package PAR::Filter::PatchContent;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'PAR::Filter';
=head1 NAME
PAR::Filter::PatchContent - Content patcher
# transforms $code
PAR::Filter::PatchContent->apply(\$code, $filename, $name);
This filter fixes PAR-incompatible modules; F<pp> applies it to modules
by default.
sub PATCH_CONTENT () { +{
map { ref($_) ? $_ : lc($_) }
'' => [
'$is_dosish = ' =>
'$is_dosish = $^O eq \'cygwin\' || ',
'Pod/' => [
' = $0' =>
' = $ENV{PAR_0} || $0',
# Some versions of Spreadsheet::ParseExcel have a weird non-POD construct =cmmt
# that is used to comment out a block of code. perl treats it as POD and strips it.
# Since it's not POD, POD parsers ignore it.
# PAR::Filter::PodStrip only strips valid POD. Hence we remove it here.
'Spreadsheet/' => [
qr/^=cmmt\s+.*?^=cut\s*/sm =>
'SQL/' => [
'my @dialects;' =>
'require PAR;
my @dialects = ();
foreach my $member ( $PAR::LastAccessedPAR->members ) {
next unless $member->fileName =~ m!\bSQL/Dialects/([^/]+)\.pm$!;
push @dialects, $1;
'' => [
'foreach $dir (@INC)' =>
'require PAR;
if (my $member = PAR::unpar($0, $file, 1)) {
$file =~ s![/\\\\]!_!g;
return PAR::Heavy::_dl_extract($member,$file,$file);
if (my $member = PAR::unpar($0, my $name = $_[1], 1)) {
$name =~ s![/\\\\]!_!g;
return PAR::Heavy::_dl_extract($member,$name,$name);
foreach $dir (@INC)',
'Tk/' => [
'if (defined($name=$INC{"$"}))' =>
'if (defined($name=$INC{"$"}) and !ref($name) and $name !~ m!^/loader/!)',
'Win32/API/' => [
'INIT ' => '',
'Win32/' => [
'$dll .= "cpuspd.dll";' =>
'require PAR;
$dll = "lib/Win32/cpuspd.dll";
if (my $member = PAR::unpar($0, $dll, 1)) {
$dll = PAR::Heavy::_dl_extract($member,"cpuspd.dll","cpuspd.dll");
$dll =~ s!\\\\!/!g;
} else { die $! }',
'' => [
'goto retry unless $module and defined &dl_load_file;' =>
'goto retry;', # XSLoader <= 0.10
'goto \&XSLoader::bootstrap_inherit unless $module and defined &dl_load_file;' =>
'goto \&XSLoader::bootstrap_inherit;', # XSLoader >= 0.14
'' => [
'CONFIG: ' => 'CONFIG: if (0) ',
'if (eof(POD_DIAG)) ' => 'if (0 and eof(POD_DIAG)) ',
'close POD_DIAG' => '# close POD_DIAG',
'while (<POD_DIAG>) ' =>
'require PAR; use Config;
my @files = (
my $contents;
foreach my $file (@files) {
$contents = PAR::read_file($file);
last if defined $contents;
for(map "$_\\n\\n", split/(?:\\r?\\n){2,}/, $contents) ',
'' => [
'$list ||= eval { $caller->$type(); }'
=> '$list = eval { $caller->$type(); }',
'|| croak("Can\'t find $encoding character property definition via $caller->$type or $")'
=> '|| croak("Can\'t find $encoding character property definition via $caller->$type or $") unless $list;'
} };
sub apply {
my ($class, $ref, $filename, $name) = @_;
{ use bytes; $$ref =~ s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; } # remove utf8 BOM
my @rule = @{PATCH_CONTENT->{lc($name)}||[]} or return $$ref;
while (my ($from, $to) = splice(@rule, 0, 2)) {
if (ref($from) eq 'Regexp') {
$$ref =~ s/$from/$to/g;
else {
$$ref =~ s/\Q$from\E/$to/g;
return $$ref;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>
You can write
to the mailing list at E<lt>par@perl.orgE<gt>, or send an empty mail to
E<lt>par-subscribe@perl.orgE<gt> to participate in the discussion.
Please submit bug reports to E<lt>bug-par-packer@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
Copyright 2003-2009 by Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.