package Perl::MinimumVersion;
$Perl::MinimumVersion::VERSION = '1.38';
=head1 NAME
Perl::MinimumVersion - Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
# Create the version checking object
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( $filename );
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( \$source );
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( $ppi_document );
# Find the minimum version
$version = $object->minimum_version;
C<Perl::MinimumVersion> takes Perl source code and calculates the minimum
version of perl required to be able to run it. Because it is based on
L<PPI>, it can do this without having to actually load the code.
Currently it tests both the syntax of your code, and the use of explicit
version dependencies such as C<require 5.005>.
Future plans are to also add support for tracing module dependencies.
Using C<Perl::MinimumVersion> is dead simple, the synopsis pretty much
covers it.
The distribution comes with a script called L<perlver>,
which is the easiest way to run C<Perl::MinimumVersion> on your code:
% perlver lib/Foo/
See the L<documentation for perlver|perlver> for more details.
=head1 METHODS
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use version 0.76 ();
use Carp ();
use Exporter ();
use List::Util 1.20 qw(max first);
use Params::Util 0.25 ('_INSTANCE', '_CLASS');
use PPI::Util ('_Document');
use PPI 1.215 ();
use Perl::Critic::Utils 1.104 qw{
use PPIx::Regexp 0.033;
use Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason ();
# Export the PMV convenience constant
@ISA = 'Exporter';
# The primary list of version checks
# _stacked_labels => version->new('5.014'),
_yada_yada_yada => version->new('5.012'),
_pkg_name_version => version->new('5.012'),
_postfix_when => version->new('5.012'),
_perl_5012_pragmas => version->new('5.012'),
_while_readdir => version->new('5.012'),
_perl_5010_pragmas => version->new('5.010'),
_perl_5010_operators => version->new('5.010'),
_perl_5010_magic => version->new('5.010'),
_state_declaration => version->new('5.010'),
# Various small things
_bugfix_magic_errno => version->new('5.008.003'),
_is_utf8 => version->new('5.008.001'),
_unquoted_versions => version->new('5.008.001'),
_perl_5008_pragmas => version->new('5.008'),
_constant_hash => version->new('5.008'),
_local_soft_reference => version->new('5.008'),
_use_carp_version => version->new('5.008'),
_open_temp => version->new('5.008'),
_open_scalar => version->new('5.008'),
_internals_svreadonly => version->new('5.008'),
# Included in 5.6. Broken until 5.8
_pragma_utf8 => version->new('5.008'),
_perl_5006_pragmas => version->new('5.006'),
_any_our_variables => version->new('5.006'),
_any_binary_literals => version->new('5.006'),
_any_version_literals => version->new('5.006'), #v-string
_magic_version => version->new('5.006'),
_any_attributes => version->new('5.006'),
_any_CHECK_blocks => version->new('5.006'),
_three_argument_open => version->new('5.006'),
_weaken => version->new('5.006'),
_mkdir_1_arg => version->new('5.006'),
_exists_subr => version->new('5.006'),
_sort_subref => version->new('5.006'),
_any_qr_tokens => version->new('5.005.03'),
_perl_5005_pragmas => version->new('5.005'),
_perl_5005_modules => version->new('5.005'),
_any_tied_arrays => version->new('5.005'),
_any_quotelike_regexp => version->new('5.005'),
_any_INIT_blocks => version->new('5.005'),
_substr_4_arg => version->new('5.005'),
_splice_negative_length => version->new('5.005'),
_5005_variables => version->new('5.005'),
_bareword_double_colon => version->new('5.005'),
_postfix_foreach => version->new('5.004.05'),
@CHECKS_RV = ( #subs that return version
# Predefine some indexes needed by various check methods
_perl_5012_pragmas => {
deprecate => 1,
_perl_5010_pragmas => {
mro => 1,
feature => 1,
_perl_5010_operators => {
'//' => 1,
'//=' => 1,
'~~' => 1,
_perl_5010_magic => {
'%+' => 1,
'%-' => 1,
_perl_5008_pragmas => {
threads => 1,
'threads::shared' => 1,
sort => 1,
encoding => 1,
_perl_5006_pragmas => {
warnings => 1, #may be ported into older version
'warnings::register' => 1,
attributes => 1,
open => 1,
filetest => 1,
charnames => 1,
bytes => 1,
_perl_5005_pragmas => {
re => 1,
fields => 1, # can be installed from CPAN, with
attr => 1,
sub PMV () { 'Perl::MinimumVersion' }
# Constructor
=head2 new
# Create the version checking object
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( $filename );
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( \$source );
$object = Perl::MinimumVersion->new( $ppi_document );
The C<new> constructor creates a new version checking object for a
L<PPI::Document>. You can also provide the document to be read as a
file name, or as a C<SCALAR> reference containing the code.
