# RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL - An RDQL parser for RDF::Query
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL version 2.918.
package RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use base qw(RDF::Query::Parser);
use Data::Dumper;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use Carp qw(carp croak confess);
use RDF::Query::Error qw(:try);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
our ($VERSION, $lang, $languri);
$::RD_TRACE = undef;
$::RD_HINT = undef;
$VERSION = '2.918';
$lang = 'rdql';
$languri = 'http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/07/query/RDQL';
our $RDQL_GRAMMAR = <<'END';
query: 'SELECT' variable(s) SourceClause(?) 'WHERE' triplepattern(s) constraints(?) OptOrderBy(?) prefixes(?)
my $triples = RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern->new( @{ $item[5] } );
my $filter = ($item[6][0] || []);
if (scalar(@$filter)) {
$triples = RDF::Query::Parser->new_filter( $filter, $triples );
$return = {
method => 'SELECT',
variables => $item[2],
sources => $item[3][0],
triples => [ $triples ],
namespaces => (scalar(@{$item[8]}) ? $item[8][0] : {})
if (@{ $item[7] }) {
$return->{options}{orderby} = $item[9][0];
prefixes: 'USING' namespaces { $return = $item[2] }
OptOrderBy: 'ORDER BY' orderbyvariable(s) { $return = $item[2] }
orderbyvariable: variable { $return = ['ASC', $item[1]] }
| /ASC|DESC/i '[' variable ']' { $return = [uc($item[1]), $item[3]] }
SourceClause: ('SOURCE' | 'FROM') Source(s) { $return = $item[2] }
Source: URI { $return = [$item[1]] }
variable: '?' identifier { $return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_variable($item[2]) }
triplepattern: '(' VarUri VarUri VarUriConst ')' { $return = RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::Triple->new(@item[2,3,4]) }
constraints: 'AND' Expression OptExpression(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[3] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[3][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_function_expression( $op, $item[2], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[2];
OptExpression: (',' | 'AND') Expression {
$return = [ 'sparql:logical-and', $item[2] ];
Expression: CondOrExpr {
$return = $item[1]
CondOrExpr: CondAndExpr CondOrExprOrPart(?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_function_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
CondOrExprOrPart: '||' CondAndExpr { $return = [ 'sparql:logical-or', $item[2] ] }
CondAndExpr: ValueLogical CondAndExprAndPart(?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_function_expression( 'sparql:logical-and', $item[1], $item[2][0][1] );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
CondAndExprAndPart: '&&' ValueLogical { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
ValueLogical: StringEqualityExpression { $return = $item[1] }
StringEqualityExpression: NumericalLogical StrEqExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
if ($op eq '~~') {
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_function_expression( 'sparql:regex', $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
StrEqExprPart: ('==' | '!=' | '=~' | '~~') NumericalLogical { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
NumericalLogical: InclusiveOrExpression { $return = $item[1] }
InclusiveOrExpression: ExclusiveOrExpression InclusiveOrExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
$return = [ $item[2][0][0], $item[1], $item[2][0][1] ];
} else {
$return = $item[1];
InclusiveOrExprPart: '|' ExclusiveOrExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
ExclusiveOrExpression: AndExpression ExclusiveOrExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
$return = [ $item[2][0][0], $item[1], map { $_->[1] } @{ $item[2] } ];
} else {
$return = $item[1];
ExclusiveOrExprPart: '^' AndExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
AndExpression: ArithmeticCondition AndExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
AndExprPart: '&' ArithmeticCondition { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
ArithmeticCondition: EqualityExpression { $return = $item[1]; }
EqualityExpression: RelationalExpression EqualityExprPart(?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
EqualityExprPart: /(==|!=)/ RelationalExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
RelationalExpression: NumericExpression RelationalExprPart(?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
RelationalExprPart: /(<|>|<=|>=)/ NumericExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
NumericExpression: MultiplicativeExpression NumericExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
NumericExprPart: /([-+])/ MultiplicativeExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
MultiplicativeExpression: UnaryExpression MultExprPart(s?) {
if (scalar(@{ $item[2] })) {
my ($op, $expr) = @{ $item[2][0] };
$return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_binary_expression( $op, $item[1], $expr );
} else {
$return = $item[1];
MultExprPart: /([\/*])/ UnaryExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
UnaryExpression: UnaryExprNotPlusMinus { $return = $item[1] }
| /([-+])/ UnaryExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
UnaryExprNotPlusMinus: /([~!])/ UnaryExpression { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
| PrimaryExpression { $return = $item[1] }
PrimaryExpression: (VarUriConst | FunctionCall) { $return = $item[1] }
| '(' Expression ')' {
$return = $item[2];
FunctionCall: identifier '(' ArgList ')' { $return = [ 'function', map { @{ $_ } } @item[1,3] ] }
ArgList: VarUriConst MoreArg(s) { $return = [ $item[1], @{ $item[2] } ] }
MoreArg: "," VarUriConst { $return = $item[2] }
Literal: (URI | CONST) { $return = $item[1] }
URL: qURI { $return = $item[1] }
VarUri: (variable | URI) { $return = $item[1] }
VarUriConst: (variable | CONST | URI) { $return = $item[1] }
namespaces: namespace morenamespace(s?) { $return = { map { %{ $_ } } ($item[1], @{ $item[2] }) } }
morenamespace: OptComma namespace { $return = $item[2] }
namespace: identifier 'FOR' qURI { $return = {@item[1,3]} }
OptComma: ',' | ''
identifier: /(([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+)/ { $return = $1 }
URI: qURI { $return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_uri( $item[1] ) }
| QName { $return = RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::URI->new( $item[1] ) }
qURI: '<' /[A-Za-z0-9_.!~*'()%;\/?:@&=+,#\$-]+/ '>' { $return = $item[2] }
QName: identifier ':' /([^ \t<>()]+)/ { $return = [@item[1,3]] }
CONST: Text { $return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_literal($item[1]) }
| Number { $return = RDF::Query::Parser->new_literal($item[1], undef, ($item[1] =~ /[.]/ ? 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float' : 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer')) }
Number: /([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)/ { $return = $item[1] }
Text: dQText | sQText | Pattern { $return = $item[1] }
sQText: "'" /([^']+)/ '"' { $return = $item[2] }
dQText: '"' /([^"]+)/ '"' { $return = $item[2] }
Pattern: '/' /([^\/]+(?:\\.[^\/]*)*)/ '/' { $return = $item[2] }
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item C<new ( $query_object ) >
Returns a new RDF::Query object.
