# RDF::Query::Plan
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Plan - Executable query plan nodes.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Plan version 2.918.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
package RDF::Query::Plan;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(reduce);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype refaddr);
use RDF::Query::Error qw(:try);
use RDF::Query::BGPOptimizer;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate;
use RDF::Query::Plan::BasicGraphPattern;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Constant;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Construct;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Distinct;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Filter;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Join::NestedLoop;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Join::PushDownNestedLoop;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Limit;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Offset;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Project;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Extend;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Quad;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Service;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Sort;
use RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement;
use RDF::Query::Plan::ThresholdUnion;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Union;
use RDF::Query::Plan::SubSelect;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Load;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Clear;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Update;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Minus;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Sequence;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Path;
use RDF::Query::Plan::NamedGraph;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Copy;
use RDF::Query::Plan::Move;
use RDF::Trine::Statement;
use RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad;
use constant READY => 0x01;
use constant OPEN => 0x02;
use constant CLOSED => 0x04;
$VERSION = '2.918';
service => 'RDF::Query::Plan::Service',
=item C<< new >>
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
return bless( [ { __state => $class->READY }, @args ], $class );
=item C<< execute ( $execution_context ) >>
sub execute ($);
=item C<< next >>
sub next;
=item C<< get_all >>
Returns all remaining rows.
sub get_all {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "get_all can't be called on an unopen plan";
my @rows;
while (my $row = $self->next) {
push(@rows, $row);
return @rows;
=item C<< close >>
sub close {
my $self = shift;
$self->state( CLOSED );
=item C<< state ( [ $state ] ) >>
Returns the current state of the plan (either READY, OPEN, or CLOSED).
If C<< $state >> is provided, updates the plan to a new state.
sub state {
my $self = shift;
if (scalar(@_)) {
$self->[0]{__state} = shift;
return $self->[0]{__state};
=item C<< logging_keys >>
sub logging_keys {
my $self = shift;
return $self->[0]{logging_keys} || {};
=item C<< explain >>
Returns a string serialization of the query plan appropriate for display
on the command line.
sub explain {
my $self = shift;
# warn 'Explaining query plan: ' . $self->serialize();
my ($s, $count) = (' ', 0);
if (@_) {
$s = shift;
$count = shift;
my $indent = '' . ($s x $count);
my $type = $self->plan_node_name;
my $string = sprintf("%s%s (0x%x)\n", $indent, $type, refaddr($self));
foreach my $p ($self->plan_node_data) {
if (blessed($p)) {
if ($p->isa('RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad')) {
$string .= "${indent}${s}" . join(' ', map { ($_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Nil')) ? "(nil)" : $_->as_sparql } $p->nodes) . "\n";
} elsif ($p->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Nil')) {
$string .= "${indent}${s}(nil)\n";
} else {
$string .= $p->explain( $s, $count+1 );
} elsif (ref($p)) {
$string .= "${indent}${s}" . Dumper($p);
Carp::cluck 'unexpected non-blessed ref in RDF::Query::Plan->explain: ' . Dumper($p);
} else {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$string .= "${indent}${s}$p\n";
return $string;