Returns a new C<Perl::MinimumVersion> object, or C<undef> on error.
sub new {
my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
my $Document = _Document(shift) or return undef;
my $default = _INSTANCE(shift, 'version') || version->new('5.004');
# Create the object
my $self = bless {
Document => $Document,
# Checking limit and default minimum version.
# Explicitly don't check below this version.
default => $default,
# Caches for resolved versions
explicit => undef,
syntax => undef,
external => undef,
}, $class;
=head2 Document
The C<Document> accessor can be used to get the L<PPI::Document> object
back out of the version checker.
sub Document {
# Main Methods
=head2 minimum_version
The C<minimum_version> method is the primary method for finding the
minimum perl version required based on C<all> factors in the document.
At the present time, this is just syntax and explicit version checks,
as L<Perl::Depends> is not yet completed.
Returns a L<version> object, or C<undef> on error.
sub minimum_version {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $minimum = $self->{default}; # Sensible default
# Is the explicit version greater?
my $explicit = $self->minimum_explicit_version;
return undef unless defined $explicit;
if ( $explicit and $explicit > $minimum ) {
$minimum = $explicit;
# Is the syntax version greater?
# Since this is the most expensive operation (for this file),
# we need to be careful we don't run things we don't need to.
my $syntax = $self->minimum_syntax_version;
return undef unless defined $syntax;
if ( $syntax and $syntax > $minimum ) {
$minimum = $syntax;
### FIXME - Disabled until minimum_external_version completed
# Is the external version greater?
#my $external = $self->minimum_external_version;
#return undef unless defined $external;
#if ( $external and $external > $minimum ) {
# $minimum = $external;
sub minimum_reason {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $minimum = $self->default_reason; # Sensible default
# Is the explicit version greater?
my $explicit = $self->minimum_explicit_version;
return undef unless defined $explicit;
if ( $explicit and $explicit > $minimum ) {
$minimum = $explicit;
sub default_reason {
rule => 'default',
version => $_[0]->{default},
element => undef,
=head2 minimum_explicit_version
The C<minimum_explicit_version> method checks through Perl code for the
use of explicit version dependencies such as.
use 5.006;
require 5.005_03;
Although there is almost always only one of these in a file, if more than
one are found, the highest version dependency will be returned.
Returns a L<version> object, false if no dependencies could be found,
or C<undef> on error.
sub minimum_explicit_version {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $reason = $self->minimum_explicit_reason(@_);
return $reason ? $reason->version : $reason;
sub minimum_explicit_reason {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
unless ( defined $self->{explicit} ) {
$self->{explicit} = $self->_minimum_explicit_version;
return $self->{explicit};
sub _minimum_explicit_version {
my $self = shift or return undef;
my $explicit = $self->Document->find( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') or return '';
$_[1]->version or return '';
} );
return $explicit unless $explicit;
# Find the highest version
my $max = undef;
my $element = undef;
foreach my $include ( @$explicit ) {
my $version = version->new($include->version);
if ( not $element or $version > $max ) {
$max = $version;
$element = $include;
return Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason->new(
rule => 'explicit',
version => $max,
element => $element,
=head2 minimum_syntax_version $limit
The C<minimum_syntax_version> method will explicitly test only the
Document's syntax to determine it's minimum version, to the extent
that this is possible.
It takes an optional parameter of a L<version> object defining the
the lowest known current value. For example, if it is already known
that it must be 5.006 or higher, then you can provide a param of
qv(5.006) and the method will not run any of the tests below this
version. This should provide dramatic speed improvements for
large and/or complex documents.