{ my $parser;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
unless ($parser) {
$parser = new Parse::RecDescent ($RDQL_GRAMMAR);
my $self = bless( {
parser => $parser
}, $class );
return $self;
} }
=item C<parse ( $query ) >
Parses the supplied RDQL query string, returning a parse tree.
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $parser = $self->parser;
my $parsed = $parser->query( $query );
if ($parsed) {
my $pattern = $parsed->{triples}[0];
if (blessed($pattern)) {
my $ns = $parsed->{namespaces};
$pattern = $self->_fixup_pattern( $pattern, $ns );
my $fixed = $pattern->qualify_uris( $ns );
$parsed->{triples}[0] = $fixed;
$pattern = RDF::Query::Algebra::Project->new( $parsed->{triples}[0], $parsed->{variables} );
$parsed->{triples}[0] = $pattern;
return $parsed;
} else {
return $self->fail( "Failed to parse: '$query'" );
sub _fixup_pattern {
my $self = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
my $ns = shift;
my @uris = $pattern->subpatterns_of_type('RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::URI');
foreach my $u (@uris) {
my $ns = $ns->{ $u->[0] };
my $uri = join('', $ns, $u->[1]);
@{ $u } = ( 'URI', $uri );
bless($u, 'RDF::Query::Node::Resource'); # evil
my @triples = $pattern->subpatterns_of_type('RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::Triple');
foreach my $t (@triples) {
bless($t, 'RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple'); # evil
return $pattern;
my $self = $_[0];
throw RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError unless (blessed($self));
my $class = ref($_[0]);
return if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY$/);
my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
$method =~ s/^.*://;
if (exists($self->{ $method })) {
no strict 'refs';
*$AUTOLOAD = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self);
return $self->{ $method };
goto &$method;
} else {
throw RDF::Query::Error::MethodError ( -text => qq[Can't locate object method "$method" via package $class] );
package RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::URI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(RDF::Query::Algebra);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $data = shift;
my ($ns, $local) = @{ $data };
return bless([$ns, $local], $class);
sub construct_args {
my $self = shift;
return [ @$self ];
package RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL::Triple;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(RDF::Query::Algebra);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @nodes = @_;
return bless([@nodes], $class);
sub construct_args {
my $self = shift;
return @$self;
Revision 1.5 2006/01/11 06:03:45 greg
- Removed use of Data::Dumper::Simple.
Revision 1.4 2005/05/08 08:26:09 greg
- Added initial support for SPARQL ASK, DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT queries.
- Added new test files for new query types.
- Added methods to bridge classes for creating statements and blank nodes.
- Added as_string method to bridge classes for getting string versions of nodes.
- Broke out triple fixup code into fixup_triple_bridge_variables().
- Updated FILTER test to use new Geo::Distance API.
Revision 1.3 2005/04/26 02:54:40 greg
- added core support for custom function constraints support
- added initial SPARQL support for custom function constraints
- SPARQL variables may now begin with the '$' sigil
- broke out URL fixups into its own method
- added direction support for ORDER BY (ascending/descending)
- added 'next', 'current', and 'end' to Stream API
Revision 1.2 2005/04/25 00:59:29 greg
- streams are now objects usinig the Redland QueryResult API
- RDF namespace is now always available in queries
- row() now uses a stream when calling execute()
- check_constraints() now copies args for recursive calls (instead of pass-by-ref)
- added ORDER BY support to RDQL parser
- SPARQL constraints now properly use the 'FILTER' keyword
- SPARQL constraints can now use '&&' as an operator
- SPARQL namespace declaration is now optional
Revision 1.1 2005/04/21 02:21:44 greg
- major changes (resurecting the project)
- broke out the query parser into it's own RDQL class
- added initial support for a SPARQL parser
- added support for blank nodes
- added lots of syntactic sugar (with blank nodes, multiple predicates and objects)
- moved model-specific code into RDF::Query::Model::*
- cleaned up the model-bridge code
- moving over to redland's query API (pass in the model when query is executed)
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>