package PAR::Heavy;
$PAR::Heavy::VERSION = '0.12';
=head1 NAME
PAR::Heavy - PAR guts
(internal use only)
No user-serviceable parts inside.
# Dynamic inclusion of XS modules
# NOTE: Don't "use" any module here, esp. one that is an XS module or
# whose "use" could cause the loading of an XS module thru its dependencies.
# enable debug/trace messages from DynaLoader perl code
my $dl_debug = $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} || 0;
my ($bootstrap, $dl_findfile); # Caches for code references
my ($cache_key); # The current file to find
my $is_insensitive_fs = (
-s $0
and (-s lc($0) || -1) == (-s uc($0) || -1)
and (-s lc($0) || -1) == -s $0
# Adds pre-hooks to Dynaloader's key methods
sub _init_dynaloader {
return if $bootstrap;
return unless eval { require DynaLoader; DynaLoader::dl_findfile(); 1 };
print STDERR "PAR::Heavy: pre-hooks to Dynaloader's key methods\n"
if $dl_debug;
$bootstrap = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
$dl_findfile = \&DynaLoader::dl_findfile;
local $^W;
*{'DynaLoader::dl_expandspec'} = sub { return };
*{'DynaLoader::bootstrap'} = \&_bootstrap;
*{'DynaLoader::dl_findfile'} = \&_dl_findfile;
# Return the cached location of .dll inside PAR first, if possible.
sub _dl_findfile {
print STDERR "PAR::Heavy::_dl_findfile($cache_key)\n" if $dl_debug;
if (exists $FullCache{$cache_key}) {
print STDERR " found in FullCache as $FullCache{$cache_key}\n"
if $dl_debug;
return $FullCache{$cache_key};
if ($is_insensitive_fs) {
# We have a case-insensitive filesystem...
my ($key) = grep { lc($_) eq lc($cache_key) } keys %FullCache;
if (defined $key) {
print STDERR " found case-insensitively in FullCache as $FullCache{$key}\n"
if $dl_debug;
return $FullCache{$key};
print STDERR " fall back to DynaLoader::dl_findfile\n" if $dl_debug;
return $dl_findfile->(@_);
# Find and extract .dll from PAR files for a given dynamic module.
sub _bootstrap {
my (@args) = @_;
my ($module) = $args[0] or return;
my @modparts = split(/::/, $module);
my $modfname = $modparts[-1];
$modfname = &DynaLoader::mod2fname(\@modparts)
if defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname;
if (($^O eq 'NetWare') && (length($modfname) > 8)) {
$modfname = substr($modfname, 0, 8);
my $modpname = join((($^O eq 'MacOS') ? ':' : '/'), @modparts);
my $file = $cache_key = "auto/$modpname/$modfname.$DynaLoader::dl_dlext";
if ($FullCache{$file}) {
# TODO: understand
local $DynaLoader::do_expand = 1;
return $bootstrap->(@args);
my $member;
# First, try to find things in the preferentially loaded PARs:
$member = PAR::_find_par_internals([@PAR::PAR_INC], undef, $file, 1)
if defined &PAR::_find_par_internals;
# If that failed to find the dll, let DynaLoader (try or) throw an error
unless ($member) {
my $filename = eval { $bootstrap->(@args) };
return $filename if not $@ and defined $filename;
# Now try the fallback pars
$member = PAR::_find_par_internals([@PAR::PAR_INC_LAST], undef, $file, 1)
if defined &PAR::_find_par_internals;
# If that fails, let dynaloader have another go JUST to throw an error
# While this may seem wasteful, nothing really matters once we fail to
# load shared libraries!
unless ($member) {
return $bootstrap->(@args);
$FullCache{$file} = _dl_extract($member);
# Now extract all associated shared objs in the same auto/ dir
# XXX: shouldn't this also set $FullCache{...} for those files?
my $first = $member->fileName;
my $path_pattern = $first;
$path_pattern =~ s{[^/]*$}{};
if ($PAR::LastAccessedPAR) {
foreach my $member ( $PAR::LastAccessedPAR->members ) {
next if $member->isDirectory;
my $name = $member->fileName;
next if $name eq $first;
next unless $name =~ m{^/?\Q$path_pattern\E\/[^/]*\.\Q$DynaLoader::dl_dlext\E[^/]*$};
$name =~ s{.*/}{};
_dl_extract($member, $name);
local $DynaLoader::do_expand = 1;
return $bootstrap->(@args);
sub _dl_extract {
my ($member, $name) = @_;
$name ||= $member->crc32String . ".$DynaLoader::dl_dlext";
my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{PAR_TEMP} || File::Spec->tmpdir, $name);
($filename) = $filename =~ /^([\x20-\xff]+)$/;
return $filename if -e $filename && -s _ == $member->uncompressedSize;
# $filename doesn't exist or hasn't been completely extracted:
# extract it under a temporary name that isn't likely to be used
# by concurrent processes doing the same
my $tempname = "$filename.$$";
$member->extractToFileNamed($tempname) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK()
or die "Can't extract archive member ".$member->fileName." to $tempname: $!";
# now that we have a "good" copy in $tempname, rename it to $filename;
# if this fails (e.g. some OSes won't let you delete DLLs that are
# in use), but $filename exists, we assume that $filename is also
# "good": remove $tempname and return $filename
unless (rename($tempname, $filename))
-e $filename or die "can't rename $tempname to $filename: $!";
return $filename;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>
You can write
to the mailing list at E<lt>par@perl.orgE<gt>, or send an empty mail to
E<lt>par-subscribe@perl.orgE<gt> to participate in the discussion.
Please submit bug reports to E<lt>bug-par@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
Copyright 2002-2010 by Audrey Tang
Copyright 2006-2010 by Steffen Mueller
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.