shell bypass 403
## Copyleft Guillaume PROTET 2010
## Web :
## This code is open source and may be copied and modified as long as the source
## code is always made freely available.
## Please refer to the General Public Licence or Licence.txt
package Ocsinventory::Agent::Modules::SnmpScan;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
no strict 'subs';
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Digest::MD5;
sub new {
my $name="snmpscan"; #Set the name of your module here
my (undef,$context) = @_;
my $self = {};
#Create a special logger for the module
$self->{logger} = new Ocsinventory::Logger ({
config => $context->{config}
$self->{common} = $context->{common};
$self->{structure}= {
name => $name,
start_handler => $name."_start_handler",
prolog_writer => undef,
prolog_reader => $name."_prolog_reader",
inventory_handler => undef,
end_handler => $name."_end_handler",
# We create a xml for the snmp inventory that we will be sent to server
bless $self;
sub snmpscan_start_handler {
my $self = shift;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $common = $self->{context}->{common};
my $config = $self->{context}->{config};
$logger->debug("Calling snmp_start_handler");
# Disabling module if local mode
if ($config->{stdout} || $config->{local}) {
$self->{disabled} = 1;
$logger->info("Agent is running in local mode...disabling module");
# If we cannot load prerequisite, we disable the module
unless ($common->can_load('Net::SNMP')) {
$self->{disabled} = 1;
$logger->error("Net::SNMP perl module is missing !!");
$logger->error("Humm my prerequisites are not OK...disabling module :( :(");
sub snmpscan_prolog_reader {
my ($self, $prolog) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $network = $self->{context}->{network};
my $option;
$logger->debug("Calling snmp_prolog_reader");
$prolog = XML::Simple::XMLin( $prolog, ForceArray => ['OPTION', 'PARAM']);
for $option (@{$prolog->{OPTION}}){
if ($option->{NAME} =~/snmp/i){
$self->{doscans} = 1;
for ( @{ $option->{PARAM} } ) {
if ($_->{'TYPE'} eq 'DEVICE'){
# Adding the IP in the devices array
push @{$self->{netdevices}},{
if ($_->{'TYPE'} eq 'COMMUNITY'){
# Adding the community in the communities array
push @{$self->{communities}},{
if ($_->{'TYPE'} eq 'NETWORK'){
push @{$self->{nets_to_scan}},$_->{SUBNET};
if ($_->{'TYPE'} eq 'SNMP_TYPE'){
if($_->{TABLE_TYPE_NAME} ne 'snmp_default') {
push @{$self->{snmp_type_condition}},{
} else {
push @{$self->{snmp_type_condition_default}},{
push @{$self->{snmp_type_infos}},{
OID => $_->{OID}
if ($_->{'SCAN_TYPE_SNMP'} && $_->{'SCAN_ARP_BANDWIDTH'}) {
$self->{scan_type_snmp} = $_->{SCAN_TYPE_SNMP};
$self->{scan_arp_bandwidth} = $_->{SCAN_ARP_BANDWIDTH};
sub snmpscan_end_handler {
my $self = shift;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $common = $self->{context}->{common};
my $network = $self->{context}->{network};
$logger->debug("Calling snmp_end_handler");
# If no order form server
return unless $self->{doscans};
# Flushing xmltags if it has not been done
# We get the config
my $config = $self->{context}->{config};
# Load setting from the config file
my $configagent = new Ocsinventory::Agent::Config;
my $communities=$self->{communities};
if ( ! defined ($communities ) ) {
$logger->debug("We have no Community from server, we use default public community");
my ($name,$comm,$error,$system_oid);
# Initalising the XML properties
my $snmp_inventory = $self->{inventory};
$snmp_inventory->{xmlroot}->{QUERY} = ['SNMP'];
$snmp_inventory->{xmlroot}->{DEVICEID} = [$self->{context}->{config}->{deviceid}];
# Scanning network
$logger->debug("Snmp: Scanning network");
my $nets_to_scan=$self->{nets_to_scan};
# check if arp scan type
if ($self->{scan_type_snmp} eq 'ARPSCAN') {
# if arp, we can pass an empty array to the snmp_ip_scan function bc we only need to scan the local network
my $net_to_scan = [];
} else {
foreach my $net_to_scan ( @$nets_to_scan ){
$logger->debug("Snmp: Ending Scanning network");
# Begin scanning ip tables
my $ip=$self->{netdevices};
foreach my $device ( @$ip ) {
my $session = undef;
my $oid_condition = undef;
my $devicedata = $common->{xmltags}; #To fill the xml informations for this device
my $snmp_table = undef;
my $snmp_condition_oid = undef;
