shell bypass 403
package PAR::StrippedPARL::Base;
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.975';
use File::Temp ();
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use Config ();
=head1 NAME
PAR::StrippedPARL::Base - Base class for the PARL data packages
# Please use one of the siblings of this class instead.
use base 'PAR::StrippedPARL::Base';
This class is internal to PAR. Do not use it outside of PAR.
This class is basically just a container for a static binary PAR loader
which doesn't include the PAR code like the F<parl> or F<parl.exe>
you are used to. If you're really curious, I'll tell you it is
just a copy of the F<myldr/static> (or F<myldr/static.exe>) file.
The data is appended during the C<make> phase of the PAR build process.
If the binary data isn't appended during the build process, the two class
methods will return the empty list.
=head2 write_parl
Takes a file name as argument. Writes the raw binary data in
the package to the specified file and embeds the core modules
to produce a complete PAR loader (I<parl>).
Returns true on success or the empty list on failure.
sub write_parl {
my $class = shift;
my $file = shift;
if (not defined $file) {
warn "${class}->write_parl() needs a file name as argument";
# write out to a temporary file first
my ($fh, $tfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
"parlXXXX", SUFFIX => $Config::Config{_exe}||'', TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 1);
close $fh;
if (not $class->write_raw($tfile)) {
warn "Could not write temporary parl (class $class) to file '$tfile'";
chmod(0755, $tfile);
# Use this to generate a real parl
my @libs = ();
for my $ilib ( @INC ) {
next if ref $ilib;
$ilib =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
push(@libs, qq(-I$ilib) );
system(Cwd::abs_path($tfile), @libs, qw( -q -B ), "-O$file");
unless ($? == 0) {
warn "Failed to execute temporary parl (class $class) in file '$tfile': $!";
return 1;
=head2 get_raw
Returns the binary data attached to the data package.
Returns the empty list on failure.
sub get_raw {
my $class = shift;
my $pos = $class->_data_pos();
if (not defined $pos) {
warn "${class}->_data_pos() did not return the original tell() position of the DATA file handle";
my $sym;
# Is there a better way to do this?
no strict 'refs';
$sym = \*{"${class}::DATA"};
seek $sym, $pos, 0 or die $!;
binmode $sym;
local $/ = undef;
my $data = <$sym>;
$data =~ s/^\s*//;
my $binary = unpack 'u', $data;
return() if not defined $binary or $binary !~ /\S/;
return $binary;
=head2 write_raw
Takes a file name as argument and writes the binary data to the file.
Returns true on success and the empty list on failure.
sub write_raw {
my $class = shift;
my $file = shift;
if (not defined $file) {
warn "${class}->write_raw() needs a file name as argument";
my $binary = $class->get_raw();
if (not defined $binary) {
warn "${class}->get_raw() did not return the raw binary data for a PAR loader";
open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Could not open file '$file' for writing: $!";
binmode $fh;
print $fh $binary;
close $fh;
return 1;
Subclasses need to implement the C<_data_pos> class method which returns
the value of C<tell DATA> as it was after the class was loaded.
=head1 AUTHORS
Steffen Mueller E<lt>smueller@cpan.orgE<gt>,
Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2006-2009 by Steffen Mueller E<lt>smueller@cpan.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.