=head1 NAME
Number::Misc - handy utilities for numbers
use Number::Misc ':all';
is_numeric('x'); # false
to_number('3,000'); # 3000
commafie('3000'); # 3,000
zero_pad(2, 10); # 0000000002
rand_in_range(3, 10); # a random number from 3 to 10, inclusive
is_even(3) # true
is_odd(4); # true
Number::Misc provides some miscellaneous handy utilities for handling numbers.
These utilities handle processing numbers as strings, determining basic properties
of numbers, or selecting a random number from a range.
Number::Misc can be installed with the usual routine:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
=head2 is_numeric
Returns true if the given scalar is a number. An undefined value returns false.
A "number" is defined as consisting solely of numerals (i.e. the characters 0-9),
with at most one decimal, and at most a single leading minus or plus sign.
is_numeric('3'); # true
is_numeric('-3'); # true
is_numeric('+3'); # true
is_numeric('0003'); # true
is_numeric('0.003'); # true
is_numeric('0.00.3'); # false
is_numeric('3,003'); # false
is_numeric(' 3'); # false
is_numeric(undef); # false
=over 4
=item option: convertible
If you want to test if the string B<could> be a number if it were run through
to_number() then use the convertible option.
is_numeric('3,003', convertible=>1); # true
is_numeric(' 3', convertible=>1); # true
is_numeric('0.00.3', convertible=>1); # false
=head2 to_number
Converts a string to a number by removing commas and spaces. If the string
can't be converted, returns undef. Some examples:
to_number(' 3 '); # returns 3
to_number(' 3,000 '); # returns 3000
to_number('whatever'); # returns undef
=over 4
=item option: always_number
If the string cannot be converted to a number, return 0 instead of undef.
For example, this call:
to_number('whatever', always_number=>1)
returns 0.
=head2 commafie
Converts a number to a string representing the same number but with commas
commafie(2000); # 2,000
commafie(-2000); # -1,000
commafie(2000.33); # 2,000.33
commafie(100); # 100
B<option: sep>
The C<sep> option lets you set what to use as a separator instead of a comma.
For example, if you want to C<:> instead of C<,> you would do that like this:
commafie('2000', sep=>':');
which would give you this:
=head2 zero_pad
Prepends zeroes to the number to make it a specified length. The first param is
the number, the second is the target length. If the length of the number is
equal to or longer than the given length then nothing is changed.
zero_pad(2, 3); # 002
zero_pad(2, 10); # 0000000002
zero_pad(444, 2); # 444
=head2 rand_in_range
Given lower and upper bounds, returns a random number greater than
or equal to the lower bound and less than or equal to the upper.
Works only on integers.
rand_in_range(3, 10); # a random number from 3 to 10, inclusive
rand_in_range(-1, 10); # a random number from -1 to 10, inclusive
=head2 is_even / is_odd
C<is_even> returns true if the number is even.
C<is_odd> returns true if the number is odd.
Nonnumbers and decimals return undef.
=head1 Other modules
Here are a few other modules available on CPAN that do many of the same things
as Number::Misc:
Copyright (c) 2012 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself. This software comes with B<NO WARRANTY> of any kind.
=head1 AUTHOR
Miko O'Sullivan
=head1 VERSION
=over 4
=item Version 1.0 July, 2012
Initial release.
=item Version 1.1 April 25, 2014
Fixed problem in META.yml.
=item Version 1.2 January 2, 2015
Fixed issues in tests. Added 'sep' option to commafie.