=item C<< sse >>
sub sse {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift || {};
my $indent = shift || '';
my $more = ' ';
my @proto = $self->plan_prototype;
my @data = $self->plan_node_data;
my $name = $self->plan_node_name;
my @args;
my $list = \@data;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#proto) {
my $p = $proto[ $i ];
push(@args, $self->_sse( $context, $indent, $more, $p, $list ));
return "(${name} " . join(' ', map { defined($_) ? $_ : '()' } @args) . ")";
sub _sse {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $more = shift;
my $p = shift;
my $list = shift;
if ($p =~ m/^[PQTNWEJVqibswu]$/) {
my $v = shift(@$list);
return $self->_sse_atom($context, $indent, $more, $p, $v);
} elsif ($p eq 'A') {
my $v = shift(@$list);
if (blessed($v)) {
return $v->sse( $context, $indent );
} else {
return '()';
} elsif (substr($p, 0, 1) eq '\\') {
my $rest = substr($p, 1);
my $v = shift(@$list);
my @args;
while (@$v) {
push(@args, $self->_sse( $context, $indent, $more, $rest, $v ));
return '(' . join(' ', @args) . ')';
} elsif (substr($p, 0, 1) eq '*') {
my $rest = substr($p, 1);
my @args;
while (@$list) {
push(@args, $self->_sse( $context, $indent, $more, $rest, $list ));
no warnings 'uninitialized';
return join("\n${indent}${more}", '', @args);
} elsif ($p =~ m/^[PQTNWEJVqibswu\\*]{2,}$/) {
my @args;
foreach my $p2 (split(//, $p)) {
my $v = shift(@$list);
push(@args, $self->_sse($context, $indent, $more, $p2, [$v]));
return '(' . join(' ', @args) . ')';
} else {
Carp::confess "unrecognized plan node prototype '$p'";
sub _sse_atom {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift || {};
my $indent = shift;
my $more = shift;
my $p = shift;
my $v = shift;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $ns = $context->{ namespaces } || {};
my %ns = %$ns;
if ($p eq 's') {
for ($v) {
return qq["$v"];
} elsif ($p eq 'w') {
return $v;
} elsif ($p eq 'u') {
return qq[<$v>];
} elsif ($p eq 'i') {
return $v;
} elsif ($p eq 'b') {
return $v;
} elsif ($p eq 'W') {
if (blessed($v)) {
return $v->sse( { namespaces => \%ns }, "${indent}${more}" );
} else {
return $v;
} elsif ($p =~ m/^[PNETV]$/) {
if (blessed($v)) {
Carp::cluck unless ($v->can('sse'));
return $v->sse( { namespaces => \%ns }, "${indent}${more}" );
} else {
return '()';
} elsif ($p eq 'J') {
if ($v->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Variable')) {
return $v->name;
} else {
return $v->sse( { namespaces => \%ns }, "${indent}${more}" );
=item C<< serialize >>
Return a serialization of the query plan.
sub serialize {
my $self = shift;
=item C<< delegate >>
Returns the delegate object if available.
sub delegate {
my $self = shift;
return $self->[0]{delegate};
=item C<< referenced_variables >>
Returns a list of variable names that are referenced by this plan.
sub referenced_variables {
my $self = shift;
my $refs = $self->[0]{referenced_variables};
return @{ $refs };
=item C<< as_iterator ( $context ) >>
Returns an RDF::Trine::Iterator object for the current (already executed) plan.
sub as_iterator {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $vars = $context->requested_variables;
my $stream = RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->new( sub { $self->next }, $vars, distinct => $self->distinct, sorted_by => $self->ordered );
return $stream;
=item C<< is_update >>
Returns true if the plan represents an update operation.
sub is_update {
return 0;
=item C<< label ( $label => $value ) >>
Sets the named C<< $label >> to C<< $value >> for this plan object.
If no C<< $value >> is given, returns the current label value, or undef if none
sub label {
my $self = shift;
my $label = shift;
if (@_) {
my $value = shift;
$self->[0]{labels}{ $label } = $value;
return $self->[0]{labels}{ $label };
=item C<< graph_labels >>
sub graph_labels {
my $self = shift;
my @labels;
foreach my $k (keys %{ $self->[0]{labels} || {} }) {
next if ($k eq 'algebra');
my $v = $self->label( $k );
local($Data::Dumper::Indent) = 0;
my $l = Data::Dumper->Dump([$v], [$k]);
push(@labels, $l);
my $label = join(", ", @labels);
return ' ' . $label;
my $self = shift;
if ($self->state == OPEN) {
=item C<< generate_plans ( $algebra, $execution_context, %args ) >>
Returns a list of equivalent query plan objects for the given algebra object.
