/SFTP/Foreign/};
$INC{q(Net/SFTP/} = $INC{q(Net/SFTP/Foreign/};
$INC{q(Net/SFTP/} = $INC{q(Net/SFTP/Foreign/};
else {
croak "invalid import tag '$arg'"
our %DEFAULTS = ( put => [best_effort => 1],
get => [best_effort => 1],
ls => [],
new => [] );
my @forbidden = qw( setcwd cwd open opendir sftpread sftpwrite
seek tell eof write flush read getc lstat stat
fstat remove rmdir mkdir setstat fsetstat
close closedir readdir realpath readlink
rename symlink abort get_content join glob
rremove rget rput error die_on_error );
for my $method (@forbidden) {
my $super = "SUPER::$method";
no strict 'refs';
*{$method} = sub {
unless (index((caller)[0], "Net::SFTP::Foreign") == 0) {
croak "Method '$method' is not available from " . __PACKAGE__
. ", use the real Net::SFTP::Foreign if you want it!";
sub new {
my ($class, $host, %opts) = @_;
my $warn;
if (exists $opts{warn}) {
$warn = delete($opts{warn}) || sub {};
else {
$warn = sub { warn(CORE::join '', @_, "\n") };
my $sftp = $class->SUPER::new($host, @{$DEFAULTS{new}}, %opts);
$sftp->{_compat_warn} = $warn;
return $sftp;
sub _warn {
my $sftp = shift;
if (my $w = $sftp->{_compat_warn}) {
sub _warn_error {
my $sftp = shift;
if (my $e = $sftp->SUPER::error) {
sub status {
my $status = shift->SUPER::status;
return wantarray ? ($status + 0, "$status") : $status + 0;
sub get {
croak '$Usage: $sftp->get($local, $remote, $cb)' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 4;
my ($sftp, $remote, $local, $cb) = @_;
my $save = defined(wantarray);
my @content;
my @cb;
if (defined $cb or $save) {
@cb = ( callback => sub {
my ($sftp, $data, $off, $size) = @_;
$cb->($sftp, $data, $off, $size) if $cb;
push @content, $data if $save
$sftp->SUPER::get($remote, $local,
dont_save => !defined($local),
or return undef;
if ($save) {
return CORE::join('', @content);
sub put {
croak '$Usage: $sftp->put($local, $remote, $cb)' if @_ < 3 or @_ > 4;
my ($sftp, $local, $remote, $cb) = @_;
$sftp->SUPER::put($local, $remote,
callback => $cb);
sub ls {
croak '$Usage: $sftp->ls($path, $cb)' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
my ($sftp, $path, $cb) = @_;
if ($cb) {
wanted => sub { _rebless_attrs($_[1]->{a});
0 } );
return ();
else {
if (my $ls = $sftp->SUPER::ls($path, @{$DEFAULTS{ls}})) {
_rebless_attrs($_->{a}) for @$ls;
return @$ls;
return ()
sub do_open { shift->SUPER::open(@_) }
sub do_opendir { shift->SUPER::opendir(@_) }
sub do_realpath { shift->SUPER::realpath(@_) }
sub do_read {
my $sftp = shift;
my $read = $sftp->SUPER::sftpread(@_);
if (wantarray) {
return ($read, $sftp->status);
else {
return $read
sub _gen_do_and_status {
my $method = "SUPER::" . shift;
return sub {
my $sftp = shift;
*do_write = _gen_do_and_status('sftpwrite');
*do_close = _gen_do_and_status('close');
*do_setstat = _gen_do_and_status('setstat');
*do_fsetstat = _gen_do_and_status('setstat');
*do_remove = _gen_do_and_status('remove');
*do_rename = _gen_do_and_status('rename');
*do_mkdir = _gen_do_and_status('mkdir');
*do_rmdir = _gen_do_and_status('rmdir');
sub _rebless_attrs {
my $a = shift;
if ($a) {
bless $a, ( $supplant
? "Net::SFTP::Attributes"
: "Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat" );
sub _gen_do_stat {
my $name = shift;
my $method = "SUPER::$name";
return sub {
croak '$Usage: $sftp->'.$name.'($local, $remote, $cb)' if @_ != 2;
my $sftp = shift;
if (my $a = $sftp->$method(@_)) {
return _rebless_attrs($a);
else {
return undef;
*do_lstat = _gen_do_stat('lstat');
*do_fstat = _gen_do_stat('fstat');
*do_stat = _gen_do_stat('stat');
=head1 NAME
Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat - Adapter for Net::SFTP compatibility
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat;
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat->new($host);
$sftp->get("foo", "bar");
$sftp->put("bar", "baz");
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat ':supplant';
my $sftp = Net::SFTP->new($host);
This package is a wrapper around L<Net::SFTP::Foreign> that provides
an API (mostly) compatible with that of L<Net::SFTP>.
Methods on this package are identical to those in L<Net::SFTP> except
that L<Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat> objects have to be used
instead of L<Net::SFTP::Attributes>.
If the C<:supplant> tag is used, this module installs also wrappers on
the C<Net::SFTP> and L<Net::SFTP::Attributes> packages so no other
parts of the program have to modified in order to move from Net::SFTP
to Net::SFTP::Foreign.
=head2 Setting defaults
The hash C<%Net::SFTP::Foreign::DEFAULTS> can be used to set default
values for L<Net::SFTP::Foreign> methods called under the hood and
otherwise not accessible through the Net::SFTP API.
The entries currently supported are:
=item new => \@opts
extra options passed to Net::SFTP::Foreign constructor.
=item get => \@opts
extra options passed to Net::SFTP::Foreign::get method.
=item put => \@opts
extra options passed to Net::SFTP::Foreign::put method.
=item ls => \@opts
extra options passed to Net::SFTP::Foreign::ls method.
Copyright (c) 2006-2008, 2011 Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.