The limitations of parsing Perl mean that this method may provide
artifically low results, but should not artificially high results.
For example, if C<minimum_syntax_version> returned 5.006, you can be
confident it will not run on anything lower, although there is a chance
that during actual execution it may use some untestable feature that
creates a dependency on a higher version.
Returns a L<version> object, false if no dependencies could be found,
or C<undef> on error.
sub minimum_syntax_version {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $reason = $self->minimum_syntax_reason(@_);
return $reason ? $reason->version : $reason;
sub minimum_syntax_reason {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $limit = shift;
if ( defined $limit and not _INSTANCE($limit, 'version') ) {
$limit = version->new("$limit");
if ( defined $self->{syntax} ) {
if ( !defined($limit) or $self->{syntax}->version >= $limit ) {
# Previously discovered minimum is what they want
return $self->{syntax};
# Rather than return a value BELOW their filter,
# which they would not be expecting, return false.
return '';
# Look for the value
my $syntax = $self->_minimum_syntax_version( $limit );
# If we found a value, it will be stable, cache it.
# If we did NOT, don't cache as subsequent runs without
# the filter may find a version.
if ( $syntax ) {
$self->{syntax} = $syntax;
return $self->{syntax};
return '';
#for Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy
sub _set_checks2skip {
my $self = shift;
my $list = shift;
$self->{_checks2skip} = $list;
sub _set_collect_all_reasons {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
$value = 1 unless defined $value;
$self->{_collect_all_reasons} = $value;
sub _minimum_syntax_version {
my $self = shift;
my $filter = shift || $self->{default};
my %checks2skip;
@checks2skip{ @{ $self->{_checks2skip} || [] } } = ();
my %rv_result;
my $current_reason;
foreach my $rule ( @CHECKS_RV ) {
next if exists $checks2skip{$rule};
my ($v, $obj) = $self->$rule();
$v = version->new($v);
if ( $v > $filter ) {
$current_reason = Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason->new(
rule => $rule,
version => $v,
element => _INSTANCE($obj, 'PPI::Element'),
if ($self->{_collect_all_reasons}) {
push @{ $self->{_all_reasons} }, $current_reason;
} else {
$filter = $v;
# Always check in descending version order.
# By doing it this way, the version of the first check that matches
# is also the version of the document as a whole.
my @rules = sort {
$CHECKS{$b} <=> $CHECKS{$a}
} grep {
not(exists $checks2skip{$_}) and $CHECKS{$_} > $filter
} keys %CHECKS;
foreach my $rule ( @rules ) {
my $result = $self->$rule() or next;
# Create the result object
my $reason = Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason->new(
rule => $rule,
version => $CHECKS{$rule},
element => _INSTANCE($result, 'PPI::Element'),
if ($self->{_collect_all_reasons}) {
push @{ $self->{_all_reasons} }, $current_reason;
} else {
return $reason;
# Found nothing of interest
return $current_reason || '';
=head2 minimum_external_version
B<WARNING: This method has not been implemented. Any attempted use will throw
an exception>
The C<minimum_external_version> examines code for dependencies on other
external files, and recursively traverses the dependency tree applying the
same tests to those files as it does to the original.
Returns a C<version> object, false if no dependencies could be found, or
C<undef> on error.
sub minimum_external_version {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my $reason = $self->minimum_explicit_reason(@_);
return $reason ? $reason->version : $reason;
sub minimum_external_reason {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
unless ( defined $self->{external} ) {
$self->{external} = $self->_minimum_external_version;
sub _minimum_external_version {
Carp::croak("Perl::MinimumVersion::minimum_external_version is not implemented");
=head2 version_markers
This method returns a list of pairs in the form:
($version, \@markers)
Each pair represents all the markers that could be found indicating that the
version was the minimum needed version. C<@markers> is an array of strings.