sub generate_plans {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $algebra = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $config = $context->options || {};
my %args = @_;
my $active_graph = $args{ active_graph } || RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new();
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan");
unless (blessed($algebra) and $algebra->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra')) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError (-text => "Cannot generate an execution plan with a non-algebra object $algebra");
$l->trace("generating query plan for " . $algebra->sse({ indent => ' ' }, ''));
### Optimize simple COUNT(*) aggregates over BGPs
if ($algebra->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::Extend')) {
my $agg = $algebra->pattern;
if ($agg->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::Aggregate')) {
my @group = $agg->groupby;
if (scalar(@group) == 0) {
my @ops = $agg->ops;
if (scalar(@ops) == 1 and $ops[0][0] eq 'COUNT(*)') {
my $ggp = $agg->pattern;
if ($ggp->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern')) {
my @bgp = $ggp->patterns;
if (scalar(@bgp) == 1 and ($bgp[0]->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern'))) {
my $bgp = $bgp[0];
my @triples = $bgp->triples;
if (scalar(@triples) == 1) {
$l->debug("Optimizing for COUNT(*) on 1-triple BGP: " . $bgp->sse({ indent => ' ' }, ''));
my $vars = $algebra->vars;
my $alias = $vars->[0];
my $name = $alias->name;
my $done = 0;
my $model = $context->model;
my $code = sub {
return if ($done);
$done = 1;
#warn Dumper(\@triples); # XXX
my $count = $model->count_statements( $triples[0]->nodes );
my $lit = RDF::Query::Node::Literal->new($count, undef, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer');
my $vb = RDF::Query::VariableBindings->new( {
$name => $lit,
'COUNT(*)' => $lit, # this has to be kept around in case a HAVING clause needs it without the alias $name
} );
my $iter = RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->new( $code, [] );
return RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator->new( $iter );
my ($project);
my $constant = delete $args{ constants };
if ($algebra->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::Sort') or not($algebra->is_solution_modifier)) {
# projection has to happen *after* sorting, since a sort expr might reference a variable that we project away
$project = delete $args{ project };
my @return_plans;
my $aclass = ref($algebra);
my ($type) = ($aclass =~ m<::(\w+)$>);
if ($type eq 'Aggregate') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @groups = $algebra->groupby;
my @ops;
foreach my $o ($algebra->ops) {
my ($alias, $op, $opts, @cols) = @$o;
push(@ops, [ $alias, $op, $opts, @cols ]);
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate->new( $_, \@groups, expressions => \@ops ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Construct') {
my $triples = $algebra->triples;
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Construct->new( $_, $triples ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Distinct') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Distinct->new( $_ ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Filter') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args, active_graph => $active_graph );
my $expr = $algebra->expr;
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Filter->new( $expr, $_, $active_graph ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'BasicGraphPattern') {
my @triples = map {
($args{ prevent_distinguishing_bnodes })
? $_
: $_->distinguish_bnode_variables
} $algebra->triples;
my @normal_triples;
my @csg_triples;
foreach my $t (@triples) {
if (my @csg_plans = $self->_csg_plans( $context, $t )) {
push(@csg_triples, $t);
} else {
my @nodes = $t->nodes;
$t = RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad->new( @nodes[ 0..2 ], $active_graph );
# if (my $g = $args{ named_graph }) {
# my @nodes = $t->nodes;
# $t = RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $g );
# }
push(@normal_triples, $t);
my @plans;
if (scalar(@normal_triples) == 0) {
my $v = RDF::Query::VariableBindings->new( {} );
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Constant->new( $v );
push(@plans, $plan);
} elsif (scalar(@normal_triples) == 1) {
push(@plans, $self->generate_plans( @normal_triples, $context, %args ));
} else {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::BasicGraphPattern->new( @normal_triples );
push(@plans, $plan);
if (@csg_triples) {
my @csg_plans;
foreach my $t (@csg_triples) {
push(@csg_plans, [ $self->generate_plans( $t, $context, %args ) ]);
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
while (my $cps = shift(@csg_plans)) {
my @temp_plans = @plans;
@plans = ();
foreach my $p (@temp_plans) {
foreach my $cp (@$cps) {
foreach my $join_type (@join_types) {
my $plan = $join_type->new( $p, $cp, 0, {} );
push(@plans, $plan);
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} else {
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'GroupGraphPattern') {
my @input = $algebra->patterns();
my @patterns;
while (my $a = shift(@input)) {
if ($a->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::Service')) {
if (scalar(@input) and $input[0]->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::Service') and $a->endpoint->value eq $input[0]->endpoint->value) {
my $b = shift(@input);
if ($a->silent == $b->silent) {
my $p = RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern->new( map { $_->pattern } ($a, $b) );
my $s = RDF::Query::Algebra::Service->new( $a->endpoint, $p, $a->silent );
push(@patterns, $s);
push(@patterns, $a);
my @plans;
if (scalar(@patterns) == 0) {
my $v = RDF::Query::VariableBindings->new( {} );
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Constant->new( $v );
push(@plans, $plan);
} elsif (scalar(@patterns) == 1) {
push(@plans, $self->generate_plans( @patterns, $context, %args ));
} else {
push(@plans, map { $_->[0] } $self->_join_plans( $context, \@patterns, %args, method => 'patterns' ));
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Limit') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Limit->new( $algebra->limit, $_ ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'NamedGraph') {
my @plans;
if ($algebra->graph->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Resource')) {
@plans = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args, active_graph => $algebra->graph );
} else {
@plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::NamedGraph->new( $algebra->graph, $_ ) } $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args, active_graph => $algebra->graph );
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Offset') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Offset->new( $algebra->offset, $_ ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Optional') {
# just like a BGP or GGP, but we have to pass the optional flag to the join constructor
my @patterns = ($algebra->pattern, $algebra->optional);
my @base_plans = map { [ $self->generate_plans( $_, $context, %args ) ] } @patterns;
