package Net::SFTP::Foreign::Local;
our $VERSION = '1.57';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Spec;
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes;
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants qw(:error);
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Helpers qw(_sort_entries _gen_wanted _do_nothing);
require Net::SFTP::Foreign::Common;
our @ISA = qw(Net::SFTP::Foreign::Common);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { status => 0,
error => 0 };
bless $self, $class;
sub realpath {
$! = 0;
sub stat {
$! = 0;
my $a = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes->new_from_stat(CORE::stat($_[1]));
unless ($a) {
$_[0]->_set_error(SFTP_ERR_LOCAL_STAT_FAILED, "Couldn't stat local file '$_[1]'", $!);
sub lstat {
$! = 0;
my $a = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes->new_from_stat(CORE::lstat($_[1]));
unless ($a) {
$_[0]->_set_error(SFTP_ERR_LOCAL_STAT_FAILED, "Couldn't stat local file '$_[1]'", $!);
sub readlink {
$! = 0;
my $target = readlink $_[1];
unless (defined $target) {
$_[0]->_set_error(SFTP_ERR_LOCAL_READLINK_FAILED, "Couldn't read link '$_[1]'", $!);
sub join {
my $path = File::Spec->join(@_);
$path = File::Spec->canonpath($path);
# print 'lfs->join("'.join('", "', @_)."\") => $path\n";
sub ls {
my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
my $ordered = delete $opts{ordered};
my $follow_links = delete $opts{follow_links};
my $atomic_readdir = delete $opts{atomic_readdir};
my $wanted = delete $opts{_wanted} ||
_gen_wanted(delete $opts{wanted},
delete $opts{no_wanted});
%opts and croak "invalid option(s) '".CORE::join("', '", keys %opts)."'";
$! = 0;
opendir(my $ldh, $dir)
or return undef;
my @dir;
while (defined(my $part = readdir $ldh)) {
my $fn = File::Spec->join($dir, $part);
my $a = $self->lstat($fn);
if ($a and $follow_links and S_ISLNK($a->perm)) {
if (my $fa = $self->stat($fn)) {
$a = $fa;
else {
$! = 0;
my $entry = { filename => $part,
a => $a };
if ($atomic_readdir or !$wanted or $wanted->($self, $entry)) {
push @dir, $entry;
if ($atomic_readdir and $wanted) {
@dir = grep { $wanted->($self, $_) } @dir;
_sort_entries(\@dir) if $ordered;
return \@dir;
=head1 NAME
Net::SFTP::Foreign::Local - access local file system through Net::SFTP::Foreign API.
my $localfs = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Local->new;
my @find = $localfs->find('.', no_wanted => qr/(?:\/|^).svn/);
This module is a partial implementation of the L<Net::SFTP::Foreign>
interface for the local filesystem.
The methods currently implemented are: C<stat>, C<lstat>, C<ls> and
Copyright (c) 2006 Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o.
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.