Currently, these strings are not as clear as they might be, but this may be
changed in the future. In other words: don't rely on them as specific
sub version_markers {
my $self = _SELF(\@_) or return undef;
my %markers;
if ( my $explicit = $self->minimum_explicit_version ) {
$markers{ $explicit } = [ 'explicit' ];
foreach my $check ( keys %CHECKS ) {
next unless $self->$check();
my $markers = $markers{ $CHECKS{$check} } ||= [];
push @$markers, $check;
my @rv;
my %marker_ver = map { $_ => version->new($_) } keys %markers;
foreach my $ver ( sort { $marker_ver{$b} <=> $marker_ver{$a} } keys %markers ) {
push @rv, $marker_ver{$ver} => $markers{$ver};
return @rv;
# Version Check Methods
my %feature =
'state' => '5.10',
'switch' => '5.10',
'unicode_strings' => '5.14',
'unicode_eval' => '5.16',
'evalbytes' => '5.16',
'current_sub' => '5.16',
'array_base' => '5.16', #defined only in 5.16
'fc' => '5.16',
'lexical_subs' => '5.18',
my $feature_regexp = join('|', keys %feature);
#:5.14 means same as :5.12, but :5.14 is not defined in in perl 5.12.
sub _feature_bundle {
my @versions;
my ($version, $obj);
shift->Document->find( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') or return '';
$_[1]->pragma eq 'feature' or return '';
my @child = $_[1]->schildren;
my @args = @child[1..$#child]; # skip 'use', 'feature' and ';'
foreach my $arg (@args) {
my $v = 0;
$v = $1 if ($arg->content =~ /:(5\.\d+)(?:\.\d+)?/);
$v = max($v, $feature{$1}) if ($arg->content =~ /\b($feature_regexp)\b/);
if ($v and $v > ($version || 0) ) {
$version = $v;
$obj = $_[1];
return '';
} );
return (defined($version)?"$version.0":undef, $obj);
'INIT' => '5.006',
'CHECK' => '5.006002',
'UNITCHECK' => '5.010',
sub _scheduled_blocks
my @versions;
my ($version, $obj);
shift->Document->find( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Scheduled') or return '';
($_[1]->children)[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
my $function = (($_[1]->children)[0])->content;
exists( $SCHEDULED_BLOCK{ $function }) or return '';
my $v = $SCHEDULED_BLOCK{ ($_[1]->children)[0]->content };
if ($v and $v > ($version || 0) ) {
$version = $v;
$obj = $_[1];
return '';
} );
return (defined($version) ? $version : undef, $obj);
sub _regex {
my @versions;
my ($version, $obj);
shift->Document->find( sub {
return '' unless
grep { $_[1]->isa($_) }
qw/PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp PPI::Token::Regexp::Match PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute/;
my $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( $_[1] );
my $v = $re->perl_version_introduced;
if ($v and $v > ($version || 0) ) {
$version = $v;
$obj = $_[1];
return '';
} );
$version = undef if ($version and $version eq '5.000');
return ($version, $obj);
sub _each_argument {
my ($version, $obj);
shift->Document->find( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$_[1]->content =~ '^(each|keys|values)$' or return '';
return '' if is_method_call($_[1]);
my $next = $_[1]->snext_sibling;
$next = $next->schild(0)->schild(0) if $next->isa('PPI::Structure::List');
if($next->isa('PPI::Token::Cast')) {
if($next->content eq '@' && 5.012 > ($version || 0)) {
$version = 5.012;
$obj = $_[1]->parent;
} elsif($next->content eq '$' && 5.014 > ($version || 0)) {
$version = 5.014;
$obj = $_[1]->parent;
} elsif($next->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')) {
if($next->raw_type eq '@' && 5.012 > ($version || 0)) {
$version = 5.012;
$obj = $_[1]->parent;
} elsif($next->raw_type eq '$' && 5.014 > ($version || 0)) {
$version = 5.014;
$obj = $_[1]->parent;
} elsif($next->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')) { # % $a
return '';
} elsif($_[1]->parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub')) { # sub each|keys|values
return '';
} else { # function call or other should be reference
if(5.014 > ($version || 0)) {
$version = 5.014;
$obj = $_[1]->parent;
return 1 if ($version and $version == 5.014);
return '';
} );
return (defined($version)?"$version":undef, $obj);
#Is string (first argument) in list (other arguments)
sub _str_in_list {
my $str = shift;
foreach my $s (@_) {
return 1 if $s eq $str;
return 0;
sub _binmode_2_arg {
my ($version, $obj);
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'binmode' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments == 2 ) {
my $arg2=$arguments[1][0];
if ( $arg2->isa('PPI::Token::Quote')) { #check second argument
my $str = $arg2->string;
$str =~ s/^\s+//s;
$str =~ s/\s+$//s;
$str =~ s/:\s+/:/g;
if ( !_str_in_list( $str => qw/:raw :crlf/) and $str !~ /[\$\@\%]/) {
$version = 5.008;
$obj = $main_element;
return 1;
if (!$version) {
$version = 5.006;
$obj = $main_element;
return '';
} );
return ($version, $obj);
#while(readdir $dh) requires perl 5.12
sub _while_readdir {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$_[1]->content eq 'while' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($_[1]);
return '' if is_method_call($_[1]);