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
# XXX this is currently only considering left-deep trees. maybe it should produce all trees?
my @plans;
my $base_a = shift(@base_plans);
my $base_b = shift(@base_plans);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#{ $base_a }) {
foreach my $j (0 .. $#{ $base_b }) {
my $a = $base_a->[ $i ];
my $b = $base_b->[ $j ];
foreach my $join_type (@join_types) {
try {
my $plan = $join_type->new( $a, $b, 1, {} );
push( @plans, $plan );
} catch RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError with {
# my $e = shift;
# warn "caught MethodInvocationError: " . Dumper($e);
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Minus') {
my @patterns = ($algebra->pattern, $algebra->minus);
my @base_plans = map { [ $self->generate_plans( $_, $context, %args ) ] } @patterns;
my @plans;
my $base_a = shift(@base_plans);
my $base_b = shift(@base_plans);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#{ $base_a }) {
foreach my $j (0 .. $#{ $base_b }) {
my $a = $base_a->[ $i ];
my $b = $base_b->[ $j ];
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Minus->new( $a, $b );
push( @plans, $plan );
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Project') {
my $pattern = $algebra->pattern;
my $vars = $algebra->vars;
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $pattern, $context, %args );
if ($constant) {
# if there's constant data to be joined, we better do it now in case
# the project gets rid of variables needed for the join
my @plans = splice( @base );
@base = $self->_add_constant_join( $context, $constant, @plans );
$constant = undef;
my @plans;
foreach my $plan (@base) {
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Project->new( $plan, $vars ));
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Extend') {
my $pattern = $algebra->pattern;
my $vars = $algebra->vars;
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans;
foreach my $plan (@base) {
push(@plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Extend->new( $plan, $vars ));
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Service') {
my $pattern = $algebra->pattern;
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $pattern, $context, %args );
my @plans;
foreach my $plan (@base) {
my $sparqlcb = sub {
my $row = shift;
my $p = $pattern;
if ($row) {
$p = $p->bind_variables( $row );
my $ns = $context->ns;
my $pstr = $p->as_sparql({namespaces => $ns}, '');
unless (substr($pstr, 0, 1) eq '{') {
$pstr = "{ $pstr }";
my $sparql = join("\n",
(map { sprintf("PREFIX %s: <%s>", ($_ eq '__DEFAULT__' ? '' : $_), $ns->{$_}) } (keys %$ns)),
sprintf("SELECT * WHERE %s", $pstr)
return $sparql;
# unless ($algebra->endpoint->can('uri_value')) {
# throw RDF::Query::Error::UnimplementedError (-text => "Support for variable-endpoint SERVICE blocks is not implemented");
# }
if (my $ggp = $algebra->lhs) {
my @lhs_base = $self->generate_plans( $ggp, $context, %args );
foreach my $lhs_plan (@lhs_base) {
my $splan = RDF::Query::Plan::Service->new( $algebra->endpoint, $plan, $algebra->silent, $sparqlcb, $lhs_plan );
push(@plans, $splan);
} else {
push(@plans, $PLAN_CLASSES{'service'}->new( $algebra->endpoint, $plan, $algebra->silent, $sparqlcb ));
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'SubSelect') {
my $query = $algebra->query;
my $model = $context->model;
my %pargs = %args;
my $ag = $args{ active_graph };
if (blessed($ag) and $ag->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Variable')) {
my %vars = map { $_ => 1 } $query->pattern->referenced_variables;
if ($vars{ $ag->name }) {
my $new_ag = RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new();
my ($pattern) = $query->pattern;
my $new_pattern = $pattern->bind_variables( { $ag->name => $new_ag } );
my $apattern = RDF::Query::Algebra::Extend->new(
RDF::Query::Expression::Alias->new( 'alias', $ag, $new_ag )
$query->{parsed}{triples} = [$apattern];
my ($plan) = $self->generate_plans( $query->pattern, $context, %args );
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::SubSelect->new( $query, $plan ));
} else {
my ($plan) = $query->prepare( $context->model, planner_args => \%pargs );
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::SubSelect->new( $query, $plan ));
} elsif ($type eq 'Sort') {
my @base = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
my @order = $algebra->orderby;
my @neworder;
foreach my $o (@order) {
my ($dirname, $expr) = @$o;
my $dir = ($dirname eq 'ASC') ? 0 : 1;
push(@neworder, [$expr, $dir]);
my @plans = map { RDF::Query::Plan::Sort->new( $_, @neworder ) } @base;
