package PPI::Token::Word;
=head1 NAME
PPI::Token::Word - The generic "word" Token
isa PPI::Token
isa PPI::Element
A C<PPI::Token::Word> object is a PPI-specific representation of several
different types of word-like things, and is one of the most common Token
classes found in typical documents.
Specifically, it includes not only barewords, but also any other valid
Perl identifier including non-operator keywords and core functions, and
any include C<::> separators inside it, as long as it fits the
format of a class, function, etc.
=head1 METHODS
There are no methods available for C<PPI::Token::Word> beyond those
provided by its L<PPI::Token> and L<PPI::Element> parent
We expect to add additional methods to help further resolve a Word as
a function, method, etc over time. If you need such a thing right
now, look at L<Perl::Critic::Utils>.
use strict;
use PPI::Token ();
our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION
our @ISA = "PPI::Token";
=head2 literal
Returns the value of the Word as a string. This assumes (often
incorrectly) that the Word is a bareword and not a function, method,
keyword, etc. This differs from C<content> because C<Foo'Bar> expands
to C<Foo::Bar>.
sub literal {
my $self = shift;
my $word = $self->content;
# Expand Foo'Bar to Foo::Bar
$word =~ s/\'/::/g;
return $word;
=head2 method_call
Answers whether this is the name of a method in a method call. Returns true if
yes, false if no, and nothing if unknown.
sub method_call {
my $self = shift;
my $previous = $self->sprevious_sibling;
if (
$previous->content eq '->'
) {
return 1;
my $snext = $self->snext_sibling;
return 0 unless $snext;
if (
and (
$snext->content eq ','
$snext->content eq '=>'
) {
return 0;
if (
$snext->content =~ m< \w :: \z >xms
) {
return 1;
sub __TOKENIZER__on_char {
my $class = shift;
my $t = shift;
# Suck in till the end of the bareword
pos $t->{line} = $t->{line_cursor};
if ( $t->{line} =~ m/\G(\w+(?:(?:\'|::)\w+)*(?:::)?)/gc ) {
my $word = $1;
# Special Case: If we accidentally treat eq'foo' like
# the word "eq'foo", then just make 'eq' (or whatever
# else is in the %KEYWORDS hash.
if ( $word =~ /^(\w+)'/ && $KEYWORDS{$1} ) {
$word = $1;
$t->{token}->{content} .= $word;
$t->{line_cursor} += length $word;
# We might be a subroutine attribute.
if ( __current_token_is_attribute($t) ) {
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( 'Attribute' );
return $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__commit( $t );
my $word = $t->{token}->{content};
if ( $KEYWORDS{$word} ) {
# Check for a Perl keyword that is forced to be a normal word instead
if ( $t->__current_token_is_forced_word ) {
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( 'Word' );
return $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# Check for a quote like operator. %QUOTELIKE must be subset of %KEYWORDS
if ( $QUOTELIKE{$word} ) {
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( $QUOTELIKE{$word} );
return $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# Or one of the word operators. %OPERATOR must be subset of %KEYWORDS
if ( $OPERATOR{$word} ) {
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( 'Operator' );
return $t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# Unless this is a simple identifier, at this point
# it has to be a normal bareword
if ( $word =~ /\:/ ) {
return $t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# If the NEXT character in the line is a colon, this
# is a label.
my $char = substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor}, 1 );
if ( $char eq ':' ) {
$t->{token}->{content} .= ':';
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( 'Label' );
# If not a label, '_' on its own is the magic filehandle
} elsif ( $word eq '_' ) {
$t->{class} = $t->{token}->set_class( 'Magic' );
# Finalise and process the character again
$t->_finalize_token->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
# We are committed to being a bareword.
# Or so we would like to believe.
sub __TOKENIZER__commit {
my ($class, $t) = @_;
