# -*- perl -*-
# Net::Server::MultiType - Net::Server personality
# Copyright (C) 2001-2017
# Paul Seamons <paul@seamons.com>
# This package may be distributed under the terms of either the
# GNU General Public License
# or the
# Perl Artistic License
# All rights reserved.
package Net::Server::MultiType;
use strict;
use base qw(Net::Server);
#sub net_server_type { shift->SUPER::net_server_type }; # not-needed
sub options {
my $self = shift;
my $ref = $self->SUPER::options(@_);
$ref->{'server_type'} = $self->{'server'}->{'server_type'} ||= [];
return $ref;
sub default_server_type { 'Fork' }
sub run {
my $self = ref($_[0]) ? shift() : shift->new;
$self->{'server'}->{'_run_args'} = [@_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_];
my $prop = $self->{'server'};
if (!defined $prop->{'server_type'} || ! @{ $prop->{'server_type'} }) {
if (my $ref = $self->can('default_server_type') && $self->default_server_type) {
$prop->{'server_type'} = ref($ref) ? $ref : [$ref];
foreach my $type (@{ $prop->{'server_type'} || []}) {
next if $type eq 'MultiType';
$type = ($type =~ /^(\w+)$/) ? $1 : next; # satisfy taint
my $pkg = ($type =~ /::/) ? $type : "Net::Server::$type";
(my $file = "$pkg.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
eval { require $file };
if ($@){
warn "Couldn't become server type \"$pkg\" [$@]\n";
# handle items like HTTP and PSGI that aren't true Net::Server flavors, but themselves are MultiType
if ($pkg->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
my $type = $self->default_server_type || 'Single';
$type = ($type =~ /^(\w+)$/) ? $1 : next; # satisfy taint
my $_pkg = ($type =~ /::/) ? $type : "Net::Server::$type";
$prop->{'_recursive_multitype'} = $_pkg;
(my $file = "$_pkg.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
eval { require $file } or die "Trouble becoming server type $pkg while loading default package $_pkg: $@\n";
die "Recursive inheritance - Package $pkg inherits from $_pkg.\n" if $_pkg->isa($pkg);
no strict 'refs';
@{"${pkg}::ISA"} = ($_pkg);
# cludgy - doesn't allow multiple Net::Server::MultiType servers within same process
# but it is probably better than modifying our child's class for it
@Net::Server::MultiType::ISA = ($pkg);
# now run as the new type of thingy
# passing self, instead of package, doesn't instantiate a new object
=head1 NAME
Net::Server::MultiType - Net::Server personality
use base qw(Net::Server::MultiType);
sub process_request {
my @types = qw(PreFork Fork Single);
Net::Server::MultiType->run(server_type => \@types);
Please read the pod on Net::Server first. This module is a
personality, or extension, or sub class, of the Net::Server module.
This personality is intended to allow for easy use of multiple
Net::Server personalities. Given a list of server types,
Net::Server::MultiType will require one at a time until it finds one
that is installed on the system. It then adds that package to its
@ISA, thus inheriting the methods of that personality.
In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server base
class, Net::Server::MultiType contains one other configurable
Key Value Default
server_type 'server_type' 'Single'
=over 4
=item server_type
May be called many times to build up an array or possible
server_types. At execution, Net::Server::MultiType will find the
first available one and then inherit the methods of that personality
C<Net::Server::MultiType> allows for the use of a configuration file
to read in server parameters. The format of this conf file is simple
key value pairs. Comments and white space are ignored.
#-------------- file test.conf --------------
### multi type info
### try PreFork first, then go to Single
server_type PreFork
server_type Single
### server information
min_servers 20
max_servers 80
spare_servers 10
max_requests 1000
### user and group to become
user somebody
group everybody
### logging ?
log_file /var/log/server.log
log_level 3
pid_file /tmp/server.pid
### access control
allow .+\.(net|com)
allow domain\.com
deny a.+
### background the process?
background 1
### ports to bind
port localhost:20204
port 20205
### reverse lookups ?
# reverse_lookups on
#-------------- file test.conf --------------
See L<Net::Server>
=head1 HOOKS
There are no additional hooks in Net::Server::MultiType.
=head1 TO DO
See L<Net::Server>
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul T. Seamons paul@seamons.com
=head1 SEE ALSO
Please see also