my $e1 = $_[1]->next_sibling or return '';
if ($e1->isa('PPI::Structure::Condition')) { #while ()
my @children = $e1->children;
$e1 = $children[0];
$e1->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression') or return '';
my @children = $e1->schildren;
$e1 = $children[0];
$e1->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$e1->content eq 'readdir' or return '';
return 1 if @children == 1; #incorrect call
return '' if @children > 2; #not only readdir
$e1 = $children[1];
$e1->isa('PPI::Structure::List') or $e1->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') or return '';
#readdir($dh) or readdir $dh
return 1;
} );
sub _perl_5012_pragmas {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _sort_subref {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$_[1]->content eq 'sort' or return '';
is_function_call($_[1]) or return '';
my $e1 = $_[1]->next_sibling;
$e1->isa('PPI::Token::Whitespace') or return '';
$e1 = $e1->next_sibling;
_get_resulting_sigil($e1) || '' eq '$' or return '';
$e1 = $e1->next_sibling;
$e1->isa('PPI::Token::Whitespace') or return '';
$e1 = $e1->next_sibling;
$e1->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or $e1->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')
or $e1->isa('PPI::Token::Cast') or $e1->isa('PPI::Structure::List') or return '';
return 1;
} );
sub _open_temp {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement') or return '';
my @children = $_[1]->children;
#@children >= 7 or return '';
my $main_element = $children[0];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'open' or return '';
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments == 3 and scalar(@{$arguments[2]}) == 1) {
my $arg3 = $arguments[2][0];
if ($arg3->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $arg3->content eq 'undef') {
return 1;
return '';
} );
sub _open_scalar {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement') or return '';
my @children = $_[1]->children;
#@children >= 7 or return '';
my $main_element = $children[0];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'open' or return '';
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments == 3) {
my $arg3 = $arguments[2][0];
if ($arg3->isa('PPI::Token::Cast') and $arg3->content eq '\\') {
return 1;
return '';
} );
# exists(&subr) new in 5.6.0 #
sub _exists_subr {
my ($pmv) = @_;
$pmv->Document->find_first(sub {
my ($document, $elem) = @_;
if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
&& $elem eq 'exists'
&& is_function_call($elem)
&& ($elem = first_arg($elem))
&& (_get_resulting_sigil($elem) || '') eq '&') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub _get_resulting_sigil {
my $elem = shift;
if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Cast')) {
return $elem->content;
} elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')) {
return $elem->symbol_type;
} else {
return undef;
sub _postfix_when {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'when' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my $stmnt = $main_element->statement();
return '' if !$stmnt;
return '' if $stmnt->isa('PPI::Statement::When');
return 1;
} );
sub _yada_yada_yada {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
and $_[1]->content eq '...' or return '';
my @child = $_[1]->parent->schildren;
@child == 1 and return 1;
if (@child == 2) {
} );
sub _state_declaration {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
and ($_[1]->children)[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
and ($_[1]->children)[0]->content eq 'state'
} );
sub _stacked_labels {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound') || return '';
$_[1]->schild(0)->isa('PPI::Token::Label') || return '';
my $next = $_[1]->snext_sibling || return '';
if ( $next->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound')
&& $next->schild(0)->isa('PPI::Token::Label')) {
return 1;
} );
sub _internals_svreadonly {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
and ($_[1]->children)[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
and ($_[1]->children)[0]->content eq 'Internals::SvREADONLY'
} );
sub _pkg_name_version {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') or return '';
my @child = $_[1]->schildren();
$child[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$child[0]->content eq 'package' or return '';
$child[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$child[2]->isa('PPI::Token::Number') or return '';
return 1;
} );
sub _perl_5010_pragmas {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _perl_5010_operators {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _perl_5010_magic {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _perl_5008_pragmas {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
# 5.8.3: Reading $^E now preserves $!. Previously, the C code implementing $^E did not preserve errno, so reading $^E could cause errno and therefore $! to change unexpectedly.
