package PPI::Token::Number::Exp;
=head1 NAME
PPI::Token::Number::Exp - Token class for an exponential notation number
$n = 1.0e-2;
$n = 1e+2;
isa PPI::Token::Number::Float
isa PPI::Token::Number
isa PPI::Token
isa PPI::Element
The C<PPI::Token::Number::Exp> class is used for tokens that
represent floating point numbers with exponential notation.
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use PPI::Token::Number::Float ();
our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION
our @ISA = "PPI::Token::Number::Float";
=head2 literal
Return the numeric value of this token.
sub literal {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{_error};
my ($mantissa, $exponent) = split m/e/i, $self->_literal;
my $neg = $mantissa =~ s/^\-//;
$mantissa =~ s/^\./0./;
$exponent =~ s/^\+//;
# Must cast exponent as numeric type, due to string type '00' exponent
# creating false positive condition in for() loop below, causing infinite loop
$exponent += 0;
# This algorithm is reasonably close to the S_mulexp10()
# algorithm from the Perl source code, so it should arrive
# at the same answer as Perl most of the time.
my $negpow = 0;
if ($exponent < 0) {
$negpow = 1;
$exponent *= -1;
my $result = 1;
my $power = 10;
for (my $bit = 1; $exponent; $bit = $bit << 1) {
if ($exponent & $bit) {
$exponent = $exponent ^ $bit;
$result *= $power;
$power *= $power;
my $val = $neg ? 0 - $mantissa : $mantissa;
return $negpow ? $val / $result : $val * $result;
# Tokenizer Methods
sub __TOKENIZER__on_char {
my $class = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $char = substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor}, 1 );
# To get here, the token must have already encountered an 'E'
# Allow underscores straight through
return 1 if $char eq '_';
# Allow digits
return 1 if $char =~ /\d/o;
# Start of exponent is special
if ( $t->{token}->{content} =~ /e$/i ) {
# Allow leading +/- in exponent
return 1 if $char eq '-' || $char eq '+';
# Invalid character in exponent. Recover
if ( $t->{token}->{content} =~ s/\.(e)$//i ) {
my $word = $1;
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class('Number');
$t->_new_token('Operator', '.');
$t->_new_token('Word', $word);
return $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
else {
$t->{token}->{_error} = "Illegal character in exponent '$char'";
# Doesn't fit a special case, or is after the end of the token
# End of token.
$t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Dolan E<lt>cdolan@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2006 Chris Dolan.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.