#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab
# Rocco Caputo noticed this bug in POE::Loop::Glib v0.037.
# LotR wanted this converted into a test in PTL so we can
# verify the bug is gone and help other loop authors :)
# TODO do we need a way to timeout the test?
use strict;
unless (-f "run_network_tests") {
print "1..0 # Skip Network access (and permission) required to run this test\n";
sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }
#sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_FILES () { 1 }
eval "sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT () { 1 }" if (
exists $INC{'Devel/Cover.pm'}
use Test::More;
plan tests => 8;
use POE qw( Component::Server::TCP Component::Client::TCP );
use Socket qw( sockaddr_in );
my $num_clients = 5;
# testing variables
my $num_server_connects = 0;
my $num_server_disconnects = 0;
my $num_server_inputs = 0;
my $num_server_flushes = 0;
my $acceptor_port;
my $num_client_connects = 0;
my $num_client_disconnects = 0;
my $num_client_inputs = 0;
my $num_client_flushes = 0;
# Spawn the TCP server.
Alias => 'server',
Address => 'localhost',
Port => 0,
Started => sub {
$acceptor_port = (
ClientConnected => sub { $num_server_connects++ },
ClientInput => sub {
$_[HEAP]->{client}->put( 'from server' );
$_[KERNEL]->yield( 'shutdown' );
ClientFlushed => sub { $num_server_flushes++ },
ClientDisconnected => sub {
# end the test after N clients is done
if ( $num_server_disconnects >= $num_clients ) {
$_[KERNEL]->call( 'server', 'shutdown' );
# spawn the client
for ( 1 .. $num_clients ) {
RemoteAddress => 'localhost',
RemotePort => $acceptor_port,
ConnectTimeout => 2,
Connected => sub {
$_[HEAP]->{server}->put( 'from client' );
Disconnected => sub { $num_client_disconnects++ },
ServerInput => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->delay( 'shutdown' => 1 );
ServerError => sub {},
ServerFlushed => sub { $num_client_flushes++ },
# Okay, make sure we processed N connections
is( $num_server_connects, $num_clients, "Server got $num_clients client connections" );
is( $num_server_disconnects, $num_clients, "Server got $num_clients client disconnections" );
is( $num_server_inputs, $num_clients, "Client sent input $num_clients times" );
is( $num_server_flushes, $num_clients, "Server flushed $num_clients lines of data" );
is( $num_client_connects, $num_clients, "Client connected $num_clients times" );
is( $num_client_disconnects, $num_clients, "Client disconnected $num_clients times" );
is( $num_client_inputs, $num_clients, "Server sent input $num_clients times" );
is( $num_client_flushes, $num_clients, "Client flushed $num_clients lines of data" );