sub _bugfix_magic_errno {
my $Document = shift->Document;
my $element = $Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->symbol eq '$^E'
} ) || return undef;
#$^E is more rare than $!, so search for it first and return it
$Document->find_any( sub {
$_[1]->symbol eq '$!'
} ) || return '';
return $element;
# utf8::is_utf requires 5.8.1 unlike the rest of utf8
sub _is_utf8 {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$_[1] eq 'utf8::is_utf' or return '';
return 1;
} );
# version->new(5.005.004);
sub _unquoted_versions {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Number') or return '';
$_[1]->{_subtype} or return '';
$_[1]->{_subtype} eq 'base256' or return '';
my $stmt = $_[1]->parent or return '';
my $braces = $stmt->parent or return '';
$braces->isa('PPI::Structure') or return '';
$braces->braces eq '()' or return '';
my $new = $braces->previous_sibling or return '';
$new->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$new->content eq 'new' or return '';
my $method = $new->previous_sibling or return '';
$method->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') or return '';
$method->content eq '->' or return '';
my $_class = $method->previous_sibling or return '';
$_class->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$_class->content eq 'version' or return '';
} );
sub _pragma_utf8 {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
($_[1]->module and $_[1]->module eq 'utf8')
($_[1]->pragma and $_[1]->pragma eq 'utf8')
# This used to be just pragma(), but that was buggy in PPI v1.118
} );
# Check for the use of 'use constant { ... }'
sub _constant_hash {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->type eq 'use'
$_[1]->module eq 'constant'
} );
sub _perl_5006_pragmas {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _any_our_variables {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->type eq 'our'
} );
sub _any_binary_literals {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _any_version_literals {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
sub _magic_version {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->symbol eq '$^V'
} );
sub _any_attributes {
shift->Document->find_first( 'Token::Attribute' );
sub _any_CHECK_blocks {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->type eq 'CHECK'
} );
sub _any_qr_tokens {
shift->Document->find_first( 'Token::QuoteLike::Regexp' );
sub _perl_5005_pragmas {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
} );
# A number of modules are highly indicative of using techniques
# that are themselves version-dependant.
sub _perl_5005_modules {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
and (
$_[1]->module eq 'Tie::Array'
($_[1]->module =~ /\bException\b/ and
$_[1]->module !~ /^(?:CPAN)::/)
$_[1]->module =~ /\bThread\b/
$_[1]->module =~ /^Error\b/
$_[1]->module eq 'base'
$_[1]->module eq 'Errno'
} );
sub _any_tied_arrays {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->name eq 'TIEARRAY'
} )
sub _any_quotelike_regexp {
shift->Document->find_first( 'Token::QuoteLike::Regexp' );
sub _any_INIT_blocks {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->type eq 'INIT'
} );
# You can't localize a soft reference
sub _local_soft_reference {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Variable') or return '';
$_[1]->type eq 'local' or return '';
# The second child should be a '$' cast.
my @child = $_[1]->schildren;
scalar(@child) >= 2 or return '';
$child[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Cast') or return '';
$child[1]->content eq '$' or return '';
# The third child should be a block
$child[2]->isa('PPI::Structure::Block') or return '';
# Inside the block should be a string in a statement
my $statement = $child[2]->schild(0) or return '';
$statement->isa('PPI::Statement') or return '';
my $inside = $statement->schild(0) or return '';
$inside->isa('PPI::Token::Quote') or return '';
# This is indeed a localized soft reference
return 1;
} );
