# RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern - Algebra class for GroupGraphPattern patterns
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern version 2.918.
package RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use base qw(RDF::Query::Algebra);
use Log::Log4perl;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Carp qw(carp croak confess);
use RDF::Query::Error qw(:try);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use RDF::Trine::Iterator qw(sgrep smap swatch);
our ($VERSION, $debug);
$debug = 0;
$VERSION = '2.918';
our %SERVICE_BLOOM_IGNORE = ('http://dbpedia.org/sparql' => 1); # by default, assume dbpedia doesn't implement k:bloom().
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Query::Algebra> class.
=over 4
=item C<new ( @graph_patterns )>
Returns a new GroupGraphPattern structure.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @patterns = @_;
my $self = bless( \@patterns, $class );
foreach my $p (@patterns) {
unless (blessed($p)) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "GroupGraphPattern constructor called with unblessed value";
return $self;
=item C<< construct_args >>
Returns a list of arguments that, passed to this class' constructor,
will produce a clone of this algebra pattern.
sub construct_args {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->patterns);
=item C<< patterns >>
Returns a list of the graph patterns in this GGP.
sub patterns {
my $self = shift;
return @{ $self };
=item C<< add_pattern >>
Appends a new child pattern to the GGP.
sub add_pattern {
my $self = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
push( @{ $self }, $pattern );
=item C<< quads >>
Returns a list of the quads belonging to this GGP.
sub quads {
my $self = shift;
my @quads;
my %bgps;
foreach my $p ($self->subpatterns_of_type('RDF::Query::Algebra::NamedGraph')) {
push(@quads, $p->quads);
foreach my $bgp ($p->subpatterns_of_type('RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern')) {
$bgps{ refaddr($bgp) }++;
foreach my $p ($self->subpatterns_of_type('RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern')) {
next if ($bgps{ refaddr($p) });
push(@quads, $p->quads);
return @quads;
=item C<< sse >>
Returns the SSE string for this algebra expression.
sub sse {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $prefix = shift || '';
my $indent = ($context->{indent} ||= "\t");
my @patterns = $self->patterns;
if (scalar(@patterns) == 1) {
return $patterns[0]->sse( $context, $prefix );
} else {
return sprintf(
join("\n${prefix}${indent}", map { $_->sse( $context, "${prefix}${indent}" ) } @patterns)
=item C<< explain >>
Returns a string serialization of the algebra appropriate for display on the
command line.
sub explain {
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $indent = $s x $count;
my $string = "${indent}group graph pattern\n";
my @patterns = $self->patterns;
if (scalar(@patterns) == 1) {
$string .= $patterns[0]->explain( $s, $count+1 );
} else {
foreach my $p (@patterns) {
if ($p->can('explain')) {
$string .= $p->explain( $s, $count+1 );
} else {
my $str = $p->sse;
$str .= "\n" unless (substr($str,-1) eq "\n");
$string .= $str;
return $string;
=item C<< as_sparql >>
Returns the SPARQL string for this algebra expression.
sub as_sparql {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift || {};
my $indent = shift || '';
my $force = $context->{force_ggp_braces};
$force = 0 unless (defined($force));
if ($force) {
my @patterns;
my @p = $self->patterns;
if (scalar(@p) == 0) {
return "{}";
} elsif (scalar(@p) == 1 and not($force)) {
return $p[0]->as_sparql($context, $indent);
} else {
foreach my $p (@p) {
push(@patterns, $p->as_sparql( $context, "$indent\t" ));
my $patterns = join("\n${indent}\t", @patterns);
my $string = sprintf("{\n${indent}\t%s\n${indent}}", $patterns);
return $string;
=item C<< as_hash >>
Returns the query as a nested set of plain data structures (no objects).
sub as_hash {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
return {
type => lc($self->type),
patterns => [ map { $_->as_hash } $self->patterns ],
=item C<< as_spin ( $model ) >>
Adds statements to the given model to represent this algebra object in the
SPARQL Inferencing Notation (L<http://www.spinrdf.org/>).
sub as_spin {
my $self = shift;
my $model = shift;
return map { $_->as_spin($model) } $self->patterns;
=item C<< type >>
Returns the type of this algebra expression.
sub type {
return 'GGP';
=item C<< referenced_variables >>
Returns a list of the variable names used in this algebra expression.
sub referenced_variables {
my $self = shift;
return RDF::Query::_uniq(map { $_->referenced_variables } $self->patterns);
=item C<< potentially_bound >>
Returns a list of the variable names used in this algebra expression that will
bind values during execution.
sub potentially_bound {
my $self = shift;
return RDF::Query::_uniq(map { $_->potentially_bound } $self->patterns);
=item C<< definite_variables >>
Returns a list of the variable names that will be bound after evaluating this algebra expression.
sub definite_variables {
my $self = shift;
return RDF::Query::_uniq(map { $_->definite_variables } $self->patterns);
=item C<< check_duplicate_blanks >>
Returns true if blank nodes respect the SPARQL rule of no blank-label re-use
across BGPs, otherwise throws a RDF::Query::Error::QueryPatternError exception.
sub check_duplicate_blanks {
my $self = shift;
my @data;
foreach my $arg ($self->construct_args) {
if (blessed($arg) and $arg->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra')) {
push(@data, $arg->_referenced_blanks());
my %seen;
foreach my $d (@data) {
foreach my $b (@$d) {
if ($seen{ $b }++) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::QueryPatternError -text => "Same blank node identifier ($b) used in more than one BasicGraphPattern.";
return 1;
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>