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Triple' or $type eq 'Quad') {
my $st;
if ($args{ prevent_distinguishing_bnodes }) {
$st = $algebra;
} else {
$st = $algebra->distinguish_bnode_variables;
my $pred = $st->predicate;
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
if (my @csg_plans = $self->_csg_plans( $context, $st )) {
push(@return_plans, @csg_plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Triple') {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $active_graph, { sparql => $algebra->as_sparql, bf => $algebra->bf } );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} else {
my $plan = (scalar(@nodes) == 4)
? RDF::Query::Plan::Quad->new( @nodes, { sparql => $algebra->as_sparql } )
: RDF::Query::Plan::Quad->new( @nodes, RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new(), { sparql => $algebra->as_sparql, bf => $algebra->bf } );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} elsif ($type eq 'Path') {
my @plans = $self->_path_plans( $algebra, $context, %args );
push(@return_plans, @plans);
} elsif ($type eq 'Union') {
my @plans = map { [ $self->generate_plans( $_, $context, %args ) ] } $algebra->patterns;
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Union->new( map { $_->[0] } @plans );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} elsif ($type eq 'Sequence') {
my @pat = $algebra->patterns;
if (@pat) {
my @plans = map { [ $self->generate_plans( $_, $context, %args ) ] } @pat;
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Sequence->new( map { $_->[0] } @plans );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} else {
my $stream = RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->new( sub {} );
push(@return_plans, $stream);
} elsif ($type eq 'Load') {
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Load->new( $algebra->url, $algebra->graph ));
} elsif ($type eq 'Update') {
my $ds = $algebra->dataset || {};
my $default = $ds->{'default'} || [];
my $named = $ds->{'named'} || {};
my $dcount = scalar(@$default);
my $ncount = scalar(@{[ keys %$named ]});
# warn 'Update dataset: ' . Dumper($algebra->dataset);
my @plans;
my @dataset = ($ds);
if ($dcount == 1 and $ncount == 0) {
# if it's just a single named graph to be used as the default graph,
# then rewrite the pattern to use the named graph (and check to make
# sure there aren't any GRAPH blocks)
@dataset = ();
@plans = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args, active_graph => $default->[0] );
} elsif ($dcount == 0 and $ncount == 0) {
@dataset = ();
@plans = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
} else {
@plans = $self->generate_plans( $algebra->pattern, $context, %args );
foreach my $p (@plans) {
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Update->new( $algebra->delete_template, $algebra->insert_template, $p, @dataset ));
} elsif ($type eq 'Clear') {
push(@return_plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Clear->new( $algebra->graph ));
} elsif ($type eq 'Create') {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Constant->new();
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} elsif ($type eq 'Copy') {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Copy->new( $algebra->from, $algebra->to, $algebra->silent );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} elsif ($type eq 'Move') {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Move->new( $algebra->from, $algebra->to, $algebra->silent );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} elsif ($type eq 'Table') {
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Constant->new( $algebra->rows );
push(@return_plans, $plan);
} else {
throw RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError (-text => "Cannot generate an execution plan for unknown algebra class $aclass");
if ($constant and scalar(@$constant)) {
my @plans = splice( @return_plans );
@return_plans = $self->_add_constant_join( $context, $constant, @plans );
foreach my $p (@return_plans) {
Carp::confess 'not a plan: ' . Dumper($p) unless ($p->isa('RDF::Query::Plan'));
$p->label( algebra => $algebra );
unless (scalar(@return_plans)) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::CompilationError (-text => "Cannot generate an execution plan for algebra of type $type", -object => $algebra);
return @return_plans;
sub _csg_plans {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $st = shift;
my $pred = $st->predicate;
return unless (blessed($context));
my $query = $context->query;
my @return_plans;
if (blessed($query) and $pred->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource') and scalar(@{ $query->get_computed_statement_generators( $st->predicate->uri_value ) })) {