# did not have a $VERSION in 5.6.2
# Therefore, even "use Carp 0" imposes a 5.8.0 dependency.
sub _use_carp_version {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') or return '';
$_[1]->module eq 'Carp' or return '';
my $version = $_[1]->module_version;
return !! ( defined $version and length "$version" );
} );
sub _three_argument_open {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement') or return '';
my @children = $_[1]->children;
#@children >= 7 or return '';
my $main_element = $children[0];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'open' or return '';
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments > 2 ) {
return 1;
return '';
} );
sub _substr_4_arg {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'substr' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments > 3 ) {
return 1;
return '';
} );
sub _mkdir_1_arg {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'mkdir' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments != 2 ) {
return 1;
return '';
} );
sub _splice_negative_length {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'splice' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my @arguments = parse_arg_list($main_element);
if ( scalar @arguments < 3 ) {
return '';
my $arg=$arguments[2];
if (ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
if ($arg->isa('PPI::Token::Number')) {
if ($arg->literal<0) {
return 1;
} else {
return '';
return '';
} );
sub _postfix_foreach {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
my $main_element=$_[1];
$main_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or return '';
$main_element->content eq 'foreach' or return '';
return '' if is_hash_key($main_element);
return '' if is_method_call($main_element);
return '' if is_subroutine_name($main_element);
return '' if is_included_module_name($main_element);
return '' if is_package_declaration($main_element);
my $stmnt = $main_element->statement();
return '' if !$stmnt;
return '' if $stmnt->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound');
return 1;
} );
# weak references require perl 5.6
# will not work in case of importing several
sub _weaken {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->module eq 'Scalar::Util'
$_[1]->content =~ /[^:]\b(?:weaken|isweak)\b[^:]/
$_[1]->content eq 'Scalar::Util::isweak'
$_[1]->content eq 'Scalar::Util::weaken'
} );
sub _5005_variables {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
($_[1]->symbol eq '$!' or $_[1]->symbol eq '$^R')
} );
#added in 5.5
sub _bareword_double_colon {
shift->Document->find_first( sub {
$_[1]->content =~ /::$/
} );
# Support Functions
# Let sub be a function, object method, and static method
sub _SELF {
my $param = shift;
if ( _INSTANCE($param->[0], 'Perl::MinimumVersion') ) {
return shift @$param;
if (
) {
my $class = shift @$param;
my $options = shift @$param;
return $class->new($options);
Perl::MinimumVersion->new(shift @$param);
# Find the maximum version, ignoring problems
sub _max {
defined $_[0] and "$_[0]" eq PMV and shift;
# Filter and prepare for a Schwartian maximum
my @valid = map {
[ $_, $_->isa('Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason') ? $_->version : $_ ]
} grep {
_INSTANCE($_, 'Perl::MinimumVersion::Reason')
_INSTANCE($_, 'version')
} @_ or return '';
# Find the maximum
my $max = shift @valid;
foreach my $it ( @valid ) {
$max = $it if $it->[1] > $max->[1];
return $max->[0];
=head1 BUGS
B<Perl::MinimumVersion> does a reasonable job of catching the best-known
explicit version dependencies.
B<However> it is exceedingly easy to add a new syntax check, so if you
find something this is missing, copy and paste one of the existing
5 line checking functions, modify it to find what you want, and report it
to, along with the version needed.
I don't even need an entire diff... just the function and version.
=head1 TO DO
B<Write lots more version checkers>
- Perl 5.10 operators and language structures
- Three-argument open
B<Write the explicit version checker>
B<Write the recursive module descend stuff>
_while_readdir for postfix while without brackets
B<Check for more 5.12 features (currently only detecting
C<package NAME VERSION;>, C<...>, and C<use feature ':5.12'>)>
=head1 SUPPORT
All bugs should be filed via the CPAN bug tracker at
For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author.
=head1 AUTHORS
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perlver> - the command-line script for running C<Perl::MinimumVersion>
on your code.
L<Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast> - another module which does the same thing.
It's a lot faster, but only supports Perl 5.8.1+.
L<>, L<PPI>, L<version>
Copyright 2005 - 2014 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.