my $snmp_condition_value = undef;
my $regex = undef;
$logger->debug("Scanning $device->{IPADDR} device");
# Search for the good snmp community in the table community
LIST_SNMP: foreach $comm ( @$communities ) {
# Test if we use SNMP v3
if ( $comm->{VERSION} eq "3" ) {
if($comm->{LEVEL} eq '' || $comm->{LEVEL} eq 'noAuthNoPriv') {
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-retries => $configagent->{config}{snmpretry}, # SNMP retry in config file
-timeout => $configagent->{config}{snmptimeout}, # SNMP Timeout in config file
-version => 'snmpv'.$comm->{VERSION},
-hostname => $device->{IPADDR},
-translate => [-nosuchinstance => 0, -nosuchobject => 0, -octetstring => 0],
-username => $comm->{USERNAME}
if($comm->{LEVEL} eq 'authNoPriv') {
if($comm->{AUTHPROTO} eq '') {
$comm->{AUTHPROTO} = "md5";
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-retries => $configagent->{config}{snmpretry}, # SNMP retry in config file
-timeout => $configagent->{config}{snmptimeout}, # SNMP Timeout in config file
-version => 'snmpv'.$comm->{VERSION},
-hostname => $device->{IPADDR},
-translate => [-nosuchinstance => 0, -nosuchobject => 0, -octetstring => 0],
-username => $comm->{USERNAME},
-authprotocol => $comm->{AUTHPROTO},
-authpassword => $comm->{AUTHPASSWD}
if($comm->{LEVEL} eq 'authPriv') {
if($comm->{AUTHPROTO} eq '') {
$comm->{AUTHPROTO} = "md5";
if($comm->{PRIVPROTO} eq '') {
$comm->{PRIVPROTO} = "des";
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-retries => $configagent->{config}{snmpretry}, # SNMP retry in config file
-timeout => $configagent->{config}{snmptimeout}, # SNMP Timeout in config file
-version => 'snmpv'.$comm->{VERSION},
-hostname => $device->{IPADDR},
-translate => [-nosuchinstance => 0, -nosuchobject => 0, -octetstring => 0],
-username => $comm->{USERNAME},
-authprotocol => $comm->{AUTHPROTO},
-authpassword => $comm->{AUTHPASSWD},
-privpassword => $comm->{PRIVPASSWD},
-privprotocol => $comm->{PRIVPROTO}
# For a use in constructor module (Cisco)
$self->{privprotocol}= $comm->{PRIVPROTO};
} else {
# We have an older version v2c ou v1
($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-retries => $configagent->{config}{snmpretry}, # SNMP retry in config file
-timeout => $configagent->{config}{snmptimeout}, # SNMP Timeout in config file
-version => 'snmpv'.$comm->{VERSION},
-hostname => $device->{IPADDR},
-community => $comm->{NAME},
-translate => [-nosuchinstance => 0, -nosuchobject => 0, -octetstring => 0],
unless (defined($session)) {
$logger->error("Snmp INFO: $error");
} else {
# For a use in constructor module (Cisco)
my $snmp_key = $self->{snmp_type_condition};
my $snmp_key_default = $self->{snmp_type_condition_default};
LIST_TYPE: foreach my $snmp_value (@$snmp_key) {
$oid_condition = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$snmp_value->{CONDITION_OID}]);
$snmp_table = $snmp_value->{TABLE_TYPE_NAME};
$snmp_condition_oid = $snmp_value->{CONDITION_OID};
$snmp_condition_value = $snmp_value->{CONDITION_VALUE};
$regex = $self->regex($snmp_condition_value);
last LIST_TYPE if (defined $oid_condition && ($oid_condition->{$snmp_value->{CONDITION_OID}} eq $snmp_value->{CONDITION_VALUE} || $oid_condition->{$snmp_value->{CONDITION_OID}} =~ /$regex/));
last LIST_SNMP if (defined $oid_condition && ($oid_condition->{$snmp_condition_oid} eq $snmp_condition_value || $oid_condition->{$snmp_condition_oid} =~ /$regex/));
LIST_TYPE: foreach my $snmp_value_default (@$snmp_key_default) {
$oid_condition = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$snmp_value_default->{CONDITION_OID}]);
$snmp_table = $snmp_value_default->{TABLE_TYPE_NAME};
$snmp_condition_oid = $snmp_value_default->{CONDITION_OID};
last LIST_TYPE if (defined $oid_condition);
last LIST_SNMP if (defined $oid_condition && $snmp_table eq 'snmp_default');
if (defined $oid_condition) {
my $xmltags = $common->{xmltags};
# We have found the good Community, we can scan this equipment
# We indicate that we scan a new equipment
my $data;
my $snmp_infos = $self->{snmp_type_infos};
foreach my $datas (@$snmp_infos) {
my $data_value = undef;
if($datas->{TABLE_TYPE_NAME} eq $snmp_table) {
$data = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$datas->{OID}]);
$data_value = $data->{$datas->{OID}};