# Our current position is the first character of the bareword.
# Capture the bareword.
pos $t->{line} = $t->{line_cursor};
unless ( $t->{line} =~ m/\G((?!\d)\w+(?:(?:\'|::)\w+)*(?:::)?)/gc ) {
# Programmer error
die sprintf "Fatal error... regex failed to match in '%s' when expected", substr $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor};
# Special Case: If we accidentally treat eq'foo' like the word "eq'foo",
# then unwind it and just make it 'eq' (or the other stringy comparitors)
my $word = $1;
if ( $word =~ /^(\w+)'/ && $KEYWORDS{$1} ) {
$word = $1;
# Advance the position one after the end of the bareword
$t->{line_cursor} += length $word;
# We might be a subroutine attribute.
if ( __current_token_is_attribute($t) ) {
$t->_new_token( 'Attribute', $word );
return ($t->{line_cursor} >= $t->{line_length}) ? 0
: $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__on_char($t);
# Check for the end of the file
if ( $word eq '__END__' ) {
# Create the token for the __END__ itself
$t->_new_token( 'Separator', $1 );
# Move into the End zone (heh)
$t->{zone} = 'PPI::Token::End';
# Add the rest of the line as a comment, and a whitespace newline
# Anything after the __END__ on the line is "ignored". So we must
# also ignore it, by turning it into a comment.
my $end_rest = substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor} );
$t->{line_cursor} = length $t->{line};
if ( $end_rest =~ /\n$/ ) {
chomp $end_rest;
$t->_new_token( 'Comment', $end_rest ) if length $end_rest;
$t->_new_token( 'Whitespace', "\n" );
} else {
$t->_new_token( 'Comment', $end_rest ) if length $end_rest;
return 0;
# Check for the data section
if ( $word eq '__DATA__' ) {
# Create the token for the __DATA__ itself
$t->_new_token( 'Separator', "$1" );
# Move into the Data zone
$t->{zone} = 'PPI::Token::Data';
# Add the rest of the line as the Data token
my $data_rest = substr( $t->{line}, $t->{line_cursor} );
$t->{line_cursor} = length $t->{line};
if ( $data_rest =~ /\n$/ ) {
chomp $data_rest;
$t->_new_token( 'Comment', $data_rest ) if length $data_rest;
$t->_new_token( 'Whitespace', "\n" );
} else {
$t->_new_token( 'Comment', $data_rest ) if length $data_rest;
return 0;
my $token_class;
if ( $word =~ /\:/ ) {
# Since it's not a simple identifier...
$token_class = 'Word';
} elsif ( $KEYWORDS{$word} and $t->__current_token_is_forced_word ) {
$token_class = 'Word';
} elsif ( $QUOTELIKE{$word} ) {
# Special Case: A Quote-like operator
$t->_new_token( $QUOTELIKE{$word}, $word );
return ($t->{line_cursor} >= $t->{line_length}) ? 0
: $t->{class}->__TOKENIZER__on_char( $t );
} elsif ( $OPERATOR{$word} && ($word ne 'x' || $t->_current_x_is_operator) ) {
# Word operator
$token_class = 'Operator';
} else {
# Get tokens early to be sure to not disturb state set up by pos and m//gc.
my @tokens = $t->_previous_significant_tokens(1);
# If the next character is a ':' then it's a label...
pos $t->{line} = $t->{line_cursor};
if ( $t->{line} =~ m/\G(\s*:)(?!:)/gc ) {
if ( $tokens[0] and $tokens[0]->{content} eq 'sub' ) {
# ... UNLESS it's after 'sub' in which
# case it is a sub name and an attribute
# operator.
# We COULD have checked this at the top
# level of checks, but this would impose
# an additional performance per-word
# penalty, and every other case where the
# attribute operator doesn't directly
# touch the object name already works.
$token_class = 'Word';
} else {
$word .= $1;
$t->{line_cursor} += length($1);
$token_class = 'Label';
} elsif ( $word eq '_' ) {
$token_class = 'Magic';
} else {
$token_class = 'Word';
# Create the new token and finalise
$t->_new_token( $token_class, $word );
if ( $t->{line_cursor} >= $t->{line_length} ) {
# End of the line
return 0;
# Is the current Word really a subroutine attribute?
sub __current_token_is_attribute {
my ( $t ) = @_;
my @tokens = $t->_previous_significant_tokens(1);
return (
and (
# hint from tokenizer
# nothing between attribute and us except whitespace
or $tokens[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Attribute')
=head1 TO DO
- Add C<function>, C<method> etc detector methods
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.