# RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement - Executable query plan for computed triples.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement version 2.918.
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Query::Plan> class.
=over 4
package RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(RDF::Query::Plan);
use Log::Log4perl;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use RDF::Query::ExecutionContext;
use RDF::Query::VariableBindings;
our ($VERSION);
$VERSION = '2.918';
=item C<< new ( @triple ) >>
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @nodes = splice(@_, 0, 4);
my $quad = shift;
my $keys = shift || {};
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( \@nodes, $quad );
$self->[0]{logging_keys} = $keys;
my %var_to_position;
my @methodmap = qw(subject predicate object);
my %counts;
my $dup_var;
foreach my $idx (0 .. 3) {
my $node = $nodes[ $idx ];
if (blessed($node) and $node->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable')) {
my $name = $node->name;
$var_to_position{ $name } = $methodmap[ $idx ];
$counts{ $name }++;
if ($counts{ $name } >= 2) {
$dup_var = $name;
$self->[0]{referenced_variables} = [ keys %counts ];
my @positions;
if (defined($dup_var)) {
foreach my $idx (0 .. 2) {
my $var = $nodes[ $idx ];
if (blessed($var) and $var->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable')) {
my $name = $var->name;
if ($name eq $dup_var) {
push(@positions, $methodmap[ $idx ]);
$self->[0]{mappings} = \%var_to_position;
if (@positions) {
$self->[0]{dups} = \@positions;
return $self;
=item C<< execute ( $execution_context ) >>
sub execute ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
$self->[0]{delegate} = $context->delegate;
if ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "COMPUTEDSTATEMENT plan can't be executed while already open";
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan.computedstatement");
$l->trace( "executing RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement" );
$self->[0]{start_time} = [gettimeofday];
my @nodes = @{ $self->[1] };
unless ($self->[2]) {
my $bound = $context->bound;
if (%$bound) {
foreach my $i (0 .. $#nodes) {
next unless ($nodes[$i]->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable'));
next unless (blessed($bound->{ $nodes[$i]->name }));
$nodes[ $i ] = $bound->{ $nodes[$i]->name };
$l->trace( "computed statement pattern after pre-binding: " . join(' ', map { $_->as_string } @nodes));
my $query = $context->query;
my $csg = $query->get_computed_statement_generators( $nodes[1]->uri_value );
unless (scalar(@$csg)) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "No computed statement generator found for predicate " . $nodes[1]->uri_value;
my $iter;
local($query->{model}) = $context->model;
$iter = $csg->[0]->( $query, $bound, @nodes );
if (blessed($iter)) {
$self->[0]{iter} = $iter;
$self->[0]{bound} = $bound;
$self->[0]{logger} = $context->logger;
$self->[0]{count} = 0;
$self->state( $self->OPEN );
} else {
warn "no iterator in execute()";
=item C<< next >>
sub next {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "next() cannot be called on an un-open COMPUTEDSTATEMENT";
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan.computedstatement");
my $iter = $self->[0]{iter};
LOOP: while (my $row = $iter->next) {
if ($l->is_trace) {
$l->trace( "- got triple from model: " . $row->as_string );
if (my $pos = $self->[0]{dups}) {
$l->trace( "- checking for duplicate variables in triple" );
my @pos = @$pos;
my $first_method = shift(@pos);
my $first = $row->$first_method();
foreach my $p (@pos) {
unless ($first->equal( $row->$p() )) {
next LOOP;
my $binding = {};
foreach my $key (keys %{ $self->[0]{mappings} }) {
my $method = $self->[0]{mappings}{ $key };
$binding->{ $key } = $row->$method();
my $pre_bound = $self->[0]{bound};
my $bindings = RDF::Query::VariableBindings->new( $binding );
if ($row->can('label')) {
if (my $o = $row->label('origin')) {
$bindings->label( origin => [ $o ] );
@{ $bindings }{ keys %$pre_bound } = values %$pre_bound;
if (my $d = $self->delegate) {
$d->log_result( $self, $bindings );
return $bindings;
=item C<< close >>
sub close {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "close() cannot be called on an un-open TRIPLE";
# my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan.computedstatement");
my $t0 = delete $self->[0]{start_time};
my $count = delete $self->[0]{count};
delete $self->[0]{iter};
=item C<< nodes >>
Returns a list of the three node objects that comprise the triple pattern this plan will return.
sub nodes {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->[2]) {
return @{ $self->[1] }[0..3];
} else {
return @{ $self->[1] }[0..2];
=item C<< triple >>
Returns a RDF::Trine::Statement object representing the triple pattern this plan will return.
sub triple {
my $self = shift;
my @nodes = $self->nodes;
if ($self->[2]) {
return RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @nodes );
} else {
return RDF::Trine::Statement->new( @nodes );
=item C<< bf () >>
Returns a string representing the state of the nodes of the triple (bound or free).
sub bf {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $bf = '';
my $bound = $context->bound;
foreach my $n (@{ $self->[1] }[0..3]) {
if ($n->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable')) {
if (my $b = $bound->{ $n->name }) {
$bf .= 'b';
} else {
$bf .= 'f';
} else {
$bf .= 'b';
return $bf;
=item C<< distinct >>
Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return distinct results.
sub distinct {
return 0;
=item C<< ordered >>
Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return ordered results.
sub ordered {
return [];
=item C<< plan_node_name >>
Returns the string name of this plan node, suitable for use in serialization.
sub plan_node_name {
return 'computedstatement';
=item C<< plan_prototype >>
Returns a list of scalar identifiers for the type of the content (children)
nodes of this plan node. See L<RDF::Query::Plan> for a list of the allowable
sub plan_prototype {
my $self = shift;
return qw(N N N N i);
=item C<< plan_node_data >>
Returns the data for this plan node that corresponds to the values described by
the signature returned by C<< plan_prototype >>.
sub plan_node_data {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->nodes);
=item C<< graph ( $g ) >>
sub graph {
my $self = shift;
my $g = shift;
my $label = $self->graph_labels;
$g->add_node( "$self", label => "Computed Statement" . $self->graph_labels );
my @names = qw(subject predicate object graph);
foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
my $n = $self->[ $i + 1 ];
my $rel = $names[ $i ];
my $str = $n->sse( {}, '' );
$g->add_node( "${self}$n", label => $str );
$g->add_edge( "$self" => "${self}$n", label => $names[ $i ] );
return "$self";
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>