my $csg = $query->get_computed_statement_generators( $pred->uri_value );
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
my $quad = (scalar(@nodes) == 4) ? 1 : 0;
my $mp = RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement->new( @nodes[0..3], $quad );
push(@return_plans, $mp);
return @return_plans;
sub _join_plans {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $triples = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $config = $context->options || {};
my $method = $args{ method };
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
my @plans;
my $opt = $context->optimize;
my @slice = ($opt) ? (0 .. $#{ $triples }) : (0);
foreach my $i (@slice) {
my @triples = @$triples;
# pick a triple to use as the LHS
my ($t) = splice( @triples, $i, 1 );
my @_lhs = $self->generate_plans( $t, $context, %args );
my @lhs_plans = map { [ $_, [$t] ] } @_lhs;
if (@triples) {
my @rhs_plans = $self->_join_plans( $context, \@triples, %args );
foreach my $i (0 .. $#lhs_plans) {
foreach my $j (0 .. $#rhs_plans) {
my $a = $lhs_plans[ $i ][0];
my $b = $rhs_plans[ $j ][0];
my $algebra_a = $lhs_plans[ $i ][1];
my $algebra_b = $rhs_plans[ $j ][1];
Carp::confess 'no lhs for join: ' . Dumper(\@lhs_plans) unless (blessed($a));
Carp::confess 'no rhs for join: ' . Dumper(\@triples, \@rhs_plans) unless (blessed($b));
foreach ($algebra_a, $algebra_b) {
unless (ref($_) and reftype($_) eq 'ARRAY') {
Carp::cluck Dumper($_)
foreach my $join_type (@join_types) {
next if ($join_type eq 'RDF::Query::Plan::Join::PushDownNestedLoop' and $b->subplans_of_type('RDF::Query::Plan::Service'));
try {
my @algebras;
foreach ($algebra_a, $algebra_b) {
if (reftype($_) eq 'ARRAY') {
push(@algebras, @$_);
my %logging_keys;
if ($method eq 'triples') {
my $bgp = RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern->new( @algebras );
my $sparql = $bgp->as_sparql;
my $bf = $bgp->bf;
$logging_keys{ bf } = $bf;
$logging_keys{ sparql } = $sparql;
} else {
my $ggp = RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern->new( @algebras );
my $sparql = $ggp->as_sparql;
$logging_keys{ sparql } = $sparql;
my $plan = $join_type->new( $b, $a, 0, \%logging_keys );
push( @plans, [ $plan, [ @algebras ] ] );
} catch RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError with {
# warn "caught MethodInvocationError.";
} else {
@plans = @lhs_plans;
if ($opt) {
return @plans;
} else {
if (@plans) {
return $plans[0]; # XXX need to figure out what's the 'best' plan here
} else {
sub _add_constant_join {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $constant = shift;
my @return_plans = @_;
my $config = $context->options || {};
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
while (my $const = shift(@$constant)) {
my @plans = splice(@return_plans);
foreach my $p (@plans) {
foreach my $join_type (@join_types) {
try {
my $plan = $join_type->new( $p, $const );
push( @return_plans, $plan );
} catch RDF::Query::Error::MethodInvocationError with {
# warn "caught MethodInvocationError.";
return @return_plans;
sub _path_plans {
my $self = shift;
my $algebra = shift;
my $context = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $path = $algebra->path;
my $start = $algebra->start;
my $end = $algebra->end;
for ($start, $end) {
if ($_->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Blank')) {
$_ = $_->make_distinguished_variable;
my $npath = $self->_normalize_path( $path );
return $self->__path_plan( $start, $npath, $end, $args{ active_graph }, $context, %args );
sub _normalize_path {
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
if (blessed($path)) {
return $path;
my $op = $path->[0];
my @nodes = map { $self->_normalize_path($_) } @{ $path }[ 1 .. $#{ $path } ];
if ($op eq '0-') {
$op = '*';
} elsif ($op eq '1-') {
$op = '+';
} elsif ($op eq '0-1') {
$op = '?';
} elsif ($op =~ /^-\d+$/) {
$op = "0$op";
if ($op eq '!') {
# re-order the nodes so that forward predicates come first, followed by backwards predicates
# !(:fwd1|:fwd2|:fwd3|^:bkw1|^:bkw2|^:bkw3)
@nodes = sort { blessed($a) ? -1 : (($a->[0] eq '^') ? 1 : -1) } @nodes;
return [$op, @nodes];
sub __path_plan {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $graph = shift;
my $context = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $distinct = 1; #$args{distinct} ? 1 : 0;
my $config = $context->options || {};
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan.path");
# _simple_path will return an algebra object if the path can be expanded
# into a simple basic graph pattern (for fixed-length paths)
if (my $a = $self->_simple_path( $start, $path, $end, $graph )) {
