shell bypass 403
package Ocsinventory::Agent::AccountInfo;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw(decode);
sub new {
my (undef,$params) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self;
$self->{config} = $params->{config};
$self->{logger} = $params->{logger};
$self->{common} = $params->{common};
my $logger = $self->{logger} = $params->{logger};
if ($self->{config}->{accountinfofile}) {
$logger->debug ('Accountinfo file: '. $self->{config}->{accountinfofile});
if (! -f $self->{config}->{accountinfofile}) {
$logger->info("Accountinfo file doesn't exist. I create an empty one.");
} else {
my $xmladm;
eval {
$xmladm = $self->{common}->readXml($self->{config}->{accountinfofile}, [ 'ACCOUNTINFO' ]);
if ($xmladm && exists($xmladm->{ACCOUNTINFO})) {
# Store the XML content in a local HASH
if (!$_->{KEYNAME}) {
$logger->debug ("Incorrect KEYNAME in ACCOUNTINFO");
$self->{accountinfo}{ $_->{KEYNAME} } = $_->{KEYVALUE};
} else {
$logger->debug("No accountinfo file defined");
if($self->{config}->{tag}) {
$logger->debug("A TAG seems to already exist in the ocsinv.adm file. ".
"The -t parameter will be ignored. Don't forget that the TAG value ".
"will be ignored by the server unless it has OCS_OPT_ACCEPT_TAG_UPDATE_FROM_CLIENT=1.");
$self->{accountinfo}->{TAG} = decode('UTF-8', $self->{config}->{tag});
$self; #Because we have already blessed the object
# Add accountinfo stuff to an inventory
sub setAccountInfo {
my $self = shift;
my $inventory = shift;
#my $ai = $self->getAll();
$self->{xmlroot}{'CONTENT'}{ACCOUNTINFO} = [];
my $ai = $self->{accountinfo};
return unless $ai;
foreach (keys %$ai) {
push @{$inventory->{xmlroot}{'CONTENT'}{ACCOUNTINFO}}, {
KEYNAME => [$_],
KEYVALUE => [$ai->{$_}],
sub writeAccountInfoFile {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $content;
$content->{ACCOUNTINFO} = [];
#We clear accountinfo to store the new one
undef $self->{accountinfo};
#We get values sent by server
if (ref ($ref) =~ /^ARRAY$/) {
foreach (@$ref) {
$self->{accountinfo}->{$_->{KEYNAME}} = $_->{KEYVALUE} if defined ($_->{KEYNAME}) && defined ($_->{KEYVALUE});
} elsif (ref ($ref) =~ /^HASH$/) {
$self->{accountinfo}->{$ref->{KEYNAME}} = $ref->{KEYVALUE} if defined ($ref->{KEYNAME}) && defined ($ref->{KEYVALUE});
} else {
$logger->debug ("Invalid parameter while writing accountinfo file");
#We feed our XML for accountinfo file
foreach (keys %{$self->{accountinfo}}) {
push @{$content->{ACCOUNTINFO}}, {KEYNAME => [$_], KEYVALUE =>
my $xml=XML::Simple::XMLout($content, RootName => 'ADM', XMLDecl=> '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
#We write accountinfo file
my $fault;
if (!open ADM, ">".$self->{config}->{accountinfofile}) {
$fault = 1;
} else {
print ADM $xml;
$fault = 1 unless close ADM;
if (!$fault) {
$logger->debug ("Account info updated successfully");
} else {
$logger->error ("Can't save account info in `".