package Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Perl::Critic::Config qw{};
use Perl::Critic::Policy qw{};
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters };
use overload ( q{""} => 'to_string' );
our $VERSION = '1.134';
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my $policies = $args{-policies} || [];
$self->{_policies} = [ sort _by_type @{ $policies } ];
my $comment_out_parameters = $args{'-comment-out-parameters'};
if (not defined $comment_out_parameters) {
$comment_out_parameters = 1;
$self->{_comment_out_parameters} = $comment_out_parameters;
my $configuration = $args{'-config'};
if (not $configuration) {
$configuration = Perl::Critic::Config->new(-profile => $EMPTY);
$self->{_configuration} = $configuration;
return $self;
sub _get_policies {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_policies};
sub _comment_out_parameters {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_comment_out_parameters};
sub _configuration {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_configuration};
sub _line_prefix {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_comment_out_parameters() ? q{# } : $EMPTY;
sub to_string {
my ($self) = @_;
my $prefix = $self->_line_prefix();
my $configuration = $self->_configuration();
my $prototype = "# Globals\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{severity = };
$prototype .= $configuration->severity();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{force = };
$prototype .= $configuration->force();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{only = };
$prototype .= $configuration->only();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{allow-unsafe = };
$prototype .= $configuration->unsafe_allowed();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{profile-strictness = };
$prototype .= $configuration->profile_strictness();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{color = };
$prototype .= $configuration->color();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{pager = };
$prototype .= $configuration->pager();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{top = };
$prototype .= $configuration->top();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{verbose = };
$prototype .= $configuration->verbose();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{include = };
$prototype .= join $SPACE, $configuration->include();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{exclude = };
$prototype .= join $SPACE, $configuration->exclude();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{single-policy = };
$prototype .= join $SPACE, $configuration->single_policy();
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{theme = };
$prototype .= $configuration->theme()->rule();
$prototype .= "\n";
foreach my $item (qw<
>) {
( my $accessor = $item ) =~ s/ - /_/gmsx;
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= "$item = ";
$prototype .= $configuration->$accessor;
$prototype .= "\n";
$prototype .= $prefix;
$prototype .= q{program-extensions = };
$prototype .= join $SPACE, $configuration->program_extensions();
Perl::Critic::Policy::set_format( $self->_proto_format() );
my $policy_prototypes = join qq{\n}, map { "$_" } @{ $self->_get_policies() };
$policy_prototypes =~ s/\s+ \z//xms; # Trim trailing whitespace
return $prototype . "\n\n" . $policy_prototypes . "\n";
# About "%{\\n%\\x7b# \\x7df\n${prefix}%n = %D\\n}O" below:
# The %0 format for a policy specifies how to format parameters.
# For a parameter %f specifies the full description.
# The problem is that both of these need to take options, but String::Format
# doesn't allow nesting of {}. So, to get the option to the %f, the braces
# are hex encoded. I.e., assuming that comment_out_parameters is in effect,
# the parameter sees:
# \n%{# }f\n# %n = %D\n
sub _proto_format {
my ($self) = @_;
my $prefix = $self->_line_prefix();
return <<"END_OF_FORMAT";
# %a
${prefix}set_themes = %t
${prefix}add_themes =
${prefix}severity = %s
${prefix}maximum_violations_per_document = %v
%{\\n%\\x7b# \\x7df\\n${prefix}%n = %D\\n}O%{${prefix}Cannot programmatically discover what parameters this policy takes.\\n}U
sub _by_type { return ref $a cmp ref $b }
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype - Generate an initial Perl::Critic profile.
This is a helper class that generates a prototype of a
L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic> profile (e.g. a F<.perlcriticrc> file.
There are no user-serviceable parts here.
This is considered to be a non-public class. Its interface is subject
to change without notice.
=item C<< new( -policies => \@POLICY_OBJECTS ) >>
Returns a reference to a new C<Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype> object.
=head1 METHODS
=item to_string()
Returns a string representation of this C<ProfilePrototype>. See
L<"OVERLOADS"> for more information.
When a
L<Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype|Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype> is
evaluated in string context, it produces a multi-line summary of the
policy name, default themes, and default severity for each
L<Perl::Critic::Policy|Perl::Critic::Policy> object that was given to
the constructor of this C<ProfilePrototype>. If the Policy supports
an additional parameters, they will also be listed (but
commented-out). The format is suitable for use as a F<.perlcriticrc>
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>
Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
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