my ($plan) = $self->generate_plans( $a, $context, %args, prevent_distinguishing_bnodes => 1 );
$l->trace('expanded path to pattern: ' . $plan->sse);
return $plan;
if (blessed($path)) {
### X iri Y
# $path is a resource object: this is a triple (a path of length 1)
my $s = $start;
my $e = $end;
my $algebra = $graph
? RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad->new( $s, $path, $e, $graph )
: RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple->new( $s, $path, $e );
my ($plan) = $self->generate_plans( $algebra, $context, %args, prevent_distinguishing_bnodes => 1 );
$l->trace('expanded path to pattern: ' . $plan->sse);
return $plan;
my ($op, @nodes) = @$path;
# if ($op eq 'DISTINCT') {
# return $self->__path_plan( $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $context, %args, distinct => 1 );
# }
if ($op eq '!') {
my $total = scalar(@nodes);
my $neg = scalar(@{ [ grep { not(blessed($_)) and $_->[0] eq '^' } @nodes ] });
my $pos = $total - $neg;
if ($pos == $total) {
### X !(:iri1|...|:irin) Y
return RDF::Query::Plan::Path->new( 'NegatedPropertySet', $start, [@nodes], $end, $graph, $distinct, %args );
} elsif ($neg == $total) {
### X !(^:iri1|...|^:irin)Y
my @preds = map { $_->[1] } @nodes;
return $self->__path_plan($start, ['^', ['!', @preds]], $end, $graph, $context, %args);
} else {
### X !(:iri1|...|:irii|^:irii+1|...|^:irim) Y
my @fwd = grep { blessed($_) } @nodes;
my @bwd = grep { not(blessed($_)) } @nodes;
my $fplan = $self->__path_plan($start, ['!', @fwd], $end, $graph, $context, %args);
my $bplan = $self->__path_plan($start, ['!', @bwd], $end, $graph, $context, %args);
return RDF::Query::Plan::Union->new($fplan, $bplan);
} elsif ($op eq '^') {
### X ^path Y
return $self->__path_plan( $end, $nodes[0], $start, $graph, $context, %args);
} elsif ($op eq '/') {
my $count = scalar(@nodes);
if ($count == 1) {
return $self->__path_plan( $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $context, %args );
} else {
my $joinvar = RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new();
my @plans = $self->__path_plan( $start, $nodes[0], $joinvar, $graph, $context, %args );
foreach my $i (2 .. $count) {
my $endvar = ($i == $count) ? $end : RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new();
my ($rhs) = $self->__path_plan( $joinvar, $nodes[$i-1], $endvar, $graph, $context, %args );
push(@plans, $rhs);
$joinvar = $endvar;
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
my @jplans;
foreach my $jclass (@join_types) {
push(@jplans, $jclass->new( @plans[0,1], 0 ));
$l->trace("expanded /-path to: " . $jplans[0]->sse);
return $jplans[0];
} elsif ($op eq '|') {
### X path1 | path2 Y
my @plans = map { $self->__path_plan($start, $_, $end, $graph, $context, %args) } @nodes;
return RDF::Query::Plan::Union->new(@plans);
} elsif ($op eq '?') {
### X path? Y
my $upath = $nodes[0];
my $zplan = $self->__path_plan($start, ['0', $upath], $end, $graph, $context, %args );
my $oplan = $self->__path_plan($start, $upath, $end, $graph, $context, %args);
# project away any non-distinguished variables introduced by plan-to-bgp expansion
my @vars = grep { blessed($_) and $_->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Variable') } ($start, $end);
my $odplan = RDF::Query::Plan::Project->new( $oplan, \@vars );
my $pplan = RDF::Query::Plan::Union->new($zplan, $odplan);
# distinct the results
my $plan = RDF::Query::Plan::Distinct->new( $pplan );
return $plan;
} elsif ($op eq '*') {
### X path* Y
return RDF::Query::Plan::Path->new( 'ZeroOrMorePath', $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $distinct, %args );
} elsif ($op eq '+') {
### X path+ Y
return RDF::Query::Plan::Path->new( 'OneOrMorePath', $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $distinct, %args );
} elsif ($op eq '0') {
### X path{0} Y
return RDF::Query::Plan::Path->new( 'ZeroLengthPath', $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $distinct, %args );
} elsif ($op =~ /^\d+$/) {
### X path{n} Y where n > 0
my $count = $op;
if ($count == 1) {
return $self->__path_plan( $start, $nodes[0], $end, $graph, $context, %args );
} else {
my $joinvar = RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new();
my @plans = $self->__path_plan( $start, $nodes[0], $joinvar, $graph, $context, %args );
foreach my $i (2 .. $count) {
my $endvar = ($i == $count) ? $end : RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new();
my ($rhs) = $self->__path_plan( $joinvar, $nodes[0], $endvar, $graph, $context, %args );
push(@plans, $rhs);
$joinvar = $endvar;
my @join_types = RDF::Query::Plan::Join->join_classes( $config );