if(defined $data_value && $data_value =~ m/([\x{0}-\x{9}]|[\x{B}-\x{C}]|[\x{E}-\x{1F}]|[\x{7F}-\x{FF}])/) {
$data_value = unpack "H*", $data_value;
my @split = unpack '(A2)*', $data_value;
$data_value = uc(join ':', @split);
if(!defined $data_value || $data_value eq '') {
my @table;
$data = $session->get_table(-baseoid => $datas->{OID});
foreach my $key (keys %{$data}) {
if(defined $data->{$key} && $data->{$key} =~ m/([\x{0}-\x{9}]|[\x{B}-\x{C}]|[\x{E}-\x{1F}]|[\x{7F}-\x{FF}])/) {
$data->{$key} = unpack "H*", $data->{$key};
my @split = unpack '(A2)*', $data->{$key};
$data->{$key} = uc(join ':', @split);
push @table, $data->{$key};
$data_value = join ' - ', @table;
$xmltags->{$datas->{LABEL_NAME}}[0] = $data_value;
push @{$snmp_inventory->{xmlroot}->{CONTENT}->{$snmp_table}},$xmltags;
# We have finished with this equipment
if (defined $session) {
# We clear the xml data for this device
$logger->info("No more SNMP device to scan");
# Formatting the XML and sendig it to the server
my $content = XMLout( $snmp_inventory->{xmlroot}, RootName => 'REQUEST' , XMLDecl => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', SuppressEmpty => undef );
#Cleaning XML to delete unprintable characters
my $clean_content = $common->cleanXml($content);
$logger->debug("End snmp_end_handler :)");
sub snmp_ip_scan {
my ($self,$net_to_scan) = @_;
my $logger=$self->{logger};
my $common=$self->{common};
if ($common->can_load('Net::Netmask') ) {
# get scantype configured from server
my $snmp_scan_type = $self->{scan_type_snmp};
# check for scan type and if the required module is available
if ($snmp_scan_type eq 'ICMP' && $common->can_load('Net::Ping')) {
my $block=Net::Netmask->new($net_to_scan);
my $size=$block->size()-2;
my $index=1;
$logger->debug("Scanning $net_to_scan with ping");
my $ping=Net::Ping->new("icmp",1);
while ($index <= $size) {
my $res=$block->nth($index);
if ($ping->ping($res)) {
$logger->debug("Found $res");
push( @{$self->{netdevices}},{ IPADDR=>$res }) unless $self->search_netdevice($res);
} elsif ($snmp_scan_type eq 'NMAP' && $common->can_load('Nmap::Parser')) {
$logger->debug("Scannig $net_to_scan with nmap");
my $nmaparser = Nmap::Parser->new;
for my $host ($nmaparser->all_hosts("up")) {
my $res=$host->addr;
$logger->debug("Found $res");
push( @{$self->{netdevices}},{ IPADDR=>$res }) unless $self->search_netdevice($res);
# 3rd option is arp scan
} elsif ($snmp_scan_type eq 'ARPSCAN' && $common->can_run('arp-scan')) {
# check the routing table to see what the default gateway is
my $default_gateway = `ip route | grep default | awk '{print \$5}'`;
# get the first line of the output if multiple lines are returned
$default_gateway = (split /\n/, $default_gateway)[0];
$logger->debug("Scanning $default_gateway with arp scan");
# bandwith is in packets per second but server gives us kbps
my $arp_bandwidth = $self->{scan_arp_bandwidth};
$arp_bandwidth = $arp_bandwidth * 1024;
my $cmd = "arp-scan --interface=$default_gateway --localnet --bandwidth=$arp_bandwidth";
my $res = `$cmd`;
# arp scan is successful
if ($res =~ /Starting arp-scan/) {
my @lines = split /\n/, $res;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/) {
my $ip = $&;
$logger->debug("Found $ip");
push( @{$self->{netdevices}},{ IPADDR=>$ip }) unless $self->search_netdevice($ip);
} else {
$logger->debug("arp-scan failed");
} else {
$logger->debug("No scan possible");
} else {
$logger->debug("Net::Netmask not present: no scan possible");
# Defining a specific subroutine to handle the XML allows submodules (LocalSnmpScan) to override it
sub handleXml() {
my ($self, $clean_content) = @_;
my $network = $self->{context}->{network};
$network->sendXML({message => $clean_content});
sub search_netdevice {
my ($self,$ip)= @_ ;
for (@{$self->{netdevices}}) {
if ($ip =~ /^$_->{IPADDR}$/) {
return 1;
sub regex {
my ($self,$regex) = @_;
if(($regex !~ m/\*/)){
$regex = "\^".$regex."\$";
if((substr( $regex, -1) eq '*') && (substr( $regex, 0, 1) eq '*')){
$regex = $regex =~ s/\*//gr;
if((substr( $regex, 0, 1 ) eq '*') && (substr( $regex, -1) ne '*')){
$regex = $regex =~ s/\*//gr;
$regex = $regex."\$";
if((substr( $regex, -1) eq '*') && (substr( $regex, 0, 1) ne '*')){
$regex = $regex =~ s/\*//gr;
$regex = "\^".$regex;
return $regex;