package PPI::Token::Magic;
=head1 NAME
PPI::Token::Magic - Tokens representing magic variables
isa PPI::Token::Symbol
isa PPI::Token
isa PPI::Element
# When we say magic variables, we mean these...
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
$_ $& $` $' $+ @+ %+ $* $. $/ $|
$\ $" $; $% $= $- @- %- $) $#
$~ $^ $: $? $! %! $@ $$ $< $>
$( $0 $[ $] @_ @* $} $, $#+ $#-
$^L $^A $^E $^C $^D $^F $^H
$^I $^M $^N $^O $^P $^R $^S
$^T $^V $^W $^X %^H
C<PPI::Token::Magic> is a sub-class of L<PPI::Token::Symbol> which
identifies the token as "magic variable", one of the strange and
unusual variables that are connected to "things" behind the scenes.
Some are extremely common, like C<$_>, and others you will quite
probably never encounter in your Perl career.
=head1 METHODS
The class provides no additional methods, beyond those provided by
L<PPI::Token::Symbol>, L<PPI::Token> and L<PPI::Element>.
use strict;
use PPI::Token::Symbol ();
use PPI::Token::Unknown ();
use PPI::Singletons qw' %MAGIC $CURLY_SYMBOL ';
our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION
our @ISA = "PPI::Token::Symbol";
sub __TOKENIZER__on_char {
my $t = $_[1];
# $c is the candidate new content
my $c = $t->{token}->{content} . substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor}, 1 );
# Do a quick first test so we don't have to do more than this one.
# All of the tests below match this one, so it should provide a
# small speed up. This regex should be updated to match the inside
# tests if they are changed.
if ( $c =~ /^ \$ .* [ \w : \$ \{ ] $/x ) {
if ( $c =~ /^(\$(?:\_[\w:]|::))/ or $c =~ /^\$\'[\w]/ ) {
# If and only if we have $'\d, it is not a
# symbol. (this was apparently a conscious choice)
# Note that $::0 on the other hand is legal
if ( $c =~ /^\$\'\d$/ ) {
# In this case, we have a magic plus a digit.
# Save the CURRENT token, and rerun the on_char
return $t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# A symbol in the style $_foo or $::foo or $'foo.
# Overwrite the current token
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class('Symbol');
return PPI::Token::Symbol->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
if ( $c =~ /^\$\$\w/ ) {
# This is really a scalar dereference. ( $$foo )
# Add the current token as the cast...
$t->{token} = PPI::Token::Cast->new( '$' );
# ... and create a new token for the symbol
return $t->_new_token( 'Symbol', '$' );
if ( $c eq '$${' ) {
# This _might_ be a dereference of one of the
# control-character symbols.
pos $t->{line} = $t->{line_cursor} + 1;
if ( $t->{line} =~ m/$CURLY_SYMBOL/gc ) {
# This is really a dereference. ( $${^_foo} )
# Add the current token as the cast...
$t->{token} = PPI::Token::Cast->new( '$' );
# ... and create a new token for the symbol
return $t->_new_token( 'Magic', '$' );
if ( $c eq '$#$' or $c eq '$#{' ) {
# This is really an index dereferencing cast, although
# it has the same two chars as the magic variable $#.
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class('Cast');
return $t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
if ( $c =~ /^(\$\#)\w/ ) {
# This is really an array index thingy ( $#array )
$t->{token} = PPI::Token::ArrayIndex->new( "$1" );
return PPI::Token::ArrayIndex->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
if ( $c =~ /^\$\^\w+$/o ) {
# It's an escaped char magic... maybe ( like $^M )
my $next = substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor}+1, 1 ); # Peek ahead
if ($MAGIC{$c} && (!$next || $next !~ /\w/)) {
$t->{token}->{content} = $c;
} else {
# Maybe it's a long magic variable like $^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS
return 1;
if ( $c =~ /^\$\#\{/ ) {
# The $# is actually a cast, and { is its block
# Add the current token as the cast...
$t->{token} = PPI::Token::Cast->new( '$#' );
# ... and create a new token for the block
return $t->_new_token( 'Structure', '{' );
} elsif ($c =~ /^%\^/) {
return 1 if $c eq '%^';
# It's an escaped char magic... maybe ( like %^H )
if ($MAGIC{$c}) {
$t->{token}->{content} = $c;
} else {
# Back off, treat '%' as an operator
chop $t->{token}->{content};
bless $t->{token}, $t->{class} = 'PPI::Token::Operator';
if ( $MAGIC{$c} ) {
# $#+ and $#-
$t->{line_cursor} += length( $c ) - length( $t->{token}->{content} );
$t->{token}->{content} = $c;
} else {
pos $t->{line} = $t->{line_cursor};
if ( $t->{line} =~ m/($CURLY_SYMBOL)/gc ) {
# control character symbol (e.g. ${^MATCH})
$t->{token}->{content} .= $1;
$t->{line_cursor} += length $1;
} elsif ( $c =~ /^\$\d+$/ and $t->{line} =~ /\G(\d+)/gc ) {
# Grab trailing digits of regex capture variables.
$t->{token}{content} .= $1;
$t->{line_cursor} += length $1;
# End the current magic token, and recheck
$t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# Our version of canonical is plain simple
sub canonical { $_[0]->content }
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.