my @jplans;
my @plan = shift(@plans);
while (@plans) {
my $q = shift(@plans);
my @p;
foreach my $p (@plan) {
foreach my $jclass (@join_types) {
push(@p, $jclass->new( $p, $q, 0 ));
@plan = @p;
return $plan[0];
} elsif ($op =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
### X path{n,m} Y
my ($n,$m) = split('-', $op, 2);
# warn "$1- to $2-length path";
my @range = sort { $a <=> $b } ($n, $m);
my $from = $range[0];
my $to = $range[1];
my @plans;
foreach my $i ($from .. $to) {
if ($i == 0) {
push(@plans, $self->__path_plan($start, ['0', []], $end, $graph, $context, %args ));
} else {
push(@plans, $self->__path_plan( $start, [$i, $nodes[0]], $end, $graph, $context, %args ));
while (scalar(@plans) > 1) {
my $lhs = shift(@plans);
my $rhs = shift(@plans);
unshift(@plans, RDF::Query::Plan::Union->new( $lhs, $rhs ));
return $plans[0];
} elsif ($op =~ /^(\d+)-$/) {
### X path{n,} Y where n > 0
my ($min) = split('-', $op);
# expand :p{n,} into :p{n}/:p*
my $path = [ '/', [ $1, @nodes ], [ '*', @nodes ] ];
my $plan = $self->__path_plan( $start, $path, $end, $graph, $context, %args );
return $plan;
} else {
throw RDF::Query::Error -text => "Cannot generate plan for unknown path type $op";
sub _simple_path {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $graph = shift;
if (blessed($path)) {
return ($graph)
? RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad->new( $start, $path, $end, $graph )
: RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple->new( $start, $path, $end );
return unless (reftype($path) eq 'ARRAY');
my $op = $path->[0];
if ($op eq '/') {
my @patterns;
my @jvars = map { RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new() } (2 .. $#{ $path });
foreach my $i (1 .. $#{ $path }) {
my $s = ($i == 1) ? $start : $jvars[ $i-2 ];
my $e = ($i == $#{ $path }) ? $end : $jvars[ $i-1 ];
my $triple = $self->_simple_path( $s, $path->[ $i ], $e, $graph );
return unless ($triple);
push(@patterns, $triple);
my @triples = map { $_->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern') ? $_->triples : $_ } @patterns;
return RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern->new( @triples );
} elsif ($op eq '^' and scalar(@$path) == 2 and blessed($path->[1])) {
return ($graph)
? RDF::Query::Algebra::Quad->new( $end, $path->[1], $start, $graph )
: RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple->new( $end, $path->[1], $start );
} elsif ($op =~ /^\d+$/ and $op == 1) {
return $self->_simple_path( $start, $path->[1], $end, $graph );
=item C<< plan_node_name >>
Returns the string name of this plan node, suitable for use in serialization.
sub plan_node_name;
=item C<< plan_prototype >>
Returns a list of scalar identifiers for the type of the content (children)
nodes of this plan node. These identifiers are recognized:
* 'A' - An RDF::Query::Algebra object
* 'b' - A boolean integer value (0 or 1)
* 'E' - An expression (either an RDF::Query::Expression object or an RDF node)
* 'i' - An integer
* 'J' - A valid Project node (an RDF::Query::Expression object or an Variable node)
* 'N' - An RDF node
* 'P' - A RDF::Query::Plan object
* 'q' - A RDF::Query object
* 'Q' - An RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad object
* 's' - A string
* 'T' - An RDF::Trine::Statement object
* 'u' - A valid URI string
* 'V' - A variable binding set (an object of type RDF::Query::VariableBindings)
* 'w' - A bareword string
* 'W' - An RDF node or wildcard ('*')
* '*X' - A list of X nodes (where X is another identifier scalar)
* '\X' - An array reference of X nodes (where X is another identifier scalar)
sub plan_prototype;
=item C<< plan_node_data >>
Returns the data for this plan node that corresponds to the values described by
the signature returned by C<< plan_prototype >>.
sub plan_node_data;
=item C<< subplans_of_type ( $type [, $block] ) >>
Returns a list of Plan objects matching C<< $type >> (tested with C<< isa >>).
If C<< $block >> is given, then matching stops descending a subtree if the current
node is of type C<< $block >>, continuing matching on other subtrees.
This list includes the current plan object if it matches C<< $type >>, and is
generated in infix order.
sub subplans_of_type {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $block = shift;
return if ($block and $self->isa($block));
my @patterns;
push(@patterns, $self) if ($self->isa($type));
foreach my $p ($self->plan_node_data) {
if (blessed($p) and $p->isa('RDF::Query::Plan')) {
push(@patterns, $p->subplans_of_type($type, $block));
return @patterns;
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>